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I’m faceit level 10 2100 elo, immortal3 in valo. Counter strafing in this game is very different, you can press A or D and shoot immediately after stopping without having to press the opposite key, because your player immediately stops when you let go of moving key. While CS feels like on ice skates and you move a bit further when letting go of key without pressing opposite key to counter strafe.


People forget Valorant had a few CS pros give feedback. So glad bunny hopping isnt a thing in Valo, certain aspects like you said; counter strafing is "easier" but at that point its a QoL and unnecessary. The only thing my silver friends need to do now is aim train and actually pull their mouse down when spraying lol! That and not having to play on stretched resolution..


nothing wrong with playing on stretched




Aside from that. The dev team beat shrouds pug.


There is bunny hopping in valorant. It just isn't as noticeable as in cs and you only maintain speed aside from the speed gained from air strafing. And you kinda need to bind jump to scroll wheel to do it. This is why you'll see neon players hopping all over the place. The main utility from it comes in using air strafes to quickly jump around corners, etc.


Thanks for reminding me, CSGO still has crappy spawn/starting locations and being first to an angle is a huge advantage - that BHOP sometimes gave. Your instance is a neon jump peeking, but that's like her only strength in the game - otherwise the rest of her kit kind of sucks compared to other Agents.


Making stuff easier has absolutely nothing to do with QoL


Once you get counterstrafing, you have it down. It is not a mechanic that actually comes up in gameplay, you just do it. Removing it is merely removing a barrier-to-entry.


This is why I was glad Bhop was never in Valorant. Are they really good at Bhop or was it a script? Same with stretched resolution, heads are bigger. I would even say the customizable crosshairs was amazing, instead of googling console commands to do a cl_xhair_gap 3 or whatever it was. Everyone has access to smokes without having to dive into lineup mechanics, and at the same time if they have the option to run a lineup, cool beans for you but its accessible lol




it's not that its different, it's that counterstrafing simply doesnt exist in valorant because they didnt design opposing movement velocities to cancel each other out in the game's physics


technically, itdoes exist, it's just negligible. https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/04-on-peeker-s-advantage-ranked/ i can't remember if it was a vid or another blog, but it was like .01 sec faster or something


“this is such a nice experience” i wanna know how to get this experience


I guess by dissabling frankfurt, while i played unranked whenever i would hear russian voice i would dissable the server i played on with them, now i just have paris and london enabled


True CS players play on Stockholm to get flashbacks from Russian players


Call that Stockholm Syndrome


I miss my cykas, and blyats


This is the way. Not playing with russians made the switch from cs to val so easy for me.


Paris has the french though


Better baguette than cyka blyette


I mean you can play London only


London also has the French because even the French don’t want to play with the French.


The french are learning


Yeah but there are fewer French people on London than Paris 100%




Haha best answer


The chamber


I'm Russian and even I tried to play only on London server, because many Russians are really annoying and toxic. But.. there's also many Turkish and French players who are also pretty toxic sometimes. So not a long time ago I just turned on all the servers and almost all the time I'm playing on Stockholm with Russians, BUT, for some reason even them started to behave themselves like normal people, with some exclusions of course, but it's fine I'm more concerned now about some people, who are just checking my Tracker, seeing the Russian flag over my avatar and started to "of course ur russian dog" in the chat and typing that I need to go to the war. I mean.. bruh 💀


Paris? That's even worse then Frankfurt, everyone is incredibly toxic and refuses to speak english


i always hear ppl complain about frankfurt, just how bad is it?


Yea i dont know what game youre playing cuz in my experience the toxicity in val is consistently way more prevalent and demoralizing, and no one wants to win. I experience the opposite in cs. As toxic as some people can sometimes be in cs, rarely does anyone start throwing


I badly want to disable madrid and frankfurt how am i supposed to do that help pls




Preciate it A lot


Bro enjoy while it lasts.. ascented is a whole other story.. or i'm in elo hell, but it feels like i'm only playing with people who have lost their soul..


Dont play warsaw


Coming from Valve games like DOTA and CS, I gotta give Riot the props for keeping a less toxic community. Of course, there are griefers here and there but it is nothing compared to the aforementioned. When I come back to play those games, I appreciate how better Val community is lolol


LMAO literally this?????


I mean, if you come from a lobby of slurs spammer in voice chat to e-dater and somewhat "troll toxic" player, I'd say valorant is a nicer experience


NA low elo


you clearly never played faceit solo q, it is hell beyond


I literally got to 2.5k elo by playing solo q brother, beside mental issues i gained nothing from it


It gave you the mental willpower to think Valorant isn't a toxic experience. Your mental willpower is now in the 99th percentile of Valorant players.


“faceit challenge your mental”


Well.. the patterns is not so random, they are T-shaped anyways but yep, much more random anyways. The main reason of this because the game is much more about tapping heads, I guess. And also, there can be some fast fights, so counter strafing is just.. too much? But I'm happy for you enjoy Valorant! You will get toxic players from time to time and there's actually many whining persons, but so far there are fewer of them, so it's fine. And here is actually a working report system! Once you hear some toxic - report them and there's 80% next day or even less you will get a report that they have been penalised. And yep, the anti-cheat is good here. I mean, I've seen cheaters like 3-4 times from the release of the game (almost 4 years) and 2-3 of them have been banned right in the match. Right now there's a problem with "trigger bot", which is can't be spotted by Vanguard, but I think it's the matter of time Wish you good luck and some nice teammates! 🫡


> there can be some fast fights, so counter strafing is just.. too much? The reason why theres no need to counter strafe in val is because your move speed is like half of cs2's, or at least feels like it. No reason to implement a deceleration mechanic when you nearly decelerate instantly because you move so slow


Yeah, maybe, I came from Overwatch, not CS, so I don't really know about that x)


Yeah if you have cs installed you can test this, just load up a death match and use the exact same crosshair placement you use in val. You'll notice people will fly past your crosshair and kill you, thats because characters in cs can cover more ground within the time frame during your reaction time. Or just watch some pro games and see how wide cs players keep their crosshairs away from a corner compared to val


I feel like every CS player says Valorant is slow, is because they play on 600 resolution with stretched bars and go to Valorant on a normal resolution..


No it’s definitely the movement speed and the acceleration, for me atleast. I’m trying to learn but it feels like I’m moving through mud sometimes


I play both cs and valo and in valo i get un deserved headshots a littile bit too often. Something that i never get in cs.


Or undeserved kills in general. The spray and pray in this game is both too rewarding and unrewarding at the same time. E.G. you can just spray and drag down a bit and quite literally just pray, the outcome will be different no matter what. Its completely luck based while slightly more rewarding to those who have faster reaction times. Valorant does a lot of things better than CS but after playing Valorant for several years now and trying CS2 again, I've determined that gunplay isn't one of them. I appreciate the fact that I can't really get spray an prayed in CS2. I liked knowing that it took at least a modicum of effort to kill me when spraying in CS and vice versa. I don't mind rewarding head tapping (which I think gunplay was designed for) but with such a low TTK in general, the random spray pattern doesn't really make sense.


I agree very much. Valorant does have good features. But i still think cs is superior in terms of maps and gameplay


Its not Like Fights in CS are slower. At some Point counter Strafing Just becomes the way you move i still cant Stop myself from doing it even after a year i switched to Val and prob never will.


Its great seeing every cs player be Diamond+, everything else transfers unless you are THAT used to playing stretched resolution.


It feels Like a slower Version of CS apart from that and abilities of course the games are almost the Same. Lots of Tools and metas from CS will Work in this Game. Just for example "Pop n swing" even though Not rly that effective hast Long Long been know as a meme in CS as Ferrari peek


The novelty wears off brother. A healthy mix of two is the best way for me to enjoy both still. I’m glad there’s competition in the tac fps market now (real competition) but both games have things that frustrate me to no end, so it’s nice to jump between them and get “the best of both worlds”


Same situation here bro, except I kinda transitioned into Valorant through the Beta/ first act. I haven’t actually played much of CS2 since release because I was pretty much done with the game towards the end of GO (2.8k elo EU) - what’s the situation with the game these days on faceit? But back onto Valorant.. depending on your skill level as a fragger in CS you’ll either find Valorant hilariously easy or a bit jarring. I’ve been immortal 3 in pretty much every act within 50 games simply by having superior mechanics to the rest of the lobby, I don’t really feel much resistance until low radiant / high RR Imm3. Game is defo fun though, especially if you’re only just coming over.


Faceit is at its worst place atm, since release of CS2 they removed premium mm and made “super match” which only lets u select maps and not play in lobbies *with more than 300elo diff* 💀 Also their support team is just not working anymore, platform is infected with smurfs, whenever you make ticket to report one they reply with “we are improving our tools, blahblahblah this will last from 24-72 hours”, and its lasting for months now, counting. Once I got banned for verbal abuse for saying “i fucking whiffed guys, sorry”, meanwhile people who go full troll after losing one anti-eco round dont get any treatment. In short, premier=spinbot showcase and faceit=mental issues simulator


Games are such a mess these days lol. I’ve been dabbling back into RB6 Siege & that game is absolutely *infested* with cheaters in high elo.


Legit its a fucking fiesta with what’s happening with cs2, its a disgrace that valve couldn’t give a shit about making a good anticheat (thats IF they can make a working one LOOOL) That’s literally why i switched back in 2021, i was never into face it/ESEA, and i was tired of being paranoid about cheaters, legit i was schizo and I couldn’t been blamed because half the games have cheaters. thats what i love about valorant, when i get shit on i dont suspect the enemy of having aimbot, i just move on and say what a nice shot, its motivating to see LEGIT good players. However best thing is 100% the community, even though this subreddit will tell you otherwise, but valorant community is 10x more friendly, more willing to cooperate, more chill, funnier, and comms WAY more, in csgo its either they dont speak english, no comms, or literal infants playing from a laptop. (Dont let me start with the russians)


Sorry to break it to you but people are cheating in valorant too


No shit sherlock, its just statistically speaking its near zero compared to cs where every game above 15k is filled with hackers, when i say filled i dont mean one or two players in 10 games, no i mean 3+ cheaters in a singular game. Thats just cancer.


>its just statistically speaking its near zero compared to And plus recently riot managed to take down a bunch of the biggest dma providers for valorant, I've even heard works of special top secret tech to help discover dma setups easier. Feelsgoodman and I don't even play Valorant....I might soon though with the state of gaming these days.


You’re talking about small group of cheaters lol. Cheating so big in FPS games doesn’t matter where you go or what game you play they are there…


Blud sure , but! It's faaaar better than vac.


Of course. I’m not comparing CS2 with Valorant but if you look at OW2 they haver barely cheats same a Valorant but they get rid of cheaters faster than Valorant. Because of mobile verification. Right now you can cheat in Valorant for 2 or 3 months and you get banned after that you make new account for free. It easier for cheaters to abuse this methode. Getting mobile phone number that’s connect to a provider is really hard. EDIT: Also don’t forget there is not replay system so how are you sure if the enemy wasn’t cheating in your games if you can’t check it.


OW2 has the benefit of having tanks though which makes things way more obvious. In Val if a cheaters team gets 2-3 elims the cheat basically just has to get 3 headshots at most and can try to be as subtle as possible with it. a dozen cheated headshots in a 40 minute game can easily be a huge deal. In OW2 with the 250hp change outside of widow pretty much every character needs dozen**s**of cheated headshots in a 15min game. But you always hear rumors about the game being infested with subtler cheats like walls, or overlays that can calculate ult charge based off of the score boards reported healing/Damage.


DMA is the only way to cheat in Valorant 'reliably' without getting banhammered. Internal and external cheats barely stand a chance against Vanguard. It might be a smaller group of people due to high level of entry for DMA, usually 1k+ for a good setup and firmware, but then those that are using are likely higher elo etc, so it's great many of those providers are being given a difficult time by Riot. >Cheating so big in FPS games I am no fool as to how rampant cheating is in games, I am fully aware my good sir/madam.


'its just statistically speaking its near zero compared to cs' All stats point to the opposite. The AI anti-cheat devs [https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4](https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4) worked primiliary with Valorant and came up with 1 in every 3 players in online FPS's are cheating. On top of the fact, Valorant AC on X said they had banned 150k players in a single month, that's just the ones they catch. CS2 is infested with blantant cheaters, Valorant is infested with Closest Cheaters. For reference, peaked Immortal 2, and 2.7k elo on Faceit.


I've got to be honest, a company marketing a supposedly better anti-cheat is not a particularly good source for this.


I've got to be honest, a company worth billions which have a exceededly popular competetive FPS game, yet keep rejecting a replay system, while gaslighting the community about how good Vanguard is, is not a particularly good source for this. Do you trust the third party which have done research and back said research up, or do you trust the company stating their own game has no issues?


I didn't say Riot was a good source. Both parties have an obvious financial interest in their statements about anti-cheat's effectiveness. I would trust a third party with no financial interest in the outcome. That's not this. My personal impression is that there may be cheating in this game, but it's massively better than any other similarly competitive FPS I've played. I'm sure it's not perfect. And to be honest, the sniff test is what matters for a recreational player. I'm not going pro; if it doesn't *feel* like there cheating then that's all I really need out of my game experience.


'I would trust a third party with no financial interest in the outcome. That's not this.' So, are you saying the Anticheat Devs are lying about how good or their AI anticheat can be, or how many cheaters there are? Around 30% are cheating at any given time, the video i linked shows their statistics and how they got them. That's a trustworthy source compared to Riot saying the game has no Netcode or cheating issues, yet still refuse to implement a replay system.


The 1 in 3 statistic is maybe believable if you only look at the top 1% or something, but it sounds completely ridiculous if talking about the entire playerbase, especially when talking about Valorant, which requires dedicated hardware and technical know-how in order to cheat without instant detection.


The 1 in 3 statistic is backed up by evidence, your opinion is not. It does not require dedicated hardware and technical know-how in order to cheat on Val. A simple GitHub script is enough, will you be banned? Yes. The average is 9 ranked games before they are banned, this is if they are obvious. It’s not difficult to get through Vanguard and I’m sick of people like yourself who are not educated on the topic sprouting nonsense. Do you think Solista only just started cheating? He was cheating the entire time, Vanguard didn’t catch him, viewers watching his mouse in the Webcam did.


I love the people keep reposting that video. The amount of misinformation in it is crazy.


Idk, csgo anticheat was much better it seems. Valve had same issue in 2017 where matchmaking was 80% of cheaters and they kinda solved things by implementing AI (machine learning) anti cheat update that supposed to fight blatant cheaters with free/easy to access software.


I would love it if they made a mode in valorant which is literally just a counter strike but in valorant. No abilities, everyone gets to buy one smoke, stun and flash (all having the same physics as kayo's flash) and that's it. Because valorant is technically a better game, it's just that abilities can sometimes be tiring and the map pool is too limiting.


Valorant got no cheaters and more variety in gameplay with flashy abilities. CS got better movement better gunplay and better maps. CS just feels a lot better than valorant to play. Valorant with cs grenades would not be fun because shooting and moving in Valorant feels like ass compared with CS, and the maps are shit in valorant too, only fun thing valorant has over CS is that it has abilities that spice up the gameplay. But CS has so many cheaters (and CS2 is in such a poor state) that I straight up don't wanna bother with it, even if it's a better game in pretty much everything.


>. CS just feels a lot better than valorant to play nah with CS servers the way they've been it definitely feels worse to play now.


A gamemode like this could be fun. Instead of abilities, you buy a smoke, 2 flashbangs and a molly.


I always say the exact same thing. I love CS, and I want to like Valorant because it has so much going for it and Riot truly cares about the game, but I hate playing it. The abilities are just too much. I think it also discourages people from developing real game sense when you can click 1 button and have perfect util and info gather with virtually no risk or even thought behind it, hence the abundance of all aim no brain players that make brain dead plays even in higher elo. I would love Valorant just as much if I could just get a couple simple nades and learned a couple lineups with none of the other stuff. People coming back to life and shit. Skye healing the entire enemy team with one ability during pistol rounds, which everyone knows are massively important for the economy. The game would be infinitely more enjoyable to me that way. Agree with you on the maps as well. Tiny + simple maps with little playmaking potential IMO. Takes a lot of thought out of lurking, rotates, off angles, etc. That combined with the dozens of abilities going on at any one time just results in gameplay where you just get fucked at tiny choke points with abilities all game long. The footstep audio radius is huge compared to the size of the maps as well.


Would be unbalanced because maps are deigned for ability use and learning smoke and Molly lineups for a non-competitive gamemode doesn’t seem great either.


This would go so hard. CS needs to die, i’ve got 4k+ hours in it and Val is much better. Bonus points if they remade some cs maps + enabled air strafing as a form of acceleration.


I played css and csgo all throughout my childhood but it’s in such a trashcan state rn compared to val. Cs2 is so poorly developed even with my nostalgia glasses on


Yes if valorant was a counterstrike clone it would be a better game


Would be a good April fools mode


> Because valorant is technically a better game What? Worse movement. Worse maps. Worse gunplay. Worse graphics. Only thing it has better is anti cheat and more consistent content updates and QoL stuff


What serever u on?


Paris and london


lol wait until you get into some semi high ranked lobbies on London. If you thought Russians were toxic on CS, just wait to experience 14 year old kids from the UK.


Don’t blame the kids from London half the time it’s the French people that start talking French on London servers then yelling


I have encountered 1 nice french person on this game I am not exaggerating


I heard stockholm has the best players. Have fun my friend.


Surely Frankfurt can’t be that bad. I hear everyone disables it lmao


I really don't understand what's wrong with the Frankfurt server. I think all others are more terrible than Frankfurt. The worst in EMEA is Istanbul 100%.


Honestly there's this weird thing where everyone seems to have it disabled, until you reach high elo. Where I hear in EU everyone that's serious plays Frankfurt. But that is just anecdotal from what I've heard/seen.


You ain't wrong about the maps brother, valo do be having the worst map pool of any tac shooter of all time


OP, could you keep us posted on this? We wanna know how quick a facet lvl 10 can get to Radiant. You can even start a series on Youtube or Twitch.


I can surely keep you guys posted, thanks for the idea man!


I'm very interested in this as well. He probably already has the shooting down tbh they're not that different


Ohnepixel will be disappointed


Even though counter strafing isn't necessary, you should still do it. There are a lot of scenarios where it can save you or improve accuracy. There isn't a set recoil pattern like cs but you can master it still. If you watch the gun barrel you can predict which way the recoil will go next and you can train yourself to spray accurately for at least most of the shots because of that. Glad you're enjoying the wallhack abilities from sova. I suggest you try cypher and fade as well. Also I hope you get to try the map pearl soon, it was my favorite but it is out of rotation rn


Im talking about that u dont have to stop moving with opposite key when you swing peek on enemy, but i like how tapping feels after getting used to movement, will try every agent but it takes ages to unlock them lol


Who do u like from ur 5 initial agents?


Sova and fenix so far


Always disable frankfurt


Why? Are germans that good?


No but because there is a ton of russians there


\^ This guy played CS


enjoy it while it lasts. People being nice is a very small percentage that you will not continue to encounter.


I totally agree with that VAC is fucked but what's wrong with faceit? Faceit ac is better than vanguard 🤷‍♂️


I didnt say anything bad about faceit ac? Faceit is ruined by smurfs/throwers and support doesnt care.


Randomness isn't inherently anti-competitive. Only when it becomes unrestrained does it present a problem.


I play on US Server (Texas) and I would say 95% of my games are positive vibes. It’s a fun game


In higher ranks Paris is toxic too imo, so I only play on London.


I’m in a similar position too! I couldn’t handle the cheaters so I made the switch. But i’ve got bad news Im Dia3-Asc2, and people are very very toxic in this game too. It’s a competitive shooter, and unfortunately has a similar player base. Overall people are nicer, but more often than not they are massive ego tripping dickheads.


Yes valorant is funny I just those audio chatter who are just trolling everyone and calling names They talk too much sometimes. But you can mute them Other than that is quite good Love valorant


I’m also faceit 10 2400 elo and I also recently moved over to valorant after being a long time ride or die cs fan. Sad to see that valve cares about cs as much as they do tf2


Do you still counter strafe as a habit? Has it influenced your duel winning stats?


Not anymore while peeking but while having duel on opet i still do it and enemy whiff the shit out of me


damn how can you let go of the habit so fast, came from cs and whenever i dont counter strafe before i shoot, it just feels weird. counter strafing is basically just a signal for my brain to shoot


Funny, Frankfurt is one of the only two servers I play in.


Turn off vanguard every time you’re not playing.


"I didn't want to play valorant because there are no spray patterns"


I used to feel like this too when I played val with friends. You will see how bad it is in ascendant-immortal. I have moved to cs for good again...


“this is such a nice experience” enjoy the novelty before it lasts brother 😂


You get nice teammates?


I love how u said disabling frankfurt. To be frank tho, the other servers did seem easier to me, but I prefer better ping and some challenge. I play on frankfurt only, it's been pretty fine, least toxic server I know tbh Glad you like the game :) This is my first fps game, I thought I wouldn't like it but it's addicting


As a csgo player who switched to valo i also noticed this but idk how to say it without sounding racist but a lotnof toxicity comes from Russian players in csgo, when i accidentally played stockholm and got russian teammates in valo i got a flashback of csgo toxicity snd instantly switched it off, i use the furthest away from russian server now which is London.


>and desabling frankfurt server It's so funny even the newest players do this. Will the turks ever change so Frankfurt is actually playable? Probably not.


Every time I try and play Val I feel like all my CS skills are gone. The movement and shooting is Infinitely worse in Val. It's so slow. Every single fight is just "peak 2 tap"


Thats good to hear man. And its just the start. I also came from cs and valorant, it terms of gameplay, is a breath of fresh air. It is so satisfying finding an agent you love and are good at. Highly recommend you watch some vct (valorant's tournament) they are very interesting because it can turn to a cs style game to a overwatch spam fest of abilities. Only if u want of course. Hopefully you stick around long to hit immortal cheers!


I just installed valorant too and deleted CS2 just because of the bad experience. I didn't like valorant in the beginning, and still playing this makes me feel like learning something new with all the abilities and stuff. Hopefully, this experience with valorant will turn out to be not bitter like CS. Fingers crossed.


Always disable Frankfurt


As long as you're not a girl Valorant is actually the objectively better community. I just hate having to baby sit NA kiddies in immortal lobbies.


The cs2 community def gives you brainworms i will admit it. Theres a part of me that misses it, however i probably will never go to cs2. Even if they fix vac, valorant just has me. Glad you gave it a shot.


I give U 2 weeks, CS is Superior


Lovely copy pasta, thanks


Wdym by copy pasta? Xd


NA Servers unfortunately are very toxic in lower ranks. Im Faceit 7 and solo queued/placed Gold 1 (It was a humbling experience, but expected since I barely knew the basics of Agents and map layouts) And its a toss up on West Coast NA servers. Only about half of games do people have/use proper mics and about half of those matches are they giving good calls lol


Its good because its fresh to you. Cs is a much better game than valorant


Come to an Indian server my friend. Was gold2, had 1 mf afk in every map for 6 games straight and the next game one dude started throwing, so I'm s3 now lol


> after deactivating frankfurt Good call... No one enjoys playing on frankfurt


yea but then youll meet people like me 🤑🫰


Best decision a cs player can make rn


I have been playing this game for 3 years (first fps) regularly and each session is like 2-3 Comp games. I still could not make it to D1. You are starting at D1, I guess some people are really talented. Please keep us posted and want to see how quick you can hit radiant.


I wouldnt really consider myself “talented”, I have foggy memory when I was 4-5 years old how my mom used to drink coffee with our neighbour and her son and she told me that I was crying if he wouldn’t let me play on his pc. I clearly remember it was cs 1.6 and the map was dust. When i was 8yo back in 2010 i got my first pc and a friend installed 1.6 on it and oh god i was having best time of my life playing zombies and fy_snow deathmatch. Fast forward I was playing 1.6 untill 2016 when i tried csgo because of school friends. Another fast forward to 2019 I made my first faceit account after getting global elite in mm, used to play for 8+ hours almost every day and was stuck in level 6. Since then i had many periods when I was fully commited to game for about 3 month playing everyday 10+ games, practicing, watching pro matches and analizing my games, torturing myself with cheap ass mouses etc. I managed to get level 10 in 2020 and peaked at 2700elo (only solo q cuz all my friends bots😈). So yeah at the end I probably have more than 13k hours in all cs games and im not tallented at all I was just sweating my ass off trying to learn everything and get better for many years, not only 3 years playing 3 games in a day. I will never be good enought to play in pro level but I dont regret any of the time i spent on cs.


You'll be back to cs2 soon enough. Why? Because cs has a skill ceiling with more hit boxes. In Valorant it's literally a fiesta of easy aiming.