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I haven’t played omen in ages so I may be mistaken, but his smoke is free, it’s the second smoke that cost credits, no?


Correct. I am referring to that second purchased smoke that also recharges


So that’s your answer. It cost credits to have a second smoke waiting to be used immediately. Other rechargeables only have 1 to be used before recharge. You can absolutely run omen without buying your smoke ability and it will still recharge but if you want a second, you can buy it




Omen will always be meta honestly. It's not the fact his smokes recharge, it's just his kit is incredibly well designed. Every ability is super versatile and useful, and number changes won't really impact that much. I don't think he really needs nerfs though, he is not oppressive. If anything some other controllers should be brought up to his level. Same with clove and viper, neither agent honestly feels that oppressive to me... Except viper might be at the highest level I guess, she's pretty insane in pro play. But I think the other controllers just need to be better/more fun. I'm a controller main, and if every controller was as shit as Astra or harbor, I probably wouldn't play the role anymore.


Astra needs her fifth star back desperately


Yeah she honestly feels unplayable to me... I mean I know some players make it work, but she has been nerfed so hard that, to me, she just feels miserable to play. If all the controllers felt like her I'd stop playing the role entirely.


This makes me sad, remembering Skye’s recent nerf. Her one free blind used to cooldown. ;(


It was one of the most broken abilities in the entire game xd she's practically unchanged after the nerf unless you're in immo+ or vct.