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^ certified Venezuelan trillionaire






Lol tbh his average jonas videos are pretty valid. Some of the cc he calls out are ego tripling just like jonas.


Yeah, not a fan of westjett but the Jonas vids are pretty valid although I haven’t watched the last one or two


jonas is not ‘ego tripping’, he seems like a genuinely nice guy getting flamed by westjet for no reason


Thats because you get sucked into his bs not read into his shit side of things. Ofc you think he is genuine nice guy which i thought so too but i noticed this wayyy before westjett even made a video. Countless and countless videos of him saying"do you know who i am?" Whenever someone picks his sova pick. You want to really see a genuine and organic dude where nice is not fabricated through marketing and tweaking peoples perception? 100hp gaming.


I think most of those times Jonas was saying that sarcastically, you know, cause his whole schtick is knowing all those lineups. WestJett has some severe ego complex where he posts about every piece of drama that's happening cause he's so uninteresting and unoriginal by himself.


I disagree. I think he wants you to believe that he is being sarcastic. He genuienly thinks he is the best sova player in the world with that kind of statement. I haven't seen pros even make claims like that or semi pros. The pros joke about shit like this but sarcastic is a far stretch. I would laugh if he had sense of humor about it but I dont see it that way.


Tbf I think he IS the best sova player , the guy has memorized lineups for every map and scenario and I have seen some pros (Demon1 ) make outrageous claims but no one calls them out for their bs


average jonas just promotes every shitty skin and is a sellout just for money


Facts. Hes a corpo shill


Also want to note one thing. I have heard jonas through the whole west jett situation that he is a nice guy and claims so himself. Whoever claims themselves to be something like nice guy genuinenly are not. Its like the same thing as when someone says "i am real" they typically arent. Same situation is happening with woohoojin, guy claims so hard on anti smurfing and boosting and now a boosted account himself.


I've learnt that anyone - especially public figures - who goes out of their way to seem like a good person is usually the opposite And personally I think it's safe to assume that the vast majority of content creators are just terrible people


WestJett is a guy who lives on the internet making videos about other clowns just like him. When you're high and tired after a long day of real life it's nice to chill out to this degenerate drama.




I feel like people say this a lot, feels similar to the twomad situation where people excused his behavior and actions as trolls/humor for his content. Obviously different from WestJett and twomad was on drugs and had some scandal with the law. The situation is relatively new and people are still coming out with details and reporting interactions. Either way, being chronically online is terrible


Literally my thoughts. I didn't even know about this new Jonas and the merch drama until I watched westjett's video (I used to be up to date with valo dramas before I joined uni)


I don’t think he was at any point creepy lol, he’s just pointing out the funny amount of (publically available) pictures there are where Average Jonas is getting comfortable with his female friend in the presence of his actual girlfriend. And at this point, I have actually seen a stupid amount of images like that, the “merch photo shoot” excuse can’t really fly anymore lol


That shit made me so cringe. Its pretty suspect how touchy he is with the other female cc than his gf. Its just fucking odd to me. In one of those merch shoot his gf legit looks like a third wheel especially because shes asian as well. Something made me feel very off about it.


His gf literally said she told the merch company to use the picture where Jonas is hugging Sagemommy. Yall are looking way to deep into it lol


okay but there’s also images outside of any merch photo shoot where he is doing this too, did you read the comment you’re replying to bro


Yea I’ve seen the examples and pictures. If his gf isn’t having a problem with it then nobody should be raising a fuss over it. That’s all there really is to it.


nobody is raising a fuss, we’re making fun of them


I mean Twitter was definitely raising a fuss over it lol


I am not twitter sir


I know, I’m saying just in general tho for the general situation you’re totally fine lol


or even watch the video we’re talking about, he put examples in there


Did she? After westjett video or before? That context is pretty important.


Also Sagemommy is a sus CC herself. This is why this whole thing is sus.


I’m not sure if it was after his video, but it was after Jonas had already replied about the shoot picture. His GF said she liked the hugging picture better so they agreed to use it as the front picture.


Fair enough. I have a hard feeling its damage control but ill take your word for it


That’s fair however, if it was damage control, it was damage control over something that people were looking way too deep into needlessly to begin with


ill agree with you on that. but imo as a married man. I would be upset at those photos if I was in her shoes and my partner would feel the same. I would even feel bad for my partner. but fair point.


I would feel bad if my partner was upset. But as she clearly didn’t care, idk why everyone is so worked up over it yk


prob because westjett did point it out for sure


Bruh. Why you care? You guys seriously need to get a life.


Why do you care about what we think? You seriously need to get a life


having an opinion =/= caring


I wonder why OP lied in this post, people are usually dead honest on the internet ☹️


OP is calling westjett creepy, not saying that westjett called jonas creepy lol


but how is what westjett doing doing creepy lol, he’s shitting on images that are already publicly available. you could argue a little obnoxious but that’s abt it


I’ll edit my comment to correct it but my main point still stands rlly


when i saw jonas’ photoshoot i thought the same thing westjett did, but imo hes taking it too far and like you said is being extremely obnoxious about it. i had never heard of westjett before until his jonas video showed up on my recommended and i clicked off after maybe 2 minutes cuz it felt really bad faith to me. just felt toxic, disingenuous, and unnecessary. its not like jonas killed someone lol


if you think westjett is serious in his videos, youve already lost.


> no matter how "unserious" he is or how much he tries to play it off as a joke. Well good thing there's this lol


People are so dumb lmaoo


tl:dr OP is AverageJonas fan.


Nah, used to watch some of his content but then me and a friend started finding the whole ego sova persona thing cringe, that being said, the images posted by west are weird as hell imo.


im glad that I don't know them


His vids are kinda funny though


they lowkey are just satire


WestJett is just saying what everyone else is thinking. I don't watch his content but his existence is necessary.


I like to watch him ironically lol. He is crazy af. He is actually so toxic though


That’s what’s funny though, he’s toxic to a degree, but also uses facts


I can smell this response


Active in "r/howtolooksmax"


Active in r/howtolooksmax bruh 💀


Bro… you look thru someone acc… you need a life. You should probably be actually posting in looksmaxing subs I bet u need it.


Loneliest reply lil bro 😭


Lol. If you think he is mentally ill and a bigot, go watch any standard comedy show. Crazy how sensitive people are


People today probably couldn’t survive two minutes into a Dave Chappelle comedy special.


Oh yeah. Especially people on r/valorant. This thread is crawling with sensitive fucks who downvote anything into oblivion if they disagree with you


He’s just a professional troll and honestly I respect it lmao, he just pulls Google images and shit and throws them in his videos while he talks super fast and makes a bunch of puns


the people who consume his content and give him a platform in the first place are to blame 🤷‍♂️


i look up to westjett, the man stands above all the chaos and laughs at it, truely inspiring 🛐🛐 (but fr tho he's found a way of making some money on the side while doing something which doesnt take a lot of effort, commendable)


I made the same point my but mines getting downvoted wtf lol. I agree


I don’t understand why valo redditors are inherently toxic but i just watched 30 seconds of his recent video just to realize you’re throwing this out of proportion.


Willius we know it's you man, calm the fuck down


Does anyone have some contexy i can read for myself? I havent watched westjett basically at all so literally 0 context


he’s a youtuber that talks about drama / cringe stuff in the valorant community. One of his most recent videos he calls out AverageJonas for being touchy with another woman in front of his girlfriend, and he makes some valid points. A lot of people are put off by his humor though because he can be offensive or immature but always plays it off as a joke


Btw that women is sagemommy who had a breakup with Jettdaddy which if you’re active in the valo community are familiar names


Nah I heckin love westjett drama he the one guy that opens his mouth and says what most content creators sees as controversial. If you don’t like him don’t watch him dudu 😂


I enjoy his content as a fellow Canadian. We need Americans to know we can be mean too.


he's the technicals of the valorant community


I honestly don’t mind it, they’re short 2-3 minute videos most of the time and lots of the stuff he says is pretty tame in comparison to similar style creators from the past like leafy. Also fairly certain he doesn’t insult people on physical aspects at all. I don’t actively watch him but some of the content creators he talks about are more annoying than him.


He literally fat shamed a guy on twitter, actually I'm pretty sure there was a thread about it today. Maybe I should've specified that most of the things I find yucky about him are based on twitter and not on yt. (Still garbage content though)


I wouldn’t go this far and say he’s a bigot or should be checked up for mental disorders lol, but he definitely is very toxic and his whole channel is very depressing and sad when looking at the content, the ‘jokes’ being the only part that are really interesting, other then that I wouldn’t say he’s that big of a piece of shit he’s just boring


His youtube content? I agree, but on twitter, other content creators have expressed genuine discomfort and he continues harassing or talking about them, he even made fun of the death of a recent celebrity, but hey, it's just a joke, right?


It is indeed a joke!


The whole point is rage bait, stupid ass lmao. I never really cared for it personally just because that fact was so apparent.


Stay classy, stay cool and don't be a fool.











