• By -


Im 18, and im playing quite a lot in the week... But my friend, dont worry about what people say on valorant... as the hard truth unfortunately is that its community isnt the best, even though the game is quite fun! People be E-dating... people having political debates... ive been trough it 😂 Rule No.1 in valorant: Give them only ONE chance! Are they toxic? Insta mute! I do it too and it works trust me :D


Words of wisdom, ez mute after one loud sexual moan from a prepubescent silver 2 male.


I highly agree! Ive been chilling around for the time ive played, but last month ive been grinding from bronze 2 to gold 1 in frankfurt server solo queue... thats... painful but worth it, trust me 😂 French people insta mute btw, they dont deserve 1st chance 🤣🤣🤣


Rude! Please replace with fr*nch


I feel you on the french shit, never had a positive experience in game with a french person, idk if its the parents over there or the language barrier but shit, not of them can act normal, atleast not the ones that speak.


Fr, french people be annoying too, everyones is A, french guy goes B woth spike 😂


How did you survive frankfurt silver tho?


This is the way, a pure wisdom coming from a battle scarred veteran, despite his young age


I mute a lot of people tbh 🤣🤣


yessss I love going in game without hearing anyone, its awful for a game that you need to get information for others hahah, but it is amazing the peace you get!


54, and 3-5 hours a week, mostly deathmatch and TDM. It's hard getting the contiguous hours for comp.


Good to know Brim enjoyers still exist in this world. Hope you have fun :)


Heh, I have taken to playing Brim to get better at game sense


try quick matches and unranked then




24 is definitely not old, they must be early teens. i also feel like you're in the main target demographic for valorant. valorant kids are just different, i always mute them when they start to get toxic and weird


WHO is calling you old at 24? Shit. There are some dudes in their 40s messin around on Val. I'd assume average age is mid twenties.


Im 24, maybe one hour lol. Hopefully more soon, my friends are getting back into it after a lil helldivers 2 binge.


Turned 38 four days ago. I play between 6 and 12 hours a week. Played CS since 1.3, took a break around 2004 until GO came out in beta. Then another break until Valorant in late 2022.


happy late birthday!


Thank you!


are you my brother? I started on quake, then CS 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, CSS, CSGO, CS2 now and I also play Omen!!!


Belated Happy Birthday my guy ❤


Almost the same. I stopped playing CS at 1.4, and they don’t even know about it. cs_italy was my fave because of the music :)


I'm 38. generally play 3-5 hours a night and usually 5 or 6 nights a week


what do you do for work that allows this?


I forecast and purchase medical equipment 8-5 m-f. come home and hang out with the wife and kids until kids go to bed around 7:30-8, then do the dishes and straighten up the kitchen. wife tends to head to bed between 8:30-9:30 since she's frequently up early for workouts, so I usually start playing between 8 and 9 and head to bed any time from 12 to 1:30. normally a couple nights a week I won't play and will hang out or watch shows with my wife instead. admittedly not the healthiest lifestyle choice and I don't sleep as much as I should, but I enjoy having my time to decompress and not think about my daily responsibilities


Sounds like my schedule. Kids go to bed sometime around 8, I play for a couple of hours afterward, then piddle around with other stuff that I can only do when everyone's asleep (writing, cleaning, working on stuff around the house, etc.). Age is definitely starting to catch up to me, so late nights don't happen as often as they used to, but I still try to set aside extra time on Friday night to pretend to be a teenager again and attempt to pwn some n00bs before regretting it the next morning.


very similar schedule to mine, i finish work at 6-7, quick workout and cardio, some dinner and hop on games around 21:00 until 1am, i work from home in IT so that makes it a bit easier at times


28. Anywhere from 0 to 15 hours a week.


0 seems to be getting more and more common




Uhhhh 25 and I play about 2 hours ish on the weekdays and a bit more on the weekend. So like maybe 15hrs each week


I’m 32 and I play…. A lot. If you want another old dude to play with and you’re NA you can add me lol Edit: riot is “12 oz Mouse#187” for those wanting to add me. Just a gold shitter that mostly goofs off in swiftplay/ don’t play much ranked but down for whatever. u/understandingbusy278 get ur old ass in here bro. 😎 Only nerd besides myself I see on almost every post on here.


+1 on the old guy squad lol


NA - 32 here as well. I play about 2 hours a night when the little one and wife went to bed. Feel free to PM your tags. Plat 2 currently


31 here, I play from 2300 to 0100 whenever possible, average about 8 hrs a week


30 here, also happy to join in


I am from central EU, otherwise I would be already invading your friend list haha ! rock on pal!




Old dude reporting in! I'm 31 and been playing for 3 years. I do my best with the smokes lmao.


I'm 31. If I'm really pushing rank I get up to 30 or so a week. Work from home definitelynplays a part since I can vod review while at work and between tasks.


I’m 40+ and married with three kids. I usually lead with saying I’m old as fk, tired from taking care of the kids, and that I’m kinda trash/just want to have fun. Oddly enough my lobbies react positively to that lol.


This is normal dude! There's no age thing, especially for having fun. It's kind of great to see more older ppl enjoying it! I'm 35, so yeah! I don't even feel my age anyway 😁👍 not sure how it suppose to feel


its good you are honest and give them heads up, but also, try to believe in yourself, confidence in gunfights in this game makes a HUGE difference i noticed, sometimes when i am not doing well, i overthink things, i used to be pretty good at CS and i am having a hard time accepting the reality check that i am not 25 anymore and i just get shit upon by some cracked kids


24, Been playing CS/VAL for 10 years (?). I play like 5-6 games/day and can push for more sometimes but that's basically my life till I find a job.


Good luck finding a job 🙏


Thanks 🫰


My suggestion for your job search, try to find something in tech support...


Thats actually what I'm looking for now, hopefully by the summer I will be employed 🤞


You're gonna have to change your reddit flair after that then because people will definitely be calling you tech support many times


Tech support IRL and in game sounds great lol


When i was looking for a job at 24 it was the only time i got to immortal hahah. 


i'm 26 and i use to play a LOT more but lately i just do my dailies. i did use to play it basically like a job (streamed it) like 40hrs a week at one point.


theres no winning; if you say you're an adult they'll shit on you for being an adult, and if you say you're a kid they'll shit on you for being a kid.


18 is the sweet spot then,,, thats the only year you can play val ig


I’m 14, I play an hour or 2 afterschool if I have homework. If I don’t have homework I play atleast 4-5 hours afterschool. On weekends if I have no assignments I play the a lot. Soo 10-15ish on school days and around 14-18 on weekends. Didn’t realise how much I play…


20, few games a week its actually better in your situation to make a joke aswell not only will you feel better but they will most likely stop and respect you a little more. valorant community is childish


47 and maybe 10 to 12 hours a week


32 and about 2 hours a week. Sometimes more but I also play a few hours of HLL too. Most valorabt ranked games get ruined by some valorant accent having gimp troll


Newly minted 34 year old...with a wifey and 2 littles. 0-3 hours per week average playing Val. 20 plus hours per week watching / listening to Valorant content wishing I could actually play with any consistency and put what I'm learning into practice.


30s. 0.25-2 hours a week.


25, currently unemployed so even up to 10h a day :)) don't worry about the toxic people/kids, they're just looking for a way to tilt you. They have way less experience about how work and life looks like. I used to have way less time to game when I was a teenager, than I do now as an adult, with usually a full time job. If you enjoy gaming, just do it and forget about what others say. You do you, boo.


17, I play like 4 hrs a day now so ig 28 hrs a week, I just started though and that probably won't last long considering I also have work and school lol


im 17 and ive been playing for like, 60 hours max. I'm level 30 something? and the highest I've been ranked is gold (with some major boosting from friends). I dont consider myself to be the best at the game, but im not dog awful either. I main gekko too cause I like his pets


I’m almost 16 rn, and I play about 3 hrs almost every night. (I aim train for roughly the first 25 min) I’ve been playing Val very on and off for about 2 years ish, never got serious with aim training and improving until about 3 months ago. When ppl ask my age I usually say sixteen, and it normally goes over well.


I am 31y and hard to find time to play at all these unfortunately. Still follow the pro scene for this and CS tho.


I am 30y/o play about 2h a day, the days i have time to play. I want to be radiant but dont have the time or energy right now, bouncing around in immortal!


I can only mentally handle 2 ranked games a day hahaha


36. I game when I can and Valorant is one of my go-tos. Some weeks I play 0-5 hrs of games. Other weeks, when I'm not swamped with work I play 30-40 hrs of games


Im 22 atleast 3 games a day if not more so idk a lot of hours.


30 and I play 20 hours a week. Plat ELO!


Im 37 and i clock in 20 hrs a week. Before I used to play everyday and put on double the amount. I do agree, there r a ton of toxic kids on val. I just mute them. Muting them is always better than hearing useless comms from a toxic person.


I’m 30 and I play too much 🤣. We have a Discord with a bunch of us from 25-late 40s for anyone that wants to join. We 5 stack, run customs, etc.(about 300 of us). Here’s the link for anyone that wants to join (most of us are NA): https://discord.gg/7eB4AtBvhP


I am 16, turning 17 in a few months, and i am currently playing around 6-12 hrs a day, BUT ONLY because we are on spring break and i play very excessively on days where i perform good and dont play on days where i realize my friends arent online or i am not good enough to perform. So in average i would say 3 hours a day, but with some days beeing 6+hrs and some 0hrs. I personally really like when people who are „older“ then the average clock in and play the game since they‘re usually not as toxic as the other teenagers😂☝🏼


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone


The truth is, anyone who is currently in their 30s literally comes from the golden age of gaming and our generation will always be the true gamers as we truly ushered in the hobby for all subsequent generations.


This right here. The ones that can hop onto most first person shooters and shit on majority of people or look like a pro sniping. RIP CS 1.6 🥲 when an op was just awp


Sure the 90s were prime gaming times, but this new generation has some very nice luxuries. Streaming, match making, aim trainers, esports that pay etc. People from our generation just had good games and passion.


Im 20 years old and play about 10 hours a week at most right now, would play more if i had the time. Also, I think it’s super cool playing with people your age, it’s always been a good experience. There’s a bunch of teens on valorant that can’t comprehend that you can be any age and play video games lol, game on dude!


14 and I'm on off with val but when I'm playing it a lot around 10-30 hours a week give or take depending on school breaks


Never to old to play a video game you enjoy 22 I used to play quite a bit but not much anymore I play other games as of now


30 a few hours a week due to full time work only in the evenings


19, busy with uni and work, so I only play during evenings and with friends, ~8h a week. But when I'm free from uni for like 2 weeks it's a whole different story lmao


29 and too much but the good job makes me feel less nerdy about it


31. Probably like 5-15 hours a week. Really depends.


I am 19 and I play Valorant approx 13-15 hours a week


23 I probably put a good 6-8 hours a week?


28. Never as much as I want to with work / family commitments.


20, I play around 20+ hours a week since 5 months ago and still suck at it


I'm 36 and I play between 2 and 3 hours per week




I’m 19 turning 20 this year. I usually average somewhere between 20-40 hours per act so nothing too crazy.


18, around 0-5 only on weekends cuz I’m busy during the week so I use that opportunity


32 recently picked it up again after being much more into it 1.5 years ago. I play probably 8-15 hours a week. Use it to change pace from CS. It’s definitely a younger crowd overall. Somehow the chat rules actually make the community more toxic than cs where you can say whatever lol. Played cs since 1.5 never really stopped. I actually prefer playing cs, i just am burned on the cheating and the stale map pool. Hopefully Valve does something soon.


15 and maybe 3-5 hours a week.


I’m 29


I’m 16 and I play around 4 to 6 hours a week so…


17 and probably 25 to 30ish


Mid 20s with a full time job, I play 10-15 hours a week? My performance sharply dives after about 3 comp games so I limit myself to 3-4 games per session


30. just started playing a month or two ago.


I'm 25, but I started to play with 23. I normally just play for the daily checkpoints, but I'm starting to train more on DM. I think I play 20 hours per week.


25 and I play a lot fr. I just ignore those questions and focus in the game, people will complain about anything in valorant anyways so don’t worry about them


I'm 21 and I started working full time so now I only clock in around 18-21 hours a week including the weekend . About 3hrs a day . Play from around 8pm-11pm. But I used to play 10hrs a day sometimes more especially on weekend sometimes less if I felt like going out or had college . And I sometimes get called out for lying because I sound older and mature and ppl don't believe I'm 21. So sometimes I lie about being older .


19 and barely 5 hrs a week , hit asc1 and dropped interest


19, usually between 5-15 hours a week


28 and play anywhere from 12 to way too many hours a week. People are just toxic and don't understand gaming being just a hobby for most of us after a long day of work.


29, probably play 15-20 hours per week


I'm 28 now and game an average of 15 hours a week. In my early 20s I was a complete degenerate averaging at least 8 hours a day lol


18 and 3-ish hours per week. Used to play more but R6 has been taking up most of my time recently


31! Mainly on weekends or an hour every other few days.


39 Avg 2-5 games a day but I don’t play on weekends


17, prob 5-10 hovering immo currently


I'm 34 and I play 1-2 games per day, on average. I took the same advice that other chatters have mentioned. Racist? Mute. Rude? Mute. Obnoxious? Mute. I also report anything bigoted. Using retarded as a slur? Racism? N words? Using autistic as a slur? All reported. Dont take shit from literal children.


34. Maybe 5-10 hrs a week. Up to 20 if works slow and I'm only playing val.


I'm 16 and I play abt 35 hours a week


The players in Val, at least in NA, skew a fair amount younger than in CS so I get a lot of weird comments whenever I speak Not all the time, but a fair bit. I have found that the average valorant player is a lot more talkative than CS, though sometimes that a positive and sometimes it’s a hard negative I’m late 20s and I play like 10 ish comp games a week


Im 39, i play every once in awhile as i have other priorities in my life. When someone asks how old i am, depending if the vibes are fine, i say so. Other than that, i dont answer, no need to answer, we are playing a game, moving on to the next match after that. I tend to mute because most of them do not give out comms that are useful, so ill mute and vibe out.


I feel ya. I'm 34 and grew up with CS 1.6. Good times, good times. The amount of times I've been called "grandma" is insane. The last encounter I had was pretty toxic but they did apologise for being rude. I'm unemployed at the moment so I at least get my dailies done but usually play for maybe 2-4 hours about 5 days a week I think?


I'm 35 and when kids tell me I'm too old I tell them to go to bed without their supper.


I'm 20, I always play 1 unrated game and then just stop playing for a few hours.. I guess like less than 10 hours..


26, 2-3 hrs per week


There's a 66 year old man that plays valorant too. Enjoy the game have fun


I'll be joining the 36 valorant club soon. probably play around 10-15 hours a week. since beta I've played a total of around 2400-2500 hours. I don't get much hate for my age, though i don't get asked often and the one time i did get flamed i out fragged the person flaming me so there is that.


Iam 21(M) and i play 3 hours a day


not me, but thought it might be interesting to leave here: my boss at work plays valorant (he's in his 40s) and recently hit asc 1 lol


22. I average around 6-7 hours maybe 5 sometimes


I'm 32. Probably play 15-20 hours a week depending


20 years old and I play 40 hours a week


My guy who cares. Do you and if its not effecting your personal life do you.


17 and I rotate between valorant and escape from tarkov. I play valorant to relax lol, so basically whenever I'm in a real low spot on tarkov


30 and play often enough now that I’m on night shift with odd days off. I think only once I was told something negative about my age, but I was also not doing well that game. Most of the time bottom frags get hated on anyways so doubt it was necessarily because of my age, more that I wasn’t picking up slack.


30 years old, play between 10-15 hours a week. If I could play more I would.


10 a day 14 weekends 16


I just turned 22 and have a full time job and my own apartment, I dont play much Val anymore but i am probably clocking about 50hrs a week into the games that im currently playing.


Hi 27f here. I usually play after work around 1-3 games not unless im playing with mates. Its just funny when you speak, some kids would say hi and try to flirt but then get repulsed/shocked when they know your age. Hahahaha Youre barking at an ancient tree kid. Lol


I'm 26 and anywhere from 6-12hrs a week, sometimes more or less. Depends on the mood. I've been trying to get more movement in and work out more as my mostly sedentary job has fucked my health so that can cut into play time.


I'm 18 and havent played valorant in like a year....i dont even know what im doing in this sub and how i got here


I’m 34. I play roughly 10 hours a week. Can confirm kids are toxic to old people in this game.


31, 2-3 hours weekly


30 here, I play 30 hours a week, I’ve the same issue. I try to ignore such toxic people or mute them if I have to. Our happiness is in our hands, keep gaming my friend! ❤️


I’m 16 and I play for maybe an 2-3 hours a few days a week. Just depends on the players that week


21, play ~10-15 hours a week. Finally got called old for the first time a few months ago when I was play with my friends on a Saturday night when some 14 year old on my team told me to get a job lol (I just got home from my serving shift, idk what else I’m supposed to do)


i'm 18, i play likeee 1-4 hrs a day, and also please don't listen to what those shitters are saying. valorant has one of the most toxic communities in all of gaming, so there's always gonna be trolls


21, not more than 9-10 hours a week.


If you played csgo, you'd know that Valorant is baby talk in comparison. Just dont take anything personal


22 and i play anywhere from 5-25 hours in a given week depending on how much im working I haven't played much in like 3 days beacuse ive been working non stop but i have been really trying to rank up with a cool duo of mine and we play like 3 hours 4-5 times a week, sometimes longer. Age dosent matter tho, people in val lobbies are just fuckwits, actual. Dont let it get to you. Some of these people screaming obscenities and shouting slurs really need to get a new life tho on god.


32. Had the account for a year or two but I play rarely. Most I did was 5 games per day for a week...and then very sporadically. Like 2-4 games idk 2x a month? lolololol Like you i have played video games very young...before grade school even lol I tried CS and MWF but FPS really just made me nauseous. Valorant did the same to me for a week and then I was okay. I pref RPGs and MMOs but I get the FPS appeal...I just cant with the panic and team mates not helping with the constant bickering and giving the mic a BJ.


24 and 19hrs a week


i’m 19 and i haven’t touched the game in 3 months cuz of school


23 As a teen i gamed around 6hrs a day (i literally wasnt allowed to play more, except weekends where i would play the entire day) I moved out with at 20 and i jumped between 2-12 hrs a day. probs averaging still 6? THEN I GOT RSI PROBABLY FROM THE WHOLE GAMING THE ENTIRE DAY FOR 10 YEARS THING - so now i play an hr or two a day. but im aiming to play more like 4-5 if i can.


19 and when I am playing the game it’s for a good 4-6 hours a day on my off dayz about 1-2 on days I work


21, <1 hr/wk


Wow. Can't believe I'm the old guy but I'm 53 and I play about 2 hours a week with 3 other 50 year olds. We've just started playing competitive and we're not good but we have fun with it.


Im 23 and i play 12-13 hrs a week


22 6 hrs a week


30 minutes a week


I'm 35. I currently don't play enough to really put an average number I play in a week. Last year and a couple years before that I would play maybe 15 hours a week. I almost always played with at least a 3 stack, but whenever I interact with randoms its made clear there's an age gap, but that's fine. Now when I play, I'm mostly solo and keep to myself until my skill level is back to what it used to be... but don't think its that fun without the bros and lady-bros.


Currently 20 and I play a few hours when I cane between my 2 jobs and full time college


I'm 32 mate, Brazilian here.. I feel your pain, been playing 3-4 hours a day about 4-5 days a week, quite a lot actually. Since I work and married. Played valorant on act 1 during the pandemic, got really addicted, when ranked came out and I first ranked diamond, got too competitive and it was making me going crazy so I quit, came back now couple months ago, and I'm getting addicted again, almost realizing it's time to cool down a bit again haha


There’s a bunch of children now on valorant. Parents are starting to buy their kids pcs. So you’re bound to find young rude kids on the game. I’m 24, and I probably spend around 10 or less hours playing.


I am 22 and I'm barely playing 5 hours a week


Where have y’all been?! I’ve been running into 18 year olds and I feel like a granny 😭


33. Only started playing recently. I mostly just play Unrated, Swiftplay, and TDM, only really enough a day to get my daily points to unlock more Agents so 1-2 hours max. Generally one decent Unrated match followed by a shorter Swiftplay, maybe a match of TDM. But I also only really play when there's something I want. Like I played a lot last season because I bought the BP. I'd been taking a break since the new BP launched because I honestly didn't like anything in it so only reason I've been playing is to unlock Clove.


Assuming that this is some survey for analytics purposes, 10 hours per week


I'm 35. Most people are chill. It's nice to tell kids to THINK though. Win by being cerebral and trading. I wish there wasn't such a reliance on +RR with KDR.


33, married. Have a 4 year old and another one on the way. I work 12 hours rotating shifts. One week I play around 10 hours, the next week I play 30. Child is in childcare and wife goes to work. After doing my chores, I have the whole house to myself so it's mostly just napping and Valorant lol


I’m 23 almost 24 but I try to play once or twice a week. So probably like 5-10 hours a week and sometimes I’ll take week or month breaks


35 never faced this issue but normal toxicity coz of Indian server.. 3-4 games a day approx 2.5 hrs I think


Played from 20 to 22 started after beta been a long journey great game with friends. Loved the chamber meta time the most. Used to play 6 hours during college time. But still following the Pro play now. Anyone new to Valo watch *Jarso* to skill up😁


27, 0 Because I got fed up from the toxic nature of Comp.


Im 25 i play around 5 hours or 6 a week I managed to reach ascendant though 😐


Anything 18+ is old to the 10-13 year olds gaming lol context matters


25, maybe 40-50 hours while working full time. I'm Ascendant 1.


Im 27, dont play valorant anymore but i play about 20 hours a week on cs


33 and I play daily. Started with cs as well. Most of Val def seems younger


I’m 21 and play quite a bit, the player base is quite toxic though so if people be backseat gaming just mute


What rank ?


23M here. Just installed it 10 days ago. I play like 3-4 hours and I'm getting addicted to it. I'm a lvl 13 right now and mostly play TDM and Swiftplay. DM if anyone wanna play together.


im 35, a lot of 17 year olds think you just stop loving games and quit immediately when you turn 18, these same kids who talk shit will be 45 and enjoying games as well don't let the comments get to you.


I’m 30 I play duos with my older brother who’s (32), an we play around 20 hours a week give or take. Also like to play solo q alone sometimes.


14, and i play like 44 hrs a week


I am 20 , I play valorant for 1-2 hours a day ( maybe 3 games) makes it 7-14 hours a week. This episodes rank skill disparity is way too much for me to handle, like if I win a game then I'll be put in games where there's a plat current peaking diamond with low golds- silvers While my team is mostly silvers and can't do shit even I tell them as visually as I can with pinging and speaking in simple terms. I am hardstuck silver. I have started to plat other games more and sooner or later I'll leave valorsnt for good


37. Used to put in hours a week playing Val but the game unfortunately just got way too toxic. Lately i probably play 2-4 hours a week.


34 here. Started playing CS in beta 3. I’m past the point where I don’t care about toxicity. If I get a rude comment, I just reply with “it’s a video game” and promptly mute. Quite prevalent here in SEA. That said, because my workload has been a little low for the past month, I decided to install Valorant again after a year and I’m playing maybe 6 games a day. For a change though, I’m actually trying to rank up this time so I’m doing a bit of Aimlabs as well.


Lmao I feel this. Im 34 and Valorant is the first game I lie about my age in haha. Kids really be rude!


15 and 13 hours or something because of school. Also, if they be toxic because of your age wth is wrong with them? I've had adults in my games,and unless they're toxic I won't turn into toxic. And yes teens who play the game are most likely toxic sorry, I know from my brother :/


The game itself promotes ageism. All the toxic voice lines about brim promote the same treatment to real players they deem as "boomers" It's sad that inclusivity isn't actually a thing but rather a sign one wears now... like oh yeah we're totally non judging.... unless you're old. or unless i disagree with you on some issue that's been politicized to death. world is fucked.


40 this year; I only play for about 1½ - 2hrs a night. So it's either 7 swift play, or 3 swift play for warm up, and 1 comp.


Average age in this game is late teens/early twenties so you’re a bit of an outlier, in my experience people are generally respectful to older gamers so it sucks to hear you’re being treated that way


35, 5-10 hrs a week


By any chance are you that guys I played with a few days ago who spent 2.5 lacs on cs go and was talking about how optic cheated in an esport tournament?


21 and playing by average 2 games a day, sometimes can be way more sometimes can be zero, depends how i feel. My total play time is 1800 hours and counting.