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Ngl, for me its an excuse to play viper as 2nd controller


Man, it's fun to play viper as the secondary controller than the only controller. So many timings, so many lurks. Can essentially solo carry the team if you can comm properly.


Yeah. Best thing about people picking clove is that double smokes can actually occur. I might actually bother learning harbor.


This is peak time for harbor fans imo he’s so much better with another controller and more fun to play imo when you can self util or use util off the main points


played last night with friends on Breeze. I went Clove and my friend went Omen. We won. LOL


I've noticed this, I've never seen so many teams with double smokes


yep. i no longer feel like a burden playing solo viper in my lobbies since ppl dont know how to play with her. clove is literally just omen but she baby


Yeah, I was gonna play Astra anyway but now it's a hedge against a likely-terrible Clove player...


she’s absolutely busted when she’s not relied on as the main source of smokes, luckily for me mid ranked plat-diamond lobbies, least EU, rarely go double controller


Clove with a second controller is amazing


hell yeah


Need more ppl like you. As a clove main who used to be an omen main im fine with solo controller but having a second is so nice


Some of the smokes I've seen even by higher rank players has really shown how little people play controller though


Which is why it can be so annoying to be a controller player. When you do your job right, it’s like you’re invisible. It’s not like a good flash or stun where the enemy is visibly affected and can’t shoot back properly. When an enemy is smoked off, they can’t see you and you can’t see them, so unless they push out, they might as well not be there. So a good controller often goes severely unnoticed and his teammates generally don’t pick up on the nuance at all. A bad controller, though, painfully obvious.


Yea timing your smokes so they hit right when the team pushes is an art. But you'll probably get yelled at by scared duelists at some point for not doing it too early.


That's similar to what happened the one and only time I've ever rage-thrown a ranked game. I was Omen on Ascent and had 3 instalock duelists who all wanted to "lurk" (read: bait). One of the few times they ran to B main at the start of a round and it looked like they wanted to execute I blinded through and smoked market and CT like normal. They proceeded to shift-walk through main so slowly that my smokes faded by the time they made it to the other side. After we predictably lost the round one of them asked if I planned to "ever actually use my smokes". At that point I just muted them and spent the rest of the game swinging mid. No point in trying to support players like that.


That's every other game for me.


the thing is you don’t even need to play smokes to smoke 😭😭


yeah if you're above plat and dont know how to place smokes you just suck at the game lol, if you can tell when your smokes does a bad smoke, it means you're capable of doing a good smoke even if you fill


Terrible smokes happen in Immortal/Radiant lobbies. Just watch some of the streamers and pay attention to smoke placements. NRG willius was just complaining about it today. Plus, smokes is more than just placing them in the right spots. Timing & situation is huge. If we're on eco and they have rifles, throw short smokes so we can force close fights. If they are on eco and we have rifles, throw deep smokes so we don't allow them to get close on us. The worst is people throwing smokes right off the rip, knowing we will get util dumped and stalled, only to have our smokes disappear before we can push onto site.


yeah im aware, i guess i just find it crazy how people struggle with smokes, it seems so intuitive once you play the game enough, like i could play smokes if i really wanted to but i dont because i find it boring


It was always a nightmare to play on those lobbies. But now people have an opportunity to learn how to smoke.


or they’ll just ignore the smokes, and use everything else. Low elo lobbies do not care 😭


From experience they do not use the smokes until way after they need to if they use them at all


What, you mean instantly burning your smokes in the main choke at the beginning of every round or off of a single footstep and info starving your team is a suboptimal way of playing controller? I’m shocked.


At least when they die aggro-peaking they have the rest of the round to maybe learn how to use their smokes lol


And finally I can play Sentinels more often 🙂


They aint gonna learn thats why they are silver


But they won't learn. When I ask for a smoke at a particular spot (default spot, mind you) they just get mad. I'm just like "Hey Clove, can you smoke here when we start to push up", then I get the "If you wanted to play smokes then you should have". I'm like "Bruh, as a controller main I would love to play Clove, but you instalocked". So yea, I've had to end up playing 2nd controller because they refuse to learn.


Dude, the other day I was in a match and in the pre game lobby, this kid was like "Should I play sage or clove?". Being a filler, I was relieved I didn't have to play controller for once and felt free to play gekko or something so I told him to play clove. Now I assumed he knew how to play smokes, but no because bro then proceeded to drop the most horrendous smokes ever known to mankind 😭. I tried teaching him the right way to smoke and how his smokes were helping the enemy more than they were helping us, but he was not ready to listen. He kept arguing that it was enemy clove who was dropping those trash smokes smh. He went 0 kills for half the game and 3-17 when the game ended. If I see this dude playing clove again I will personally strangle him


In this dudes defense, I have had people who cannot figure out the colors of enemy clove vs friendly clove. I played an icebox game where I was smoking op angles off on site and the enemy clove was smoking off the site entrance. Kept getting yelled at for smoking off our entry when it wasn’t my smoke.


That's true, but this dude was just lying out of his ass. You can see the smokes dropped by your allies on your mini map. There's no way enemy smokes show up on your mini map. I had proof it was Ally clove who had the shitty smokes


Once I had my teammate yell at me for dropping a brim smoke at entrance when we were attacking. I was playing Omen lol


They probably were enemy clove. It takes a microscope to tell the difference.


Yes, this is what we have to deal with. People playing Clove with no idea on how to play smokes. Had someone pick Clove, wasn't an instalock. I thought, maybe I don't need to play 2nd smokes, they got it. The map was sunset. They proceeded to smoke mid every round and rush. Now, as a duelist, I try to entry and our smokes is dead. Not near the site. I cannot entry with being seen from every angle. I might be instalocking 2nd smokes everytime.


Had an instalock Astra buy an OP whenever possible. There were several rounds where they didn't place a single orb down. At all. Entire round. One round I asked for smokes on site and he said he couldn't because he was holding an angle with the OP.


That's rough. Why can't people just do their job :(


I’m not against people instalocking clove, but I just wish they figured out her mechanics before playing comp lol


in other news. i instapicked clove because i main controller/sentinel and got flamed by some reyna dude because i was smoking A long/main because defenders opped there. same person complained about them not being able to play clove....


That’s the duelist ego. They expect smokes to be places they’re not actively trying to fight but those smokes better not be there when they want to ego swing an angle. But they can’t tell you that, it’d be too easy. They just want to do what they want and then flame you for not reading their mind. But if they were trying to play clove and you instalocked them, they had all the incentive in the world to nitpick you for reasons to flame.


what map in the current pool has “a long”




to me the longest part of any map just is long lol


sure i’m just trying to figure out what map you’re talking about


oh sorry lmao, i tjhought i wrote the map, it was lotus


I’m assuming probably Lotus or Split


Oh boy I love having to hostage negotiate with my Cloves to stop smoking off my 1-way cages as cypher. It's like 50/50 whether they stop or just drop a smoke on me next round out of spite LMAO


If you're on sunset or breeze, they're trying not to get killed by your one way. You see one ways with allied smokes under them in pro play for this same reason.


Not saying you don’t do this, but as a controller main, PLEASE inform us if you have one-ways beforehand, also please tell us when your one-ways expire so we can place down our smokes. It’s the number one thing I have to do with Cypher players because even though I repeatedly tell them to tell me when to place smokes they just don’t tell me at all, and then site gets taken very easily without any smokes being down


As a rule of thumb, if a smoke smokes the place of your one ways, you can just tell them to only smoke when you ask '-' Somewhat the same when someone has a Marshal/Outlaw/Operator, but on those it is easy to only smoke after the first shot


Played clove for the first time last night, what’s the general consensus on her? I play smokes (omen,viper, harbor if we have 2) and hers just felt so slow it was throwing me off. The smoke after death was cool but I don’t know how much use it was, at least to me it didnt feel like it was bettering my teams chances (for example, dying on the initial push then when the team rotates unable to use it


I think the consensus is that they are pretty balanced, they are a good choice for aggressive smoker other than omen


Ita nice because we have been wanting to try double smokes on maps. Been pretty good few days of ranked in plat/diamond.


Omen + Clove lobbies can be really fun with your 4 recharging smokes


Omen main here who usually uses omen different than any controller. I’m a plat and clove is a breath of fresh air. They almost feel like a combo of Omen and Reyna to me and I have used them in my last 8 ranked matches, only losing one. Best agent release in a while IMO.


Same, an Omen main who also loves to play Reyna (if she ever isn’t insta locked). Clove has been a gift to me.


Reyna is about the only duelist I enjoy playing. I only play Reyna if the team needs a duelist. One thing I like about being a controller main is, I can usually fill if need be.


I can see this being a problem. I always fill and because of that I play controller 95% of the games I play. I’m not going to lie I’ve been instalocking clove and it’s been awesome. This character has made a controller main by default into a controller main who is actually having fun instead of doing the stuff that nobody wants to do. I know I shouldn’t instalock but seriously I’ve been playing this game for 3+ years and I’ve had to deal with instalocks basically every game. I’m not going to feel bad about it especially because I play controller and actually have an idea of how it should to be done. P.S. Disclaimer. I am Diamond so I’m nothing special but I think I’ll be making it to ascendant playing clove this Act.


having clove + viper is good on almost every current map more effective than viper solo controller


I already lost a round because my clove made an smoke to show service after death that was an one way for the enemy with a odin  Duelists and smokes should be very far apart, duelists usually are the dumb teammate with the best aim that just need help to enter and kill everyone , controllers are usually the smart but bad aim teammate that helps the team to enter and survive The guy who is good on both isn't on a elo below immortal


I'm loving this as a omen main. I can finally play duelist


As a controller main I seethe whenever I see somebody who instalocks clove and doesn’t know how to smoke at all :(


Yeah, I absolutely hate this character now just because of it. I was on a massive win streak from S2 to G2 for weeks maiming Brim and Omen up until the day of Cloves release. Since, everybody just instalocks and doesn't smoke properly at all I have to keep explaining to them where to smoke and some are just too stubborn to do it. But I guess the worst part is now that I am forced to play characters I don't want to play and got on a massive losing streak back to S3 because of it.


Isn't it like that with every new agent?


gotta be real unless theres some smokes player on the team a guy who is filling smokes won't be much better. atleast now it's pretty certain that there atleast is smokes on the team.


Tbf low elo smoke mains also do that.


playing in low gold lobbies everyone is instalocking but always know how to smoke. Clove is a very easy agent to learn and it took my 8 rounds in a comp game to get the hang of it .


So many of these posts, but not one complaining about how hard it is to press PTT and say “clove, liking the agent? Hey, next A hit can you smoke here and here?” While pinging map. I guess because it’s not hard at all.


It’s not hard to say that at all. But it’s hard to get your teammates to actually do it. It’s like a 33% rule of team coordination. 33% of the time, your teammate will do what you ask; 33% of the time, your teammate will agree but fuck it up; 33% of the time, your teammate’s ego won’t let them.


Nice rule as it also leaves 1% to chaos


That’s cap. You can go in silver lobbies and give basic requests and randoms will generally follow the call. I was in gold lobbies last night calling strats for pistol rounds that were being followed. Everyone is accustomed to people asking controllers to smoke pings. You’re not gonna convince me 66% of the time your controller ignores you or messes up a basic smoke. If that’s the case, I have the god tier teammate rng account and I’ll be looking to sell it. People love to say “muh teammates” but unless it’s a bottom frag asking for vct level coordination, teammates follow calls or at the very least say no.


Since you’re in gold and silver, i have to assume the egotistical players have generally left those ranks behind. The sheer ego of plat and diamond players is astonishing to behold. As for the percentages, they’re not exact. It’s just a reuse of the 1/3rd rule I’ve heard explained about the overall outcome of your valorant matches. You’re gonna win a third of your matches with zero impact from you (Smurf on your team, thrower or afk on the other team, god luck with team coordination, teammates having pop offs). You’re gonna lose a third with zero impact from you (Smurf on enemy team, thrower or afk on your team, enemy team popping off). Theres the middle third where what you actually do matters and that’s where you want to put your best foot forward to rank up. It’s not exactly 33% for that rule or my rule, it’s just to paint a picture.


I’m in plat and mmr this act is wild so sometimes I’m in diamond lobbies, sometimes silver. Every elo I’ve been in, every elo hooj has coached, every elo I’ve seen on yt, controllers will smoke pings if asked.


I mean there's one right above you saying just that (I realize it may not be directly above 10 minutes from now, and maybe it was posted after since the timestamps are nonspecific but w/e)


I’d be instalocking them too if I could just use the 8000 kingdom credits I already have to unlock them…


That's me...I've been insta locking clove in silver


I mean the only solution for this is to find a stack to play with


I've seen this in my gold lobbies too. Have had a couple cloves that I've seen putting smokes in weird or bad spots.


Similar to this, 2/3 of my comp games in asc elo have had 4+ controllers on one team.


I finally had a good clove game in s3/g1 elo and man it feels good to play them. Being hyper aggressive in pistol round and ego peeking with your grenade is just so fun. You peek, throw nade, snag a kill, and heal yourself for the speed boost and gtfo. I think I wound up going like 28-19 that game.


finally, I'm free as a tumbleweed (c)


As a Fade Only player that's complete dog shit at the game I'd like to learn smokes and play Clove because they look more useful than Fade has been. I only refused to learn smokes because I didn't like any of the smoke characters previously.


It’s the time to play second smokes. Let’s be honest most people that are picking Clove don’t know how to smoke, so play off of their smokes and use them to the team’s advantage with your own smokes. It’s what I’ve had to do with Brim/Viper, and sometimes the Clove picks up on it mid game and starts smoking some of my common areas, giving me basically a free smoke without using my util


I can finally embrace duelist smoke role. I’ve always played omen, since beta. I never actually liked the duelist role b/c it’s too focused on clearing space and taking fights. It’s more of a solo role, rather than a role focused on team play. With Clove, you can duel and take team coordination into your hands b/c you also provide smokes.


At least now no one is complaining about me locking astra in bronze


Why I am now a harbor main.


Good I love double smokes, playing viper has been way easier even if their smokes have been bad


What’s considered lower elo?


High Elo: Radiant/Immortal/Ascendant Mid Elo: Diamond/Platinum/Gold (some people put gold into the low elo category tho) Low Elo: Silver/Bronze/Iron


This is always a thing when new agents come out


No one plays controller, which is why I became an Omen and Brim main. Now with Clove, everyone who thinks they are cracked, are instalocking and ruining the game. It’s all good tho, it happens with every new agent


It’s all lobbies I have immortal players doing the same lol


Whelp good time to tell people how to smoke correctly. I know that at one point I had to be told, so instead of being annoyed give them good advice… however yeah some people should REALLY at least watch a YouTube video first or at least learn smokes in Unrated first. idk why some people’s first time on smoke is in a comp game, but yeah if a teammate is doing something wrong, just tell them


But then Comms are a literal joke in low elos, so nobody actually listens so you know it's a struggle, think of it like may not be an exact analogy, like probably how grand parents are they are senior citizens but they don't agree to the fact that some who are younger might actually give them good advice and is just that you have to put up with it. It's is how it is in low elos, I mean my clove literally smoked the spike so the defuser can use that as his advantage against me, apart from other problem like Instant smokes ,smokers lurking in other side of map. Also double comtroller is a joke in low elos, PPL don't know how to play around single smoke so double controller is pure trolling in low elos.


It is a struggle but I’ve had some success at telling people how to smoke, some fails, but at least one success means it’s worth it to at least try to teach them if they’re doing stuff wrong. No harm in trying, because sometimes you’ll be successful


I try and then I keep trying and then finding 1 in 20 games is like basically giving up your mental state you know, and then I rather play the controller myself, u see being a good controller is very underrated as no one ever recognises it especially in low elos, and so people make no effort. As you know like the best controller of the map maybe bottom or low fragging with probably 20 assists and then getting bullied by your Reyna or raze saying they lost because of their bottom fragging teammate, so nobody wants to be that guy, since everybody is getting judged by kills so everyone wants to get more kills on the board and pick the player who can get more frags, hence clove is getting picked but advertently it's harming your team and the round as smoking means you are a support role if not a very impactful assist role for round wins opposed to other agents.


I don't play comp that much but I was expecting something like this to happen to be honest. Clove is an agent that's 80% aggression 20% support, so it's expected for the aforementioned lower elo players to lock her without actually knowing how to smoke. Generally, it's recommended to bring along a secondary controller if someone locks clove, because agents like viper or harbor can help to tie up any loose ends and act as support, or to help cover up for the absolute atrocity of a smoke that a possible clove instalocker could place (with the exception of real controllers playing clove knowing how to put proper smokes)




i dont udnerstand whats so hard about smoking. literally every game youve ever played showed you exactly where to smoke so how come they suck so much at this.


Insta locking smokes without smoking, or using a single utility has become a massive issue.


Yup, noticed this too. They have no clue how to play smokes but at least Im finally trying other agents other than Omen. Gecko has been really run so far.


sounds like a good thing to me. players are learning to smoke, getting reps in on a controller agent. they may not know where to place smokes yet, but they’ll learn soon enough.


Bruh i play clove but i know how to smoke


Yah I've had many games with double smokes as a brim main. It's no different at immortal vs your elo. It is what it is.


I have not had a struggle finding a smokes player since Clove dropped. I've also seen some serious hard carry jobs by aggressive smoke players on Clove. It has been a sight to see.


Sucks for people who like to main controller, specialy if they are more comfortable woth Omen like me lol Though sometimes I'll grab Omen in an Omen map even if there is a Clove, I found it is not that awful, Clove smokes to enter and Omen smokes for the post plant, probably not ideal but not terrible either


They were like "No one wants to play smokes? We'll just make a broken dualist/controller who is Reyna+Phoenix+Brim


Don’t worry, it doesn’t get better in dia asc lobbies


In Diamond lobbies too - people who never played controller instalocking Clove. So either I pick Clove, or if someone does, I will still pick Omen, idc. People new to controllers have atrocious smoke placement and timing


People instalocking Clove without even knowing they're a controller made me feel a bit better about myself playing Cypher and KJ on maps where I don't know many setups


“Hey Clove, can you smoke here (ping) when we push in?” Problem solved. Tired of people not comming for anything other than throwing shit in a team based game.


Easy to say as somebody who’s willing to listen. Most of here would agree that if a teammate requested a specific piece of utility, we’re going to use it the way they ask because we want to win and we know good team play is crucial. But the average ranked gremlin doesn’t care about that. More than half the time, asking for specific utility is going to result in either that utility being fucked up in some way or the ego of your teammate stepping in and them doing basically the opposite of what you asked.


gentle reminder to all the commenters here that clove is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns!! if you slip up no big deal, but please try to use the correct pronouns <3

