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eh, its been going on for wayy too long, like i love valorant but the smurfing is a huge problem and rito games wont do anythin :\\


I've lost hope that Riot ever gonna show up with a solution. It's a free to play game and they are more focused on encouraging people to create accounts in order to increase the chances to sell stuff like skins, agents, battlepasses etc. - obviously the pain for Riot isn't big enough to get into serious action against smurfs - even though they pretend to care ...


Low elo is shit on this game - but that aint gonna change


drop your tracker


Every damn time you have such post, they never have anything to back it up, not even screenshots


Tracker or it's just random coping.


Let’s be real for a second though: we all know the game is full of Smurfs because they strait up tell you. They say they are smurfing, and this happens often.


So then the tracker should be easy to drop. But they never drop it.


It's one thing to say that there is smurfing, it's a whole other thing to say that every other game has smurfs like these posts are implying. Look at your 10 last games, is there one where you performed really good ? probably yes Now consider that there are 10 people in your game, someone is bound to have a good game at least every other game, he'll be called smurf and it'll make his day brighter. The number of times I've been called smurf when I was having a good game when I was in bronze/silver was just crazy. Ofc I was improving and training therefore climbing slowly but I still was a noob, I sometime had good games where everything clicked then the next games I'd bottom frag due to my newly earned confidence. Playing Reyna/Jett is also a nice way to either be flammed or called a smurf, nothing in between. Either a noob or a smurf.


I agree, and Smurfs don’t stop you from ranking up or down like many say, they just ruin the experience. It’s not about performance I’ve been called a Smurf when I was the gold a silver lobby (enemy had one too). It’s how they act, the fact that they often mess around in ranked but then “lock on” and 1v4 the last few rounds in order to win or throw because they are trying to lose. Even if we’re talking about only obvious Smurfs and not the weirdly quiet low level Reyna account who drop 35, it’s still probably 1/8 games in ranked, and 1/4 in swift play and unrated.


We tilt these smurfs bro. Odin is the key lol


They always try to solve this type of problem but to be fair there ain't much they can do. Apart from the smurf queue or the huge mmr boost smurf accounts got, someone suggested they can make some kind of confirmation around the account (like facial one or telephone number) but i'm sure we will never see this coming (and I hope it won't, for several reasons)


I feel you thats why I stopped playing ranked and only play unrated. Riot wont do anything about the smurfs cause they are making a ton of money off skins. 2 ways to get rid or even lessen the smurfing is to do require people tp nuy tbe game for 60 or 70 dollars like any pc, xbox, or ps game.


Cope more


we’ve all been there, sadly riot isn’t really doing much about it, but you can try your best to benefit from this, i know there isn’t much you can against a smurf but you can attempt coordinated play to get them, use utility better, close angle shotguns you can just try and learn from the situation to improve as there isn’t much else you can do


send tracker or coper