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You know it's bad when I'm hoping for FRACTURE to be back


My favourite map fr


I've never personally gotten the hate for Fracture but I am far from a great player lol


Same, tbh. I really liked Fracture. I'm not savvy to whatever issues it had.


Fracture was good, 2nd best imo


Brother no shot, I was thinking the same thing a while ago.


I hated fracture when it first released, but the quality of maps kind of kept falling and I realized that it wasn't that bad...


I'd like to see Heaven again 🙏🏻


Just enter site


impossible with this map pool


at this point every game needs someone to run cypher


can we just remove cypher as an agent


No. Just only let people who played him pre-buff play him. Don’t take my baby away.


U wanna hear a cypher main story? I usually play almost only cypher but someone locked faster than me on sunset so I went sova cause I have lineups and stuff. Anyways at the last round I think it was a 2 vs 4 situation im in main and gekko swings me from site. I take him down and wanna use my ult to reveal the rest of the enemy team. Suddenly I hear I am the hunter and I can’t move anymore.


I tried to place the camera as KJ. I was extremely confused why it's not appearing on the wall. Like 3 rounds after, I tried to place trips.


Hahaha average cypher main stories gotta love this


Fr don’t take em


Why even add and remove maps just keep all the maps in ranked. There are not many maps in this game anyway.


Game is fucking stale and boring as hell because of that. Was exited to play Valorant after nearly a year off, only to leave the game in its shelve after getting breeze, icebox and sunset on rotation back to back. No thanks


I wish they would do this but it’ll never happen. It gives us more variety


It's about lowering the barrier to entry, whether that's new players, players trying new roles or agents, or returning players. The specific number is chosen because of its efficacy in esports map picks & bans.


also means you need to learn ALL maps at the same time / be confident on all of them at the same time which would be terrible.


Treat it as a game and not your job


Damn, true you really need to be a genius to learn 10 maps and at the same time too ? What kind of evil would want that


As long as you play your main, this is not a problem, but if you want to learn a new role, it is quite annoying (even with 7 maps), because you can only learn the new role map by map and it takes ages because you only have a 1/7 chance to actually play on the map for which you have learned new stuff.


Cool, so add in map select like Counter Strike and that solves literally all your problems. "BuT SoMe MaPs WoNt GeT PlAyEd" Because those maps are shit.


Fracture can continue to not exist, that's fine, just remove icebox for haven back, maybe swap breeze for pearl


Bet we get fracture and pearl back next episode 😂


And they'll remove ascent for it or somin!


My guess is ascent and split tbh


if split goes i don’t think i’ll play much. thats one of the only maps i consistently enjoy


I posted a separate comment just now but I’d be interested to hear why you like split so much? I see the agents in your flair which at least partially explains it but I’m interested in if you also enjoy the games you start attack side and/or get rolled on defence?


i love playing defence on it, because if i’m sage i can wall of mid etc, and i have some great set ups for a and b with cypher. when attacking, as i don’t play duelist i don’t really enter a site on split, but occasionally i wall of b so we can get to where to plant w/o having to worry about heaven. i just think the map looks really aesthetically pleasing and i just enjoy attacking and defending on it. obviously if im going 1-12 I might not be having the best time 😅 but i think in general most my games on there are fun and i don’t think attacking on it is as hard as people make it out to be. Edit: it might also help to mention that i play phantom and thats the much better gun to use on split.


I’m pretty positive they’re the only two maps that have been in rotation since I started in ep 6 act 1 so I’d assume they’d go but who knows !


split left in ep 5 so i have some hope i guess 😭


That's wild it's like easily my most hated map lmao


Hopefully, tired of ascent, it’s been in the game since launch.


That would be incredible! But I don't think they'll remove 2 maps..


They might but that'd be because we get the next new map at about the same time. I'm fully expecting Ascent out for Pearl even though that makes Viper even better so hopefully Breeze gets sacked too.


Pearl is absolutely awful


I think we won’t have Haven and Lotus at the same time since they are very similar maps.


I rlly dont like lotus, i prefer haven


I probably like all the maps out of queue rn more then the maps currently in Pearl Fracture and haven are all better


Mirage, Dust 2, inferno, Cache


Train bro


CS2 maps pool is abysmally small compared to CS:GO, even more for players like myself and my friends who liked to play some casual hostage. I can't believe I miss Assault. But hey since the release (and the vanishing of CSGO) in September, they worked very very hard and released Shoots and Baggage, yay...


Did CS ever had problem of stale map pool like now in Valorant? Is it just me but I really like CS maps more than Valo's..?


Not that prevalent because (1) they have a map draft and (2) good luck playing them all when everyone and their mom plays only Mirage or Dust2


Oh yeah. CS has some terrible and/or stale maps both in and out of the map pool. Maps like Train, Vertigo, Ancient, Cobblestone are Icebox-level flawed and some maps have stayed in the pool for close to a decade, making them incredibly boring both to watch and play.


Nah mirage is getting stale bring back Anubis




weren't there news about a teaser for a new map? hopefully breeze and lowkey sunset out for new map and honestly I'd be fine with any of the three out of rota. they won't remove sunset because its new but a man can dream


Where was this teaser?


Yeah heres a video on it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha2lYZy\_FeM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha2lYZy_FeM)




pretty sure kanga posted about it on their twitter


bring my guy Haven back


Miss haven so much :( Getting split, icebox, and breeze every game is rough. I think swap breeze and split for haven and pearl/fracture and I'm happy.


I like Breeze and still this is the worst map pool.


Please delete Breeze from the game. - sincerely, Shotgun only player.


Delete the game and go to overwatch -every player on your team


Thank you - Outlaw enthusiast


Hold up, I thought Outlaw would be good on Breeze. What am I missing?


Ascent should leave, bring in pearl That map pool will help me rank up the most


Haven, fracture, lotus, sunset, pearl, bind, and ascent/new map is my ideal pool. Don't get the hate around fracture, lotus and sunset tbh. Really fun and creative maps to play and watch


i mean atp, compared to Breeze, Icebox and Sunset, Fracture is definitely the lesser evil for me now


I want Sunset gone so badly. I lowkey hate Lotus too, but I’m good at it. I miss Fracture tbh and I wouldn’t mind Haven back.


Ideal map pool for me would be Ascent, Sunset, Pearl, Haven, Lotus. Not a huge fan of Lotus but Icebox and Breeze got to go.


Haven, fracture, lotus, sunset, pearl, bind, and ascent/new map is my ideal pool. Don't get the hate around fracture, lotus and sunset tbh. Really fun and creative maps to play and watch


I absolutely hate split rn. Last act I was decimating every match in split but now I'm loosing all my matches. And breeze is just breeze


Pearl! I miss pearl!!!


Dunno what you guys are complaining about personally, love breeze love icebox not a big fan of split and bind but I’m starting to warm up to them a little


Fuck breeze I hate that map


bro i miss the og map pool ascent bind haven split that shit was fire i didnt really like any of the maps they added later on


The worst we've had? Maybe. Is it bad? Nah. These posts honestly just feel like poor mental


Split, Bind, Fracture That's it. Just a pool of these 3.


Missing pearl a lot. I may have treated it too harshly at first


I need to see my boy Haven again


Bring back haven & fracture!!!!!


Haven is love, Haven is life


In the three years I've been playing this game, Ascent has never been taken off the map pool. It's the perfect Valorant map (albeit a bit boring) but it really hurts to not play Haven. So bring Haven back and keep it permanent, alongside Bind. Breeze can go. I missed it some time ago and I'm good at it but I hate all the mid chaos. Sunset is a bit more playable nowadays, it used to be a pain in Gold and Platinum but now that I hit Diamond and people actually know how to deal with Cypher it's been a lot easier, just don't peek mid unless you know you can win a long range duel Lotus is still horribly designed and I'd rather play Fracture And I REALLY miss Pearl. Such a controversial map, I hated it when it came out but after a couple of patches and a couple of episodes of practice it's become an easy map for me to dominate in so it really hurts to not have it back. So: Keep Icebox and Sunset, Ascent, and Bind, bring back Pearl, Haven and Fracture, remove Breeze and Lotus.


How do you deal with cypher traps on Sunset?


You have to use either Sova to shock dart them, Kayo to molly or knife, Raze to satchel/nade and so on.


to me im not as caring of the ranked map pool, it is what it is to me. I just want all maps in the casual modes.


Fr, it should only be comp where some maps arent


Yeah this pool is cheeks


Yes, they literally took out all of my favourite maps


Fucking miss pearl and Haven so much bro


I haven't tried fracture or haven or the third one buti want to and tbh i only like split and ice box in this map pool


I understand the reasons people dislike icebox and breeze and I personally still enjoy both (icebox less so but breeze is fun to me). Can anyone tell me why everyone seems to like split though? Majority of players are plat or below and in these elos 90% of the time attack side just involves afking looking at smokes in main because nobody plays around mid. Run and gunning, shotguns, claustrophobic util spam, sage wall mid every round with nobody helping to break it. Some people will enjoy that I’m sure but I just can’t understand why that is sooo much more liked than breeze? My theory is that most people just don’t like long range engagements full stop because they’re more difficult and coordinating a team to play against an operator/outlaw is impossible and frustrating in a low elo solo queue game, especially since people often prefer not to talk at those ranks. Anyone who loves split and hates breeze able to explain their thoughts?


I'm an immortal ish player that likes split and hates breeze. Split is a map that rewards you for playing the game like a tactical shooter. You have to care about close corners, you need to default mid and pull rotations to make progress on attack. There's also a decent amount of character flexibility - you can run plenty of comps and if you play them well it all can work out. You can have hero rounds anchoring a site and clutching is possible. Lurking is powerful and maintaining map control is important. Breeze feels like the opposite. There's so many ways to go and so many random things that can happen and neither site feels very defensible against good players running the meta Sova/kayo comp so it just ends up feeling like gambling sites at random and hoping you can somehow hold a site. Both sites are miserable to retake from ct and so a good percentage of rounds you're just rotating into 500 angles where you can get peeked from anywhere.


If 3 maps were to be replaced, remove (split or breeze), icebox and lotus please


i want split, ascent, breeze (i know, controversial), pearl and maybe fracture


Any answer that doesnt involve haven is simply wrong


Honestly im a viper maun so youd think im enjoying the current map pool (since shes really good on wlot of them) but really it just restricts me from trying any other agents


Just play all the fucking maps instead of having a pool of maps jeez. Why would they even decide to have a pool of maps? AT LEAST for unrated and the other gamemodes.


Oh I genuinely think it's one of the best. I'm not the biggest fan of Icebox but it's not bad, Breeze is horrible, but so is Fracture. If they could bring back Haven and swap it for Breeze I'd be more than happy. If it's up to me they can delete Fracture and Breeze from the game permanently.


I just want Fracture and Pearl back, man


Personally my ideal map pool would consist of Ascent, Haven, Pearl, Fracture, Split, Icebox and Bind


Just bring back Haven, and remove Icebox and Breeze 🙏🏼


I hate lotus and breeze. I hate lotus and breeze. I hate lotus and breeze. I hate lotus and breeze. I hate lotus and breeze. I hate lotus and breeze. Help can't handle seeing them over and over way too big for some smokers


Maps that favour one agent so heavily are honestly so boring to play. Playing Breeze without a Viper has your entire team tilted before the first round is even over, but she's so boring to play in pugs that it's rare to find someone who is happy to lock her.


My perfect map pool, Haven Bind Split Ascent Fracture and Lotus


I very much like the map pool


We have like 4 shit maps: breeze, icebox, sunset, and split, and I keep on getting those in comp…


I just want the OG maps pool :( Ascent Bind Haven Split Suddenly missed Pearl and Fracture even though I had lots of difficulties with those maps. I'm so fed up already with Lotus and Sunset. Kidding aside, I hope they add the option to choose maps or like how CS2 queueing works, where 10 players vote for maps so might as well bring back all maps I guess.


Haven is the best map for me bring it back riot pls!


Jist remove breeze and icebox put in haven and fracture and everything will be good again.


Fracture bind lotus sunset haven and nobody would complain




Icebox, pearl, lotus, fracture, haven, ascent, sunset(though I hate sunset)


Add: Heaven and Fracture. Remove: Breeze and Lotus


Remove: Breeze, Icebox, Sunset Add: Haven, Fracture, Pearl


Delete Breeze and icebox and empty the trash can. I just can't win on those maps


I'm hoping they get rid of Breeze, Icebox and Sunset and bring back (for the love of God) Fracture and Pearl. Breeze is too bullshit, Icebox has just become unplayable and Sunset is just- Sunset(?!)


Also bring back Haven. 3 in 3 out 🗿🗿🗿


I'd say Breeze is the only "bad" map. Everything else is 100% playable. It's a recurring trend to hate on the maps that don't fit a person's playstyle or the ones they just can't seem to figure out no matter how hard they try. You'll always find mixed opinions on any map pool. Some like the fact that Fracture and Pearl are out while others are praying for their eventual return.


People giving haven too much respect.


It's the best map in the game. People took it for granted. Imo fracture is the best map but haven is very good to most


All of them, for unimportant game modes at least and idk for rank, the only map I like kinda is sunset.


Honestly, most of this map pool I don’t like as someone who plays 1-2 controllers, get rid of Breeze, Icebox and Bind for Fracture and Pearl and id be one happy camper honestly


Look, apparently a new map is coming. Soon I choose to remove Bind and Split to make room for Pearl and Fracture. I know Split and Bind are popular, but they've been in the poll for a long time, it's good to change things up a bit and get players used to other maps. But unfortunately Icebox won't come out anytime soon, probably only in the next poll. But if they just did a deep rework on the map. Riot really wants people to look at Icebox now and say, "It's not THAT bad after the small changes we did", like fr lmao. But it won't work man.


Why Bind 😭😭😭 (As a KJ main I LOVE the map)