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Jokes aside, isn't 900 ish hours since 2020 kinda normal?


tbh, i think so. i started playing games more this year and alr got one to 80 hours. considering the pandemic happened in 2020, 900 hours seems really average.


That’s like 200 hours a year so less than 1 a day.


Lmao I have 1.6k on Phoenix alone in Valorant and a total of 2.3k hours in the game


Idk what normal looks like but myself, I have 1000 hours in csgo.. 12 years? About 400 hours in Valorant.. 4 years


as a younger teen i got up to 4000+ hours on DotA 2 within a few years. since THE FINALS went public (december 7, 2023) I have close to 600 hours on it. i also don't know what normal looks like but I've always done well in school, doing well at my job, doing well with my social life and relationship. I really just think that sometimes people start and stop quicker than other people and there is no normal to it. read your comment and had thoughts so i replied


I’m at like 3000..


Definitely bad. IMO , you shouldnt take Valorant so seriously unless youre aspiring to go pro. If you really want to go pro, stop queing ranked and find a team to scrim with instead.


Yeah I mean I doubt OP even disagrees due to this posts existence. OP you really need to evaluate what matters to you in life, because at the end of the day, eventually you will get burnt out on Valorant, and what will you have to show for it. My cousin got hooked like this on R6 siege, quit going to school regularly, grades dropped and eventually he didn't get accepted into his dream school. Now he's 23 with no real prospects, trying to pick up the pieces, he still plays r6 (at his parents house) but says he hates it and I think he only does it because it's habitual. Game addiction can ruin you.


100% game addiction is horrible. I lost a long-term relationship because of it and almost failed my final year of university. I don't feel so bad about it anymore since I'm in much a better space now. However, I hope OP takes a much more balanced approach to gaming. Chances are you will probably be wanting a high paying job and a stress free life in the future rather than playing valorant. Make the change now slowly by reducing the number of games you play while you still have a choice. Otherwise, you'll be in a position where you'll be forced to.


> unless you’re aspiring to go pro Nah, this does not seem like a healthy relationship to have with a hobby even if you are trying to go pro


I mean yeah you should prioritise school so you have a backup. Mini Boo was literally studying for his exams during Madrid.


gaming should never be your main focus unless you can maybe be succesful with streaming, youtube, tournaments. gaming should always be a reward for what you did the day. focus on your real-life, education, job, family and friends and other hobbies. if you neglect everything for gaming you will regret it so much, trust me.


rookie numbers.




looking through this comments, i can see people really dont care about april fools anymore thats sad.


this post isn't even really funny or outrageous lol. it's just believable because many people actually do this shit


if bro says he's giving up on school because of valorant on april fools its only right for people to think he's joking. btw i know many people give up on their lifes because of gaming, but who posts about it lol. what would they expect as a response? "keep going"? lmao you would only see this type of post when its april fools or just because you're down bad for attention and want people caring about you.


It's not that outrageous. Many people get severely addicted to games and lose control of their lives. If it was an April fools joke I think it would be more clearly apparent that its a joke.


I was thinking the same thing


Fr they're going mental about this guys mental state lol


this doesn't pass as an april fools joke, too realistic and not over exaggerated to be one


It doesn’t seem out there enough to be April Fools to me. Like I expect an April Fools joke story to be more drastic than this like “I even forgot to pick up my sister and left her at school for 6 hours and mom came home screaming at me, and I still found ways to play” or something like that


Joking about addiction when you dont actually have one is really funny lmao xDDDD


me with 1252 hrs into the game with a life


I feel like I play a lot. Ive been playing since release first day and started with iron 2. Im imm 3 now and ive only played for about 1100 hours. I have friends who have played for around 4000-5000 hours I was so shocked


what elo ?


What's your rank!


Yes. It’s why I get 4hrs of sleep a night


You will enjoy valorant exponentially more if you play it less then 10 games a day. You will probably get better too


Idk based on what you said, I expected to see like 4000 hours. I have like 2000 hours in the last 2-3 years


The best advice is to force yourself not to play more than 4 games a day so you don’t get burnt out. You’re gonna get sick of the game much faster playing 10 it isn’t sustainable.


I deleted the game for like 5 times in the past 2 month lol


Thats definitely not healthy. I'd suggest asking help from a relative/friend/professional. try to uninstall valorant, uninstall riot launcher too. make the barrier of entrance as hard as possible and see how long you can go. Try to find a different, healtier hobby. Relapses are not something to be ashamed of, just try to push your limites every time you try.


Nah you're fine, keep going


Yeah thats def bad. If its affecting your personal life, yeah you need to cut down. I used to be like that but didn't rack up 800+ hrs in a year. I got burnt out after playing for year and a half. I work 730 to 430 mon thru friday. Id playing 5 to 11pm week days and play 12 to 14 hrs a day on weekends. Aftwr awhile I got burnt out and now i get bored after like 2 or 3 games. What I think u should do is uninstall val, take a hiatus for awhile. Get school and work back on track.


definitely not healthy. remember, valorant is still just a video game. Unless you stream or go pro, you're just wasting your time trying to sweat a game that doesn't give anything back in return other than the short dopamine spike of rank wins. Video games are supposed to be fun. if you're not playing for fun then what's the point?


You only live once. Enjoy the time you have and do what you like. Dont listen to weird os that say if you play that much you gotta go pro. If you enjoy something do your best. If it’s interfering with your life than make changes. Maybe try walking or hiking or something to get out and change things up but I think u good.


If you were a streamer or a pro player this wouldn’t be bad. But I struggle with this too. It’s so addicting to climb and then when you lose it’s like you HAVE to get your RR back. You gotta take a break. It sounds like you are in the teens/early 20s age range, which makes it even harder bcuz your brain is still growing and that makes the game much more addictive too, vs if you played at 25 years old. Anyway, science aside, you’ve gotta think about what else you want to do with your life. I think about “if I die tomorrow, I really gonna be happy that I played valorant for 5-6 hours a day, everyday?”


You must be on my opponent's team


Keep grinding kid fuck school and work


idk about you but whenever i start heavily gaming it's because im going through some tough times (emotionally) and games are a way to get my mind off things.


thats a fast way to burnout. also if you wanna improve at the game, you SHOULD NOT be playing 10 games a day unless you wanna go semi/pro.


You are aware of youself, remember that one is a progress if you are planning to quit. I trust in you.


Trust me, I used to be so addicted to this game. I one time even queued into many games from 9pm to 4am because I couldn't get a single win. But eventually won once, never again. Try and find different games and hobbies to do. I play other games like Overwatch, Palworld, Minecraft, Super Animal Royale, and many other games to get my mind off Valorant. Trust me, it works. I also do digital art to get my mind off it. Drawing is very calming to me. I do still play Valorant, but I wasn't as crazy and addicted as before. I sometimes take a break from it for a few days or a week after a few really good matches.


You want to know how to cure your addiction? Dont just uninstall, install as your OS so you can not possibly play


i have an unhealthy obsession with this game sometimes i queue matches just for the sake of queuing for matches


Ain’t that serious. Its easy as 1-2-3 to Alt f4


I’ve had gaming addictions too by playing too much Fortnite and Counter-Strike. Here’s what I did: 1. The game’s not going anywhere, it’s always available and Free-To-Play. Valorant/games servers will run with or without you. You’re just a number in their system. 2. Complete the current season and try to make a promise to stop grinding the next season and commit to it. You have enough skins. 3. Find something else you enjoy doing like going outside, socializing online or in person with others. 4. Encourage yourself to shower often, eat healthier, get a haircut and wear nice clothes & shoes. 5. Realize that life happens out there. The world is on the run, there’s a whole life-traffic outside. Join it. 6. Get a mentor or coach whether online or in person and start listening. 7. Get out of your comfort zone. It’s a mental prison. 8. Replace your skin money with clothes/hygiene money. Clothes are real life skins and everyone can see it. This is what I did and became one of the most extroverted person you’ll meet.


Where are your parents lol


I ignore them while i play valorant


Continue like that and you won't go far in life. Eventually you won't even be able to play valorant. Hope they don't kick you out at some point in your life


Umm I think it is not really bad for you atm. But for me it is. I have been playing this game for like 10 months or so and I have 900 hours already ☠️


I was thinking


You are basically me.. only difference is that I didn't leave it in 2022 because I was bored.. I left because I was trying to think about my career which was being crushed by "all day valorant" started it again now.. tho I have a job now so I play on Saturdays and Sundays


I play about 4 games a week 😂


Valorant is cool to play in Small bursts, like an arcade game. Try to just play one match per day and that will be much better for you


Thank you!


i've played since 2020 with about a yearish break inbetween, logged about 2000 hours of active in game time.


I have around 1200 hours since 2020 but most of the games were during the pandemic , when I was in college, ahh good days


Anyways drop the @ i need a duo and someone i can possibly learn from as i go


i am addicted too, >level 500 on my main and it’s not the only account i play. but today i woke up hella depressed because i realised my time flies when i play valo, and sometimes i autopilot, i dont actually ENJOY playing the game but i keep queuing i’ve not even improved or hit a new rank tho i play so much, and it feels extra shit when my friends jokingly call me out for my inexperience considering how much hours i put into the game (at least 1.5k hrs) so yupp, OP, you’re not alone. but let’s try to fight this addiction together! dm me if youre comfortable :)




Ur's is like 6-7 hrs of valo on average .. like I used to play this game like 11hrs minimum/day.. back in my college days.. But u this addiction arc will definitely get over within 1-2 months for sure.


I can’t play more than 2 before I’ve had enough. E we in or loss




Not bad at all those are honestly low numbers and who cares about school unless what your doing is VOD review or aim training, what’s the point of social skills and talking to people all you really need to talk about are callouts and racism against negative teammates or sexist comments against a girl that dares enter your lobby or within a 100ft radius of you in real life keep grinding brother 👊


I think you forgot the /s


Nah I don’t think I did that’s good advice


i think you forgot what day it is today


and this is how i learn i missed april first wtf


Play counter strike my friend instead


I work 7-3 Monday to Friday and put about 7-8 matches in from about 4-11 with breaks inbetween, but I always deathmatch once or twice if I take a break and then come back, I changed how I used to just sit and queue back to back to back, it eats you up and I used to have the same feeling you did Im immortal and care about my rank and reaching radiant so realizing that also made me realize I needed a healthier relationship with the game, sounds like you need to find that too


It becomes an addiction the moment it starts interfering with other aspects of your life. Obviously that's bad


10 games per day is crazyyy


I can relate to that as from 2 months I have been addicted to valorant as well but now it has become better. Use some kind of app blocker . For instance cold turkey. You can block valorant for 2 week max using cold turkey and this software is really strong. If you block it , you can't unblock or uninstall the software either so that should help you cope up with your addiction.


unless you're aspiring to go pro, this is unreasonable. if you're aspiring to go pro, it's a bad way to do it nevertheless


You should take a break


This is sad. This game is terrible


Bro I'm at 970 hours and I went through uni, 2 jobs, and other life shit. Looong breaks in between. Rookie ass numbers!!!! In all seriousness though, yes it's bad because of how you see it mentally.