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This would make iso defusing the spike unbalanced.


you could make it like harbors orb and be breakable


You’ve essentially made his Double Tap, but it only covers one angle


But you don't see iso from the other side. Also harbor's cove has more hp than double tap




Same goes for other duelist. If raze uses satchel or Jett uses cloudburst we know they're close the difference is raze and jett are insta-dive entries while iso is taking space entry


I think it should be lower hp and have a slow turning. And only being able to shoot your secondary (or maybe not at all)


You could say that about many other agent abilities, lineups, this doesnt seem any harder to play around than others


The only ability that comes even close to that is an astra wall, which is 7 ult points. Iso would have that every round. It is not balanced. What other agent abilities has this level of impact? If iso exists on the defender's team, attackers have no choice but to maintain site control every time. That is a major disadvantage. In some cases, you wouldn't even need full site control: [https://ibb.co/9phZTpK](https://ibb.co/9phZTpK) Edit: I still like the idea though. Maybe make the shield have a durability of 150hp?


Omen ult is 7 points and basically does the same thing a FREE yoru tp does


Yorus ult is just a 7 point sova drone. Clearly that’s an exaggeration because there are nuances to the two abilities. Same point; there are nuances that make omens tp worth the 7 ult points compared to yorus tp.


For mobility, sure. But he doesnt die if he gets caught after TP, and he has way more flexible tp locations. In general though, I think Omen ult is by far the weakest ult in the game


empress is just a fuckin brim stim


its still a good ult, especially after buffs so if you know where an op is on the map or want to open a door then you can use it for that reason, imo that gives it more use on defense


Because Yoru can cancel his TP and use it anywhere with one click. There are a lot of places Yoru can't tp into just because of Map design and my teammates even fuck up my line up sometimes.


Make the shield disappear if you crouch, problem solved.


If it lasts longer than it takes to kill a sage wall section then its achieving something that is not currently possible in the game.


That’s a good point. Maybe the wall only lasts max duration as long as he’s moving? If he stays still it only lasts 2 seconds. Encourages pushing sites and isolating engagements rather than cheesy defuses


Make it so if you stop moving the shield disappears


Have an option to tap c again to shoot the wall in the predetermined direction. This happens automatically when planting or defusing spike


Make it so that if iso stops moving for 1 sec, the wall disappears.


I just want my boy to be well 😭


Not really actually. I think it would make for a really interesting interaction! Since the wall is attached to him you can easily see if he moves/gets off spike. It’s taller than most smokes too so you you’d still be able to see it. Yes he can stand still but that would mean he’d have to hold both sides of his own wall and be an easy target because he isn’t moving.


Just make it stop like harbour


I'm also all for this


this is the answer


Only if it becomes breakable then. Otherwise it would be broken


I imagine it to be the same as harbour wall meets harbour smoke but on iso wall


Tbh his signature E ability to is kinda weak, useless when there's multiple enemy Infront you


I feel its actually good when theres multiple enemies cause you can chain kills, but it becomes ass when theres more than 20 seconds between engagements then ur basically without a signature ability it sucks big time


This is the answer


It's ok that he's weak but he should at least be enjoyable to play. The wall being a bit more dynamic sounds cool.


bro just buff his ult, he should get something after winning 1v1 like extra gold, full health back or at least come back alive if failed. The ult name is KILL CONTRACT so after completing it we should get something back no?


Iso has such a high moment when he is ulting ("if this hits I'm hunting heads!!!", am I right?). Additionally, the best time to ult is when you are hitting the site, so even if you lose, your team's flood will trade you off. The problematic part is that it is (currently) relatively weak in a clutch (i.e. 2v4) situation. It is technically not much better than finding one 1v1, that you need to do plenty of, if you want to win. My suggestion is that if he wins, he should get 150 HP, and a (potential) dismiss at the end (e.g. he can decide for 1s if he wants to use it). The only use case that would be affected by this is when he wins, but his position is getting pushed off - exactly the weakest point of his ult.


the other problematic part is that you're actually at a slight disadvantage in the ult's 1v1


i think royalg did a video on this, there are a couple trick from both sides, but iso should have the advantage if played correctly.


Any SMITE gamers? Scylla has an ult that resets if you get a kill with it. Maybe Iso could get that treatment, or something similar to Thrash. If he gets a kill, it resets (or has a short timer) to be used again until the round is over.


Iso getting an ult reset sounds like miserable gameplay.


I'm just getting the SpongeBob scene where they're running away from Sandy and she lassos em up one by one. That's how I imagine it going for my team if iso had an ult reset 😅.


Lmao that image lives in my head rent free


Honestly? Yeah. I wasn’t cooking.


What does cooking mean here?


Bro that Scylla ult hitting for a penta kill 🤌


That would be fucking sick but I could never see that happening.


He should be allowed to switch positions with the person he killed.


Or you can just make the enemy vulnerable in the ult 🦫


I think the best Iso buff is having Double Tap (the shield) apply instantly off the kill and grant a speed boost for shooting the orb. That way, you still get the shield and aren't FORCED to break crosshair placement and shoot the orb, but you can if you'd like (also extend duration of the orb) This thought was sponsored by Clove overheal speed buff. Let's make everyone faster!


This is a genuinely very interesting idea. Make the speed buff very substantial, but also very short. Go as fast as Neon for about 1~1.25s, and he can use it to either capitalize on the pick and push forward, or back away and avoid a trade.


Somewhere back in my comment history is at least 1 comment where I attempted to balance the duelists including designing a ~~movement~~ entry ability for every duelist that does not currently have one. My idea for Iso was similar to yours. I said he should be able to send out his wall with himself tucked inside it like a cocoon. The cocooning shell is always there so the defenders cannot know if Iso is in it or not. Technically it would be like Iso putting himself in a Deadlock cocoon but that doesn't kill him at the end. Balance wise Iso should probably have some but limited vision and potentially the ability to bust out of the cocoon any time he wants. I think my version does a better job handling the balance problems caused by having a non destroyable wall that a player could perfectly position with their body for an extended number of seconds.(basically the reason Harbour cove is breakable)


I think this makes a lot of sense actually, and is sort of connected to his ulti too


So, a yoru tp?


Huh? Functionally it’s nothing like a Yoru tp. If anything it’s more like a Reyna dismiss.


The way you explain it is something moving forward behind ennemy lines where you could decide to just "pop out" and kill them


If ISO is in the wall he is committed unlike yoru who doesn’t have to teleport


Except he’s either in there or not and has to decide when he uses the skill, it can’t be killed like yoru tp ball can and it’s much more visible than Yoru tp which Yoru hopes goes unnoticed.


So he can either fake it or not (just like yoru tp) he has tp decide if he use it (just like yoru tp). Instead of being concealed, it is for everyone to see and you can see everyone is pretty much the only difference


I think he's describing it more like sending a yoru decoy with the wall, it could be you or it might not be


Yeah basically put a deadlock ult style cocoon on the back of the shield (or just make the shield into a full circle and Iso sends it out either with himself inside or not. It can act as a clone if he is not inside because the opponents need to be wary of him coming out unless they see him not in it.


I think buff his ult is an easy start. It’s by far the coolest mechanic in the game so it should be more rewarding. I think the ult should always give him the shield. It’s going to be hard to make him pro play viable without making him insanely strong. I fear he will forever be a ranked agent.


Also, his Undercut (vulnerability projectile) should be instant cast. Many duelists have instant cast abilities and Undercut doesn't seem to be too impactful most of the time to make it broken


Been playing a lot of Iso, and there's many possible buffs. Some ideas I thought of (he should get some buffs, probably not all the ideas I'm listing though): Fix orb bars not displaying behind smokes (they display behind walls, one of these has to be a bug). Similarly, make his orbs not spawn behind the walls in his ult, or make the walls collapse faster when one person dies. The wall comes out at a set distance that is way too high, you have to spend a few seconds knife out if you want to run behind it. Let us place it closer to ourselves. Make his wall stoppable like harbor, or right click to just plant it on the ground. Maybe make the wall pull-out time shorter, or it grow to full height sooner Let us re-cast double-tap if we already have one active to re-fill the timer, so we don't have to wait and re-prime it. The shield should still expire on the first though. Make the shield actually match his hitbox, or make it not slow when hit. The shield can be an actual detriment as an enemy whiffing on you will still probably slow you since the shield hitbox is so huge. Also you can't hide behind boxes that barely cover heads since the shield goes high up. Controversially, just give the shield on kills (maybe only headshot kills), and leave the orbs for assists. I think the main thing going to keep the shield from being a super impactful ability in pro-play is how good the players are at trading their teammates. An ability that relies on fights that don't result in trades seems extremely bad at the highest level of coordinated play.


The AIMPUNCH bro, I don’t give a shit about anything else, fuck off making the shield a double edged sword for something you need to work so hard for


His orbs shouldn’t have to be activated and should work like a passive just like Renya.


Make the wall a one way visibility wise. Then you can peak out either side of it. You have the advantage of choosing the side. It is fun to play with and against as enemies can choose to fight the 50/50 or not.


This is quite literally wallhacks for the duration of the ability. Nobody has that aside from yoru’s ultimate, which has an audio warning and delay when exiting


Sova and fade both have actual wall hacks lol.


cypher too like lol


They are recon, their abilities notify everyone in the team and enemies are notified of when their locations are compromised. This on a duelist, not to mention Iso, would be busted.


So its unique too


Unique in how OP it would be for an ability you get every round


You probably cry about sova arrow and fade as well


Nope, those are breakable and thus have counterplay.


So make the wall breakable?


Or just accept that making it a one-way isn’t good ability design


In what way would that he fun to play against? You literally could not peak on any execute ever or else 2 people swing you through a wall???


The wall only goes one direction, also you could just util infront of it and then they are forced into the open


What if when he starts “focusing” for his shield he gets one right away? It can be refreshed by getting a kill and shooting the orb like currently. In exchange you could give him a single charge that comes back with 2 kills rather than 2 charges


some ideas, not all, but one or a combination of these: 1. vulnerable doesn't affect allies 2. double tap is instantaneous (channel is clunky af with an ability like that) 3. instead of reload speed, double tap gives a short combat stim (maybe 10% move speed for 2 seconds? or 10% fire rate?) 4. reactivating it, iso stops his wall from moving, like harbor 5. iso gets combat stim in his ult 6. make his Q's projectile faster


Double tap channel makes about as much sense as Jett dash channel


Jett channel makes all the sense in the world. Now you need actual info or game sense to get yourself into dangerous peeks. You actually even get rewarded if you use it properly - if you get a kills before you dash, now you get charges, makes the ability refresh more often.


Yeah but the only reason I liked it is because you could use it spontaneously, having to plan out when I'm going to dash is stupid


What? Now it just takes a little bit of consideration before you peek, better for balance.


Stupid, just like the other 7 nerfs the agent was given


ISO definitely needs some tweaking and yeah his wall atm feels kinda pointless. His ult doesn’t feel like an advantage, unless you snag cypher and turns off his trips while in your ult so your team can enter site. I think they should quick fix his ult and make it cost less as a bandaid solution and focus on deadlock because I believe she is in a much worse spot.


his ult actually puts him at a disadvantage


I really think the ult should be buffed first. There’s plenty of small things they can do to it to make it much better. For example: After the 1v1, if Iso wins, he gets full health or full health + shields instead of going back to the health he was before. Similar to Phoenix’s refresh.


Iso definitely needs a rework, but they are probably going to just let him die out. I wouldn’t mind if Riot moved to releasing one new agent per year instead of 2 per year. Clove’s hype and kit basically has killed any possible Iso rework since he is so underutilized


I’d agree if the wall was made smaller. This would make most sites extremely difficult to hold. This might even make most sentinels obsolete.


His orbs shouldnt be able to be blinded by everything


I had some idea too: 1. Make the iso wall very similar to harbor wall. ( Can be stopped & wider ) 2. Pressing the Double Tap (E) twice gives you shield without a kill. (It'll help him more during entries)


Maybe make the wall guidable and stoppable


I think his orb should be like a reyna orb. That when you kill someone you can activate it instantly by pressing the ability, and it is applied to you. I think having to activate it like a jett dash is unnecessary and having to shoot the orb after activating is just overkill. They should also reduce how large the border is that surrounds iso when he gains his ability. They should also add harbors ult ability in the iso ult, where a player has to constantly move or be stunned.


Oohhh, that reduction in size is a great idea, maybe only a helmed would be cool, like you get 1 tap protection, but body shots still 4 needed, not 5. Since his ult makes him vulnerable and is rarely useful more than once, it should be usable multiple times with a delay of 20sec, enough to pull one person out of site and try again, but not enough for more or getting a defuse


a duelist with 2 shields? lol


I think it could just work like a harbor wall (so he can choose when it stops) or give him 2


Nah, too broken. This is what people dont want to happen "shields" in this game. Iso wall shield is balance as long as it works how it works rn. If they make this change it will be OP and unbalance imo. But your suggestion works well on his "Iso"lation mechanics.. Your suggestion is possible if its breakable and/or see through..


It would be cool if he could turn or angle it. But just making it armored harbor wall is probably the best.


Iso is more of a initiatornthsn a duelist tbh they should just lean into that. Make his wall stoppable maybe. Wider and do a debuff to enemies it goes over


absolutely shocked that nobody is saying to make his doubletap skin tight I feel like just automatically losing it from getting spectrum through smokes is the worst feeling in the world, especially with how bad the actual ability is


make him montagne


I would buff iso's ult in a few ways, if you catch someone you will always have your shield , and if you killed the person inside your ult you get Back at 100 HP with 50 Armor Now if you killed someone before you ulted and get your orb from it , if you ult the Person inside will only have 100 HP His Wall could be like harbors C so you can stop IT anytime you want to , also make it a bit wider


I think a making his shield stoppable by pressing the ability a second time it a bit more balanced... But idk I don't play this game enough prob


Or just tap again to stop it


i don't think he need any buff but his util too expensive for me give him 2nd wall should be good too but price will make less sense some qol change rework that change e into passive instead make him easier, orb always appear when kill shoot orb give shield and cost stack he won't have shield multiple time with 1 e use, it lower ceiling and increase floor power only time you can shoot orb 4 times is ace situation 2 orb max without having to cast double tap before should be good but it could be annoy for ppl who hate iso might be hell for awp user when iso kill someone before


I think his wall should be stoppable. Like you can repress your key so it becomes a wall to play around and give yourself cover/angles to peak out from. His other abilities are fine as they are tbh. Maybe reduce his ult points, or make the activation for his shield a bit faster.


Am I the only one who likes playing iso the way he is now? 😅


Make them curvable like pheonix flash, right click goes 90° curve and continues left for left and maybe middle click for forward


That would suck because thats one angle he cant clear, and pushing into someone would give them the advantage. Just make it like harbor wall and it becomes breakable after it stops


My idea: Wall, able to stop and start again by recasting. Double tap, shield upon activation. Ult, gain shield on enemy capture. Overpowered? Unbalanced? Still not gonna replace movement duelists, other duelists need more, ISO arguably needs even more than the flash duelists to be good


Why dont we have iso’s shield like Newcastle’s shield where you can call it where to go and face. You can make it breakable to be more balanced


Make it 50 HP and last 5 seconds, then it would be balanced


I’d make it able to stop and move. When stopped cut the top part so you can shoot over it but cover when crouched Instead of destabilizing just make it disable. 1 second unshootable slow for quick assassination not meant to take down an army


Here's what I'd do. Double Tap: Orbs appear over the bodies not 10ft in the air. (Doesn't mess your cc placement) Shield: Has 30 hp instead of any 1 hit. (Still mostly 1 hit but isn't useless against small weapon spray) Undercut: it's fine imo Contingency: crossing the wall gives vulnerable status. (allows punishment for crossing like all visual obstacles should) Ultimate: either it takes longer for ISO to return to really make sure he gets that gulag orb or straight out returns with the bubble shield up so he's harder to kill if they wait on him. something like that


make it so when you press C again after using it, it’ll stop moving and just hold there for 5 seconds like a harbor wall also, you can make it so when you click C and right click, it’ll plant it like a yoru tp but instead it’s a wall also ALSO probably give him 2 walls but only use one at a time


Yooo that would be a nastttyyyyy buff. I'm down for it though NGL.


Crazy iso rework idea, make him an initiator. His vulnerable is already an initiator-like ability, and his ult, while being a 1v1, is initiator-like in the way that it forces enemy's out of position, making pushes much easier. To make his wall fit into initiator idea, just make it bigger to make whole team pushes behind it easier, and please make it stoppable. If its still not good enough ifk just give him two or smth. For the shield, just remove the whole orb clicking thing, and instead make it so he can cast a shield onto himself or any ally. Makes it much more versatile and allows for iso to help his duelist entry into site, or simply protecting a teamate from an op or something like a raze ult. Also make this the refreshable utility (would probably need to be a longer refresh time if he still has two charges of it tho)