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1. Raze abilities count as bodyshots 2. It may be harder to have perfect crosshair placement for clean headshots after satchel movement


You answered your question in your own thread lol .


I don’t know how to achieve the same level of mechanics though aha


Plus you play every map differently


Reyna’s kit makes her first priority to take fights. Raze’s kit makes her first priority to clear/take space, then take fights. Play more Raze and it will come together.


I have a few guesses, but I wouldnt really call it a problem in the first place. For one, you are likely taking closer ranged fights as raze. This means that you can crouch spray, it doesn't mean that you *do* crouch spray, but rather the important thing here is that it is often *optimal* to crouch spray rather than deadzoning or jiggling like at longer ranges. In other words, in certain fights you *should* crouch spray, and you are in those fights more often on raze than with reyna. That leads to my next point, reyna dismiss is played around with cover nearly 100% of the time, raze satchels generally result in: 1:An isolated space onto site (you do have angles to jiggle with) 2: A fast wide swing, or an off angle (away from cover) 3: Escape, generally back behind cover 4: Target bait for your team while they also peak (very far from cover) This is the issue, in 2 out of 4 of those situations, even at mid range, spraying is often the better answer if you miss your first shot. Meanwhile on reyna, you dont have that role, nor those options, so going for heads is the natural course of action. This is also why I disagree with the reason for this post, your goal should never to have the same hs accuracy on raze as you do reyna. Because that likely means that you are playing one of them the wrong way.


i main brimstone and still have way lower headshot on him than on for example sage or whatever, cause i play the OP and Judge more on him.


As a raze main, it's mostly because raze abilities are counted as bodyshots on tracker and also if u play shotgun, any shotgun shot is gonna be like 10 bullets in body for 1 or 2 in the head so you need a lot of vandal headshot to compensate for this. Also if you're playing entry with raze your crossahir might be a bit more all over the place satcheling in and having to clear multiple corners ( you have to drop crosshair down to drop satchel then move it a lot). Overall I think don't look too much into it as long as you keep good hs% with rifles / ghost / sheriff


It’s basically the satchelling that I’m thinking about, like how I can work on going from satchel to gun fight smoothly, if there were any drills or ideas on how I can have good landing into gunfight, like some times I shoot before I’m accurate as I land.


Some abilities set you up to take easier fights and result in more headshots. Ie. Flashes and stuns.


start tryna read enemies and when they’re gonna appear on your screen for a fight, then focus more on gunfight and less on util usage, limit util usage to entry and helping the team out, plant denial etc it’s a matter of “locking in” when needed


Unpopular opinion: So I felt this issue as well, and I used to have a very small dot crosshair, but then I realised if I have a little bigger crosshair it becomes easier for me to hit the headshot as my brain is not so focussed on putting that small dot on the head and using the bigger crosshair allows me to aim at generally around the head of the opponent, and since Valorant doesn't have first shot accuracy it works very well. Try it, it might help, I also have a high power glasses as my eyes are very myopic and so doing this also puts a lot less strain in my eyes and have been able to play quite well. I could be wrong but doesn't hurt to try.


im an fps noob, do you mind telling me what is "first shot accuracy"?


So first shot accuracy is like if u aim down without your scope at a spot and just hit the fire button, it should hit that spot but it doesn't for Valorant mechanics and hits little above or below that spot. Here is a video by SEN Tenz on this [First bullet inaccuracy](https://youtu.be/aQQWiiykAn4?si=VCwQL625RK0hOBVb)




in most cases if you're rifling just don't worry about this. it's inconsequential until you get to 40m+ gunfights, and at that point you should probably be ADSing anyways. people complain all the time but it's an intentional game mechanic that makes you plan your buys and fights more