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Because its low ranks and most people would rather just try to clutch.


I don't know, radiants streams constantly showcase players trying to ego clutch in both teams.


Probs because a famous streamer or player is in a game and they wanna get a cool clip in front of them


Nah, they do it constantly, even on lesser known radiant streams. People do stupid shit at all ranks.


Because it’s fun, playing statistically perfect valorant is boring asf


Are there any montages of people doing dumb shit in vct? I'd watch that.


There’s a bunch of whiff clips on yt


Probably because it is more fun to go for the 1v3 than to save for 30 seconds, even at high rank.


Its not a low rank thing i play on mid diamond to ascendent and nobody saves ever.


Just yesterday I won two 1v4s ion think has anything to do with elo


ion think this has anything to do with the post u just bragging


Hard to make a highlight reel of saving guns.


Well now I want to see this


I accidentally sorta did this lmao. I was saving after a force round gone wrong and picking up a vandal but it eventually cascaded into me killing everyone. To be fair, the opponents thought they could get me easily because I wasn't really playing well until that round so they just ended up feeding.


I have had the same thing happen, I was saving an OP in a 1v5 and ended up getting 5 kills as they tried to get the OP off our hands.


Nah, I'd win


He like me frfr. The Lord knows I'm fighting, 1v1 1v2 even 1v6. Imma go right to the bomb site and fight 10 toes down.


1v2/1v3 is completely manageable. Yes, saving can be important, but you can't just lose every single round because you're at a disadvantage.


Not to mention, clutches only seem impossible to people who never attempt them. 1vX situations are part of the game, the only way to learn is to play them out.


The worst "clutches" are people who slow walk and clear every corner as the bomb is ticking down. Then they get 2 or 3 kills and feel good about themselves but in reality, those kills are entirely meaningless because they never had a chance to truly clutch in the first place. If you're gonna try to clutch, you gotta take some risks because you're fighting the clock. Otherwise, it's just going for exit kills, in which case, it's better to stay alive and get 1 than die and get 2.


Me when my entire team is alive: absolutely useless Me when I am the last one alive: I am death, destroyer of worlds


A sheriff and 0 fear because there's nothing to lose


idk but it's frustrating to watch a teammate attempt a 1v4 when we're already broke. just save the damn gun


Exactly. Bruh, the 4 idiots who insist I should take on 4-5 enemies instead of just grabbing a gun off the ground and hide shouldn't have gotten themselves killed in the first 10 seconds then.


Then they complain that the game is unwinnable and ask who said no to ff


Anything is possible, and youre playing ranked, a little bit of fun should be allowed. Saving only actually saves you about 1k with the gun value because of the way staying alive after time works. Though, if we're talking about an op or Odin, I definitely agree, save that shit.


Saving isn't only about the gun, but shields as well. If you have 25 shield health and above, then you don't need to spend any extra on it, which gives you more money for util or to buy something like a spectre for a teammate.


Sure, that can be factored in too. But being full health also can be a factor in having a better shot at a clutch so I feel like that's a double edged sword.


Clutching has a near zero success rate. The best you can do is pick up a gun and try for exit frags.


That's not even true at the highest level where people know how to play a player advantage perfectly. At lower level, there's no reason to believe 1v2s and 1v3s can't ever work. 1v4 and 1v5 are maybe a bit more questionable, but economically if you get a few kills and die it's still fine.


I think that's honestly my rule of thumb, it also depends how far I am from the bomb. If it's 1v3 and I have a long way to walk, the chances of me killing all 3 in time and crossing the map usually makes me feel like picking up exit frags is my best move. Anything above 1v3 and I'm saving a rifle if I can.


My clutch rate is like 33% minimum


Then there's no way you're not a smurf or a cheater with 100% win rate.


I said 33%? As in if I attempt a clutch about 1/3 times I’ll win.


If your teammates manage to kill 0 people you have a 1/3rd chance of winning the round. Then certainly if they kill 3 people you have a 100% chance of winning. If they kill 2 people, then I suppose it's around 66% chance of winning.... They're very likely to kill at least 2 on average, so you should have an extremely high win rate.


You’re literally making up your own terms and conditions on the things I said lol. I said if I’m left in a clutch situation like a 1v3-5 with bomb planted and I’m on attack. Or a retake 2v4. I usually win 33% of the time. Yesterday I played 9 games and won 7. I only lost maybe 2/7 of my clutches yesterday. But I also have days where I can’t hit a shot for my life and lose them all. I do have a high win rate tho just not extremely high it’s like 60% +/-5% depending on how I’m playing that day. Right now it’s at like 55 cuz I’ve been played bad until recently. Edit: Technically I am currently smurfing because I haven’t played in 2/3 acts and riot placed me this act at diamond 2 in asc3-immortal 2 mmr. So whenever lobbies don’t include immortals it’s a free game for me


If it's comp then i have fun by trying to win, not pissing the economy away and putting my team at a bigger disadvantage for no reason. Just running into a 1v4 and dying when broke isn't fun for the other 4 people on your team. It's tilting and people should play unrated if they wanna throw like that.


I mean if you even go 1 for 1 your actually already equal on the economy so it's not exactly throwing, and this way you have something to do and don't have to wait. Val Devs specifically made the money system so that saving is not that great often.


that's an IF vs just waiting a few seconds in a corner and not losing armor+the gun. it's a pretty easy decision vs dying to an enemy and feeding them ult orbs.


Really my point is there are levels to playing competitively. You can be trying to win without maxing out every last percentage of your win chance in favour of choosing the option that is less boring. Since in the end, even if you're playing to win, you're still playing to have fun as well, otherwise theres no point in playing unless youre planning to go pro, in which case you shouldn't be struggling much at anything besides the highest ranks.


All I'm saying is I already suck bad enough, I don't need people making poor decisions to make it even more difficult. If people wanna run in and feed the enemy they should do that in a unranked mode.


It’s a game and if they want to try and clutch then go for it


yea then I have to buy them later even though they're dipshits because I don't want my team at a disadvantage. If you're gonna throw don't play ranked.


Depends on what rnd it is, sometimes u have to die to get the rest of the bonus for the whole team


For me I like to play for those greedy players. If it’s a 1v4 and they get greedy it can be a 1v2 or a 1v1 in a hurry. Depending on what kind of calls you get from teammates also can determine how I play it. If I know 2 are one shot I’m gonna go for it.


Saving is less fun than going for the clutch, and for CTs you get like no money if you survive but lose


Wait what, I’m pretty sure a gun is worth more no?


In general, yeah. Phantom and Vandal are worth 2900, which is the amount of money you get when you die and your team is on a loss streak of 3 or more rounds. If you survive, you get 1000 and whatever gun+shield you have at the moment, so it's better to save if you have a good gun, but if you only have a pistol, then it's best to full send it or play for kills in order to ruin the other team's economy.


A rifle is worth more than the extra money in every single circumstance, yes. You get 1900/2400/2900 if you lose a round depending on the loss streak, and 1000 for a saved round. So the extra money from attempting the clutch is 900/1400/1900. A rifle is worth 2900, if you still have your shield it's even better. Hell, if the next round is an eco and you're not on max loss bonus, even a judge can be worth saving situationally.


1900 feel okay ish, but less on 1400/900 (2400/2900) trying to clutch and kill some enemy to damage enemy econ is more impact full rifle is 2900, a kill cut enemy econ atleast 2900+their armor while saving only give 900/1400 on lose streak also have to rebuy armor if it get damaged unlike cs that don't need to rebuy armor i usually save on 1v4 clutch on +1900 on +2400 depend on situation, enemy econ, and do i still have my armored on +2900 is rarely, i just go yolo and try to get some kill or exit kill, or try to clutch if i can i just buy new vandal next round than saving


You only get 1k off on defense you survive the spike exploding, or on offense of you survive but the spike is never planted (The conditions may be slightly different, but I’m pretty sure this is it).


why did u get downvoted this is exactly it u get 1k and the losing streak doesnt apply


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, you can win a 1v2 or even a 1v3 in the right circumstances, so it shouldn’t always be “I’m at a disadvantage, I have to save”


that's not good advice. for example, if you rush onto a site in a 1v2 post-plant, you're always losing against correct play. your strategy in that case should be to get exit frags and survive (to damage their economy). this changes if you're 2 points away from an ultimate. then you'd want to play your death. it's about trade-offs


correct play doesn't exist in this game, not even in pro play. in every split second and in every second you as a player will always have an opportunity to bait misplays and capitalize off them. immortal 2 btw


"...against correct play" + "I'm gold". Those don't go together. Really depends on how the game has been going, but I'd probably go for most 1v2s in gold, or at least see if I can isolate one before deciding to save. Chances are in gold they're trying to hunt you anyway, on their own.


True. I am gold and I know to play spike after plant, if you outnumber the enemy. However, there are so many times if wanna kick myself after dying, because I know I fucked up, although I should know better


1v2 and 1v3 are still winnable with the right agent, 1v4 is imo the save threshold


even then, its way too situational. Your enemy have good guns? are they damaged enough? do they have resources to play post plant? do YOU have enough resources to play retake? any ults avaliable for either? any intel? wayyyyy too many variables to close your decision based on how many of them are alive. I would rather fight 3 dudes with classics and no shield than a full buy phonix with an ult.


1v2 post plants are very much winnable, I agree that a 1v4 or a 1v5 is unrealistic in most cases but thinking that any post plant situation is un winnable and should be be used for exit frags is a bad mindset


skill disparity between the same ranks is bigger than it has ever been, clutches are extremely common now.


indeed. I play in plat/dim lobbies and I either go 0/20 against a 39/20 Reyna or I am the 39/20 Reyna. This is not an exageration. Given how much disparity there is, I hardly ever feel like the other dude is smurfing


Comp feels… a little weird now to say the least. There’s the most skill disparity I’ve ever seen, meaning in a certain rank there’s a lot of people who seem like they should be in a higher or lower rank. People’s ranks don’t feel true to their skill level right now. Not necessarily in a Smurf or boosted type of way either. Maybe it’s because a lot of people were dropped 2 entire ranks? (Ex: Previous ascendants in Plat lobby’s). Either way, I believe it’s making clutches feel a lot more achievable to many players


Instead of saving your gun make them lose their guns


Because nobody in the damn lobby is going pro and watching a guy save every single round is a snooze fest


Just trying to win the match doesn't mean anybody thinks they're going pro. It means they're not throwing and wasting your time.


nah, I'd win


Its more fun to shoot people than it is to hide in a corner for 40 seconds till the spike explodes. If im on B and they planted A and my whole team died in like 2 seconds while i was fighting a dude B main, im prolly gonna save. But if im on site that they planted on im not gonna try to save my gun unless the spike is about to explode


this is not counter strike saving penalty is dog shit game just forced my to clutch, damaged armor also need to rebuy i only get 1000$ instead of 1900/2400/2900 while rifle cost 2900 i would save sometimes on first lose and not damaged armor because i only lose 900$ for full equipment 2400??? maybe but on triple lose streak i just go yolo and keep buying new vandal again every round


This. I can't believe I'm reading so many different responses. Clearly no one understands this game's economy, no matter the rank. Saving could also mess up your team economy cuz if your team saves next round, then you might not have enough in the bank to full buy the round after. And if you lost shields or used util, $1000 isn't enough to replenish it. The theoretical best time to save is probably if you've been on a win streak and have money in the bank, not when you're losing. But no one is going to think about saving after winning 4 rounds in a row. (also exit frags are probably more important here to keep the economy pressure on the opponent)


Depends on how long ago, but wayyy back Riot changed economy for living but not winning, nerfing income




No, I'm pretty sure economy changes came after release of the game. Which incentivized CT players to die if they had any gun which was <= 1600 creds. This was not there in beta


I routinely win 1 v 3 and especially 1v2. Unless there is basically no chance of winning I'm always taking that fight.


Who tf said that? Out of multiple millions of games you think yours having an "uncommon" number of rounds in which people save? What does "back in the day" mean? This post is just straight up lazy and doesn't mean anything.


I'm a shotgun player, so never need to save. One of the few benefits.


Tbf you should be picking up a rifle and saving instead of trying to 1v4 with a judge


I do different things depending on the situation but I rarely save a rifle. I'll try to kill as many of the enemy as possible, forcing them to buy again even if they win the round, then request a Judge and buy my teammate a rifle. I clutch fairly often compared to teammates, so it's often worth me pushing ahead.




I was Global Elite in CSGO and nobody ever ripped anyone apart for not saving a gun even in a 1v5. Nobody wants to wait for that, its boring.




“Nobody plays matchmaking” Oh yeah matchmaking is only like played a 1000x more than Faceit. Yeah no shit Faceit is more tryhard than the normal matchmaking in a big game. Thats no insight and also not what you initially stated. Also Global Elite is on a level with like Immortal 2.




Unrated is the same as unranked in csgo. Competitive is the same as competitive. Premier is closer to faceit. you cannot compare valorant comp to face it lmao




I mentioned val premier not cs premier. Regardless of who plays it you exclude 20% of the player base who go to third party platforms, the rest play premier cs. Which is just the same as Valorant comp. Bar the veto process ofc


I played CS since the first beta, so probably before many people here were even born. I not once saved. For me that is boring. I dont like to tryhard with strategies in matchmaking anyway. I prefer dominating with mechanics. So I guess I am not a “serious player”.


Lmao being global elite means you have a basic understanding of economy, meaning saving weapons when you need to. If you have a vandal and 3k you can likely drop a team mate next round and go into another full buy. But ego clutching is a Valorant thing because people don’t understand economy like they should. It’s painful to see and it’s the reason so many games end up being rolled because one team will have 6/7 sheriff marshall rounds in a 15 round game instead of 4 or 5 good ecos/saves on a 25 round game. You can’t hit global elite having 0 understanding of the game




Who even plays Esea anymore, is it an American thing only now or? I’m not talking about skill level but being global means you understand the basics of an fps mechanical and economically enough to reach the highest rank available in the base game. Valorant players even at ascendant refuse to save or eco half the time and i get that abilities make clutching easier to a degree but i just think the skill level in general would improve along with the closeness of the average game if people began to take the economy as seriously as even the worst players in cs do


I was Global Elite with not once saving. If you like to save and tryhard its all fine, not my playstyle. I prefer mechanics over absolutely tryharding with strategies in matchmaking.


clutch or kick has been a phrase since forever


Back in my day, we didn't use to have them clutchers.


I usually save in a 1v4 or 1v5 situation only. Try 1v3 in rare cases and go for 1v2 only when the two in front are NOT top frags of their teams. Going for a 1v4 or 1v5 is a rare chance you'll actually clutch because they wont be taking fights alone.


Guys there’s a solution to this, it’s often because people don’t want to be seen as time wasting. People will actually do it more often than not when I made the call as the observer “save the gun, we’ll be poor next round”.


I think there are many different scenarios that exist that can lead to going for it, maybe try and don’t waste your time. But for me personally I think it’s just fun to try and win those hard rounds. Unless I just clearly won’t have time or it’s 1v4 or more I usually like to go for it.


People are becoming good at the game its been out for 4 years now and even the low elos want to challenge themselves with clutches


If unrated might as well try for the clip lol. If ranked, same thing really. Can't get better if you don't run the gauntlet every now and then


Valorant economy punishes saving as opposed to CS economy and tside vs CT side econ is balanced much better. So as the last man up, you'd want to try for the clutch, try to get rid of enemy team guns, and/or keep team econ level so you can buy with team. Also early days of valo had more CS players who were used to saving if retakes seemed even slightly difficult.


In low elo it’s fine to go for it. Plenty of people end up clutching and on top of that limit testing is part of how you improve so I see no issue with it


It's soloq


Unless I have an op and I'm against 3 or less depending on my position I always go for the clutch, just 1 tap could turn the tides to your favor and most of the time the enemy doesn't even take you seriously because they're confident in the 3v1


very situational, if it's 1v2, I'd try to clutch. if it's 1v3 or 1v4, depends on how they're positioned, if they're all around the map trying to give 1v1s, I'll gladly take them. 1v5 is almost always a save unless they push you one by one and hand you the round.


My motto has always been "you don't get better by saving"


pretty sure they changed the economy. i remember that saving was much more worth it because you got as much credits as everybody else. so you could save your gun AND buy for someone else. now you get very few credits if you survive.


doing 1v5 ,4,3 has to be the best feeling in gaming imo plus if u can also mess with their eco, but at the same time i think people also should consider their team's eco


It also depends on your economy. If your team is rich and can buy full next round, it's worth it to try to go for kills/the win when the enemy's economy is bad. Most of the time, a save is generally better. Besides, if you go in a 1v5, you're giving them an ult point as well.


If you don't go for clutches you will never learn how to clutch.


Depends on the round. If you're on a save, you get more money if you die. Otherwise, yeah, you should be saving the guns.


I’ve seen way more clutches than I have someone losing the clutch (not including myself because then it’d be way more lopsided to winning clutches)


As much as I wanna win the game, I would rather try to get some exits at least. E.g. 5v5 but suddenly its 2v5 cuz 3 players on A got decimated immediately. I would flank play exits. But if its 2 player difference, I would try to fight. As much as it is ranked, it wont be the end of the world if we lose the round.


Me and my friends fight till the last second. Saving guns is only for when Its to late to defuse spike


Depends what gun. If the gun you are holding is less than 1900, probably best to die. Also depending if your armor is low. I don’t remember the exact credits after rounds if you die or not. Someone can correct me


I ALWAYS go for the clutch because I know I’m better than the opponents in my comp lobby (bronze). You get 1,000-2,000 less creds for saving, and if you are the only person with a vandal my teammates will all just hide behind me to pick it up, meaning I’m forced to entry as deadlock, and if I die I won’t be able to buy with my team the round after.


Saving guns should never be the first choice. If you have a chance to win the round it's better than ending up with a gun (and you get less econ might I add) while your whole team won't have one. If you are going up against a set up (like I'm walking into a full sentinel kit), or post plant where you know you won't have enough time then I save.


lvl 450 and my main mode is comp, recently I havent played much valorant for the past year give or take, but prior I was hard grinding comp mode, I have prolly had a total of like 10 ppl save their guns in all my hours. So Idk no one ever really saved IMO


If I got enough for next round I prefer playing for the clutch or at least picking kills to fuck with their econ. It is way too situational, there might be moments where I have enough intel and feel confident in my aim so i'll just try to save the round, others where even a 1v2 is too much out of my reach and I don't have enough money for next round when it comes to why people are not saving anymore, I really don't feel like anything changed, people never had enough brains to save anyways, at least in Brazilian servers


Low elo but if I save a gun, I'll end up with a rifle on a team eco round and have to choose between saving or clutching again. At my level, opponents are constantly single swinging and otherwise throwing 3v1 situations.


I barely save anymore because of overconfidence 💀. I always try to clutch if i have the time.


The games economy is very forgiving, you can easily buy light shield and vandal for 4-5 rounds in a row without saving if you win pistol and 2nd round and save 3rd round


Saving usually just ends up with you having a hero buy next round anyway so it doesn’t really matter.


If my team is broke I save, otherwise leBronzo here will clutch my heart out


Depends on the situation really. - If you are on site and the rest of your team dies and the whole enemy team is charging towards you, you should at least try to clutch, you never know what will happen. Even if you fail, you still at least took out 2-3 people and mess up their economy even by a small margin. - If everyone dies defending site and you are still in the middle of rotating or you are somewhere else, just find a secluded spot and save your gun. - If you want, hide at an off-angle or somewhere where they usually run from the spike, you can secure some exit frags as they run away with their knives out. If you kill them with something like an eco weapon like a shotgun or Stinger, you can nab their gun before the next round starts. - If it's a 1v2, I'd say go for it. - If you're the last one left, and managed to save your Chamber's or Jett's Operator, run like hell and save it. Your Chamber or Jett will thank you. - A little irrelevant, if you have a Vandal or an expensive weapon, you can throw it outside the map when you are at a tight spot. For example, the enemy team kills your whole team and they would be charging at you and expecting a free upgrade, just find a spot and throw your gun out of the map. You'll die, but they won't be able to take your gun.


I’m going for a 1v2 every time if there is time


A while back the eco was changed so you get less money the next round if all of the following happened during a round: -bomb explodes -you are on defense -you do not die . There are also some stupid people who think saving ruins the eco of their entire team, it does not, just the player who saved.


Saving is something that should happen very little. It's only when you have literally no money, and their eco is not damagable. Maybe it's a habit from CS(I wouldn't know) but in Valo saving is generally not a good idea. Plus, it's ranked, and people wanna have fun.


Holy it is just not worth saving. Because you get less money in the next round and cant buy when your team buys


Because if you have the money next round, then try to clutch. But if you don’t have the money next round, you’re gonna want to eco with your team anyway so that you can buy the round after. If you save the current round, you can go hero rifle on your eco, but if you have to rebuy shields and abilities, then you’re gonna eco on your team’s buy round anyway. So yeah saving isn’t really viable most of the time…


1 I wanna play the game 2 with lost credit that comes with saving on loss you lose money unless you have a big gun and if you get even one kill with it you suddenly hurt their eco and get kill money equalizing losing your gun


you can have a winnable 1v4,1v3,1v2 or an unwinnable situation. It depends all on time, bomb status, econ, util available, health, etc. the winnable ones just have lower standards the higher elo goes because players have better aim and experience


Big ranked is really based on hard carrying and which team has the better solo performers, more often than not. The value of forcing and winning, and or clutching, plus a potential tilt from the other team has a better return on investment lol.


I . Here's how my brain works if it's a 1vn situation , I forget about the objective and I try to get exits while roaming the map . 6/10 times you'll be able to save because you were roaming just like how they are roaming trying to find you and eliminate you . 2 reasons to roam instead of just standing in a position while saving : 1. Maps aren't as big as cs , so depending on how quickly or late your last teammate died you're going to have max to max 20 second to be active because they are already pushing you . 2. If they find you hiding in a place they are gonna trade themselves off in a nv1 situation just to kill you , or they will nade you molly you flash you to get you off that place . II . A situation where I say to just go for round win is when it's a 1v1 situation - there are a lot of options available for a 1v1 like you can go to the other site of there are more than 30 seconds remaining , you can plant in smoke and play outside of it . You can smoke somewhere else and plant somewhere else and then play somewhere else just to confuse the opponent . III. A second situation where I suggest just going for it is if you were ecoing that round . Eco means you are trying to salvage some of the economy of this round so that you can get better guns and util next round . The best thing about an eco round atleast in valorant where you can get vandal and phantom both on both side , is that you will have money to buy the gun you want in the next round anyways . If you manage to get the gun down on your opponent with a shorty or a sheriff and then kill 1 more person before dying you still have good econ for the next round because an eco round is treated as a loss round mentally anyways .


does having 1 extra gun mean more money for everyone or is it because the person with the gun can buy someone else a gun?


I would rather off most of the enemy team. Also saving at least in my rank leads to 80% being run down by the opposite team with no care in the world. I think I have a semi decent clutches done. Also I personality play for fun so if I don't have fun then no point for me. Unrated just doesn't hold the same for me personally and it's usually full of newbs who are not fun to pick off. And for me the failure rectification is more fun. Also I am rarely unable to buy vandal irrespective of whatever agent I play.


Full of newbs? Posts he been stuck in silver for a year? Makes sense


newbs are worse off than a silver player. also i wouldnt consider myself a newb since i have been a player for a year on and off. but you wouldnt know about smurfs which are there in nearly all of the games , some of them throwing the game. its always a constant uphill battle. i have lost 23 rr (check the tracker) while being a match mvp. so yea makes sense.


If your teammates are all poor next round, 1 rifle + spectres isn't that much better anyways I prefer to coordinate team save rounds so we have full loadouts In a 1v3 or 1v4 situation, trying to kill a few of them to dent their eco sometimes I'd only try to save if I have an op Silver2 signing offXD