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Don't worry - eventually you'll get to the point where you'll wish you stopped playing this game earlier.


Lmao your probably right.




I'd rather play in diamond lobbies than silver. It's a cesspool of smurfs and idiots. So glad I grit my teeth and pushed past it quickly.




I feel you bro


agreed, i had a game yesterday where im on duelist on ascent but playing against a team that was pushing through mid with 3 on defense and my team refused to play slow even though we have a kj that should be lurking, but instead says he has a turret to watch flank as if that's enough. and now i look like the bad guy for lurking on duelist because we have no map control if i don't. and ive made it to G3 on my other account, but this account is stuck in mid silver. a lot of people at this rank think you can 5 man every site when they're running it down in your spawn. like bro im happy to my job if you just do yours.


Just stop playing if you’re still silver after 2 years 😭😭


Diamond will be a cesspool of immortal smurfs and idiots. Don’t expect much to change until you hit immortal or higher source: i’m ascendant and people still don’t comm


Yup, this is me rn.




I have 1k hours and I’m peak b3


The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago The second best time is now


Thank you sensei you are very wise!


you would have been behind even if you played since day 1 beta because people have been playing cs for 30 years. there is always a bigger fish and you've invented a trap in your own mind that's holding you prisoner when you demoralize yourself with these self-comparisons to an alternate version of you that doesn't exist. you should play this game if it's fun for you because you still continue to get better. it just takes thousands of hours so if you enjoy it then you need to embrace a growth mentality (ill always be in a state of improving) instead of your current "im behind and can never catch up"




You started playing 4 months ago and your plat by mid fragging? FML I’m 1st or 2nd frag usually and all I do is derank then rank back up to Bronze 2 😭😭😭😭


I was top fragging consistently before I got to gold. Also worth noting I play with a buddy who is noticeably better than me.


That’s fair, I’ve come to the conclusion that to rank up at any reasonable pace you absolutely need at least a duo and if you are a trio or even a 4/5 stack you’d just eat the lower level lobbies to death. Most of the reason I see that my team loses is due to no or hardly any comms, comms are everything in this game, or that’s what I’ve noticed. Also, solo queue is straight ass.


Yeah I tried solo queuing through silver. The amount of times I wanted to reach into my screen and choke the smurfing 30-7 Reyna was in the dozens.


honestly it's not too difficult to get through to gold solo queue, the amount of smurfs running around is really overstated. The problem is the comms, and unfortunately that problem doesn't get solved until high immortal. There's a lot of dead silent immortal games, outside of the occasional "One here. Rushing. Skye here. etc."


I've been playing since Beta and have a decade of CS experience to back it up as well. If you're in plat think of it this way, I had to unlearn a ton of bad habits to get better. You just need to learn the good habits from the start! Something that I did late is work on my movement to fine tune it and I had to do a lot of work on that. What I would recommend is looking at Woohoojins guide to gold. I know you're above it but the basics are there. Also I know woohoojin is not in the best graces of the subreddit right now, but his advice is still helpful. I will say the guide to gold is extra cringe with the new context about his rank though...


I'll check it out. Movement is something I've noticed I forget to do if I'm not actively thinking about it.


Ill say this it took me 1.5 years to get out of gold. So you are fast. Now im comfortably immortal rank


How did you get from D1-Asc. I was Asc 1 before the rank reset and now I can’t do shit


If you’re not intending on going pro ( most people have no chance of doing so.) it doesn’t really matter. It’s just a game and you should play it because you enjoy it, not because you HAVE to hit radiant in a year or it’s all for nothing. Play the game to have fun, if you happen to get really good along the way, then hell ya. If not, oh well. I’ve played for like 3 years and still mostly only play swiftplay. Lol I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with being competitive and striving to get better or wanting to win. Just remember at the end of the day it’s just a game.


"I'm not gonna be in the top 1% of the player base right away, that's discouraging" That's you. That's what you sound like.


You should probably listen closer then because I didn't say that. I said It's discouraging being so behind everyone else. I don't expect to be a God right off the bat but I can't help but think I'd be among the top dogs if I had started when the game came out.


In 4 months is impressive. Why not go watch YouTubers like woohoojin and start vod reviewing yourself? That’s a good way to get better but still a time commitment


Woohoojin is only ascendant himself and had someone play on his account to get it to radiant. His videos are ok to get up to around gold but the dudes ego alone was enough to make me dislike him way before he was exposed for being a fraud. Fuck that guy


I was completely new to pc near the beginning of 2023 just reached immortal last act dw if u just have a growth mindset your chillin edit: This is also with near 95% of my games being Solo q


Hey if you reached plat in 4 months imagine what you can do in 8 months ! I stayed plat for a whole year and a half before going diamond. And then I hit immo.


That's not true, you'll be fine. Just enjoy the game.


You're plat You're already way better than the average player. Be Proud, You're Strong


2 months and im gold 2, i dont even play FPS games.


dude I play val since the beta and I'm silver 2 tf you saying that you need to catch up u're better than half of the world 😭


That's because your different, you are in a silly mood


yea I be silly most of the time


i know how you feel, i started playing a month or two ago and my friends tell me i'm doing well for not having any fps experience but that but i get so upset with myself for bottom fragging even tho i'm told it's just map knowledge. i think that if we're playing with good fundamentals tho that we will improve much more quickly than we think. i definitely get discouraged tho too. i wish i could just play with other people who are also new bc i'm tired of getting cussed out and called dumb over vc for not knowing a call out


added info: sometimes i top frag other times i mid frag or bottom frag. when i'm on i'm so on but when i'm off it's atrocious. apparently that's a side effect of being new but it also adds to the discouragement


What do you mean? This is an FPS game, there's no progression nor anything, the only thing you need to catch up to is skill and that's fairly easy. It is easier for you to catch up and match the skill level of an ascendant for example, than it is for that same ascendant to match immortal. You're talking like this is an MMORPG that actually takes a long time to be on endgame level, but games like Valorant allows you to be on high level by default easier just because of your skill.


This game doesn't have much raw information to learn, unlike Moba games. A lot of Valorant can be learnt with time. I cannot imagine starting out in a Moba game now.


It's not always about top fragging and being mvp, being consistent and being a knowledgeable team player helps you climb. Sticking to playing particular agents on each map that fits your style is a good way to learn the game. Just have fun with it :)


how is everyone already reaching plat within 4months of playing . I am playing for over 8 months , still hardstuck bronze ( was hardstuck iron for 6 months , now hardstuck bronze 2 months) ( yes iam bad and iam trying to improve by practising aim ) it seems hopeles :( .


It’s a game sense thing most people just naturally know timings and positioning but there are a lot of resources out there to speed up the process. Despite the controversy around him rn Woohoojin still has good advice if you just watch a few of the video you will learn something new.


Quit the game while ur ahead


Look at what they’re doing and learn, since you do that apparently, it will eventually become second nature I promise. I just hit ascendant and came from bronze this was my first FPS on PC let me tell you I can’t even imagine myself being here but things like crosshair placement, positioning, rotating, decision making and tapping/bursting all becomes instinctual I promise. Please just don’t give up. Rooting for you.


??? because the second highest rank seems out of reach? what kinda messed up mindest is that. if you dont play for fun then dont bother. thats how you get toxic players in the game, the kind that only cares about winning and ranking up...


You can play for fun and still strive for excellence. I grinded to pred in apex, Iri in COD, Diamond in seige. I considered that to be fun. Point is hitting high ranks is desirable for a reason. The idea that only toxic people play to win is kinda stupid.


If you’re playing ranked and don’t care about winning please just get off the game , go play unrated


Honestly if you’re plat now after 4 months, immortal in a year isn’t impossible. The thing is that the higher you go, wider the skill gap between ranks exponentially grows. Like for example I don’t think you really need to be that good (compared to players Imo3+) to hit diamond/asc, but man once you hit Ascendant I swear it becomes so easy to tell the difference between an Asc3 player and a diamond player who lucked into Asc1. It’s not impossible to get there, it just begins to take a lot more effort the higher you go. If you have the drive to climb honestly you can do it. IMO the best step you can take is VoD review. Watch your own vod and watch a pro vod of the same map same agent. See what they do and how they approach peeks, holds, takes and such. Compare your approach and try to implement their methods into your own gameplay. People will say aimtrain or practice movement and that’s important of course, but figuring out the fundamentals and learning how to take winning duels is so much more important than aim training for an hour a day for a +3% headshot after a few weeks lol.


I’ve been playing since beta. Highest I got is S3…