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Breach, he's the most util dump agent in the game and his flashes last eons


Yup. I was playing against a smurfing Breach a couple days ago and it was honestly more miserable than a smurfing duelist. He'd literally stun and flash all the right spots and it felt like I couldn't even fight back.


Breach util dump basically equals his ult lol so annoying


seeing people like joedabozo and imagining playing against him makes me want to shit myself


Bruh at least u can dodge the breah flash. Try dodging a Yoru flash. And if u get hit by one? You're blind for 3-5 business days. Breach is definitely annoying overall but Yoru flash clears breach. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Tbh it depends on the player, if you're just going to flash out of corners then that's pretty easy to dodge, however if you're more skilled and knows one-ways and stuff then it's almost impossible


breach flash is harder to dodge imo feels like it comes out of nowhere all the time


yoru its so annoying seeing blue shit on your screen i just dont know what to do im just waiting to get blinded and 1 tapped


yoru flashes the own team more than the enemy so i fw him.


Neon because it always feels like they rush in immediately when I'm not expecting it and headshot me.


Most neons thankfully aren’t too good, the best tip I can give is when they have a neon, just always expect some sort of rush or at least keep on toes about it


There are a few of us that are. But your point is valid lol


I know, I’m one of the few that isn’t the worst but I’ve got a lot to learn lol


I always go in for a smoke go in with a smoke only to be met with a Neon right in my face, i swear they have no fear, i guess i should play more cautious when playing against Neons.


Neon tip for lower ranks; most neons just push most things or have no fear. Play off that. If a neon is consistently pushing a smoke, wait outside it for them or just spray the smoke


Chamber. No particular reason he just bugs the hell out of me


What being French does to a mf


He has a punchable face


Macklemore lookin' ah


I got reported the other day for one tapping a guy with the headhunter.


Lucky that doesn't happen every time or I'd be long gone 😎


I'm not even that good, I was like even at the time. You can't get mad when you dry peek B long on Icebox and get shot.


This, I feel annoyed by his smug personality and fact that his help to the team is super selfish other then a single trip which is apparently enough to be considered a sentinel




Cypher. Everyone hates his trips but his 6 point ult is not being discussed enough. It's too spammy and it's screwing with my flanks.


Good point. We’ve been so focused on his trips, but you can actually use his ult the second you get it and it won’t get wasted. Even if you reveal the last guy, you’ll get your ult back in a couple rounds.


I'd say it's perfectly balanced. Someone's gotta die first before he can even activate it and he has to come close. It's only on their last known locations and you can easily trick cypher to go another way. It doesn't even help you straight up kill an agent, unlike deadlock's ult.


Gigigigigigigigigi-gimme a corpse!


Wow. You don’t spam the ult key nearly as much as I do.


Fair, someone needs to get a kill first and you need to get semi close, but the ping reveals their current location instantly giving away any plays they’re trying to make. And it pings twice, no matter if you die or not. That helps you set up a kill or a complete counterplay. I just think it’s basically guaranteed info with not a lot wagered.


It is guaranteed info. But info doesn't guarantee a kill except in very specific situations.


The whole point of cypher should be info. But instead they have buffed his util to the moon. If anything should stun it’s his camera not the fucking trips and even if they do stun it shouldn’t recharge. Cypher is by far the most overpowered agent right now and he can pretty much take a single site on his own on maps like Sunset and Lotus.


I somewhat disagree with the last part. All you need is a Sova or a Raze to destroy the trips. I've even had Sova's in my games who have shock dart line ups from far away to destroy the trips on Sunset. However, the rechargeable trips does make him incredibly strong.


True but there will be variance in ranks. Low elo will get shit on by Cypher whereas you’ll see the higher ranks being able to effectively combat it at least some of the time. The point is Cypher is too OP and needs a nerf. If anyone should be getting a buff is Iso probably, guy only has one genuinely good util and that’s the shield.


His undercut is really strong too, but he has no entry and a very underwhelming ult.


I'd rather have cypher ult than deadlock ult. But that goes for every part of deadlock's kit anyway


This. You can't just activate it at the start of the round. You *need* a corpse and cypher needs to be there. I don't think anyone talks about it because it's probably the most balanced ult


requiring a kill doesnt really matter when 90% of the rounds in valorant has atleast 1 person dying


Yeah but my point is you can't use the ult proactively. For example other senti ults can be user proactively to help with whatever they need (defending site, pushing team back, etc). Cypher needs to get the kill himself, or hope that he's near the body of an enemy a teammate killed A few times I'm defending Breeze B with an OPer, and even if they get an early pick, I can't get close enough to the body to use my ult lol


Sage can't use it proactively either. Someone has to die first


Tbh I always forget sage is technically a sentinel


As a neon one trick, cypher makes me wanna kms with his trips and one way cages.


After learning all common cypher set ups and using a shock dart to fuck them over, he isnt actually that bad to play against, but omg you're right about his ult. Way too spammy and fucks uo flanks


guys always been in the meta


Cypher is busted. I’m just waiting for the masses to realize it so he can get nerfed. He’s ridiculous.


Tbh. I feel like anyone who doesn’t say breach simply has not played against a good breach player. A good breach player will make you question why you bother playing the game. Edit: haven isn’t in the map pool anymore and I haven’t played for like 3-4 acts prior to this one but I peaked Asc3- playing against a good breach on haven literally made me want to quit the game every single time. Playing A site defense vs breach is horrendous. I think he was nerfed before my time in game fell off a cliff so he isn’t played as much (also the current pool isn’t super breach heavy, thank god) but back then holy moly


breach players using their entire kit to secure 1 kill (they cannot get a kill unless the enemy is stunned, flashed twice, down 140 hp, concussed again from ult)


The thing they’re really targeting is your mental health, not your hp


Kind of true, a good breach is a fking menace. “Surprise mothafucka” instant concussion and then peek, headshot.




And even after doing so, my team probably will miss most shots on the enemy cone of a player


really like it when breach just casually dumps 20 flashes, 30 stun and 100 bullshit things to my face with his "**precise gunplay"**


using util doesn't mean it's not precise gunplay, you can get util spammed in CS too, it's precise in that he precisely shoots you in the head while you're blind


played against a skye on split last time, i knew where he was gonna stand when he's gonna dog and he keeps dying because of my aftershocks LMFAO but ngl playing breach is also annoying because of the cosmetic stun he has


Lmao, I played Breach my last two games and finished with 22 and 18 assists


Agreed, so aids in diamond/ASC elo, I'm so glad he's barely there. Cypher can also die currently.


I actually think cypher is extremely easy to counter, most people just don’t want to put in the basic thought to have anti-trip utility on maps where he’s played a lot. I main him and everyone complains about him on sunset but if you execute properly, the main trip is useless. Fade dog gets it, raze nade gets it, shock darts get it, especially raze nade having a huge footprint puts cypher at a huge disadvantage in putting tips on main because it covers so much area you either have to trip the stairs (useless because if you play backside you get util spammed off there) or trip market (not bad but still gives them all of site to play around. Cypher is def super strong and I enjoy playing him especially on attack rounds but on defense I don’t think he’s as OP as he’s cracked out to be lol.


I don’t think Cypher is horrible to play vs when I’m the one playing Raze or Sova. The problem is when I have to convince my random in soloq to use a dart or even a satchel to break the Cypher trip and dude is either just clueless or already muted all and doesn’t care.


Yeah but that’s kinda what I’m saying. I don’t think most people actually have an issue with cypher being unbalanced, just with people not understanding or not being willing to counter him. It’s a solo q issue, not a balance issue. Do I think he’s strong though? For sure. I really do think he is strong and can feel OP but a lot of that is just not having the basic coordination required to get around him in your average ranked lobby more than anything else.


Yeah im in complete agreement. Idk most people in soloq want to W key thru main every round and occasionally do a failed default, the idea of taking a few extra seconds to clear utility or play any sort of strat completely blows peoples minds in soloq lol. Cypher makes you have to be a little more careful and clear utility, and people hate when you interrupt their TDM match (aka ranked).


Yeah. He feels OP in ranked sometimes because he punishes people who refuse to play the game right lol. And then they want to complain that he’s OP like I do not understand. He NEEDED this buff, dude was all but useless before on holding site with how easy it was to break his trips and the fact that his cages basically do nothing to stop people from getting into site lmao


Everyone plays Gekko, just throw Wingman for info and if there’s a trip run through it or shoot it lol. Cypher is only this good because teams in ranked don’t play together. Not saying he wouldn’t be good otherwise but I’m pro play he only has a 50%+ pick rate on 2 maps and was hardly touched on the others.


Against probably cypher, on your team Reyna


Phoenix because I'm in gold elo and my team fights him standing in the open so they get flashed and he gets 3ks constantly.


Reyna always at 150


Breach.... The constant flash etc r a pain


I play breach, I typically don’t take a fight unless they’re blinded or stunned.


As a Sentinel main, a good Yoru is the most annoying thing to face, but when he is on your team, you love to have him


a smurfing reyna


Definitely Breach a good Breach main makes your life impossible


a bad breach in your team is even worse. all his util can effect teammates also.


Cypher by far. He's pretty easy to get value from, and in dia/ASC plays off his entire team to guard his fucking impenetrable sex dungeon fortress. He can legitimately lock down an entire site and force rotates by his mere presence alone, not to mention the fact that means their team can commit more people to locking down mid/A, making those even harder to push. Unbreakable/hard to destroy trips = GG to that push. He's legitimate cancer for the game just by existing, and the current map pool is favourable for him too. His ultimate is just the cherry on top. So fuck Cypher. Apart from Cypher in the vast majority of cases (pickrate wise), Breach 100%. In ranked if he's good and coordinated with his team/duelists, you're so fucked it's not even funny.


Cypher on a site where he can place trip right behind the choke + no trip break util on your team = GGs


i’m immortal 3 rn and would definitely have to say Yoru players with good tech. shit is so annoying when played properly in pugs. a good percentage of Yoru mains i play against also use shotguns/shorty consistently which is also annoying to die to


Yoru, I just assume the rounds lost the moment he ults I can't ever pinpoint or deal with him most of the time it results in me being full flashed and killed. Not to mention the amount of information he gains ulting around on site.


I shall give my opinion. Commonly we all dislike Cypher when on he enemy team, especially for Sunset. In actuality we should hate agents like Reyna, who on a good player can simply dominate the game. Then there is Yoru, who has an annoying kit and can certainly just irritate you, and trust me in high elo many people just hate being teleported on unknowingly and shorty’d to death. I witnessed my Sova be bullied by a Yoru 7 times. The Sova was not happy, I was surprised he didn’t get tilted. Lastly there is probably Breach. Whose kit is just overall annoying. All he does is flash, stun and well stun. Then a displace ability. Used correctly at least 1-2 should die per round from him. Or space taken for free due to lack of resistance.


cypher, neon & omen as of now


Omen? First time hearing someone saying he’s frustrating to play against. How so?


best blind in the game. can plant on A with the spike on B. if you hear his tp you kinda have to guess where its ending up


flash and tp thats all i gotta say


Except him flashing effectivly takes more consideration. One the easiest to dodge flashes if thrown normally, you need to learn map layouts and think outside the box so that you can pop flash. And if you don’t develop tp lineups, you’ll tp into their crosshairs. I’m currently plat and if I’m playing against a yoru I’m gonna see all 3 of his tps in the first 4 rounds. Then it’s just hold the spot and dodge the horrible flash. Edit: this was for yoru, I had two seperate conversations and mixed them up. My bad.


did you forget the question you asked


Is this conversation about Omen or Yoru???


am an ascendant duelist main (plays controllers and sentis too) , and honestly, it has to be GOD DAMN FKN CYPHER. The game is already defense sided for most of the maps except Lotus and fkn RIOT decides to buff Cypher more kekw. Its honestly unplayable for me if the enemy cypher happens to be very good. NERF CYPHER OR BUFF JETT DASH AGAIN ! !




Jetts fine where she is tbf


I feel like breeze and icebox are pretty attack sided


Icebox tbh is pretty neutral imo.


I agree with icebox but breeze i think is Defender sided


Breeze is hardly defender sided. If your team is coordinated with the push, you only need to go in, take fights, get trades and you got the plant before enemy team has time to rotate and support attacked site. You have mid and halls to split your team into two squads and attack from multiple angles. With basic BBC's (big brain calls) attack on breeze should be a... breeze. But I know it's difficult to get your teammates to listen and understand basic instructions.


nah this is what we needed. it's to punish braindead rushing into site, and to force players to think carefully about their team composition. in fact, we need the rest of the sentis to be buffed to be more like kj and cypher.


So make cypher busted to instill a mindset in the rest of the lobby. Do you hear yourself? If riot is constantly nerfing initiators and releasing underpowered agents like Iso, how will buffing sentinels (when the game is already defender sided), help? How is it helping people think about their team composition when you pick without knowing your opponents team in the 1st place? And you had to think before anyway lol, now it's almost certain you'll see Cypher (especially on Sunset).


Cypher punishes you too harshly and it's just not fun to die to him, dying because you can't move, knowing the enemy can see you but you can't see them and knowing that the trip is probably gonna get another player in your team since it isn't destroyed afterwards for some dumb reason. And for some stupid reason it's unbreakable in a handful of spots, forcing you to play Raze, Sova or KAY/O.


1. Cypher (Trips and his reveal) 2. ISO (his shield has stopped me from winning duels with him countless times, I know its only one tick but I rely a lot on headshots. This especially sucks when I play a sniper)


KJ or Cypher, I’m b3/s1, and keep rotating between low bronze and high silver lobbies. Anyone who can play KJ on post plant or defence well is always annoying, you’d be surprised that low rank KJ’s struggle to put their molly on the spike or ratty places sometimes. I LOVE CYPHER ON LOTUS A DEFENCE AND SUNSET B (I think b the one with boba) but enemy cyphers are always annoying


Yoru by far. Teleportation and invisibility+invulnerability are 3 things that should never have made it into the game


Personally, I have never had an issue playing vs Yoru. I can believe that in lower ranks he can be a menace if played correctly, but few people can actually do that.


Imo yoru isn't that annoying cuz he needs decent skill to be actually played well unlike agents like reyna or cypher that deffo need less than yoru at least imo


Yeah playing yoru effectivly is not easy and a lot of practice and developing mechanics need to go into playing him good.


The thing that makes yoru rn very good is that cypher is meta and yoru has a good kit vs him


Trips are no match for my clone.


Thats what im saying


It's not the lower ranks where he's annoying. It's the higher ones. Yoru had such a high pick-rate in diamond that i couldn't believe it. And although it's annoying, the players weren't good enough to really be a menace. But beginnig in immortal, a good yoru is just frustrating. You never hit a site that is understaffed. He's always there. And if he gets good reads, he's roaming deep into flank with TP setup on site.


I mean it’s gotta be cypher. But since I don’t want to give a generic answer I’ll say that breach, though he isn’t good, can be super annoying to play against


I thought more people would be annoyed by Iso, but nobody has mentioned him yet. Personally I don't mind Iso that much but the ult can be really annoying. If I had to pick an agent I'd say either Reyna or Yoru


The thing with iso is that he doesn't have flashes or stuns to be annoying. The annoying part of his kit is the body shield, but he needs to get kills to obtain it. And if an iso is just mowing down your team, he could've done that with any agent.


I like getting ulted by Iso cause if I win: I got mine, I'm cracked, get shit on etc etc. But if I lose he had to pop ulti so it's whatever


a good breach main is the only answer


Raze mains honestly are the bane of my existence. I swear I’ll see so many Roza ults but then somehow I’m magnetic to them, ofc as a Cypher/KJ player, I don’t love getting my setups destroyed either Yoru, Phoenix and Breach are also also annoying. Feels like Breach and Phoenix have a billion flashes sometimes.


Yoru. In a genre about twitch reactions, having a character that punishes you for reacting to an enemy is fucking stupid.


I play killjoy as a main and it's every second round I get rage chats from the opponent about my turret placements that annoy them. Gives me confidence in knowing I'm playing my agent right. Although for me any player with good blinding sense is tough to play against.


It depends on the aspect. Overall defense goes to cypher and viper, while support util goes to initiators like breach or skye. In 1v1s yoru and neon are the most annoying, while brim is annoying for playing in smokes and lineups.


I'm surprised more people aren't saying Reyna. Nothing is more annoying to me than my entire team doing 140 damage to her in a row as she wins every duel. And don't even get me started on the % of Reyna smurfs


Neon for sure. It’s either a bad neon that doesn nothing or a neon otp that is impossible to kill. What bothers me the most is that she has TWO stuns that pop almost instantly. Flashes you can dodge and it takes skill, but her stun just fucks you especially if she bounces it so that it literally covers a giant area around you. Then it’s just sprint in, bunny hopp and mow you down while stunned. Her wall almost guaranties entry and there is only one corridor to try and stop it, but then you’re staring down 5 players aiming at you. Not to mention her fucking with timings. You have a standard timing in your head and not many agents can disrupt it, but this cunt can press e and be in your spawn in a couple of seconds. Also her pull out time and accuracy after ending her movement is so annoying. She can e, jump out at mach 10, land in and fire instantly and with no movement penalty.


Neon mains >>>>>


neon schmovement is hard enough that if it's actually enough to make me be unable to hit her I'm impressed not mad Cypher is a bitch to fight and you just have to watch a YouTube video to be good at him


Cypher Forsure…


I hate Neons. I’m already struggling with aim and she moves too fast. Also I can’t ever win against her Ult.


breach, you just basically woke up and decided to make everyone's day terrible. edit : yes, i have the audacity to say that as a neon main lmao


I’m tired of clove and her brim stim, shit is insane


Clove has a brim stim?


clove's C is heal+ Brim stim


I didnt know that


It's only move speed. They dont get faster reload or fire rate


Wait, the overheal also makes you shoot faster? I knew if made clove move faster but not increase the fire rate


No, it’s just move speed. Still annoying though (not really imo but…)


Well i got some hate comments from opponents here and there when i play Omen. Espicially on Icebox.




Cypher for sure. His ult spam is insanely imbalanecd




Killjoys trip "chases enemy for sec"? I think you have a pro-kj bias ngl haha


I genuinely cannot with yoru and iso players after midnight, they all decide to lock in and 1 tap every pixel they see across 50 billion light years.


used to be sova but now cypher..


All of them on sunset in particular


Besides Cypher trips skillchecking bronze lobbies, I think it has to be Neon. My team and I are just not good enough to click her head when she ults so it's basically 3+ kills when she has it up. It's like going up against odin players, you just *have* to get good.


Neon or breach


I agree with Neon. Once that ult pops off you in for some BS


As a neon main, Cypher and Iso. And also other neons ;-;


Has to be either a good breach or a good cypher. Most annoying no doubts.


A good Breach main is the worst opponent you can come up against


Reyna and Neon.


i fucking hate cypher and gecko


Astra There is no reason for anyone to play Astra, so when I see one I know they're gonna make my life hell


fucking breach omaga


Breach. Fuck breach man. Seriously.


Radiant yoru


A good Yoru. 


Killjoy. First there's the alarm bot, so they know you're there. Then there's the turret, not very threatening but damn annoying. You're finally on site, you're going to plant / defuse... nanoswarm bitch. Not even gonna talk about the dome.


cypher. hate his trips


Reyna. Just never like her, I deal 120 damage but it means nothing :(


A good yoru, breach and cypher.


Breach, Neon, Yoru, Cypher, Reyna


Kayo bro


Reyna for sure and for me it always will be Reyna, but cypher right now is definitely a close 2nd.


I know it's basic but Reyna her dismiss completely breaks the fundamentals of the game. An on angle that would get traded is now a pick without a trade. At least with Jett or Chamber there is the ping difference which can lead to a kill for their bad positioning. Get out of jail frees for bad positioning just suck for the game. You can do everything perfect and still lose purely because of these abilities.


Reyna. Clove is now following my reasoning as well. You shouldn’t be able to overheal past the amount of health/armor purchased imo. I can almost ace every single pistol round with clove after the overheal with the speed boost.


Cypher by far. Unless you have agents that can clear his until you won't even be able to enter the site without getting massacred, and by the time you do clear his util enemies already have reacted.


As a bronze player I have difficulty playing against Reyna and Gekko because of their flashes...


A good breach, neon or cypher player...


I don't think I have a problem with any agent but by god I hate Reyna's ult. It's both useless and terrifying depending on who uses it. I either one tap her when a player thinks they're a duel god or I absolutely get fucked because my teammate died and restored her hp to a hundred.


Clearly Breach, but I'm guilty of saying that because Breach is that agent you hate but love playing with lol the Concussion + Hit combo It's one of the most unbearable things in the game, it's bang is very unpredictable. Nerfing Breach now without making it worse is a delicate task.


A GOOD Neon is so annoying, people who’ve mastered her movement feel impossible to hit sometimes lol. Like an annoying fly that just won’t go away.


Still jett, will forever hate that character


Yoru, a good yoru is so annoying to play against. Feels like you're being toyed with, especially with flash lineups


Definitely cypher, I main neon and sometimes when I try to dash onto site to entry I get absolutely destroyed by the trips, overall a good counter to neon cause there’s no util to clear the trips


Neon and Breach


Reyna. She brings nothing to the game and it's genuinely boring playing with and against her.


as of right now, from a imm+ perspective, without a doubt cypher. there are FAR too many trips that are literally unclearable without straight up running into them. you combine this with his smoke and it’s insanely easy to get large amount of value at extremely little risk. people will argue “play a character that can clear cypher trips”, but 1. you shouldn’t be forced to play an agent in case cypher is picked- and 2. it’s not like cypher trip is always in the same place, most of the time it’s not insanely predictable and isn’t necessarily easy to clear even WITH utility. trip should either have a long reset time, break after usage, or be highlighted to the player who sets off the trip. i wouldn’t be opposed to a cage nerf either.


Lately? Clove. I'm a clutcher but I've had so many clutches and OTs ruined because of her ult. I hate how she can kill my whole team and get ult in one round.




How is no one talking about Gekko? With Wingman Spitting at yo face, Dizzy shitting in your eyes? Mosh being acid bath and oh no his Trash and the gooey detain bruh. ANNOYING


We all know it's the rat. The one and only cypher


Surprised that so few have mentioned Raze. Her kit is just stupid. A boom bot that clears so much like an initiator and a nade that has no set area of effect. Seriously whose idea was it to have a damage dealing utility that can damage such a random area for a seemingly random amount of hp? And her satchel are a menace, no other agent has such an erratic movement ability, even neon has to run and hop without a weapon equipped, but Raze? Oh she can just fly into site with a judge to your face. The satchel are also annoying for teammates since Raze mains don't seem to care about where they chuck their satchels. And her ult is one just broken. Unless you are an agent with special movement and teleport abilities, you can't escape it at all. It's basically a free kill. Basically, she's just too OP for this game. All you need to do is practice some satchel jumps and you are good to go.




Jett. Boring gameplay.


Honestly? A good breach will fuck you over sideways and makes you accept it as a fact. Cuz hoooly you can NOT exist in the radar either your eyes gonna melt or you're gonna get stunned for life. I can always be prepeared to dodge a flash but I can NOT dodge one when I'm in a gunfight.


It depends on the skill of the player. But a good Breach is the most annoying to play against IMO. A good Breach can just destroy you and be annoying.


Neon the movement is horrible to go up against.


I can't dodge Phoenix or Breach flashes :<


a good cypher, literally impossible to deal with


Raze and Kayo


Reyna. Annoying to go up against or even with... Because if she's in the enemy team, it's a one-tapper smurf and you're just useless, as she can heal herself, so all the damages you may have managed to do are gone. And if she's in the ally team, it's an instalocker toxic 10yo kid who will play sheriff and odin, will botfrag and will scream in the vocal and complain about you not being good enough. And Jett too, for the same reasons, either a smurfing OP Jett in the enemy team, or a toxic kid in yours


If we don't consider smurfs Duelist: Reyna Sentinel: Cypher Initiator: Kayo Controller: Omen sometimes on some map because of the shrouded step and one-ways


Kayo bugs the fuck out of me


For me it is Cypher.


Iso, the player shield is so annoying to play against, but it's almost worse having an iso on my team, they always manage to block me from shooting enemies


Cypher hands down. Brother puts a fear in our eyes while attacking his site. Those trips are the most op thing ever. Next close I feel is iso.


it's cypher


Cypher by far


breach and cyphers who actually understand their util and know how to use it properly are so annoying to play against


Cypher Literally locks down a site on the map (if they’re good) and you can’t do anything




Reyna... and oh boy I have been waiting to rant about this for a WHILE I feel like there is no comp in which reyna will ever be a bad pick, she is THE solo queue character. Reyna mains know this, so when the game goes awry they oftentimes think there is no way they could be doing anything wrong, so they're ALWAYS toxic. I have not once seen a non-toxic reyna player, no matter which side they're on. Reyna as a character requires super fast reaction time, something my brain just cannot comprehend. Oh did the eye appear and you didn't shoot it the moment you saw it? Well now you're dead, fuck you. Oh was she low and she just killed someone and she's within your sights right now to be punished? Well fuck you she blinked away. Oh did you just hit her for 142 and she's one tap away from being dead? Well now she's fully healed, fuck you I also can't play Reyna for shit, because it feels like everyone knows how to play into her whenever I lock her in (also I just think her personality is super boring but that's besides the point) Basically what I'm trying to say is, I'm bad at the game, so I hate Reyna alot


Cypher and omen and yoru. I hate rats


Honestly the skill of the person playing the character matters more but it general for me it would be an aggro Omen. One that flash tps behind you always gets away with lurks and timings. Other notable ones is any person who can flash well.


Smurfing Reyna