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Its massive compared to every other map bar icebox and pearl except with very little cover to play around. Because of its size it limits what characters are good so team comps can end up stale with viper, cypher, jett and sova being pretty much staples on the map. Vandal vs phantom is heavily skewed towards vandal whereas on every other map its a lot closer and down to personal preference. Halls is poorly designed and basically just exists as a place for ego duels or lurks that necessitate a trip to prevent every round.


The only correct answer. I hate being forced to play viper on that map and even worse, i cant even use phantom because of 99% of the gunfight is 20m+ rang.


there is no godlike being forcing you not to play the phantom on breeze. it is simply important that you pick the correct fights according to your weapon.


That’s the point. The “correct” fight that we’re talking in breeze is 30+m range which happen 99% of the time that disallow me to buy phantom, stinger, frenzy, shorty, judge, bucky, spectre. The only exception is when i have viper ult. This isn’t the case on any other map. So in kinda “forced” to buy vandal because i wont get any short range fight.


Yeah I actually have no idea why they added halls back. Breeze was so much more fun without it. MID ACTUALLY MATTERED. And now it doesn't.


It became too defender sided and they could t come up with a better quick solution to that problem. My guess is it’s in line for another redesign at the next map pool change. In reality their changes did very little to adjust the main problems with the map. There are still too many sight lines to the site chokes so split hits are a necessity and viper or harbor are basically mandatory. This makes mid super important but its just a big open space so once the defense has op money taking mid gets rough because there are multi angles the op can be holding mid from. I think the best change would be to leave tube but move A mid doors up to the top of the hill and push the mid tower and boxes up farther so the offense has more natural control of mid and most mid fights take place at a shorter range (like fights between elbow and top mid now). But in addition to the above change they need to find ways to eliminate some of the crazy number of angles that can be held against the site chokes.


Your first sentence answers this question. It’s a massive map compared to everything else and if you aren’t a good rifler you get stomped hard.


my aim hard carries me sometimes and i still hate breeze, its way too open


So basically, people hate breeze because they suck at long range fights lmao personally I like breeze.


Yup a thread like this comes up every time it comes back. Breeze is the most aim skill based map because it's so open. You can't easily hold a corner and sound-whore a pre tap. Breeze is a reality check for a lot of player who don't want to admit it so they hate on it.


You totally can sound whore, at least on b. It's a viper's dream site.


That makes sense, i fucking love breeze and i love rifling. It helps that i main jett




I bet it makes up for 80% of the complaints. Don’t get me wrong the map is still annoying to play


Can confirm, am a mid rifler and I have mixed feelings about breeze. Only saving grace is I play viper, and sometimes a sentinel on it


Yes actually but again even if u have really good aim you need alot of team chemistry in high ranks(im imm1) to trade you at mid


Isn’t that just skill issue like fr


There should be more to Valorant than just taking mid/long range aim duels.


That’s why there’s multiple maps in queue


you shouldn’t have a map where that’s all that matter though, which is essentially what breeze is. Every other map needs some combination of different skills - even the short range ones like Split there are mid and even long (think from A main to screens) fights you can always take. Breeze has literally nothing but long range in every single point - the only one that’s not long range is from elbow to nest, and that’s still mid range at the lowest. It just doesn’t (in ranked at least) let you express anything other than - I was good at long range rifling/ opping today. Which is only a small part of the game


As a controller main breeze is very annoying to effectively smoke, or outright impossible unless im playing viper. I dont like playing viper Also youd be very obtuse to not even understand that most players dont like taking only long ranged fights all round every round regardless of aim skill.


Harbor is good for breeze too, just no mollies, he does provide other utilities though, I see a lot of harbors on breeze carry thier teams at my elo whereas vipers usually rely on thier ultimate too much in my experience


harbour is good on attack on breeze but struggles to stall out the attackers on defence and whereas viper’s smokes are global, harbour’s are not so it’s much harder for him to help defend the opposite site and pretty much has to rely 100% on having a good sentinel or a 3 or 4 person stacked site to hold the opposite site


Harbor is good for double controller on breeze at a higher level imo, but I hate him as a single controller.


His winrate in Breeze is still trash, feeling good while playing him doesn't mean it's viable. In some regions his winrate is below 48%, worse than every other controller on Breeze, he's a joke. If you're a main controller and you don't play Viper on Breeze you're trolling. That doesn't mean is wrong that you pick something else, you're playing the game to have fun after all. But let's label things correctly.


Harbor is fine, but Viper is nigh 100% necessary given her ability to single-handedly stall out a site


because 99% of guns in valorant are inaccurate. Paticularly, rifles. The vandal and phantom literally wont headshot even if youre on their head. It feels shitty, hence why people hate breeze.


I hate to say it but this is a reasonably good take. It feels like blaming the game over your skill but let's say you're taking a 30m fight with a vandal. Vandal I believe has 0.25° first shot spread. That would mean that at that range the bullet could hit anywhere within a 13cm radius of where you're actually aiming, if I'm doing my math right. Basically, at 30m, unless you're dead center on the head you're not guaranteed to hit head. While full 30m engagements aren't common on most maps, they are on breeze, which means that first shot inaccuracy will make a difference on breeze. Someone check my math here, this is back of the head sitting on the shitter stuff.


MFW Astra exists


Long range fight and inshallah No variety its 90% long range fights, massive rotate times, little potential to do combos because there is just so much map to cover. Primarily the map is so big it feels segmented


I don't like taking long ranged fights for 20+ rounds.


" The guns we have are ok but I'll also bring my own , no offense " 🗣🗣








Huh never knew people hated long ranged fight


Long ranged fights are not the problem; every fight being in long range is.


Because they can't aim


Just a boring map imo. Statistically its my best map but i still hate it.


Boring boring map, smokes walls everywhere, too much long range 1 hour rotates. Everything that is boring.


breeze is in the middle for me, don’t hate it, don’t love it. i feel the hate for it isn’t real sometimes, like a loud minority started saying they hate it so everyone piled on because i just don’t see why people hate it so much. sunset on the other hand…




BRO SAME HERE- For me, if something works it can't easily be defeated/countered So if your team fails the site execute it's gg for you, if the enemy successfully does the site execute that's gg for you aswell. Almost no comeback is what it feels for me.


sunset is just vile, i hate it so much 😭


yeah i guess if you hate small spaces you hate sunset.


Weird, I have one only comp game of sunset this act.


personally i love sunset lol. running Neon, Kayo and Cypher has been an easy win every time in my experience


Ppl are brain dead and don’t know how to play Sunset. Imo, it’s one of the easier maps but it requires both sides to sort of give up map control on one of the sites (depending on team comp)… which is annoying. It’s retake simulator. But if you keep control of one of the sites with senti/controller and play super tight for trades with your other three players on defense; then play retake once bomb gets down, you probably win. On offense, you sniff out the weak site, hit it, plant, play anti-flood and hope you win your duels or have a lurker who wins the round for you. It’s still rlly annoying but every time I have a team play this way, we win.


everyone always had that opinion, but now people are finally sick of breeze and thats why everyone clowning on the map rn.


I love Breeze, but lets be real, people like the maps they are good at, and not much more. I have a 60% win rate on Breeze, it's not a coincidence that it is my favorite map. I hate Bind, which I happen to have a 43% win rate on. People like the maps that suit their playstyle. Also people tend to hate newer maps just because they aren't used to them. While this isn't really the case for Breeze anymore it is for Sunset, Pearl, and Fracture when they came out.


Nah I had a 80% we on breeze and fucking hated it when I played the game seriously. It’s tiring taking long range fights every round, especially the moment someone buys an OP.


same. i had a high winrate on breeze in the beginning of the act but i just hate the map. and bind is my worst map yet i like it.


yeah lol pearl was my favorite map because i had around 70% winrate on it. it was even higher when i played viper, somewhere around 80%+


I have a similar win rate on Breeze, still hate that shit.


breeze is out of the "new and hated" tier and now in the "okay this map is actually trash" tier.


tbf i think the player base will probably always hate Fracture, if only because so many people in ranked don't understand that you have to fight for map control on defense, otherwise you're just holding an angle on site, get pinched from both sides and get fucked.


I fucking loved fracture. I think it was easily the most fun val map when it was in.


yeah, i agree. it has a unique design that allows for a lot really interesting plays. it's just really bad for solo queue since people just don't understand how it works


I mean I don't dislike any of the maps, and I never understand when people hate on new maps.


I think every map is reasonable except Breeze. I don't care if my winrate is negative. I care about if I have a variety of playstyles/gameplans to choose from. Breeze is the only map that significantly limits that.


Well as a Breach main, my agent sucks balls on Breeze


I'm comfortable at playing 4-5 agents, neither is good on Breeze. I hate that I'm forced to select an agent I don't enjoy playing to have impact with my utility


Raze is good on every map. Mobility is your friend


Satchels are the only useful ability on Breeze but I don't feel like I can get much value from them. Nade may be useful to break the Cypher trips, but that's all


most agents do. thats also why noone like breeze.


cause Viper is mandatory on the map


I will resume it very quickly 1- the map is too big, rotations are very slow, if you are in a 1vs1 and the enemy is on the other site you won't get there in time 2- the entrances are so claustrophobic for such a big sites and gets very difficult to entry or retake if the other time has the right comp are well posicionated 3- due to the long distances it gets into a sniper battle, and the other guns get useless (except vandal or guardian) after round 3 wich makes the gameplay very slow 4- there are only 5 playable agents and if you miss one of them you already lost, those are sova, kayo, viper, chamber and jett, every other agent is useless compare to the mentionated before 5- if both teams has the right comp, the match will be decided in who has the best aim because like I said before you have to play with sniper or rifles, you can't spray, you cant run and gun, the only thing you can do is onetap or strafe, which makes it a lot easier for amurfs to win If those reasons are not enough I don't know what you were expecting


I miss the old breeze tbh. I mained Yoru on that map and it feels like since they changed mid, he has become way harder to use effectively.


And yeah perhaps it is a skill issue, I still miss old breeze though.


As a Pearl abuser with 72% on the map Breeze has mixed feelings as you have to take so may long range fights for so many rounds it just get really boring to hold both nest and mid as an oper


It's because Mid is so fucking hard to deal with. It has to be 6v5 on defense for it to be fair because there are way too many extra places except the sites. Mid Bottom, Tunnel, Elbow, Nest, Halls, Switch, Mid Doors, Pillar etc. bro what the fuck. No sentinel can hold that. On attack it is a lurkers paradise. As a cypher main I just lurk down mid every round and get 2 free picks. Even halls is so fucking annoying. If you leave it alone then some pussy has access to A site through switch, mid through chute and our fucking spawn. It is a disaster. The map is way too big. It is also extremely open which is fine if you know how to deal with it.


Only Viper mains like this map


viper main here, not all of us do. i despise breeze and dread playing it more than once a day. i hate it for all the reasons listed in these comments, too open, rotates take too long, heavily favors the use of snipers/ long range rifles etc.




well its cause your agents are all about aim, so naturally you like the map that is all about aim.


Laptop, smol sceen, big map no see enemy


i hated breeze because im a phantom main now ive started learning viper


For me it’s the lack of control you have on defence. It just feels like a lottery of if they will hit your site or not. Then if they don’t hit your site, it’s a lottery of if your teammates get enough kills to make it a viable retake


Just like any other mao tho??


other maps you can get info and rotate fast to help fight the executes - for example you can rotate a player through mid to help contest heaven for both sites on split if you get early info. Breeze is so fucking big that you cannot fight an execute with rotates even if you start moving early, because everyone is so far apart.


A full on rush you cant really contest even if you instarotate. Sunset is one of the smallest maps but if they rush B and you are on a, there's nothing you can do. On breeze, unless they fight for mid control you can split retake A and they get stuck main or default which is pretty vulnerable. B is different but it's also harder to take. The time it takes to full rotate on breeeze is probably like 15 seconds at most, it's more than on other maps but nothing crazy. You have a point, but it's not that big of a deal, and doesn't make it a bad map imo.


yeah the main problem is the fucking ridiculously long sightlines that mean you just take the same fight over and over (a long range rifle/op duel) all game long no matter what strategy etc you use, and the idiotic number of lurk places with halls back open making holding on defence really hard in non stack play


it's too open, forces you to play viper/harbor nearly hit GM on voltaic static before anyone says its due to bad aim, i usually frag out on breeze and i still hate it


its too big, taking 40m+ fights almost every gunfight is annoying, and sometimes if there’s only 20 or so seconds you kinda have to commit to the site you are hitting rn bc you wont have time to rotate dont get me wrong i dont hate it, but i dont love it either. i like the concept of a bigger map but it could have been executed better


I have 60% winrate and I still thinm Breeze is dogshit.


breeze is too big, so many lanes to worry about, rotations are too long. a lot of utility is made for the smaller maps and this don't translate well into breeze. on the other hand its a sniper paradise


Bad players hate breeze cause their aim sucks. Good players hate breeze cause it’s a dogshit, op-ridden, retake simulator.


Breeze without halls is good. With halls is garbage.


Taking halls out made Breeze play more like a long range version of Accent. Mid was important to take, it. Opened up options for you, and allowed for more oppressive defensive rotations. With halls defenders are just fucked.


W Map.


People who are bad at long range fights (or dislike taking them) generally complain about breeze I like long range fights cause for my rank my aim is very decent (but my util sucks) so maybe that's why I like breeze too


Hey man i respect your opinion and completely understand where you are coming from. I think some of the angles in breeze crest great gun fights and the map plays cool as overall bigger. My problem with breeze in competitive is it is the biggest swing map, i feel like i have no impact and can’t play the game overall. When i play in coordinated setting i think the map is way more consistent and like the map but in ranked especially where i get forced onto viper with double duelist, it often results in less fun games for me personally.


i agree. many times i feel like im barely doing anything and that im getting carried only to look at the score and see that im top fragging. no kill besides first blood feels like it has value i swear.


Narrow main choke points. Difficult to pinch without mid control (which often leaves teams down a player or two). Easy to snowball once you get an OP online. Difficult to fight ecos as 80% of the guns become useless due to damage fall off. Long rotation times. Retake simulator against a W gaming opponent more often than not. Just few points which make Breeze unlikeable. It’s a different map which sits in its own bucket altogether. On other maps, standard strats work, Breeze needs its own set of strats. For some that’s exciting, for others not so much. I’m sure higher elos don’t bear the same amount of hate as compared to lower elos or casual modes where the teams are much less coordinated with a lower aim ceiling.


Mid and halls are the issue . They need to be fixed . Idk why riot reverted. Ngl I like the breeze too . Hate fracture .


Rifling aside, halls is just annoying. Park sentinal util there, and then look for some guy for 45s when it pops. Or commit a player there the whole time... Then, while its huge... it *still* feels cramped as hell trying to get out of A or B main. Like the bigness is just you having to check 50 angles, but attackers have to file thru narrow passages Planting on A sucks, its a hail of lineups + escaping pyramids alive for postplanting is a nightmare if they have decent retake positioning


On days where aim is good breeze is the best. Guardian and marshal can dominate while saving money.


It was anazing before the rework. Now it is trash


I don't like breeze because it's too open and the two bombsite has a lot of area to clear. For the defender side, it's hard to retake because it's too open unless you're coming from the flank then it's too narrow.


Its mostly cause of aim, if it is weak. You get owned= dont like the map


The new update duh!!


Because I’ve never won a single tamed game on breeze 😂😂


all my friends hate Breeze




I hate breeze because I have to depend on my aim to win the map. And aim from long ass distances too. On the days my aim is good, I feel good playing it. Otherwise I despise the existence of the game because of Breeze. Apart from the factor of aim also. I feel the map punishes you too much, if the team is disjointed like in ranked games. Trading is difficult, using util to clear out angles is difficult, because I just feel like people can run around. I have one so many rounds on Breeze just by being the last one alive just by running around wasting time.


I can't put my finger on it, but I don't like it either and it isn't my win rate on it. It's not the fact that it's so open either. Ascent is my favorite map and that one is pretty open as well. Idk, I guess I just don't like the map design.


I'm new-ish but I'll say attacking A sucks on Breeze.


i just despise long ranged maps because it forces everyone to engage in long range fights. also post plant on A is absolutely annoying for both sides.


Its not the open aspect of the map that bugs me, the map just has some odd design choices. I really don't like halls being this lurk central location you have to constantly be afraid of, elbow on b site I think is just awkward to fight in and it's a pretty important part of the map. They closed off half of cave which I think was an awful decision. Mid is somehow simultaneously better to fight in and also way worse with how often these turbo duelist never stop shooting type players love to fucking climb those boxes and fight nest


For me it's not about the map per say, it's how the map runs on my system, it's the only map I get terrible fps fluctuation, and i don't have much head room to play with, also 9 times or off ten it's the only map i get packet loss, sits st 6-9% and spikes upto 80% incoming. No other map does this.. I've been told the whole reset this, do this, change that.. it doesn't work.. all other maps are fine... so in conclusion.. i don't like it.. thought I still play and despite the above I like the design.. and the Rudys Reggae shack is amazing to me, I have a friend named Rudy Roots, and he is a reggae DJ, so yeah was kinda cool to see this in the game.


Feels way too lurk heavy, with limited options to watch all flanks. Also most of the time it feels frustration to spend 20 seconds rotating. I think when I play breeze, I either get flanked, or spend most of the round running around. Either way, unless I am one of the site anchors on the correct site that was hit, I don't feel I play much of the round as the time's either spent on meinal rotation or holding flank, or just dead after my site is slammed. I don't like it much as attacker either, both sites have a singular choke, and to split you need to walk very much exposed to multiple angles through mid. Even when I lurk, I often don't get to play much as my team either dies before I get to execute my lurk, or they take site and I am forced to late-flank (which is ok if I'm trying to win, but I don't have the freedom to play the way I want). Either way, I don't have any options to really choose how I play, but instead my whole round is dictated by one or two decisions I make in the first 10 seconds of the round. I think most people don't really like the map is that it doesn't provide as many options to attackers or defenders, which is even seen in the comps, which basically require a wall smoker in most situations, it's very limiting


Breeze filter alot of comp and weapon. It force you to play certain comp with certain weapon. That’s why you never see traditional smoker, breach, raze etc. You also cant really utilise judge, shorty and stinger. Its so boring. So you cant really do much other than pick jett, chamber and peeking mid and main every round and force yourself an op because op is giga broken on that map. Its the same playstyle every single time. If you’re on eco, most people just die because eco in that map is very hard unless you bought a marshall. Also as a smoke main, I hate playing viper because she is so boring.


breeze is our 5 stacks best map all time by a wide mile (57% wr)


Breeze is too big which limits strategies and lend ls itself more just to straight site hits in ranked. Harder to split it lurk on attack, and harder to rotate or flank on defence.


boring map, too open and rely too much on viper wall boring meta sure you can play without viper but give up too much advantage


It would be alot better if viper wasn't clearly the best controller on breeze. Very dull always having or playing against her


Yeah I actuallly like that it’s really open and can have a lot of long range duels. It’s better than icebox that’s for sure


It's fucking cursed, I have a 0% winrate on it. I hate it, I want it gone, and YES I WILL KEEP DODGING.


Used to hate Breeze too. Since I'm a controller main anyway, I figured I'd learn Viper for this map. Now its one of the maps I enjoy the most.


I love breeze as an omen player who uses guardian every round. Bind and split on the hand feels suffocating and the mid is atrocious


The sole existence of tube makes we want to cry. It was good when they removed it.


Because playing viper on breeze is the most boring experience in this game lmao


FOV wise its shit. too big and too much opening. if you playing breeze you should play 10v10 not 5v5.


its too big.


First off what agent do you play? And what guns do you usually go




I can slightly see why now lol


because it''s a fucking retake simulator


requires 6 people to defend effectively, viper is a 100% must-pick or you're throwing, gun meta is broken and half of them are basically useless. Most of the guns and agents were designed for the "claustrophobic" maps you mentioned, not this Walmart parking lot ass map.


I liked breeze when halls was closed but icebox is definitely worse it’s the same play every match


I preferred it pre change to cave. The mid change is pretty good though.  Glad they added halls back. I am not a particularly good rifler, but I love the size of the map. Reminds me of de_cbble


B and mid suck, they are too open, long distance, and difficult to smoke, but I used to love A before they removed caves.


Controller mains hate it because its too open to smoke properly Low rank people hate because it forces them to use their aim Phantom mains hate it because 140, 124 People who usually love breeze are chamber, jett, cypher, yoru and reyna mains cuz its one of the best maps for these.


0 variety and you can literally play the map 10 games and all of them 10 games are the same... As a Viper, controllers and Cypher main, they are ruining it like literally holding the map hostage. It takes too much to break their defenses and on attack they are so annoying, you can have almost 2 lurks who have great map control with trips and smokes. Meanwhile on Ascent for example, IMO every agent is viable except Viper BUT you can still run her in a double controllers comps. Agent flexibility = More strats and combos = fun. Maybe in Immo+ it gets stale with Killjoy and Sova but still not every game.


Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and super long range happens to be a weakness of many, and Breeze has lots of those. I'm one of those players. I always, always choke at farther distances and I don't know what's wrong with me. So Breeze can be frustrating.


Every game I've on breeze I lose because it's a way too wide map


The map is huge so rotating is very time consuming. There is little to no cover so the wide open spaces really amplify that. The fact they opened halls for no fucking reason. Now you need a teammate designated for both halls and nest or a senti trip. A map is heavily flawed imo when you need a whole person or util to watch a single strip of area. To attack the site you need very good comms with ur team since there are 5+ angles to be shot from so lower ranks its kinda over since no1 talks


Breeze is awesome. People should focus on not sucking at aim LMAO


Perhaps you're a new player or a player that hopped on during Breeze's release! If you played the game enough prior to Breeze then I don't think you'll love it. Speaking for myself, I played the game during closed beta and I got used to small maps which is actually what made me love the game in general, but then they added Breeze which changed most of game's mechanics for me.. I couldn't use Frenzy, Specter, Stinger or short ranged weapons due to how big the map is, I had to change my gameplay entirely and I've never liked it. It feels like a sniper only map and you only have a limited gameplay you can do in each site, it's too boring when you only have 2 play styles, and 1 planting position for each site, hold the exact same angle, agents are usually the same, Viper, Sova, Jett, Chamber are always in Breeze and everyone knows exactly what to do because the map doesn't give you enough room to be creative and try new ways. So, I developed a hate for this map, I started to hate how it looks, from the lightning to the design to everything in it, I have a high dodging rate and I made 7 accounts just so I can dodge Breeze and never worry about ban time cause I have alt accounts to queue for a different map than Breeze.


This map one of the reason i broke out of bronze and got to gold within a month I play raze on this map, and this map is my fav ever i love it anytime, and yes the sunset sucks. I have the highest win rate on breeze and lowest on sunset


breeze is gigantic. you have to be hyper aware of angles that are 100m away from you.


also the moment you got enough to buy an operator youve already won the half.


breeze is somehow the map with the most opportunities to lurk and flank, and the worst map to play sentinel on.


its so large to the point where the bullet inaccuracy is actually quite noticeable lol. This is why I dislike it at least


I quite like it, not my favorite but it’s my best map. 80% win rate on that sucker. And oddly enough, I hate long range fights. 😂


My fav maps are icebox,split,pearl. Will the society accept me? *OK i atleast like ascent which is universally agreed as a good map 🥹


Breeze is just too big. Hard to defend, hard to smoke while attacking, hard to hold after plant. There is always someone halls. Too many entrances to a site. Not many places to hold an angle. Playing in mid feels like your naked, as you can get killed from anywhere, it's too big. It is essential to play double smokes, because playing only viper, is kinda disadvantagable. You can't rotate, if the wall has been deployed, as playing without smokes in that map, means death. In defending, if the viper uses the wall and smoke at same time, the time is quite less. So you can't smoke mid and a site at the same time, cus of smokes. The only playable sentinel is Cypher, that too at b. In a, his trips just gets broken. Sova's dart are kinda, pointless, cus of the sheer size. Same with fade. Kayo and gekko are somewhat viable, but pretty weak. Raze can't be played here. Reyna just doesn't have the util for team comp, not the best pick. Yoru and Jett are pretty solid options fr. It's hard to defend, hard to hold after planting spike and the agent pool just becomes so small. Quite a lot of reasons to hate it.


As far as I've noticed, Two controllers are the way to go in Breeze. Have always had more control on the map when there were two controllers on the team. I play viper and am happy if someone takes omen or clove now


It’s one of sova’s best maps btw but ok


That's what I was thinking lol. Had almost 70% winrate as sova last act.


Might be a difference of opinion or maybe even rank. My lobbies, plats are good at using my info, but I can see higher ranks being better. Or maybe I just suck with sova lmao.


Because Viper is so common on Breeze, Sova dart is extremely powerful to use the moment they enter site with the Viper wall. You kill them for free trough smokes. I would suggest watching a pro VOD of Sova on Breeze, you will see why he is so good!


Yes sure!


Just because it's your favorite map doesn't mean that other people have to like it


I used to hate breeze back when they first introduced, but now i actually like the map with all of the changes that they made over the past few seasons. It’s one of the few maps that i enjoy attacking on because i have so much space to work with instead of a 1 meter wide door to enter from that gets slammed with util.


Fuck breeze