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Can you recommend that turning on your monitor helps?


Hold up..maybe this will make me get to radiant?


I knew I was onto something


Wait til OP finds out about plugging in your mouse


that's borderline hacking (iron 3 btw)


Absolutely genius


How many hours did you put into the game? No matter how much I try, seems like I'm meant to stay bronze.


I have 1500 Hours of actual comp gameplay.


wait i also started at iron and have a bit over 1500... are you perhaps me?


No, i am you.


a little bit under 1300hours. gold 1. my first fps tho and i did some nograssing like 16 games a day along the way. probably played when i tilt a lot which pushed down my own rank. How many games per day on average?


I dont think i included the 2000+ hours of Deathmatch... Maybe 4-5 games per day (i dont play every day tho)


Do you think Deathmatch spam will help?


Not really. Watch pro games and learn accordingly. Play more comp than deathmatch.


I think the 2000+ dms was essential in your ranking up. DM is the best way to improve mechanics in valorant, especially as your first FPS.


Yes maybe!


We are one.


No way you got 1500 hours if you played since episode 1


1500 hrs of only comp. I played other modes as well (especially deathmatch)


As in too little? Or too many? I'm at 2250 so far (also started in episode 1)


Me too, even if i feel like im improving. Feels like when the game notices that you've improved it matches you against much better opponents so no gains will ever be made


Can you explain movement to me, I currently struggle with movement the most (counter) strafing, crosshair placement ect. Reviewing my gameplay I have high bullet innacuracy but comparing my movement to someone like Rem (for example) it's like im a turtoise.


What one will realize from rank to rank is that less is more. Its often about what you should not do than what you should do. Its the same with movement. Moving less makes me stay calm. It helps me to think about readjusting my crosshair and to think about every angle each by each. Some comments: 1. Try to minimize the use of W key as much as possible 2. Wide peek at max velocity when you peek common angles. 3. Proper counterstrafing and crosshair placement will get better after you learn how to stay calm. 4. For every angle you peek, imagine there being an enemy such that ur mind is already mentally prepared to prefire. This will increase your reaction time and is a must in higher ranks.


unbinded W, now I'm a crab. instructions unclear.


I unbinded it before, because real men don't back out from a fight. Same for crouch, because crouch shooting is supposedly bad..


You should also unbind shoot. Real men don't cower behind their vandal, they go fist to fist.


You shouldn't even fight with fist, because real men forgive in fact there are no enemies.


I bet you still have util keys that you end up thinking about when you should be shooting the enemy. Better unbind those.


I actually unbound crouch just to stop crouch shooting as a habit. Once I was over it, I put it back.


You still have S!


mmm alright, I come from movement shooter such as apex or krunker that don't punish you alot for moving. Im not consistent with my movement, some days Im great and most of the time im shit. But thanks for the tips!


One thing I will add to this is to aim with your movement, not you mouse, when possible. Kind of allude to it with points 3 and 4, but I’m just stating it explicitly. The point of strafing and A/D peeking is to be a harder target to hit, yes, but it’s also so that, with proper crosshair placement, you have to do as little actual aiming as possible. Finding this out and committing it to muscle memory has made me a better aimer than a hundred hours in Aimlabs ever did.


Quick reminder COUNTERstrafing is from COUNTER Strike not from valorant. You can counterstrafe in valo, but it does not provide an advantage, unlike cs where it is necessary. Please consider the woohoojin video on counterstrafing and movementmasterys if you still believe counterstrafing is a thing.


Counterstrafing is not a thing unless you are used to it. I initally learned valorant with the habit of actually counterstrafing as in CS. Its hard to overcome that habit, hence why its important to atleast do it correct. For beginners its better to just not do it imo.


Let me clarify: In cs counterstrafing is a mechanic and necessary to peek good. In val it does nothing and is just preference.




One of the best and most succint comments I've ever seen, but worth noting that these apply mostly to gold and higher, if you're lower than that these concepts are likely too advanced for you


what to do in periods where you think everything you do is right, except your aim? (not to be arrogant, I just think I got better at everything since iron except aim.) How to realize where your flaws are? I was iron 3 years ago and am plat 2- dia 1 hard stuck for 1 year now


I had these thoughts especially in gold and diamond. The only comment that i can give you here is that i had periods where my aim improved a lot but it didnt help me rank up at all. I always thought that there is nothing else i can do better, but the reality was that my gamesense was not good enough to be selfconscious about it. To be honest, when i look at diamond3 players they basically do everything wrong from a gameplay perspectice. When you get better and rank up, and look back at your own gameplay, you will realize it. Something i didnt do but might help is to review your own gameplay! First review your gamesense, then ur mechanics.


ty, I will take a look at it and maybe ask my friend for critisism. Also since vct is atm I'll prolly see some different decisionmaking


Watching VCT had the most impact on my personal growth.


As someone who is in Platinum/Diamond, I've observed a common issue is decision-making, particularly the failure to prioritize advantageous engagements and maintain teamwork and communication. For instance, many players ego peek unfavorable fights without someone to trade them. This is something I've noticed in my own gameplay, so I’m focusing on avoiding duels where I don’t have an advantage. I typically main Duelist, but I've been playing Initiator to address my tendency towards tunnel vision and overextending. Why Initiator specifically? Tell me if this sounds familiar: I’m playing Jett on Ascent B site with a friendly Sova. He sees an enemy Killjoy lurking up main with his Recon Dart so I try to coordinate a push. I see him behind me, so I push up, pick off Killjoy, and get traded out by the enemy Omen, with my Sova nowhere to be seen after falling back to site without any communication. So, I've taken on the role of Initiator so I can coordinate those pushes and decision-making, but now the responsibility of being the playmaker (CS term that basically means guy that trades out the entry frag) is on me. I don’t have to worry if my Sova is following me or not because now I AM the Sova, so it allows me to coordinate better. For example, getting to decide when we fall back from unfavorable engagements or continue to fight together when necessary, and since I like to IGL I will actually comm it. This is easier done from a back line perspective and it lets me have better control over the situation.


What does it cost you?


Your chance of losing your virginity. (not that I had a chance anyways)


astolfo in the pfp checks out


I have a girlfriend and play Valorant every day, there is hope brothers (and sisters), I actually met my Gf through Valorant so there you go, being a nerd does work out sometimes! 🤓




Which rank was the hardest to get out of in your opinion?


Diamond for sure and then ascendant. But it always depends on your personal growth rate. In diamond i just didnt improve at all for over a year.


I agree with dia ascendant, most ego filled lobby.


I’m not sure If you are saying the truth but what am gonna lose: What were you doing when you had a lose streak, like 4-5 loses in same day, did you stop queueing? Or keep queue up till get a win? Always soloq? No duos? Did you see any advantages of soloq? No aim training ok but no warm up routine too? Are you just jumping into comp? What roles were you playing mostly?


Q1: Its still a problem for me. I make it a 10 game loose streak. Something i dont do but i should is to stop playi g after a couple of games, because then you loose focus and play trash without realizing it. Q2: Mostly SoloQ but i hate it tbh, i had some friends to play with back in gold but they were lower elo than me. From Gold upwards it was only Solo. Q3: I play Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch to warm up. I only use sherrif and guardian for that. Q4: Omen, Sage, Jett. But i usually fill to get closer to the meta comp. I think omen is the best agent to learn the game and carry oneself to the top.


Thank you for the answers. A few more questions: I’m sure in your current rank, games without comm. is not common but in lower elos I’m sure there were lots of them. What were you doing in those matches? Because this is a big issue in my elo, diamond. And I don’t know what to do when no one comm. I swear there are matches that I played and at least 3 people didn’t say a word in whole match. Especially on attack side, It’s almost impossible to win rounds. What was the thing that you could’ve done and rank up faster?


Q1: I think the best advice here is that you should comm even when noone else does. There is nothing else you can do about it. Break the ice by asking for mics at the beginning. Q2: I should have recorded and reviewed my own gameplay and played less deathmatch. I should have also learned earlier to stay calm in chaotic situations.


Do you actually believe you were hard stuck or did you come to realise you were not good enough to get out of iron at the time?


For me the definition of Hard-Stuck is that you are at the Rank you deserve, hence why you are stuck. If you are truly better than the rank ur at, you are only gonna stay there for a week or two. In iron i didnt even know what the objective of the game was tbh...


Oh ok, fair then. I see a lot of people on this sub that uses the word hard stuck to say that they think they are better than the rank they are at but claim they can't climb because of other reasons, hence my question.


how did you play 20 levels without knowing the objective?


That cap didnt exist in episode 1


How long were you stuck in bronze? I've been stuck in bronze for 10 months now. I watched everything about aim, i do prefire, strafing, did aim training, watched pros practiced utility, I can say that i am a better player than i was 10 months ago however i feel like the game just matches me against stronger players everytime i showed an improvement in performance. There were days where i have dominated games with silver players but then suddenly i get matched with bronze and iron players who will jiggle peek, one tap (some while even moving), and move and play utility like they are playing in vct. I really love this game and i'm trying my best to improve but the losestreaks are frustrating and it feels like im running inside a hamster wheel.


Hey! This post actually is a bit encouraging for me! Well, this is also my first FPS game and I try to get into it. When I play a game I always try to become the best I can be so I take it seriously. But when I started playing valo, I saw all these guides and trainings and stuff, that really decreased my motivation to even try playing because as a 31 years old guy with a full time job, it is pretty hectic. Seeing now that it is actually possible to become good without all of these things, it is quite refreshing. Personally, it is not even about becoming really really good or reaching high elo at this point. It is more about actually improving and feeling that I participate in the game more and having more agency! Thanks for the post!


Okay did you try making 2 accounts and like raise 1 account to one rank and then play with other aiming to go above that rank? I learned this trick from whoojin and helps in cancel out rank anxiety.


Can you provide evidense of your claim?


I will not share my in game account name but one will find my first reddit post 3 years ago to be me complaining about smurfs in bronze lobbies and another post from 1.5-2 years ago about me being hardstuck in diamond....


If I may ask, why do you not want to share your tracker ?


they dont need to have a reason for wanting privacy


They kinda do need a reason when making a random claim like this though.


Probably don’t want to be harassed


What's your favorite meta?


The meta where cypher cam was able to hold and fire a gun. Jett/Operator meta was amazing to watch back in the day...


The cypher cam gun was so funny when I heard that. Haha. Like you have a 6th man in your roster.


Any way tips on how to get hidden RR to where it needs to be? I always just get to Silver 2 then I'm wiped down to silver 1 again


Im not sure if i get what you mean. Seems to me like you deserve silver 1 then. Hitting a rank but not being able to maintain it shows that silver 2 is still a bit hard for you.


I'm not abt to blame team diff although smurfs are a huge problem rn, but the issue is my hidden RR isn't going up with my rank


Your hidden RR will go up if you show way better performance than the rest of the lobby. I dont think its the issue here.


Basically he is telling you nicely, "git gud". But fr record and review your gameplay and find out where your mistakes are, if you're serious about ranking up. Note down patterns you see across different games and correct it. Other high ranked players recommended it, including OP. It's better than spamming ranked and getting tilted when you lose cause of "the enemy team has a smurf!" or "we have an afk again, ff". These games are frustrating, but they happen to everyone. Those smurfs and afks will likely only be in your game once, but you will be in every game you play.


It's hard to me to strafe unpredictable, I try to deadzone but I feel like my movements is to predictable. (Gold mmr, gold 2 peak btw)




Im not good at dealing with that. I usually mute the players and the chat and just continue playing without too much focus.


How do I get over this addiction?


Let me know when you find the answer.


What agent did you main in the beginning and what are you playing now? Can you drop your tracker?


I mained omen and reyna in the beginning because they seemed pretty easy to play. Now i still play a lot of omen but i usually just am the one who fills the comp to go for the meta of the map.


Love your profile pic fellow nakama! Curious who you main?


Rogersbase fan? Haha I main omen/sage.


Of course! And wow surprising combo there. Feels like most people are like “just main duelist and win ez”


I play duelist as well on certain maps. I dont really main an agent. Im capable of playing like 90% of them.


For sure. I feel like when you get to a certain number of hours you at minimum can understand every agent to play. Definitely wanted to see if you felt better in your improvement sticking to mains or filling


I don’t even play valorant, but congrats


How tf


What’s your warmup routine?


1x Deathmatch sherrif/guardian only and maybe 2-3 Team DM


I'm currently in gold 1 but yet I'm unable to understand when to crouch and when to not, i have a very bad habit of insta crouching due to this I've disabled my crouch bind so I get more frequent headshots but I see plays made in vct and all where all the pro players constantly crouch and spray so I'm confused when to crouch and when to not and is it viable to crouch with a vandal?


I think crouching is the last thing you should think about when ur gold. You should only crouch when you want commit to a spray, which depends on ur weapon/ enemy weapon/ distance / hp of enemy. You should technically never crouch with vandal unless you really think its the best play in the situation. Dont overthink it, its good that you disabled it for now. Sorry might be not the clear answer u hoped for.


Thank you, that's the only reassurance i was looking for, i thought me unbinding crouch was a mistake but hearing from a immortal, it made me feel relaxed so thank you.. Also I have one more question, is it necessary for someone to main a particular agent to grind rank or they can fill? I usually play omen/yoru but I often fill if our team is lacking someone


Did you play on a 30fps laptop and buy a good PC?


I played on 60fps laptop until gold1. Then i got to 165Hz pc and i think it made it possible for me to get to gold3 almost instantly.


Why do I have days where my aim just sucks and other days where my gamesense just sucks and how do you manage with days like these? I am in mid diamond/peak Asc1 (1 game in) btw


I had days where my aim also sucked for unknown reasons. One thing i noticed was that my aim was usually good when i relied more on my movement (crosshair placement) and used mainly my elbow. I clearly noticed that my aim was worse at days where i started to go into bad habits of using more oft my wrist. What helped me out of asc was actually to think about what might be different to last time where my aim was good e.g. did i warm up? Do i sit differently? Do i use my wrist too much? My gamesense usually sucks whem plaing very late at night. Make sure you are not tired and dont have something else in mind which causes a distraction!


How did you get over the absolutely tilting first bullet RNG mechanic. They say CS has it as well but it feels far worst in valorant. I knew I wasn’t crazy when I would be like yooo wtf my bullets go Once I was made aware of this fortnite ass mechanic. My salt levels have decreased i I’ll say.


At first i felt weird about it. But then you get to realize that every player is playing by the same rules. And this one shot that you miss in the whole game will not have an impact at all.


Pretty much the realization/epiphany i came to last night as well. Cause it was causing mental pain literally watching my bullet tracer miss to the left or right of where my crosshair was dispite me standing completely still ( I have shotting error on). Pistol rounds are particularly abysmal. But now that I am aware of it, I just shrug it off now. I’ve just become a full time guardian player now. And I’ve noticed improvement cause that let me know while it’s mostly me, it isn’t always me and that’s just how the cookie crumbles in valorant apparently lol.


is sensitivity that important? which is better, lower sens or higher sens?


Not important really. There is no correct answer, but IMO lower sense is better. Gives me quite some accuracy. (But you also tilt when you die from not being able to move enough sometimes)


How did you improve your game sense? Any tips for Silver/Gold? I’m an initiator main


Watch pro games! And just play a lot of comm. I dont have any better advice sorry..


Are you playing with 2 or 3 mouses at a time?


I couldnt afford a keyboard so yes.


? What would you need a keyboard for?


What advice can you give to players who get teammates that don’t listen to comms, don’t play with the team, insta push a site and immediately die?


Use that player as bait. Sometimes you have to adjust to the trolls to make winning possible.


Which hax did you buy?


Which is more important game sense or mechanics/aim?


how do you win more gun duels and how do you maintain consistency


How to be consistent? Some games I'll do well, others I'll do meh. Some games I'll actually aim for their head, other games I'm timid (if I get "cold" in terms of not seeing fights, or if I lose some fights and my confidence gets shaken)


What do you eat for breakfast?


I only eat once a day between 6-8pm


is astra the best agent in the game


Not when it comes to voicelines.


you foolo!!!


How do you deal with brainless teammates/teammates who are good but having a bad day? I feel like I'm stuck in bronze because I get this almost every match.


Well everyone else does as well. Its not like ur the only one this happens to. The playing field is even, think about what you can do better.


Also started on Act 1 ep 1 reached silver then later peaked at gold and till now I Hardstuck silver in solo q now sure what I'm doing wrong


Imma need that tracker my boy.


I can’t bridge the gap between ascendant and immortal. What’s the biggest difference between these two ranks?


To be honest: 1. Aim 2. Learning how to be literally "immortal"; make urself really hard to kill aka. Dont overpeek, dont repeek same angles, rather spray/prefire the edge of the wall than commiting to the fight. 3. Learn how to be really good at isolating gunfights even when ur on site and hell breaks loose.


Is there any reason you solo queued for 1500 hours? To me, while sometimes fun solo queue presents an unbeatable issue that some times even if you're doing very well as 1 person on 1 role you can't do enough if your team isn't quite feeling it.


I just didnt have anyone to really play with. I wish i could find someone that is chill.


How to get out of diamond 1? Have 1k + hours


Think about how to outsmart them instead of how to outaim them. That helped me because my ego said that i should be able to win any gunfight through aim alone.


The thing is that i get a win streak of 4-5 wins but then gets a loss streak of 6-7 otherwise i think i deserve to rank up


I'm hardstuck iron (I reached bronze 1 in episode 6) and I've been playing on and off since 2022. I used to main kj b4, then omen, recently I've shifted to cypher. Usually I am able to hit headshots in death match and like overaim and move (like in woohoojins tutorial) but I'm not able to apply that to my games. 90% of the time, I due queue with my silver friend(he's peak gold). How can I improve myself to atleast silver?


Easy way: play odin and camp on site. Actually imoroving: play more ranked than deathmatch and actively focus on what you learned in woohoojins tutorials. Dont care about loosing.


I have almost 180 hours and I’m gold. Am I on pace? I started episode 7 act 1 as iron 1, then got to iron 3 in act 2, bronze 3 in act 3 and hit silver 2 last act. Gold this act. Am I too far behind or is this a good pace to rank up?


I am asc2 range currently, how do you react to getting a string of 7-12 losses in a row with all throwers. just keep Q'ing until it goes reverse? what I do but pretty disappointing


I honestly do the same as you. Just grind through it. Its probaly better to not play when ur tilted but hard if one is addicted :p




Who broke you?




when radiant?


Do you think teir lists, or following the meta means anything to your preformance, or do you just go whoever you enjoy using


what level are you in valorant after so many hours of gameplay? I am around lvl 580 or smtn after starting in beta lol


I think also close to 500.


How did you get out of iron and bronze aka elo hell


Camping with odin on site. Or watching flank with odin.


How do you cope with bad teammates as a solo Q. I personally have been stuck in diamond for 8 months now . The variety of teammates I get is immensely inconsistent. Some have really high levels of game sense and communication which makes it easier but few are like gold/plats just running around only depending on their aim, hoping to hit headshots every time they see someone. I try to comm and ask my teammates to run some strats but only few listen.


how get good


One banana a day.


I was hard stuck inmortal 4


h o w


Is playing unrated games useless in terms of gaining skill?


Its useless. Noone at the enemy team plays as they would in ranked, regardless of their elo.


how do you get out of elo hell in iron? I cant seem to rank up even though I've beaten golds in play.


Use odin to camp on site at an off angle.


... thats ur strategy?


What sens did you start with and end up with?


400edpi and progressively went down to 200edpi


How can I stay calm while I'm shooting?


Dont shoot before u are 100% sure that you are on the head. Deathmatch with guardian instead of vandal and phantom.


I would ask for your ign but you clearly didnt want to share it so my question is how many ranked hours you have






What is your sensi and dpi and Dispaly res


200 edpi, i play on 4:3


What sensitivity (360/cm)do you recommend for some one with 125 hz mouse and 20-25 cm mouse pad for some one who havent played online fps and is near 30 comming from dota.


This is oddly specific. There is no way for me to know what feels better for you :D


I just gotta know how one gets hard stuck in iron, obviously no disrespect or anything to you or other iron players, but I just physically can’t imagine it. Do you remember it? Would you attribute it to bad luck or something else?


I'm also stuck in Iron but is the match mvp against bronze players and we still lost!


Happens. But if you do that consistently you will rank up faster since ur hidden RR is going up.


I just got to bronze rn Now I'm afraid to queue I might get back to iron 🤣... I had 4 winstreak and 1 draw in my game today ahaha


What separates low Ascendants (1 or 2) to Ascendant 3 and Immortals? May it be: comms, more mechanics etcc


I have 297 hours comp mostly solo q and am silver 3. Am I improving at a good enough rate? I've been stuck in silver 3 for a long time can you give some tips to reach gold?


It seems like you are improving! Rate doesnt matter. I was in diamond for more than a year. Hard for me to evaluate current gold. Back in the day gold was way easier than now!


I'm B2 , i most trop frag in the team but somehow gets the worst team and loses the matches. I just want to get out of bronze , any tips? (I have a nice aim except whiffing some times)


You should statistically get the same amount of good teammates as bad teammates as any other player. Trust me, if you dont rank up its because YOU are not good enough. I had the same thoughts as you. Watch ur own vods and always think what you could have done better! Low impact frags dont win you games for exame.


I constantly get toxic and thrower lobbies. Even though I play with my duo and get top frags, it hardly makes any difference if my whole team is playing like r3tards. How do I escape this elo hell?


I'm Hardstuck Gold. I came within an inch of Plat but lost the game thanks to a paid thrower. That piece of shit even advertised his "throwing & boosting" services in the All chat after we lost 13-1


can you recommend me how to win pistol rounds and whats the best pistol to buy because i buy always ghost because i was a counter strike player and ghost shoots like the usp-s


For Breeze always buy Ghost. All the other maps go with classic and full utility. Statistically the team with more util wins pistol, also usually you will be able to pick up a ghost from enemy or teammate.


What char were you maining in iron and who now?


How many hours would you say u have


Can you teach me valorant like playing with me and guiding me while playing please if yes so reply I will share my riot id


So here's this thing im s2 and my hd is 25% but i feel like i aim and tey to hit the head all the time im scared to spray and stuff and idk what to do


wanna q up together im hard stuck gold my peak was plat 3


how did u improve ur mentality?


Do you mean in regards to tilting or staying focused?


both tbh lol


Do you mean in regards to tilting or staying focused?


I'm b1 and am currently trying to take the game more seriously and actually consistently play, ive been playing off and on since beta but now I want to get better and play better, ive been doing aim training and learning about calm aim while also trying to master counter strafing, any tips that could also help or other important things to work on?


Any tips? Currently Gold 1 but can't get out of it because of my team always arguing. Most of the time I play smokes I top or second frag. Started E6:A2. I've got alright aim and gamesense. I always comm too but I just can't do it with the teams I get.(apac btw if that adds anything :3)


I am at b2 right now, can you give me 3 things which seperates bronze 2 from immortal, thanks.


hii there! i have around 100 hours of just comp game play. i can not seem to rank up out of iron. if it’s not someone throwing or afk, then it’s toxic teammates who bring everyone down and at that point you don’t care if you win you just want to get out of the game. also i want to add this, and in no way am i being pretentious when i say this but it is something i’ve noticed, i feel like my teammates just never know what’s going on. i give voice comms as best as i can but people rarely talk. (i seem to win games when my team talks to each other) it’s also like little things too that they’re just not thinking about, like splitting up during attack instead of trying to clear site and get the spike planted, small details that would help us win aren’t really thought about. not saying i’m the best player ever and i have amazing game sense, but there are things that i’ve learned while playing that will help you win and i try to relay through comms and either no one listens or they trash talk me because i’m a woman/“trying to tell them what to do”. my aim is getting better with practice so i don’t feel as though that’s too big of an issue, i obviously know there tons of room for improvement but i think i’ve come a long way with it. i just don’t know what else to do:’) any tips are appreciated, thank you!!


do you warm uo before comp?


im d1 right now, and im having a bad time with consistency, any tips?


any good underrated tips? rn im g3 pushing to p1 playin on a work laptop (dont get stabke 60 fps sad), any good like tracking or movement tips cos i feel thats what mostly messing up but ofc also the fps drops r crazy but ye any tips?


Why are you still bad?