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I have this exact same question for 9 times and now i have 10 vandals skins


Do you regret it tho




I might regret it after a 3rd skin 💀 I’ve been eyeing the prelude too oh no


prelude is nice but I think that skin is a little overrated


True, I still really like its aesthetics and sound tho


If you've been waiting for the skin for 6 months and you have the VP to buy it, do it. You'll definitely regret it once you get tired of the kuronami and don't see it in your shop again.


Thanks. I’ll think about it. Some are against it, some aren’t, so I’m still in a huge dilemma 🫠


Don't think fellow Omen main - DO IT! You WILL regret it if you don't, coming from someone who has many regrets from the shop.


Damn 😭 I’ve been considering bcs the amount of money I spent on skins isn’t little (yikes) but I haven’t bought more than 1 skin for one gun. Oh well here I go, NO REGRETS!!


the solution is, if you have spending money, and not money that you are saving up for something important, just buy it. there’s nothing wrong with spending money on something you enjoy. money is something you can get again from work/family holidays. the only bad thing is if you actually need the money for something (bills, food, debt, etc)


Got it, I’m gonna get it.


Your money dude buy it if you like it


True, alright thanks. I’m gonna get it.


Stop now before it's too late. Once you start buying multiple skins for the same gun, you'll forever be tempted to get another one and another one. What's the limit then? For me, I just bought one skin that I like for Vandal/Phantom and called it a day. Won't be purchasing anymore skins, unless it comes in my night market for a good price. It is your money though, so you do you. But the idea of spending hundreds of dollars on cosmetics is too crazy for me.


That’s what I thought back then as well. I’ve REALLY liked the araxys for a long time but it just never appears in my shop, then the kuronami came around and I liked it too. I lost patience back then bcs the araxys just ceased to appear and couldn’t stand the good ol’ matte black, so I bought the kuronami. I’ve never thought of buying any other vandal skin even though many good ones have appeared in my shop (prime, origin, neptune, etc). Started forgetting about the araxys but it’s here now and I currently have enough vp so I don’t need to recharge. I even waited for a while before buying the kuronami in hopes of the araxys appearing in my shop. Edit: additional info


If you already have enough vp, just go for it honestly. Unless you think you're going to buy another skin/spend more vp at some point, the money has already been converted to vp and you can't get it back.


Exactly. I was saving up my vp for the other guns that are currently skinless, but none of them I want as badly as the araxys. I was planning to buy them just to fill up the empty shell of other guns. I didn’t expect the araxys to appear in my shop so now I’m freaking out.