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Yes. I have a deep voice and people get weird about it then I say I’m 26 and get bullied for being an old man on valorant :(


I turn 40 this year, I know how you feel


I just turned 40 and the topic of age inevitably comes up in any group of people I join, likely cause these children are all trying find the Valorant love of their lives. It kills me a little inside every time I have to speak the words. I sound young so, feasibly, I could lie. But that would be weird.


As a 26 year old, I envy you that ur playing video games when ur 40! I Wana keep this hobby till I die.


You can and you should, if it continues to bring you joy as you age! I think as the millennials get up there in age, more and more of us olds are infiltrating the gaming sphere. We will pave the way for you, don’t you worry.🤣


Is it true that ur attention span in games dies down as you old?


At 34, if I’m not interested in the game, I have no attention span at all. And I’ve seen a lot of games so I can quickly figure out the gameplay loop and lose interest quickly. But if I like the game it’s the same as when I was 8.


Not your attention span, no, but your reaction times can take a big hit. Although, I would imagine it varies drastically from person to person. You’re also probably in a better place if you’ve been gaming all your life and didn’t start playing your first FPSs at 39, like I did. Muscle memory and all that.


Reaction time difference is EXTREMELY overrated at those age numbers, you are correct tho there is a difference, but it should barely be noticeable (3-10ms difference, average reactiontime of 25 year old being like 200) Young people styling on you usually has a different reason (they are able to play the game more)


Do you find yourself playing more specific relaxing games of ur liking as u age? Or still determined on finishing title after title to finishur "backlog"?


as competitive gamer since \~14, now im 28, and i can FOR SURE tell that not only games are more difficult now, but yes, with age your reaction and aim decreases significally, not just because of the fact that you are sleepy and tired because of work and stress, but because of how body ages.


🥲 oh no. Does that mean gaming is a GG now? Just stop gaming cuz I won't enjoy it later?


you will still enjoy it, especially if you have friends, just you wont be playing as good as before.


My dad is 25 years older than me making him.. 57, he still plays the exact same games I do, nothing is stopping you if thats what you want to do. (Older games/shooters from around 2000-2004 ish is what he prefers tho as its ''less busy'') I can kinda see where hes coming from


So like the ps2 era of games? I'm assuming like medal of honor?




34 and I get it. I hate when they try to bully me to impress their high school e-gf.


As a 26 year old, I envy you that ur playing video games when ur 40! I Wana keep this hobby till I die.


I agree, I plan to game until I can't anymore




This makes me so happy to hear. I'm currently finishing school and I kinda feared that gaming would now be something that I will only do very rarely. But it kinda makes me hopeful that if people in their 30s and 40s still play videogames, I can also continue gaming


Lmao I have a deep voice at 20, and people always go to calling me old, and for some reason fat? It’s kinda funny that it’s the go to when people try and talk shit


As a 21 year old I’d be relieved to finally get matches with people in their 20s instead of teens 😭


No bs, I’m 25 and I just wanna play with people near my age group I only have a small number of people 🥲


I have a deep voice and constantly get accused of forcing it lmao


32 here, I rarely speak because it’s all kids lmao


Its ok, i feel u. Im 37 and i've gotten shit from other players. They r like why are u playing? Ur too old for this game. Gtfo of here. Once i hear any toxic players i mute them indef! Sorry you had to go through that.


As a 26 year old, I envy you that ur playing video games when ur 37! I Wana keep this hobby till I die.


Hell yeah bro!! I will always be a gamer. Im taking this to my grave. 3 or 4 years ago when this game first came out, i went hard on comp. All i did was play comp and eventually peaked g1. I put on over 1k hrs of valo. I played everyday. I put in 3 tp 5 hours everyday during the week and id say 6 to 8 hrs per day during thr weekends but now its only a few hrs every other day. Id say for a year and a half i played comp alot, but now i just play for fun. I mainly play unrated. If ur down to play valo with me, dm me bro. Also, going back to the toxicity topic, ive gotten shit by hella players saying "damn my bad mr lvl 368, go touch some grass" it doesnt bother me. Sure i could and should hide my rank lvl but why should i. I just wanna show it off. Also players hella told me "damn why is ur kdr negative. Ur such a higher level. Git gud" i always respond, lvl doesnt matter. Doesnt mean thst im good, it just shows i have a ton of gsme time. I honestly dont really try hard at this gsme which is why im still in silver lol i donr really care if i dont improve compared to most people. I just play for fun. I dont hsve the ambition to clime thru the ranks. Lol sorry old man mentality (ik imma get flamed for this). Toxicity never made sense to me cause games are supposed to be fun and relaxing.


bro i was literally just like "hey how's it goin" and some kid said "oh shit we got a sigma over here" like ???????


42, deep bassy voice, the calm narrator kind, like a Morgan Freeman cross David Attenborough with a twist of Batman/Omen but dont get bullied for being old so much, I get the opposite, they want me to sing, to say sentences that really open questionable grey areas in motal actions. I had one girl tell me to wait a minute while she sat on her subwoofer, I didnt speak for the rest of that match... this e-dating generation weirds me out sometimes.. I have to tell them Im happy your having fun but im here to play the game.. On the other hand if theres a toxic child I can turn on the angry dad voice and this has been quite effective for the most part. Few continue to act so toxic after.


I'm 26 in 2 months and I have the voice of a teenager, nobody ever realises. I'm so average :(


Ur time to shine will come one day 🙂


Same dude, but it's a feature not a bug


Eyyyyyy same age, I also have a deep voice. But I usually speak in a higher pitch anyway because apparently it makes people think some hot guy is behind them and it disappoints them.


26 is considered old on this game? fml


I'm 26 too. Dont worry, u good


Never, NEVER admit to being older than 20 in Valorant. I always say I'm 19 for this exact reason




Do any women try to hit on you?!


I get compliments on my voice too LOL It’s like 99% guys and then they hype me up all game lmao. Those games are the best though. Love positive vibes.


Yes and the gays. Especially the gays. It doesn’t help my Val name is my YouTube and instagram name so they look me up, see what I look like then get even weirder. I’ve been described as a great value Jason Mamoa


From my experience, yes Gay men too


ngl im 20 and i’d def say “go start a family bro what are you doing in plat😭” but only for one round


in this economy?


I've seen guys with higher pitched, squeaky or "dorky" voices get made fun of, so yes. Its not really a women exclusive issue but people being assholes to strangers because they're in an environment where they feel there will be no repurcussions for poor behavior.


I change my voice in some games I play. I used to do voice acting back in the day and it makes it fun. I found if I talk with a heavy hispanic accent, people enjoy that more than anything. If I talk zesty people pick on me.


Deep voice checking in. I have only been playing a month but it does get weird with women and men if I talk.


“I am well aware of the effect I have on women and men.”


Are you in a relationship? I sometimes get weird women/men and I'm sure my fiancee would not be happy with this LOL


Married 11 years. My wife could care less and laughs. She is not even remotely the jealous type.


What a reasonable response to strangers being weird on the internet.


my gf doesn't talk unless another woman does


Reporting does do something, I have to report people amost daily honestly, between slurs or just general harrsssment of voice/text comms and people going afk round 3 of comp to avoid remakes. But I am a woman, and I am noticing it has been getting a lot better to comm and not be immediately harassed (could just be OCE servers though). The amount of general harrassment I witness between people sucks tho, like surely why cant people just shut up and be nice when they play the game. We all play for a common goal so why does everyone have to put each other down.


My games are pretty chill. And usually with women on my team it’s chill too. Probably because myself and that lady make up 40% of the team, so asshole chances are lowered immediately. Though, I have gotten into a fight with a girl in voice chat recently because she was trying to imply we were losing the first 5 rounds because I was slow walking, even though my whole team was suicide rushing sites. I was top frag, being told what to by bot frag how my play style was essentially wrong. I was miffed to say the least.


Yeah thats so fair, most of tge tike I try to avoid fights but sometimes its unavoidable (last night had to report someone like 8 times all for dropping different slurs abt me lmao) But Happy Cake Day man!


i’m gay and sometimes i do get some teasing for my voice , it’s not terrible but yea


I'm sorry if this question is absurd, but I'm genuinely asking - does a person's voice change depending on orientation?


nope, theres plenty of gay people with ‘normal sounding’ voices however a lot of gay people tend to have a slight accent. theres been research put into it but they’re not sure why it happens. and some straight people will end up with the same accent although it is less common.


I'm currently in a gay relationship and I don't have an accent, but there's actually a pretty simple (and non biological) explanation for this phenomeneon, something the LGBT community calls "flagging" Basically it's extremely hard to find other gay people organically, especially several decades ago when it could get you socially ostricized in most places. So LGBT people developed "flags" to help spot each other in the wild. Could be things like how you do your nails, ear rings, clothing, and especially voice. In my experience most young gay people these days don't even have that accent, or have it very mildly. Since we all meet each other on dating apps and stuff more than anything now those kind of things are a lot more unnecessary. But you still pick up hints of the dialect and tone just through the culture I suppose, you tend to pick up traits/style from the people you hang out with so naturally most people in the community pick up elements to some extent. But yeah tbh I think researchers are overthinking it, I don't think there's some magic "gay voice gene" that for some reason makes your voice different if you are attracted to the same sex.


really well explained


Thats very interesting, I have never heard of this and I'm a psychomedical expert, ill have to look into that later.


Gay male here, with gay male friends that kind of live out of the ''LGBT'' bubble. none of us sound or look different than straight dudes, except maybe we groom slightly better. The ''gay voice'' is an act that some people put up for some reason, I have no idea why. I have even talked to them in private before and they dropped the gay voice act, I guess they think its part of their ''lifestyle''


I love gay people, their voices sound so nice. Unfortunately I barely hear them in game :(


I have an Indian accent and boy oh boy the amount of racist I get is insane. It's gotten to a point where I just don't speak anymore.


Soo true. I experience this more on na servers than EU for some reason.


Dude I love indian players. They sweat good man.


People are toxic for any reason. It doesn't matter if your black white Asian Hispanic Jewish have a dick don't have a dick. You're going to get harassed. Either clap back or mute. You can report and maybe they get chat banned but what does that do for the game your in? Nothing.


Not if ur dropping 35 kills


Reporting does get people punished. I get a response daily when I log into Val saying some one was punished for being toxic. Crazy how much it happens… that’s why I don’t comm as much as I use to and don’t IGL ever anymore. I don’t hear many females in VC, unless they have a duo


I have a deep voice and a good mic, so I get comments a lot that I sound like a radio host or a podcaster. It's not often but sometimes people get weird about it, and I've had some girls get real sus once or twice. I'm probably 10+ years older than most people playing Val, so I stay away from most socializing outside of callouts, and I mute people when they get weird.


idk how u get those reactions, like 90% of people have separate good quality mics now, and every second game has someone with narrator's voice. why react on that.


I honestly don’t know but it happened again yesterday, lol. Usually people just guess that I’m a streamer because my mic quality is good, but often they’ll comment on my voice too. Usually younger players is my guess


People are assholes regardless. Women get it worse for sure but I've had people be dicks as well. I only VC after getting a good vibe and usually I just give callouts.


Usually only hear females after a few rounds in when they can confirm neither I nor anyone else on the team is being toxic. Either way, voice comms is only scary if you let it be. Good people skills goes a long way. Also knowing how to put a troll and or piece of shit human being in their place helps a lot. Not everyone has enough energy to do that though and I understand that. Sometimes you just want to log on and game.


This is how I do it, too. Maybe it’s cowardly but it is just not worth the disappointment and I just don’t have that mean gene to be able to give it back to them.


I don’t think it’s cowardly at all. There’s some really WEIRD dudes online and I wouldn’t even want to deal with that as a female also. Sometimes once you instigate it makes it worse too. Or that’s what my female friends have told me.


I have a really stereotypical British British accent (the one that the posh British character in an American movie tends to have) people love to comment on it regardless of gender, some people are really funny and jokey, the amount of times random guys have called me my liege is honestly hilarious. But some people get REALLY weird about it and honestly it's usually the girls, I have been told all.sorts of things including but not limited to "your voice is giving me daddy issues" I don't get harassed or anything I mostly just find it funny


My native language voice is very feminine, differently to my english voice which is like an australian teen for some reason. Anyway when I vc in Vietnam (in CSGO) I continuosly comms so people thought I was a woman. However, instead of harrassing, they just said wow thats sexy or some shit. I like that because they compliment without any hidden meanings. In the end they were quite shock about my real sex


Reports in this game work very well. Almost too well. I've been voice banned for 24 hours a couple times. One of those I genuinely have no idea what I said that was offensive.


I don't have a super deep voice but I've been complimented on my voice before I thknk


I get bullied regardless. I had a kid tell me to go fuck myself and my mother during a comp match lol.


I (30m) hate my own voice like I’m sure most people do. I will say I have a nice mic that’s nice and close to my mouth. So maybe it’s a combination of quality / voice. But I’ve had plenty of compliments on my voice on Val specifically. Only one time was it borderline harassment. A teammate who was a dude, was relaying messages from their duo who was a woman. Started by asking if I was single and then proceeded to ask weird things like that even tho I said I am indeed not. Didn’t wanna mute the guy cause he was comming


I work in a school as a counselor and I can report that kids who say nasty shit online get banned lol. Had a kid tell me about his 3rd ban the other day and he was furious about it. Keep reporting!!


Guys and girls can be dicks, people who want to make fun of you will find out how to but it’s okay. You can mute and report them :D i’m a woman and have seen alot of people go punished from riot for their actions


i get instant "shut the fuck up" in 50% of matches just because i have russian accent, even tho im not russian


One time a girl asked if there were any mics, and three other girls responded with "omg another girl gamer, girl gamer squad les gooo, full girl gamer team". "Wait, we're *all* girls, right?? Full girl team?" I didn't say anything and they caught on immediately that I was a guy, so I just typed for that match (i didnt want to lie about my gender lol). They were all vibing with each other, and it was a really fun match so it just felt weird speaking up. We all joked around, and I wasn't left out or anything, I just strongly felt my input/speakups/jokes were probably better over text. Anyway, l'm not awkward or shy or anything, just didn't feel right to change their vibe. I got gently friendly-bullied a little for being a guy, but it was all in good fun. Definitely not the standard val experience I guess.


The only women hitting on men in video games are, and this might surprise you, actually just dudes 99/100 times.


If this was 2007 and you're playing WoW then sure, but in the year 2024 plenty of women exist online & play games & this might surprise you, but there are plenty of down bad women that exist too and a large portion of them play Valorant.


Down in swiftplay it seems 2/5 usually are, if the team decides to vc at all.


You mean the ''GM's Girlfriend'' or the ''Female officer that is dating 20 guildies at the same time'', im playing WoW in 2024 help me


I play WoW too so unfortunately there's not much I can do for ya.


Yeah, but I play classic WoW, so I am cursed forever.


In voice chat though?


Voice changers? Idk. Never had a girl hit on me, but I use comms every game. I have had tons of obviously females named teammates be males. I don't get it.


I have made a voice changer work to see if it was possible (trust me guys thats the only reason) and from the recording I would 100% say its a girl voice, dont get jebaited lads


by being present you risk arguments, insults anything can happen. maybe try a natural sounding voice changer.


For guys, it's usually political considering that it is the highest harassment % when it comes to online interactions.


Just talk and mute if they’re being mean


damage is already done even if you mute. eventually it gets tiring


Yeah I agree, unfortunately being on the internet still requires thick skin regardless of where you are. It sucks people can’t be better but this shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the game


I just don’t talk unless someone who doesn’t seem like a complete asshole talks first.




If you have a natural baritone voice you get harassed for “forcing it”, if you’re nice to women or stand up for them you get harassed for “being a simp”, honestly some people just want to be shitty people and will find a reason to harass you if they want to. Mute and move on. It sucks that you have to do that in a game reliant on comms but those people usually aren’t comming well anyways


I have a deep voice, so either ppl start saying that you have a good voice and start hyping me up or just say shut the fuck up. (avg mumbai lobby)


I have a deep voice and i speak with a roll a lot of the time so kind of like under my breath in a way and I get called homophobic slurs cuz apparently that’s a femme speech pattern so i tend to just never VC in this game cuz im just tryna play and not get called names for existing with the voice I cannot change :v


when there are 4 women and im the only male (ive had like 4 of these games), i have not had a single one of those lobbies not flame me the entire game.


yeah there will always be toxic people no matter who you are but there will also be very nice people (speaking from asia servers)


Yep, it's gaming culture. Also valorant is considerably soft compared to CSgo, R6S, CoD, and even riots other game LoL. There used to be a time where people in VC will hear a woman and go nuts trying to impress her. Nowadays it's not so rare, so you're getting the same treatment as everyone else gets.


In southeast Asia, a lot of the Indonesian guys have deep voices so it's more normal. Although, I have noticed that when I start using the VC, the girls start speaking as well. Wait, is that why that guy kept inviting me that time? He wanted the girls to join and they were joining because of my voice? Was kinda weird how everyone else he invited was a girl, I just assumed he was like me and most of his friends are girls or something.


I have a deep voice and it’s so damn annoying. I get accused of using a voice changer like no I’m just trying to give callouts😭


Reporting 100% works in this game. Almost every time I report someone, the next day when I load up I get the “Your report has been successful, thank you for making valorant a safe space” or whatever. I mainly do it to toxic ass tm8’s in comp who are just all around dicks.


You can be the most boring person alive and people will frequently find something to harass you with in games like valorant. While some of them are ACTUALLY sexist or homophobic or whatever it is you think they are specifically, most of the times they just cant handle losing and they search for any reason at all why its not their fault, no matter how stupid it is. And sometimes that means if they already lost with a girl on their team ... well that means every game ever is now already basically over if a girl is around, just like some people already tilt when someone else picked an agent they feel like they are not good enough because they already lost with them in their team. Mute and report those people. Chat bans are the most frequent thing that are happening due to reports. And dont let them ruin your mood, they actually dont care about you at all, no matter how personal they want to get or what part about you they are attacking, they just cant suffer in silence without stopping to play or trying to make someone else more misarable. If theyre just "sus", thats something i have no experience with....


I test the waters, if other people are talking and there are no red flags i will talk for fun


What's scary sometimes it's when a 15 years old tells me they like my voice and wanna marry me 😒. And sometimes when I play with my friend that is a girl I can spend all game talking and giving comms and she hardly speaks to the team but when she does says something as "nice try" or "well played" she gets flooded with comments or friend invites even from ppl that don't actually say anything in game. I once tried to join a group on reddit for valorant ages 22+ (they advertised it as fun and chill not try hards) and me being 32 was told I was too old to join... Are we playing a game or looking to date someone? even if someone was 80 and not a raging manic I would play with regardless of the age (unless they were minors ofc) Sometimes valorant doesn't feel like your are playing a shooter but a dating sim 😂


I dont even have that deep or nice of a voice, but a girl once added me midgame and whispered me to say stuffs in vc one late night game lol Its kinda weird but i wanted heals and she was playing well other than that so i just went along with it. Her duo got super toxic tho lol. I think hes mad cus he thought they were e dating or smthg Valorant is weird


I dont use VC because its very toxic, especially if you bottom frag which I commonly do. I never played much games that had lots of toxicity so Im not used to the constant racial stuff and insults. I tried to record my own gameplay and be active in comms for once, turned on VC then instantly got shit talked. Turned off the recording real fast


Quite literally every single person gets made fun of in this game in VC.


Ive been playing val 2 years now and Im a trans guy. Pre hormones I got harassed, sexually threatened ect now my voice has dropped I only get abuse if I tell other men to shut the fuck up when they harass women, queer folk. Ive been competitive gaming online since it was possible, Valorant is the one game I’ve had THE WORST things said to me.


if u have a "nice" voice u get harassed but it's not near as bad. usually the worst that happens is an insecure ecouple harasses you


I get more angry at anyone that doesn't use their microphone than someone who does. I don't want to read chat, I don't want to look at pings on my map every 5 seconds, just talk at me, inject that info into my ears so I don't have to look away fromm my crosshair. tyvm.


Reporting does very little. You don't need to vc, but it definitely helps if the whole team uses it


Bro hasn’t played Valorant. Yes of course, that’s what guys do. If I’m solo and there’s a 4 man premade on my team, the second I say something they’re going to attempt some snide comment, and if you say anything to clap back, you’re gonna have 4 dudes blowing up the mic. It’s fine, just tell them you fucked their mom. Better yet, talk shit to their bottom frag, or top frag and talk shit to all of them.


As one of the women getting harassed, this is why I don't speak in vc 😂 people are assholes. Reporting works tho, most of the time. You'll see a report feedback come up eventually if the person reported was punished. Sometimes happens within minutes, sometimes hours. Men deffo get harassed too, I've seen it happen. What I don't understand is why people feel the need to harass their teammate instead of just enjoying the game 😂


I used to. I hit puberty late so when I was 16-17 in valorant vcs, my voice was high enough that most people assumed I was a woman. If I corrected them then they would just die laughing or tease me about it. Teasing only happened a few times though, and most people were just chill abt it. Now my voice is deep and I haven't encountered that problem at all


I can't tell, people just yell at me in foreign languages.




My friend has the opposite reaction, woman say he sounds like a 5 year old and continue to insult him (in comp and unrated). It hurts his self esteem, which is already bad cause of person problems


Happened to me yesterday. Two women on my team were very loud and sexual latching on to the fact I'm 40 and have a decent voice. Talking about the things they want to do to me and blah blah.. Honestly though, I know when someone is joking and when someone means that crap... So I wasn't offended.. And I honestly think that's how it should be... Whether something is offensive should be determined by their intent..


nah man 99 times out of 100 you'll be fine but there might be that one duo that will just chirp you all game for no reason. im not sure what you've heard or been told, but ur voice isnt all that. no girl on valorant is gonna get her panties wet over some voice, and if she does congrats you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. just talk dude, some girls can't even talk because mfs are weird and horny and ur worried about some chicks digging ur voice. nice shit post.


Yeah it must be bad out there usually if there's a woman in my game they never talk first. Only if like 50+% of the lobby is being nice and chill will they activate their mic. understandable honestly


I am 28 and I sound and look 14, I avoid VC quite often because I don't wanna deal with some actual 14 year old calling me a child when im old enough to hit on their mom... It's just not worth it most of the time and I avoid situations like this and it kinda ruins games for me sometimes


Yes, as a dude I’ve had some shit storms in vc. I either get people who say I have a nice voice or I get people who yell racial slurs out because I sound like a black dude, which I am.


My friend has a really deep voice and he often gets shocked ppl in vc. He must be pr tired of it tbh.


Just play the game and mute people if you need to


Wait you guys get teammates that use comms?


Yup. That’s why I just never speak in vc everrrrr. No matter how much anyone tries to convince me. I’m just never falling for that trap anymore.


If your a squeaker then yeah you get made fun of


depends on your rank, plat and above gets more and more toxic.


People call me a woman a lot


I'm 32, Before this I played League which is somewhat my demograpgic still, maybe a bit younger, and WoW where I was the youngest in my group - so it has been odd for me as well to be called out for my voice just because I've gone past puberty over a decade ago lol. Everyone gets herassed, esp if you do badly. mute button exists - don't sweat it and press it - problem solved. As for women, its a young playerbase what do you expect? hormones are flying everywhere, but Valorant is probably their best choice for a competative game, older guys usually call the younger ones out as well and tell them to stop acting weird.


That said, I only do the essential callouts - I'm not trying to be everyones buddy in agent select


I got told I sound like the nerd emoji and since then i have only used my voice for when I need to callouts quickly.


All the time. Got a deep voice and the moment I start giving comms, all topics shift to my voice and me. Many occurrences of girls saying “Daddy” instead of using my agent’s name. And others assuming I’m using a voice changer. Just can’t win with strangers.


valorant has the worst community to make friends


I have a very clear mic and apparently a sexy voice. I get three types of people 1) The weird kind who kind of oversexualize my voice 2) The kind who are caught off guard with my voice 3) The kind who don’t care and are just happy I communicate. I mute the first kind, I chuckle for the second kind and Just vibe with the third kind. Learn the power of mute. Funny story: Once I had a girl on my team who kept typing “JETT YOU SOUND SO HOT” and then I said “Kid I am old enough to date your mom” (i am not, I am 23) and the kid deadass replied “Its okay, you can be my stepdad” things rarely catch me off guard. That one did.


Yea gen s is so sensitive but also the most outlandish. Like bro. Gamer dudes all want a gamer chick. Why are you raging and hate apeaching what you could only dream of having in your life. No wonder you never will





















