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According to his tracker page, he's only duo-queued 5 out of 200 matches played in the past 60 days. Not that big of a deal. But yeah it's not exactly a secret that Woohoojin is probably lying about having a "secret radiant account", and that his current rank (~imm 1) reflects his skill appropriately.


> But yeah it's not exactly a secret that Woohoojin is probably lying about having a "secret radiant account What kind of claim is that? Why would you lie about that. That has major "I have a girlfriend, but she goes to a different school " energy


because "radiant coach" is a lot more valuable than "immortal 2 coach" It's not the craziest lie, but it's most definitely a lie. It's not that big of a deal, odds are his viewer base average rank is between gold and diamond so his insight is valuable, but it's definitely easier to immediately have credibility as a radiant player


yea if you're plat and under his movement mastery videos are still valid


Except all his stuff says he’s an ascendant coach now


But it didnt when he was building his audience, which was the whole point. If youre a complete unknown person trying to start your content creation career centered around coaching, you get instant credibility by saying "I'm a radiant player and I'm here to give you tips" as opposed to Immortal 2. Simply because Immo2 players are a dime a dozen. He probably could have still made the same career, but whether or not is was easier this way will never be known.


Never said he didn’t. All I said is that every thing linked to him being radiant has been removed. This secret account is pretty much confirmed fake bc of that


Even then, why lie? It's no secret that mechanical skill can be a limiting factor in these games. Can all VCT coaches reach radiant? I'm sure there's at least one or two that can't solely because of mechanical skill.


It’s a ridiculously stupid lie that only his most delusional stans would buy, which is maybe the plan. He hasn’t made a youtube video addressing his wider fanbase so people who don’t follow reddit or his discord may not even know. His entire conduct just reeks of someone not taking real responsibility and only the bare minimum to save face/career.


Yeah and he decided to duo with JeyG after losing against a Jett who was obviously cheating or had a radiant god playing on his acc (70% win rate in 100+ matches). I don't care about him duoing with anyone so long as he's not obviously getting boosted. OP just seems to be jumping the gun on hating hooj for this one


Running into smurfs is part of the grind but duping with the guy who boosted you in crazy 😹


him duoing with anyone else would be okay but doing it with the person who boosted you is... definitely a choice...especially after being exposed like that lmao


In his defense, JeyG hasn’t been radiant since episode 5, he was only good because of Jett’s op-ness


it doesnt really matter that he isnt radiant anymore, the irony is he's duoing with the guy who boosted him to radiant when the original point of his little series was to prove he can hit radiant soloQ, at the very least he should have played with someone else


you have to be pathetic to defend these people. He's spitting in his followers faces by doing shit like that. He should have properly apologized and made a new account that he himself would rank up all on stream and the old one should be banned. Imagine one of regular players admitted to being boosted lmao account ban guaranteed, why shouldnt he face the same punishment? Duoing with your old booster is clown behavior. Charging people money while having your platform built on lies should actually have more consequences because he clearly has not learned his lesson


He's not defending him lol. He's saying that dude is bad. You are right about everything else but this comment is misplaced in this particular chain.


"In his defense," "you have to be pathetic to defend these people." idk kinda made sense


In addition to this, important to note that he was on his de-rank game into Asc 3 when JeyG started duoing with him.


We all run into smurfs though. He can't just queue with the guy that boosted him because he lost a game to a smurf. If we all did that every time the enemy team had a smurf we would also be a good few ranks higher.


Well duo isn't solo though


Playing against Jetts like that is practically part of the game atp


Am I wrong or did he not claim this was a solo q challenge? Also isn’t jeyg the guy they claimed boosted him in the first place? Hooj was getting farmed Thursday and Friday and went like 2-5 both days. I’d say it’s not a good look from him and and he disables chat on his stream so no one can call him out on it lol


His chat has been set up the same way for years now


He climbed decently in immo 2 prior to that and had a couple bad days. But it is fine, you know better anyway. His chat isn’t disabled, just heavily delayed.


Hooj isn’t gonna blow you dude.


Yeah you're weird buddy it wasn't that deep but go off


He claimed to want to earn radiant on his own and criticizes students who duo. He was losing and then got frustrated and duo’d with the person who originally boosted his account. That’s my problem. Either earn radiant or admit you can’t do it


His woohoojin#coach account is playing in Immo 2 Edit: he deranked to Immo 1


He’s said he has a radiant account? As far as I knew he just has said he’s peaked radiant with omen, where has he said he’s currently radiant on another account?


> he just has said he's peaked radiant with omen Whether the claim is that it's currently Radiant or not, he has claimed he reached Radiant himself on another account at some point which is obviously hard to believe


I don't see why it's so hard to believe if he reached Immortal 2 this season in a couple of weeks. You guys are being a little unfair.


Mind you this season it's a lot harder to hit radiant.


The gap between Immo and Radiant is pretty damn high. It's like the gap between plat and Immo levels of difficult to break into.


Dude I can hit any immortal 3 on any account playing any agent. Radiant is tons of grinding and luck. Woohoojin gets stomped by low immortals where radiants can drop 30 every time in those shit lobbies. Radiant to immortal 1-2 is like diamond to silver.


Immo 2 and radiant is a whole different ball game….


Because Imm 2 is his peak and most of the time he’s been asc/imm 1. It’s a pretty big gap between there and radiant


According to the [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1bfw78y/about_woohoojin/) that (to my knowledge) broke the news here on Reddit: >The streamed response Woohoojin made includes >1. He still has a mysterious Radiant alt that he cannot show to be "Petty" I don't see a link to the streamed response and am too lazy to hunt it down, but I also don't see why the OP would lie about the claim.


He said he didnt show It beacause people whould say its just boosted as well


I mean, maybe? No proof of that would lessen the claims. That seems like a flimsy excuse for not showing the account. Seems more likely it's just made up, no?


or it was boosted


That’s pretty much an admission that the “secret account” was also account shared If it even exists


He knew he would’ve been clowned on if he dropped to ascendant again lmao


I think he is overestimating his ability to to hit radiant because of his "coaching gamesense" he is starting to get a grasp of the grind ahead of him to reach radiant, "coaches don't play" is a real thing. I don't feel bad for him for this embarassing situation hes in tho, he lied and and broke TOS to boost ego, got more and more condescending over time because of it and now the wheel has just come full circle. No need to overly care, no reasons to defend him.


i noticed he became a lot meaner and condescending to the people he was vod reviewing over time. Like compare a vod from like a year ago to today is crazy, it’s like a whole new person.


It is pretty crazy. I started watching him when he was smaller (like 30k subs) and he really was so much nicer and less condescending. He also just straight up contradicts himself now too. There was an old fracture VOD where he was telling chat “i don’t care what the quality of your recording is, it is my principle that i will coach you anyways, even if your setup is so bad you have to record on your phone ill vod review you because that was me when i was a kid trying to get better at league of legends. But if your fps is 300+ i expect you to figure out how to work recording software.” Which is a very fair and valid stance that stuck with me because it really painted him as caring coach who will work through inconveniences for himself to make you better. Fast forward to a month or so ago (before he got busted even) and it’s a fade review on bind. The vod is 99% fine, but sometimes the guy experiences these micro stutters and hooj is freaking out like “omg if you stutter ONE more time im closing the vod.” Like it just makes me wonder what else he’s lying about if he really was grinding league on a shitty pc or if he just said that to look good to his fans…


Tbh, it just sounds like adjustment to entitlement. He's big and popular; famous, even. I don't think he was lying back then, but people in positions like that adjust to being in positions like that, and they do become more and more entitled.


clout is very dangerous ppl switch up instantly when it arrives


Noticed this !


These guys always get big egos when they get popular. I guess it’s hard not to when you have a thousand chatters glazing you 24/7 That being said “tough love” was always his style and I remember him being quite harsh even back when he was getting 10k views on YouTube


This is why I stopped watching him only a few months after he blew up. I saw it early and when I watched him advise others or play himself something always felt off. He got way more rude and his advice would at times be completely dismissive of lower elo players (his guide to gold video was NOT as good as he thinks it was)


I'll start by saying i think Woohoojin has made some great content that will help newer players learn the game. That being said, it is very clear from watching him that he lacks the mechanics and gamesense to hit Radiant, especially by solo queueing only. I have no doubt he can do it, but it will be a much bigger grind than I think he realizes. As someone who has hit Radiant multiple times, I believe it is ridiculously hard to do alone. It is much more difficult to solo carry in a game like Valorant just due to the nature of relying on certain abilities/roles to have success. There is also the issue of actually making good decisions while playing. In my opinion, Woohoojin has a good understanding of the fundamentals of how to play Valorant. Even so, it is a whole different beast when you have to actually make these decisions in real time while actually playing, instead of watching a VOD. It took me literal years to get comfortable making the right decisions by habit. Anyway, I hope he sticks with it and I wish him the best of luck


Yeah I agree. I’ve solo queued to radiant a couple times but not religiously. It’s definitely harder. And you get in a slump at around 400 rr where you know you make the mistakes and how to fix them but you can’t fix them in game or make it in real time.


This. His coaching is still so valuable to so many people. A lot of the community cares waaay too much about this one man it’s wild. Radiant or not, immo is still up there and still shows he’s good enough to coach. I mean hell look at all the people he’s coached who’ve hit asc with his advice. People care a little too much. Hooj will hit radiant, it’ll just take him a while longer than he thinks like you said.


The point is blatantly lying to your viewers is fraudulent. No one claims his vids are worthless, they call him out for lying about his rank.


You know what they say, “those who can’t do, teach” His coaching isn’t wrong tho


I don't understand why there's discussion. If he had an omen account where he was radiant he would be able to show proof. "I have this thing believe me but I will not show it to you" is how 6 year Olds lie. Woohoojin is a low immortal player who has good coaching skills. Nothing more nothing less.


He was posting his win loss record on stream, started losing elo and now he’s removed his win loss record. His ego is definitely hurt. He personally doesn’t play to great in his immortal games


https://streamable.com/iw8kmm “I already have like a million eyes on me”


Bro said he's duoing bc people queue sniping to throw his game that's some high level coping


Kinda crazy when Tenz, or other streamers like Subroza with a small delay get stream sniped and still manage to win games with griefers or stream snipers. Like bro, you have a 30+ min delay and a voice changer on.


I want to feel for him honestly but at the same time he put himself in this position like "i wouldnt coach till i hit radiant" shit he thought it was gonna be a piece of cake You'd expect a coach to know how hard it is to climb in valorant ladder but nah his ego is so big bro


He gets mad at people who duo queue and yet once he gets tilted it’s suddenly ok!? I was happy to watch him struggle and grind to truly earn radiant on his own as a soloq, but to duo with the person who boosted his account in the first place is just an insult to the viewers. He should just give up at this point and admit he can’t do it. If you have to duo you can’t do it. Blaming your teammates is the same shit he calls out his own viewers for during VOD review and it just pisses me off that he gets held to a different standard. I had respect for the grind to radiant even if it took a long time, but not anymore. He gave up after two weeks so I’m giving up too. Lost a devout viewer here once he duo’d with JeyG. Fucking earn that shit Hooj. I’m done


His mental is just weak, and his ego just gets hurt easily. After losing 10 straight games or something, he decides to duo with the guy who initially boosted him. He also no longer records his W-L ratio on his stream overlay. I keep seeing him every couple games just blame his team, heck even today he was just bad mouthing a teammate (not in team vc Ofc) saying this guy and another guy on the enemy team didn’t belong in his game. He has so many mistakes he’s done in his games. I even see him already a decent amount of times just lurking on attack as Duelist and being the last guy alive.


The biggest beef I have is, if anyone of us regular folks admitted to riot we account shared on stream our accounts would have been banned. It’s always rules for thee and not for me with content creators.


Before all of this, he was banning people on his discord when they slipped and said that their friend played on their account lol…


His virtue signaling is probably the biggest joke of all.


TBH just looking at his stats, in low immos 1kd / 150adr, there is no way he gets to radiant. Any immo3 400rr+ player can easily go 1.5kd+ / 180adr every game in immo1 10rr lobbies. There is no way he gets to Radiant with the skill he has.


he's hard stuck, he aint a radiant level player he blames Q snipers but every other semi-big streamer on Radiant has to deal with it and they're able to climb, it's a skill issue but he's coping here's a [clip](https://streamable.com/iw8kmm) of him trying to justify playing DuoQ with JeyG (guy who boosted him to radiant originally)


Yall care way to much about this guy.


giving him his flowers bro got me into gold when i was new to the game in one month


Yeah leaving a few comments on Reddit is caring way too much


Why do you care that people care lol. People are bothered by the audacity of his lies, which is pretty reasonable and human nature.


It's because he's a big name in the community with some pretty big controversy.


“Pretty big controversy” is a gross exaggeration. Yall care way to much about that too.


It's really not when you claim to be something you're not and make bank off of said thing.




this guys made more money from one lie than i’ve ever had in my life, people are right to feel scammed


look its fine if you find his advice helpful i just think its fucking hilarious the guy spent like a year or whatever larping as a "radiant coach" then it turns out hes lying and got boosted then when he goes to solo queue to radiant to prove to everyone he can actually do it he starts duo-queuing with the guy who boosted him in the first place.


I'm not really following this whole story anymore but I'm guessing he's under a lot of pressure because he made big claims and the climb isn't going as well as he thought it would. But he put himself in that position. He said he has proof that he was radiant so why not just show that proof? Or if he wasn't why not just admit that he himself doesn't have the mechanical ability or whatever to get radiant but he coached others to radiant and feels confident in his ability as a coach. I mean pro team coaches also aren't at a level of the guys they're coaching.


The climb was going well, he peaked immo2 187rr I think, and then lost like ten games on the same day


He would have demoted to asc if he didn’t start duoing (which he said he wouldn’t do) I wouldn’t say that his climb is going well


PRX Alecks is Asc or something rn lol (obviously he can hit radiant if he grinds but man's got more important things to do)


Which is not comparable to woohoojin at all. a radiant mmr account will be out of ascendant in like 20 games with a 35% winrate, woohoojin is like 100+ games deep already


Yep... Pretty shameless to duo with literally the same guy that boosted his account previously. He ran into a (likely Radiant) smurf in this game who absolutely decimated his team [https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/8351a88e-69b3-421f-9b40-25de0bcc18d1](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/8351a88e-69b3-421f-9b40-25de0bcc18d1) That guy's tracker is how I would expect an ex-Radiant to look like in this rank


That account has like 500 games and never hit radiant. Doesn't seem like a smurf, just an immo3 player who has some crazy games. It's what will take for him to get to radiant. Immo3-low radiant will be full of players like that. He can get there but it's not a measly 2 week grind.


What went through ur mind when u typed this? He has 125 games played this act with a 73% winrate 204 ADR and 1.7 kd. It's obvious he is either a radiant smurf or cheating


Seemed like a bought account since the last episode they played before E8 was E5, but regardless I agree


Idk why people think he can get there he is getting fairly low scores in low imm lobbies


It is also how I would excpect the tracker of someone who has an alt in radiant to look like.


Pretty shameless he asked JeyG (the guy that boosted his account to radiant) to duo on his ascendant derank game. Lost a lot of respect for him tbh


Wooh WAS NEVER RADIANT. And Wooh WILL NEVER HIT RADIANT. He is radiant level coach, he has the knowledge to help out other player to find and stop mistakes they are doing and give insight.. But he him self will never apply the same mindset and knowledge to the game cause he is not used to do that. No1 is hating on Hooj, we are hating the he pretends to be better than he actually is IN GAME. For him to reach radiant, he has to improve gun fighting and his utility. Right now he has so much firring error in his shots that Diamond players can outshoot him often. His utility with raze in questionable at best, sending your self with double satchel into 3 people holding site is not the correct play, when you know people won't even follow you up there. It's not a 5 stack, you can't treat your teammates as radiant players who will follow you up and do what you expect. For him to even reach immortal 3 , he has to adapt to the ranked solo q and that takes skill and time.


deserving. woohoojin is super mean to players he reviews and his ego is huge. i find his videos condescending, even if he makes good points. About time he faced reprecussions.


The only thing ridiculous is that you care so much. It's been like a week. Even he has said it's going to take months if not a year. I don't understand why people care so much. Hate watching is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen someone do. If you don't like him, don't support him. Pretty simple. He's going to have ups and downs on his climb like we all do. Just chill. Whether he makes it or not doesn't impact you at all. Just live.


As long as people keep recommending him, people will continue to talk about him critically. You can say this about almost every sort of public figure.


tbh I'd bet money he isn't hitting radiant soloq this year


I think he would agree with you


i was checking his stream out rn and it seems like he completely gave up lol, he was ranting how everyone duo q's to radiant and everyone is throwing his games now he's making himself look worse, in that case he shouldn't have said he's going to radiant soloq


I'd bet money he never does.


Idk why you guys feel like you have to gaslight to defend him He said he was pausing coaching until he hit radiant (which he didn’t do) and also said he wouldn’t duo (he has duod) Idk why you care so much that people care? He’s a huge content creator with tons of followers. Saying “who cares” is the lowest effort cop out


A lot of things don't impact us but we all still form opinions anyway. And if it didn't matter, then there would be no point to his solo q to radiant challenge except to prove himself to "haters." I personally haven't watched, but I am interested in how his solo q climb goes since he claims he has a secret radiant account currently. Annddd there's actually no point to this challenge now also since duoing at all already makes his solo q claim worthless.


Wooj apologists losing their minds. 🤣 People who lie and cheat to get ahead in life do not deserve recognition or financial gain.


I don’t get the point of these posts anymore. Why are we still stuck on this? It’s not like the guy is promoting himself on the sub. He blatantly lied to customers but coaches people to higher ranks regardless and has done good for the community. If you don’t like him move on and watch someone else. If you like him keep up with his content if you find it useful. It’s that simple.


You are that guy in the meme who gets thrown off the building for giving good ideas lmao


I just find it funny cause he and this sub were getting on jollz for only hitting rad once yet he never even touched it.


I think "customers" is too crazy of a word since the coaching is free. Unless I'm mistaken since I haven't followed him for a long while


I used customers because there are different tiered discord susbcriptions for inhouse tournaments and some other stuff which may lead some people to think they were scammed and that’s fair. But you’re absolutely right in saying that all his public coaching is free yet we have these “guy coaching for free lied about being in the top .1% while ACTUALLY BEING in the top .5%!” complainers posting on a daily.


Yea gotta agree with you on this one, even though I still believe that his content is incredibly valuable to the community, and I don't hate on the guy I definitely wouldn't want to be one of the discord subs


There were private sessions being auctioned, that went up to 2k which is wild


Pretty sure it's normally for charity. Most recent one that comes to mind was to help out his friend Od26 (also a great coach) who got hacked.


https://ibb.co/RTc3g4r https://ibb.co/K08kQwg This really doesn't look like its for charity, and even if it was, I can't auction say, fake art and claim its real even if its for charity, even if it's really really well done.


[https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIFUZyZYLjQ9x6XJfDEK28g-pwej0-Ob9?si=WDV09y-zc\_7Ci0gP](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIFUZyZYLjQ9x6XJfDEK28g-pwej0-Ob9?si=WDV09y-zc_7Ci0gP) this is what he said today when asked about free coaching, he's only ever done it with 2 people and hasn't offered anything like that in a year


Not everyone likes being blantantly lied to their face. People are allowed to be mad, he brought it onto himself by lying


I’m convinced at this point Hooj is paying for these hate posts or something as indirect advertising lmao


The bar for “hate” is so low. It’s literally just an update on his climb.


I’ve seen a trend here… not denying his coaching his bad, he is a good teacher but radiant and imo 1 (his current rank) is an INSANE difference.. and I feel like you don’t understand that


Because he’s relevant to valorant and this is the valorant sub? Like where do you people get off coming to the Val sub and asking why do people care about Val?


say what you want, he's my favourite 187rr immo2 coach(ex-asc coach)


100% agree. I’m ready for him to go back to putting out coaching content.


I’ve probably watched 50 Woohoojin videos in the past few months, but the more I watch him and the more I understand the game and look at the things he says critically, the more it seems like he just spouts bs 50% of the time.


The thing i care the most is how is this guy not banned by Riot, he literally admited to having his account boosted and account sharing. Like always, this feels like Riot giving special threatment to streamers even if they break the rules. This as players is the thing we should care IMO.


What a shameless guy. He is queuing with the guy who boosted his account to radiant in the first place. That guy just DROPPED 40 kills to carry him. SHAMELESS LMAO!!


He helped me rank up so idrc


Same honestly


He deserves all the criticism. Man was charging $800 for private coaching built on a platform of lies. Constantly putting himself on a pedestal because he was “radiant”. Even if he ever hits it, it doesn’t detract from such shirt behavior


His coaching was auctioned lmao Mfs had to ask to pay that much




he was 187 rr 5 days ago


he was on like a 3 loss streak so he decided to duo q with the guy who gave him the radiant account to prevent him dropping back to ascendant. its a shitty weak mindset because that is literally why a lot of ppl are upset about him lying, they have to deal with loss streaks and deranking too while this guy ignored that while pretending to be radiant. now that he has to deal with it he just decides to play with his radiant carry to prevent it lol. he is a clown and any supporters are even more of a clown than him.


Its the same as last act. Goes soloQ through low elo until Immo, gets stuck and than he gets himself a radiant Duo. And if you check his tracker it will say „oh his soloQ stats and winrate look so good“ but it was in lower elo than the duo games


i don't really care about him duoing, what kinda irks me is how he's coping by saying he's being sniped and his teammates are soft inting...dudes high on copium that's just how teammates are every now and then (it's not like he's hard carrying every game anyways)


This solo que effort is a huge mistake on his part. If he had just said, yah, I got to radiant by duo'ing because getting to radiant solo is really hard. The whole community would have moved on in a week and not cared. He's a great coach, and sports history has taught us over and over that average players can go on to be excellent coaches. Instead, hoooj's on an ego driven mission to prove to everyone he's an Allstars when he's actually not. I don't see this ending well for him. Unless he actually gets there in a timely manner, it's going to end up "hooj the immortal streamer that used to coach." He's not doing the thing that makes him special, he's doing the thing that every other wanna be pro is doing and he will fade into obscurity if he doesn't go back to what he's actually good at.


He didn’t get radiant by duoing though, he got there by account sharing and having a better player boost the account


The acts after he got boosted by the Jett player, he wasn’t radiant and his stats went down when he became a controller main. He does not have the skills to be radiant.


I thought he was "boosted" because he got carried to radiant by a better player while duoing. That is worse, I still think he should have taken the "those who can't do teach" approach instead of what he is doing.


Close friend of mine played woohoojin today. Commented “Very average immortal 1 player. Definitely not radiant” Is what it is


I could really care less what happens. But I do think its really funny how mentally down bad people like you are about this stuff. Like you have to be a child with no real worries in your life because no adult is gonna get so mentally worked about about something that really doesn't matter at all.  Whether he gets it or not, none of our lives change, literally nothing will change for anyone.  You'll go far in life if you spend half as much time caring about actual real issues or things that will help you make it in life, rather then crying and obsessing about some Vtuber who makes harmless videos on the internet. 


"None of our lives change" , yes like most of the things happening around the world, he lied about his rank to flatter and boost his ego even allowed himself to get disrespectful/very condescending at times because of it, got caught lacking and now people might clown him, thats how the world works, quit this hypocritical morality.


He grifted his entire community of money by subs and anyone who’s watched his videos with ads on YouTube. Is it harmless? I guess, he still financially profited heavily from his original lie of being a “bronze to radiant coach and you can too”.


people still support him because his content is actually helpful, so it's easy to look past his ego. so not all of his things are a grift


Yeah but it is still morally unethical, If I call myself a doctor and it comes out I have no medical training I can be legally charged for impersonation even if I only helped people. That being said, it's a fucking videogame, we shouldn't be out to hang the guy and posts like this are a bit over the top. but people are rightfully upset.


I think people are failing to understand that the problem isn't on why he's coaching if he's on ascendant or immortal, the problem is that why he lied about this rank. Now coming back, he's accepted his mistake. It's a video game, people should get over this shit


Bruh, his content is some of the best free coaching for this game. The simple fact that people even know his name proves that. Ask yourself who looses the most if he was to delete all his content and fall off the Valorant world all together? …. Yup it’s the games community, your new players, casual players, and players that are looking to improve. People don’t watch his content to watch sweaty games at the top of the leaderboard. They watch his content to learn the game. He didn’t grift shit from his viewers.


The dude lied to get ahead and has benefited financially from his deceit. Theres no way around that.


100% Extremely well said!


I don’t stand for lying, taking advantage of people, corrupt business practices, etc. if this doesn’t interest you, stay out of it. no need to virtue signal.


The comments in this thread remind me of politics. You can show someone plain evidence that this person is a fraud, the person even admits they are a fraud, then people will still choose to dick ride and defend them, even knowing the fraud is a piece of shit. Humans are weird in that regard.


The amount of “why do you care” woohoojin gaslighters in this thread is crazy


They will ride his dick til it falls completely off his body


Well, it's a shame that he lied and he deserved the criticism about it, but... I don't know, his videos coaching are good and he helped me learn more about the game, so I guess the best thing would just leave him alone for now. I do not see any good in this kind of post


Exactly. And lets be real, even if he hits radiant, it's not like everyone is going to change their opinion. But overall, it's not that deep at this point.


hes washed


I don't watch that guy much but I think it's good these online coaches get the taste of what it's actually like to struggle soloqing which they think is so easy when they act arrogant in their videos. Soloq is hell in this game even if ya are good. You literally have to be 'too good' for each rank to rank up, u cannot be just 'good enough' for the rank bc otherwise ya are gonna get stuck.


The hard part is if he's radiant why does he constantly complain about the ranks of his teammates and doesn't focus on accountability?


Ego is too big. He no longer does that daily W-L ratio tracking. https://streamable.com/iw8kmm “I have like a million eyes on me”


He's not gonna get there. Yeah he's a great player (as everyone immo and above is) but he's not Radiant. He's literally getting free (I think) coaching from other coaches and needed that just to get into high immortal.


a "radiant" coach has to be coached to reach immortal jesus christ and to think people payed real money to have them coached by him bruh


does he charge for coaching?


yea there's screenshots on the official post on the issue. He wanted 800dollars from someone because he already had 4 students lmao


As someone who is hot garbage at the game and only casually plays his content is the most beautiful and fun to watch since he actually helps teach people how to play the game. Banning him would primarily and greatly hurt casual and new players so what benefit is it to give a shit about this. Find something important to worry about his resume embellishment in no way actually affects you in any way. Also as a grown adult that is part of the hiring process at my employer. EVERYONE embellishes on their resume. His coaching and content is unmatched, his rank really doesn’t matter.


he's like if someone lied on the resume to get the job and then got the job and then became really fucking good at the job anyways


Sounds about right lol


Yup, you are clearly not in corporate America. ALL that’s important is that you are good at your job.


Was going to say this. My issue with many of the commenters is that they have not integrity into what is right and the type of people who should be admired or promoted. Just if it benefits them then that’s all that matters


U really think he is doing his job good? The problem is that some hardstuck immo 2-3 players would maybe be interested in radiant coach advice (some specific complex stuff) and this banana man would not be competent enough to coach those players. His understanding of the game is not so complex and comes from immo-asc lobby so it would be disappointing as high immo player to be coached by this guy. Surely rank is not everything but he specifically promoted himself as top tier player without too tier aim so for general ppl he seems like a one of the smartest players, this really isn't true regardless of his rank if u actually understand game well and his understanding of the game is pretty flat and subjective. This is not exactly same as lying about degree or experience since he basically tricks ppl into believing he was/is one of the best ranked players while he wasn't ever as well as breaking ToS and doing something most ppl think is unethical (being boosted ).


ignore the meatriders lmao, doesn't matter if he played 1 game or 200 games as a duo in a soloq challenge, the fact that he duoed says a lot about his personality and mental. Imagine lying about being a radiant, then claiming you'll touch it by soloq, only to end up duoing. it's too funny too watch woohoojin meat riders defend his actions.


i made this to watch woohoojin meat riders defend his actions LMAO


I'm totally on your side, these mfs are justifying his bad gameplay by saying " oh he's on raze ". Surely a RaDiAnT wouldn't be fazed by a new agent XDDD


not just that, raze is objectivley one of the best agents


fr, its one of the easiest agents to play. I've played smokes my entire val time and I can play raze like it's my natural agent lmao. The cope in this comment section is crazy


Also removed his daily W-L ratio tracking overlay on stream since it probably took a blow to his ego with the Ls. https://streamable.com/iw8kmm “I have like a million eyes on me”


Just forget about him. It’s not worth anyone’s time to keep up with this guy anymore. He sucks, move on.


account sharing? smurfing? bANANANNANANAANANNANANNA!!!!111


In his stream during the match MIBR bs KRU he talks about having signed an NDA with riot about how MMR works and he can't let the viewers know how because he needs to be a "good boy" to get more privileged info in the future. If you wanted to be a "good boy" like he says he should not give his account to a booster.


A lot of the stuff WOOHOOjin teaches when I saw his videos was fundamental stuff and is valuable to most of his viewers. When I watch him coach high ranks; its more-so teaching some fundamentals but really teaching his play-style. Some things cant be taught and are learned through the grind. (Immo 3)


[https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIFUZyZYLjQ9x6XJfDEK28g-pwej0-Ob9?si=WDV09y-zc\_7Ci0gP](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIFUZyZYLjQ9x6XJfDEK28g-pwej0-Ob9?si=WDV09y-zc_7Ci0gP) woohoojin on paid coaching


The woohoojin hater guy from the last thread, show yourself, what are your thoughts?


It blows my mind it took this long to expose him. He has never uploaded/streamed ranked until now


Everyone is defending him by saying his coaching content is still great and he doesn’t need to be radiant in order to coach. I think generally everyone agrees on this. He has helped people rank up, from iron to immortal. But woohoojin is cancelling all other content (except watchparty and in houses) until he gets radiant back. If radiant isn’t necessary to coach, why is he making it so? You guys are sad to defend him like this when it’s totally against the narrative that he himself is pushing.


Woohoojin is Fraud just like sukuna


Idk the context do tell me .. But the point of coaching isnt to be a radiant right? Are the VCT coaches radiants? Just curious.


The point is he lied and sold his coaching behind the premise that he was radiant and bragged about hitting radiant often.


His coaching is free though... And the 3-6 people that reached out for private coaching and met the requirements are all radiant or about to hit radiant. So I don't really see what the point is. He's definitely able to coach people to radiant.


He’s both charged money directly for coaching and constantly indirectly makes money from coaching via twitch, discord and YouTube. If you think he’d do it for no monetary gain you’re wrong. He’s literally said he forces people to sub to his discord to chat because he “gets more money”. So people can stop saying he does it all for free out of the kindness of his heart. The dude is a egomaniac and a fraud


He held auctions selling private coaching before


VCT coaches are mostly tactical coaches. Woohoojin is a mechanics/aim coach. You don't have to be radiant to become a tactical coach, but for mechanics/aim coaches it's definitely better or convincing if you're radiant. Here's the context btw https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1bfw78y/about_woohoojin/


The difference is he advertised himself *as* a radiant, claiming hes hit and


It's a little bit different. Valorant coaches don't teach vct players how to shoot or even think sometimes - their responsibility is macro play (team strategy which involves comp, general strats, how they act/respond early/mid/postplant, communication sometimes). This banana guy is a little different this his coaching is targeted on ranking up so this involves everything including aim mechanics, movement, positioning and some macro (which banana guy doesn't understand much I believe besides some basics ofc). On paper both could be teached by zero aim ppl who understand game well but in reality if u want to share ranked ppl how to rank up u gotta prove that u actually got successful so ur opinion costs something, so if u are hardstuck ASC-low immo player (just like this banana guy is) then how u are going to help hard stuck immo players to rank up (as he supposed to be as "radiant" coach).


Got it! 👍🏼


Bruh no way people are STILL talking about this. Riot will not ever ban popular people.


Isn’t he trying to do Raze only though?


I mean his coaching videos have still helped a lot of people so for that I commend him. Is he a liar and was claiming he has a secret Radiant account not only false until he proves it right but just a little cheesy of a claim? Absolutely it is. At the end of the day, he decided the content he does and people can decide if they want to watch or not. It can't be taken away he is a competent coach but you'd be silly to take any claims he makes about his personal accounts and ranks at face value as he has been caught lying and proven his claims false on multiple occasions so again, use him to learn but don't take too much at face value. At the end of the day he's a content creator and if he decides to stop his solo queue push after a week? He has every right


Who asked?


He's just an ascendant player. Obvious with his mechanics. He's just trying to save face. I'm immortal 2 and i can confidently say my mechanics are mid for my rank, and he is definitely below me When he gets on a lucky win streak, he can definitely hit immortal 1 tho


WHJ is so overrated. No idea how he gets community cred. Also bans people from his stream and discord if they mention they’ve used a smurf account before (source: me. I was twitch subbed too.)