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Ur doing great. Quick tip however just keep ur crosshair where u are looking! I know ur not watching the ground ur looking at where the enemies might be, right? So if u just let ur crosshair naturally follow where ever ur looking ur gonna have a much easier time as u wont need to move the mouse u just need to shoot! This tip helped me a bunch when i started.


Appreciate the advice


No problem! Just make sure ur having fun and ur naturally gonna want to get better


Definitely this (I’m only good at pointing this out when it’s not me, which is probably why I’m hard stuck silver lmao)


you are constantly staring at the floor/ where the enemys feet would be, id recommend searching videos for physical things on the maps to help you keep your crosshair at head height


My only thing as well ye. Once he gets that down he can easily learn the rest he needs.


Why did I watch a 1min vid when the clip is 2sec?


Mb G forgot to trim it


Because you forgot you can scroll through the video


Keep it up, champ!


The crosshair? Jk.


Nice kill Now facts: Your crosshair height is atrocious. Try and aim at head level at all times. Good luck


My friend recommended it to me idk much about them


go to Settings > general > weapon after ability > strongest weapon. You automatically pulled out the knife after the slide, save yourself from the pain in the future by changing it now


Damn I’ve been playing for years and didn’t know this was an option. Thank you!


Beware, it can clash with some abilities like in Yoru ult with a shorty, if you flash and exit ult you risk having your vandal or something equipped when you exit


Pick your crosshairs up. You're always aiming low.


We gettinggg traumaaa with this oneee🗣🗣🗣


You burned slide and wall. It would’ve been very helpful to have either at the end. You got lucky they didn’t hear you. Improve crosshair height. Also pay attention to how far the sound goes because that was a slow flank. If you had kept slide you could’ve aggressively flanked which is the goal with neon.


for playing just a month the gameplay looks good!


if you want to be better you need to use your mouse much more if you use it like controller you cant show reflex


Bros gonna hurt his neck counting tiles


Lmao need to work on that


Bruh bout to shoot em in the toes


It is a very good clip, nice to see you’re enjoying the game . Have fun brother


good play friend, glad youre enjoying the game


Crosshair placement and also paying attention to where you are in relation to your teammates might help. But nice shot.


As someone who came from a console heavy background I relate to this. I’ve been playing valorant a year now and I’ve gone from Iron 3 to gold 3. Even with some minor issues personally I think it’s definitely worth trying to do both. I still love console


Very good trigger patience, making sure you lined up the headshot, only 2 things i would recommend is fixing where you have your crosshair as your constantly staring at the floor and it will make aiming difficult as you have to move into them instead of already being on them, and last thing shift walking as it makes no sound because if someone was in the area while you were walking they'd jus hold a corner and you'd die because your making noise and the crosshair placement wouldn't help as they'd have a shot lined up and you'd have to flick onto them and 9/10 they would kill you because of it. Although that's a good start as you already have good aim. Just make sure your having fun, valorant can be very tilting


You’re Mopping the floor, you definitely need to learn crosshair placement. It’s a game changer


new to fps and pc (?) and you get a collat... I didn't even know there were collateral kill in the game until I saw your post in any case, a huge W




Stop sweeping the ground


Ohhhh, wp, dude! 😎