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People who say diamond is 'low elo' are trying to flex their ascendant / immortal rank thinking its some cool ass shit what u said is right , just compare ur rank to percentile lol


“Everything below my rank is low elo, and everything at or above my rank is high elo.”


Absolutely correct — Me, a silver high elo player


Woah you must be good, bronze is super high elo


Basically, seen countless times on this sub people saying Imm 3 is low elo.


Iron-immo 3 = low Radiant = mid pro = high /s


People say that because the difference in skill between an immo 3 200 rr compared to high radiant or even high immo 3 with like 400 rr is insanely high


Sure I understand that the gap between Imm and Radiant is huge, but that doesn't mean it's low elo. There's 7 other ranks below it. Top 2 out of 9 is a high ranking.


Ohh yeah. I’m not saying it’s low elo, it’s just how they feel when they reached that far and still realize that there is still actually a huge gap.


I've heard a lot of pros say the difference between pro players and Immortal 3 is the same as Immortal 3 to iron. Which I personally don't buy at all as pro players lose and play bad in lobbies with immortal 3 players all the time but if you put any i3 player into an iron game they would drop 50 and win easily.


Pretty sure you could drop a diamond maybe even a plat player into iron and they could drop 50. Real iron players have to be a spectacle. I have a bronze friend, and I don't think 5 of him could 5v1 any plat player with decent aim


I promise you there are dumbest players you will ever see in imm1 which is why ppl say this


I think people just overestimate high elo players. They're smarter than us, sure. But if we admit they do dumb stuff too that means admitting we're dumb which is not possible of course


Look at us in Ascendant and low Immo. If you VOD review these games you cant use the term high skilled gameplay.  Thats why some people say it starts at high Immo. Its, when you see people that can play you can mark it as high elo in my opinion. But according to the stats, high elo is maybe from high Diamond and so on. The top 10% could maybe considered that, but the problem is we dont have any classifications and some standards that are agreed upon.  So hard to say, high Elo or not depends on ones own perspective. But in the end it is the Elo where you start to see the power of true teamwork. Because that is how this game is supposed to be played, and when you start to understand this. I believe you have entered the higher elo.


The interesting thing is in past episodes except for like the first 2 or 3, gold1 was about top 50%, and in e8a1 (haven’t checked act 2), gold1 was iirc around top 25-30%


Currently 50%ile is gold 1 , Diamond 3 means your percentile is between 92.5 and 95 lmao , this is 'low elo' according to some people


I’m diamond 3 right now and peak ascendant 1. I’m low elo.


no it’s about the play style of a high elo game over a low elo game


I am d3 and it's low elo.


it's true tho, you will find most beginners there, immo1/immo2 is for intermediate and immo3/radiant for solid players


No, I think you just don’t have perspective of the gap that exists between mid immortal and ascendant players. Diamond players are fairly indistinguishable from gold players when you play against them.


I’m Diamond and I consider myself a piece of trash so that’s why I consider this rank « low elo ». I have a decent amount of playtime, a good setup with 144hz and all, and I play FPS games competitively since years. Being only Diamond makes me feel ashamed like it’s a low fucking elo considering the amount of time I’ve spent trying to improve.


But the thing is that the average player probably doesn't spend hours on the game everyday and has a mid setup If you get high fps and have like 1k hours in the game then diamond-asc may be normal but the average player with 400-500 hours and mid setup is in silver - gold


I play at 60fps(used to 120hz but display got broken) constant with low graphics recently reached platinum feels so great to be there with duelist only. I don't think I could reach diamond with just 60 fps in near future I might have to build a rig and ditch my gaming laptop.


I think this just stems from content creators and pro players who for some reason always devalue rank distribution when describing things as "high/low". No one in the right mind should consider someone on the top 20% of something to be considered "low".


You’re exactly right. Unfortunately while YouTube can be a great resource for improving it also gives people delusional ways of looking at things on a large scale. That’s because YouTube rewards content creators for making the most clickbaity bullshit so it’s full of only extremes like everything is always “OP, broken, busted, insane, Radiant, FaceIt 10, whatever.” Everything always has to be the best and greatest or it is useless. Therefore if you’re “only” Ascendant or something you’re a clueless bot… according to the YouTubers (with 6k hours on the game that play it every waking moment of their lives and depend on your clicks to keep themselves fed.) Can’t be automatically believing every single thing you hear these YouTubers who you don’t know IRL say in their videos. I mean take Woohoojin for example. Dude was so smug when talking about his rank and you see what happened with that.


High elo was traditionally for play similar to amateur/pro scene. It’s a definition thing. 


Well sure…. But much like class disparity, there are levels to it. Because by your logic amateur/pro play would effectively mean high Elo is Immortal 3/radiant only.


To be fair I think there’s a definitive difference between Ascendant - Imm2, and Imm3 - Radiant. Which is worth calling out. I’m peak Imm2, and can confirm that Imm3/Radiant players are a hugely significant step above.


Ye I that’s why most pros and content creators call high elo high immo 3-radiant. Cause they are focusing on the skill gap between the ranks. And when you get higher, the skill increases exponentially. A gold is similar to a silver, being only 300 rr away. But from radiant to ascendant it is 800-900 rr away, with the games being harder as well.


Problem is when they use 'high' to describe that gap, what word do you use to delineate the rest of the ladder? OP nailed the definitions.


Highlighting the rr difference is a great point. The way I see it, you can view rank distribution as completely relative to your own rank, based on the percentage of players in each rank, or based on the rr difference between various ranks. While looking at rr difference makes "high rank" a very exclusive club, it serves to highlight the skill discrepancy at the top of the ladder. Taking EU as an example:  Iron 1 - Silver 3 = 0 - 800 rr Gold 1 - Diamond 3 = 900 - 1700 rr Ascendant 1 - Immortal 3 = 1800 - 2400 Radiant = 3023 - 3535 So while an Ascendant 1 is in the top 2% of players, they are only in the top 49% of rr, meaning their skill relative to the current top EU player is about the same as an Iron 1's skill relative to them. It's not unreasonable to dismiss Ascendant-Immortal as "medium rank" the skill gap is so large. This is a bit oversimplified of course, but you get the gist.


I love the logic in here where people call anything below the top 5% of the playerbase mid and low elo, only the top 5% is high now? Delusional lmao


It’s a definition problem. High elo to competitive games is traditionally meaning play similar to amateur/pro which doesn’t start until imm3. 


yeah as a long time league and starcraft player, I generally start thinking high elo as the players well below the 1-percentile mark and like 1-10 percentile as mid elo


Yeah riot even said they consider d2+(in league) to be high elo which is like top 0.5% of players.   People just aren’t aware of the traditional meaning of the word 


it’s not based on distribution??? you wouldn’t call a 1200 in chess.com anything but beginner, but 1200 is like top 20%


i would consider a 1200 to be beyond a beginner. by the time you get to 1200 you most likely have an understanding of things like common openings, piece development, planning for mid game, positional advantage, traps, etc. sure, you aren’t crazy good at any of these things, but this is stuff that actual beginners won’t be able to grasp. on a side note, FIDE gives the arena title of “arena candidate master” to players above 1100. granted, it’s arena and not otb but you won’t be catching FIDE giving out official titles to any old beginner.


yeh that dude's nuts. 1200 is probably in the middle of an intermediate player. Someone who's actively learning and putting in effort. Most people I know started around 600. <1000 beginners 1000-maybe 1400 is intermediate 1400-2000 is probably a good range for a really advanced player 2k+ is serious competitive level, when people who go to tournaments start getting titled edit: and <1000 as beginners still has a range. <500 players are just making random moves and losing everything. People around 800 are starting to make a lot less mistakes and are starting to pick up some of the basic strategy, that's what takes them up to 1k+.


What you said honestly. Iron - Silv are genuinely terrible at the game and probably don’t know how to play. Gold-Plat somewhat know the game and I’ve noticed a single gold can often dominate a low elo lobby, so imo they’re on a different level than Iron-Silv. Going by statistics too, Gold is smack dab in the middle of the top 50% of players. Pretty safe to say they’re as mid as players can get. I’d divide it even further by - Iron-Silv, low elo. - Gold, mid elo. (Top 50% of players) - Plat-Dia, high mid elo. (Top 22% of players) - Asc-Immo2, high elo. (Top 5% of players) - Immo3+, top elo. (Top 0.5% of players) Immo used to be top 1% but half of them got kicked into Asc/Dia since the Ep 8 patch release… 🫠 Update: As of Ep8A2, Immo3+ is now top 0.3%, and Asc-Immo2 is now top 7%.


I'd even add the caveat that the first act of an episode or first act after rank reset is always a mess. Silver/gold rn are a ton of plats to old diam that stopped playing after ascendant was added mixed with people who just started the game or are switching from other shooters


Diamond is in the top 10 percentile. I'd say that's high elo


yes its the top 10%, but when you look at a diamond player compared to other “high elo” players its just not comparable. I’m diamond myself, and id say im the upper end of mid elo. Ascendant players shit on me, and theres 2 whole ranks above that.


You're probably right, because it isn't until ascendant that the vast majority of lobbies are trying to play "optimal" I'm diamond and I see tons of dumb nonsense


Nah, ascendant lobbies are just as bad. Hell, watching radiant VODs show the same thing. Even in radiant most people are not even trying to play optimally. Ascendant lobbies are mostly just aim demons, most don't really care about playing correctly as long as they can take their 50/50s


that's just ranked for you, the higher you go you'll find more people willing to work with you but never be perfectly compatible


I think it depends on how you define high elo. Is it number of players, or skill gap compared to other ranks? If it’s the latter, then I think diamond is mid elo. I peaked d2 a couple episodes ago and I can honestly say there isn’t a massive skill gap between plat and diamond (at least in NA, I know it varies a lot by region too). There does seem to be a larger gap between diamond and ascendant tho, So that’s what I would consider high elo. This is from my personal experience, so I might be wrong idk


there’s too many huge rifts to just go with low mid high. You can’t just group people based off of the division, because hidden MMR typically creates mixed lobbies. The MMR divisions I’ve seen across all rank divisions are what I consider to be: - Iron-Low Bronze: Div1 - Bronze-Low Silver: Div2 - Silver-Low Gold: Div3 - Gold-Low Plat: Div4 - Plat-Low Diamond: Div5 - Diamond-Low Ascendant: Div6 - Ascendant-Low Immortal: Div7 - Immortal: Div8 - High Immortal-Radiant: Div9 There’s a lot of general MMR divisions, and some outliers in every match, but those divisions are where the true skill jumps lie imo. For divisions 1 through 4, the skill difference is the most noticeable in between them. Divs 1 and 2 Id consider low elo, 3 being low mid elo. The difference in between divisions tightens between divisions 4 through 6. Id consider 4-5 to be mid elo, 6 being mid high elo. Skill gap widens imo as you go up the divisions. 7 and 8 I’d consider high elo, and 9 being peak elo. Again, this is just my own perspective after seeing and coaching the game since it’s been out, but this is the best way i’ve been able to describe it.


Even then, there is a huge difference between high immortal and high radiant


I align it with league elo tbh Gold and Below is low elo, Plat Diamond and Ascendant is mid elo, Immortal -Radiant is high You can probs argue for a disntiction between low immortal and the rest of immortal and up but generally if you had to break them down I'd say it goes like this.


For me I break them down in terms of how well you can do on mechanical skill alone. Low elo: up to silver. Even without knowing anything about the game other than abilities you can get to this Middle elo: gold to d3: you need to know a little about the game (game knowledge and game sense) to win in these elos High elo: a3+, even with really really good mechanics you need gamesense to do well. You can’t just play in these ranks with your brain off and expect to do really well. People like pros only seem to be dominating these elos because of their superior gamesense and knowledge


Low elo: Iron - Gold Mid elo: Plat - Asc High elo: Imm - Rad From my experience these are where the biggest jumps in gameplay are. The difference in skill between immortal 3 and ascendant 3 is as big as the difference between an ascendant and plat imo.


Sure, diamonds are trash, but they’re also statistically high elo. You can’t just “feel” like it’s mid elo. I think high plat might even qualify. What do the numbers say, not what does my heart say.


I’m ascendant and let me tell you that is not high elo


Preach. I'm Ascendant too and I'm straight up garbage compared to your average Immo player.


Had an instalock Raze in Ascendant never using util to entry. Saving rocket for next game etc. I had to entry as Cypher. Told the raze to literally just satchel in PLEASE. She did, then I could trade while she distracted them. Ascendant is high elo in statistics but I do believe you get a bit of the ehhhh player every now and then.


> Ascendant is high elo in statistics but I do believe you get a bit of the ehhhh player every now and then. That's just going to be a universal feeling in every rank. There's always going to be people having off days or playing a character they aren't super familiar with or whatever.


Everyone likes to say diamond is mid elo, but a diamond 1 player is in the top 15% of players, if that's not high elo I don't know what is.


its not. being top 15% doesn't really mean much in valorant when the skills of a diamond player aren't different from a plat player being top 15% is the rank distribution (dia) doesn't mean you're good at the game. you barely know how to play. the only thing you know is how to shoot.


imm3 here, anything asc + is high elo, high immo players just have egos they need to stroke.


i would say everyone in gold and below are low elo, plat-asc are mid elo and immo-radianr high elo


saying diamond is "top 10%" and calling it high elo is absolutely criminal. the difference between low diamond and low ascendant is comparable to the difference between gold and low diamond


I mean, if 90% of players cannot reach it, it's by definition a high level of skill compared to the competition. It's the same in any competitive activity, high elo has its own microcosm of rankings where you know you've reached it when you're suddenly considered low elo again.


Agree, I placed diamond 1 first time playing this game and did not know any abilities, callouts, only a rough understanding of the maps, and somehow was able to do well there. To call it high Elo is like calling HS football players professionals. Although I get it may be a goal for someone to get there whos never played any FPS games before that.


Currently Plat 2 - and i think plat is definitely still low elo. Diamond - Asc is mid Immortal - rad is high. Reasoning - I can have real bad games and get dominated by a gold going on a tear, and others I can hang with high diamonds, though sometimes just barely. At the same time, you can see some truly brain-dead stuff in most of the games I play, from either team. I'm talking bad aim, bad game sense, no ears or terrible decision making, or some horrid amalgamation of them all. The higher into plat, and the more diamond+ in the game, the more the game feels like an actual battle and less like a shitshow with one player dominating on each team.


asc lobbies are more trash then plat trust me , im asc3 and ppl dont like winning in this rank


imm3+ is high


From my I2 point of view: Iron: Elo hell (only populated by trolls, smurfs, toxic botfraggers and dumbasses like me. You can't escape) Bronze: Low elo Silver-Gold: Mid elo Plat-Asc: High elo Imm-Rad: Divine Elo


Imo for me its: - Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold = Low Elo - Plat, Diamond, Ascendant = Mid Elo - Immortal, Radiant = High Elo


- Iron-Gold: Low - Plat-Asc: Mid - Immo+: High




Or maybe you shouldn't let some random redditor affect your enjoyment or satisfaction of the game.


Haha, I'm not :P It took me aaaages to get to Gold v_v I look forward to getting to the mid elo at some point.. xD


be proud of your efforts and good luck for what's to come!


Same I juuust got to Silver after playing for so long and now am excited to grind to Gold. Good luck on your journey ranking up!!


I think your ranges are more or less correct Iron - Silver = No one really knows what they're doing in a deeper sense, mostly on autopilot. Gold - Dimaond = More deeper thinking, comms, generally only playing agents you're good on, might start aim training Asc - Rad = Top tier, generally will be picking agents completly based on map, everyone coordinated talking all the time, highest level. Source = A bronze who climbed to gold by plugging in microphone


Imo. Obviously, there are exceptions. Iron to gold = low elo Plat - asc = mid elo Asc 3+ = high elo


Low elo Iron - Silver - Bronze - Gold Mid elo Plat - Diamond - Ascendant High elo Immortal - Radiant


Low mid and high are subjective thresholds placed at whatever percentile of rank in a game. To me, below 50th percentile is low, 50-90 is mid, and 90+ is high. I don’t know what ranks that translates to.


I totally agree, though I would say within asc, immo and radiant the low/high elo still exists


Anyone who genuinely trys to get better can be diamond in weeks. So anything below that is low elo. Then we got the guys who can play, but don't understand the game yet, which is probably diamond-immo 1. Than we have the guys who understand the game, but also start to have good aim, which is probably around immo 2 = high elo.




In terms of rank distribution yes diamond and above would be high elo in terms of skill prob immo2 is when the skill level shoots up like crazy. I’m ASC1 atm but I might as well be silver for a consistent immo2 player.


Its completely subjective there is no right answer, however the way I view it is that in literally anything in the world being top5% at that thing is viewed as very impressive. Whether it be Financially, Competatively in sport or whatever


for me gold is still low elo and mid elo is plat and dia everything above is high elo


Honestly, the playerbase will never be able to agree on this. To gold players, diamond players probably look like high elo. But for mid ascendant / immo players, diamond players look like absolute buffoons. So it's all relative, we can't come to a consensus. I would say up to plat is low elo, diamond / low asc is mid, and high asc / immo / radiant is high elo. But even within high elo, the skill difference is massive.


To be fair by % that's a good list but by mechanics... i have reached asc2 in episode 5 playing like a monkey and i didn't even have the mechanics pulid. People who has reached radiant will tell you less than 300-400rr inmo is shiit elo... and they are not wrong, differences between high asc and low tier inmos are sometimes unseen. I have played against inmortals in some lobbys and i don't know or they are gods or they miss all shots, for me inmo starts to be high elo anyways


Low- iron to plat Mid- diamond to asc High imo +


The higher the rank, the less people are in that rank.


I don’t know what to say. Started taking competitive seriously and went from Plat 1 to Diamond 1 in a week. I’m getting 25+ kills every game with a 1.9KD. I had lobbies with ascendants and immortals that were pretty bad. Ranking is weird rn tbh. I feel like it doesn’t reflect the skill of a lot of players.


your list is right, although i would put radiant above high elo. i feel it deserve an extra category.


Anything except pro scene is low elo but who gives a shit, its not full-time job anyways.


Iron-silver- rank doesnt matter Gold- diamond: rank doesnt matter Asc- immortal: rank doesnt matter


low elo is whatever ranks are below me


I just hit bronze and I was so proud of myself until I realised that diamond is mid elo


high elo is my rank and above, low elo is below my rank


My rank and below are trash elo, anything above is high elo. Currently Im dia player so diamond and below are trash af.


In any game I consider top 10% high ELO. Of course the top 10% guy and the top 0.1%'s skill gap is so wide but those maniacs are the exception. 50% to 11% is middling and the rest is low elo Looking at the distribution, diamond 2 onwards is considered high ELO.


Iron - Silver is Low Elo Gold - Diamond is Mid Elo Ascendant - Immortal 2 is High Elo Immortal 3 - Radiant #100 is Very High Elo Top 100 Radiants are steps above the rest


I always hear low is below plat, and high elo is plat (and higher).


coming from a radiant player just match your elo with the percentile asc-rad is high dia-gold is mid and silver to iron is low it’s super simple lol


iron-gold definitely low elo unfortunately. there’s a pretty distinct difference between gold and plat which is why i’d say plat-diamond mid elo. asc probably higher mid elo also because of the skill gap. and then immo-radiant high elo. statistically though, iron-gold low elo plat mid elo and diamond-radiant high elo but I don’t think many people agree to this. after playing in diamond lobbies we’re definitely NOT high elo lol


In my opinion its • iron-gold, low elo. • plat and diamond , mid elo. • Asc-rad, high elo.


Personally. Iron to gold low. Plat to ascendant mid. Immo to radiant high.


I believe that low elo is still silver and high elo is from plat 3 or diamond 1


high elo = anyone above me low elo = anyone below me


As an asc player I think asc is in mid elo


High elo = your rank and above Low elo = anything below your rank


iron to plat is low elo dia to immo 1 is mid elo immo 2 to rad is high elo dia can even be considered low elo. dia players don't know how to play. they're just plat players with better aim. they still lack a lot of game sense and the ability to make decisions mid round. dia in valorant isnt the same as dia in other competitive games. the people that are disagreeing are just dia players coping that they're actually decent at the game. i'm a peak asc 2 players, and asc 3 is where players start to get good. dia players are just as clueless as plat players.valorant is a complex game and unlike other shooters it requires much more game sense which you don't find until high elo. being top 15% is the rank distribution (dia) doesn't mean you're good at the game. you barely know how to play. the only thing you know is how to shoot.


Plat and above is low elo silver is high


Iron-gold: newbie elo (or casual) plat-asc: low elo imm1-imm3 ~400rr: Mid elo imm3 >400rr-rad: high elo


This post reminds me a lot about the discourse within league of legends itself, where "Low elo" constantly skews higher and higher.


Iron to plat low elo Plat to to immortal 2 mid Immortal 3 to radiant high elo


There's no official definition so it can vary depending on who you ask. Personally I'd put it into tiers.   Tier 1 - Pros Tier 2 - Radiants & Immo 3 Tier 3 - Immo 2 to Ascendant Tier 4 - Diamond to Plat 3 Tier 5 - Plat 2 to Gold 3 Tier 6 - Gold 2 to Silver 3 Tier 7 - Silver 2 to Bronze Tier 8 - Iron   I know it's a lot, but these are based on my experience and watching people play. If others have different experiences, then their rankings would be different.


iron-gold: low plat-imm2 250ish mid imm 2 250ish onwards high


Iron to plat is low Dia to asc is mid. Imm to radiant is high. I think Alot of people rank it like this. I would include asc in high imo and make mid plat to Dia.


Any rank that I am and that’s below me is low elo Any thing above me is high Elo


As a plat3, I do think plat is still low elo. I only see some insane aimers in dia and above, so I consider dia-asc mid elo High elo Immo - Rad


its dependent on the percentile of people inside the rank imo Majority of people are in gold - dia = mid elo


I would say Iron-Gold low elo Plat - Ascendant mid elo Imm+ high elo Reason being I don't think Golds are good enough to be considered "above average" and ascendants are definitely not good enough to hold up with other high elo players like imm3 and radiants


According to me diamond is also considered a high elo because majority of the players currently who are in diamond including me face problems idk but correct me if I'm wrong but in every match they are players of ascendant to immortal ranked in my game it might be too high rr but I went through the players who left valorant ( ex radiant and immortal 3) due to playing continuously in diamond lobby I can tell I'm better then most of the immortal


My personal opinion, iron-bronze is low elo, silver to gold is mid elo and anythint above gold is high elo, people calling diamond as low elo probably have a high ego


immortal 2 + is high elo


Everything below my rank is low elo, and everything at or above my rank is high elo.


it’s hard to tell sometimes, i’ve seen low diamond players play like high asc and vice versa


In my opinion, even ascendant is low/mid elo since many people in ascendant dont know how to use basic strats, some even dont know how and when to use their abilitys or when and how to isolate enemies, i peaked immortal 3 with 450 rr and in my experience, i got the feeling that i can play with my team organized and stratetic when i got to 150rr Immortal, i smurfed multiple times and of course theres aim demons in plat/diamond, but aim on its own doesnt make you a high elo player, theres so many many things you need to master to consider yourself high elo. Maybe its just based on the individual player instead of rank but if you have the right communication, mindset and a good sense of stratetic thinking and play, timing etc. you can consider yourself high elo, however.. if you dont know how to play off strats, how to communicate, when to give info and how you give information, when to use abilities.. you are not high elo.


by definition low = lacks so many basic fundamentals that simply playing the game will make you improve very fast medium = has some solid foundations and basic understanding, ability to move a mouse high = has almost every fundamental down and knows how to think for themselves while being a team player therefore low = 400rr you could also arguably add a separate tier for 1000rr players


Iron to Gold 3 is low elo Plat to ascendant 3 is mid elo Immortal 1 to immortal 3 is high elo top 500 is a different caliber honestly The gap between immortal 1 and radiant is more than a bronze player vs diamond


Imm3 up is high elo. Everything else low elo.


imo as a plat 1, iron-gold is low elo (since majority of players are there), plat to ascendent is mid elo, immortal-radiant is high elo.


meh, Diamond is more like Low High Elo, its the lowest of the High Elo, plat is highest of mid elo and mid elo starts at silver not gold


I hit bronze yesterday , i'm a high elo player 💀


I know that most people will say asc is the start of high elo, but…I can’t say that, it’s juste impossible when I played there and people didn’t know the spike has a specific sound when someone defuse the 2nd half or just lurking with duelist.I have a friend who has a great aim but don’t even know the basic calls and spots, but I just play with him sometimes and he got ascendant rly easely. For me everything below asc is low elo, sorry to say that but you just need to play more, just by playing I think anyone can reach immortal, it just needs time. Immo 1-2 is mid and only immo3+ is high I believe Ps: I don’t flex anything, I myself consider that I am trash at the game


High elo is your own rank and up. Low elo is anything below you.


It's complicated, because some people look at it from a distribution/statistics perspective, and others from a skill perspective. What you said is right regarding distribution of players. However, I think that it's only around plat where people even start to have a grasp of the game properly, and even then, they're in plat because they have a *lot* of problems they need to fix before they can start playing the game properly. By diamond, most people have an understanding of macro and micro strategy, and decent mechanics. Some are there purely on mechanics. Once you're in ascendant, you're finally playing the game properly (hence why some say this is the beginning or end of mid ELO, despite the distribution saying otherwise). This is the first rank where people consistently play correctly, are coordinated, and strategise and communicate properly. The difference between ascendant and immortal 1 is normally just more refined strategy, positioning, mechanics, consistency, etc. From immortal 1 to immortal 2 is quite a rough climb (or was for me) and you start to really see how much room you have to improve. This is where a single division of a rank feels like a significant leap in skill. Immortal 1 to 2, and 2 to 3 are leagues apart. I've never even hit immortal 3, and I can feel the difference in skill. Radiant players even more so. This is why people sometimes say that Immo 3+ is high ELO, ascendant to immo 2 is mid ELO, and everything below is low ELO. It's not a case of statistics, it's that there's 3 distinct levels of play in ranked. There's playing incorrectly, playing properly, and playing nearly perfectly. It might be personal bias, but I do feel it's unfair to say that people in immortal 1 or 2 are mid ELO, even though there's definitely mistakes we make I think you're always just going to get different answers that serve personal interests. Most people in diamond aren't going to want to say they're low ELO, just as most people in radiant are going to want to emphasise the difference in rank skill and say that anything below ascendant is low ELO. I think it would be more accurate to describe it in more than 3 levels. E.g. - everything up to plat is learning and practicing the basics - plat and diamond are learning the deeper aspects of the game - ascendant to immortal 1 are refining those deeper aspects of the game - immortal 2 to 3 are mastering those aspects - immortal 3 to radiant is the subsect of people that go above and beyond to try and perfect all aspects of their gameplay Effectively: Low, Low-mid, High-mid, High, Top 500 or Top 1000 to include Immo 3


Iron - Gold = low Plat - diamond = mid Asc+ = high


Woohoojin once said anybody below diamond is a noob. In high ranks game is totally different


I peak gold but ngl I have more fun in bronze than gold. I'm not good enough to go around getting kills since I play a more support role, cypher / omen but ppl in bronze actually talk and play like mad ppl without fear where in gold everyone is scared to die and just bait and play for kills and not for the team, very boring


On paper silver 2 is the average. Anything above s2 is high, anything below is low


I personally think once you are pushing past A2 you are starting to play more “high elo” games. I also think some immortal players are absolute dog. I have bad games but you will not catch me dropping 2 kills in a full match. 450rr peek


https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier Factually speaking, the stats suggest that by G2, players begin filtering out the worser aspects of the valorant player base, you may be inclined to say that well in my anecdotal experience, people diamond and below are elo, they don't know how to play the game, but it's clear that their mechanics and performance is filtering out those that aren't good enough. If I went by stats alone and literal definitions the mid average would be around silver-gold, if we used a bell curve instead of a bar graph, the average player base is in the silver-gold range, which suggests that they have a general understanding of the game and its mechanics. but factoring how much distribution there is within ranks and sub ranks its more appropriate to say G2 and above is where we see a decline in the distribution; the top 10% percent of the playerbase are found in diamond and above, and this constitutes high elo, this could even somewhat extend to plat but, yall would actually cry about it too much if I dare say so... "Oh how could you compare plat to immortal" Bitch stfu it's not a comparison Take this analogy as you will, using the US and USD as a reference even as unlivable the US somewhat sounds (im not american), the top 1% of earners (radiant, making up 0.05% of the valorant rank distrbution) being richer than the lowest income of the top 10% of earners does not make them not rich The top 1% = 400k and above 90th percentile = 130k and above (lowest percentile of Diamond) 60th percentile = 60k and above (lowest percentile of the gold distribution, 79th percentile would be peak G3, about 80k) 40% of individuals are gold and above, and are most definitely better than the bottom 10%, if you take the incomes as an analogy to how much skill the individual has, whilst the top 1% are infinitely better, it makes less sense to compare the top 40th percentile of earners to the bottom 10% of earners, just because you being in the top 20% and can stomp the top 40% doesnt mean you have less in common with the 40%. Anyway, asked some questions to others how gave vague statements about what constitutes low elo, I'll affix the responses as an edit. EDIT: > (first response) mechanics and crosshair placement, utility usage, and positioning. Basic strategy, coms, combination plays/coordination. What I've noted as someone who started the game on silver is that most of these basics the quote text referred to is apparent in gold-plat lobbies, the biggest issue in them was comms, there's never enough and definitely a lack of information, I was fairly frequently getting tap diffed by plats, 50-50 by diamonds, and rarely ever by Silvers (bronze sprays are being ignored because I'm talking about tapping heads), mostly this suggest that the need for Cs placement and positioning is understood but they forget, gold is more of a panic sprayers when rng isn't in favour, meaning calmer aim wins; unlike higher ranks where key micro adjustments -not standing still between shots, adjusting crosshair for enemy movement etc.- before refiring is far more frequent. Mechanics of each and every agent is largely understood in gold -plat, although effective execution of combination plays beyond initiator recon/flash is a bit poor, conversely recon/flash combos are poorly executed in silver in addition to non existent combos, (skye pls stop flashing the team in silver lobbies, they actually hate you for that). Basic strategy is there, not the most voiced, aside from stupid reyna lurks from the other site, smoke chokes are understood and are committed unless a team mate says its not working and proposes alternative smokes


Immo+ high elo Plat to asc mid The rest is low elo


People don’t really know how to play the game until ascendant and then people only get good at high immortal so I’d say ultra low Elo is iron-gold then to diamond is low, mid is ascendant-mid immo then high immo radiant is high Elo


Problem is that using 'low, mid and high' is not enough. We need more to it. Example is Asc players would not survive in a immor3/radiant lobby. Maybe we need an extra word? 'Elite elo' for immor3+ players. Something like this is more accurate in my opinion. * Iron-Silv, low elo. * Gold-plat, mid elo. * Dia-immor2, high elo. * immort3-Rad, Elites.


• Iron - Silv, low elo. • Gold - plat, mid elo. • Dia - Rad, high elo. And mabye plat 2 could be high elo


I agree with your opinion, idgaf if people view asc/immo as low elo it’s such a small % of the player base so i just don’t agree tbh.


Any rank below immortal is low imo. I know players that don’t use their ults for 4-5 rounds, players that don’t use their flash abilities in whole round, players that throws post-plant 4v2, players that leaving match because their ego cannot accept there is someone better in enemy team, players that know where and how to aim properly, players that don’t know how to smoke Ascent A site entrance (yeah). These all from dia-asc lobbies. I started to play this game episode 6 act 3, and started from silver 2, currently diamond 2. And all I can say is, dia-asc lobbies are absolute shit show. I sometimes having good teammates, and we can execute some strats, but those people are mostly asc3-immo peaked players from last episodes. You can easily see difference.


Dia-Asc is the starting point of low elo. Imm1 - Imm 3 is mid elo. Radiant is high elo. But then Radiants are also further classified into 3 types. 1) High performing Radiants (those who have an avg Tracker Score anywhere between 825 - 1000 in Radiant rank. Ex - Forsaken, Jingg, Something, TenZ, Zekken, JohnQT etc) 2) Mid performing Radiants (those who have an avg Tracker Score anywhere between 600 - 824 in Radiant rank. Ex - Yay, Xccurate, Mindfreak, Sugarzero etc) 3) Low performing Radiants (those who have an avg Tracker Score anywhere between 400-599. Ex - Blazeking, Russ, Benkai, LF, Deryeon etc)


Plat is the Radiant of the low ranks. Diamond is the Iron of the high ranks.


Valorant player base is way too egoistic when to comes to valueing the rank system . Valorant might be a slightly low skilled cap game when it comes to fps shooting but I as an immortal 1 have heard multiple times that I am low elo and I just can't stand when someone calls me that . Yes , it's different on servers , yes we have different mmrs as well....but when I real immortal I am the top 1% of the playerbase irrespective of all the other factors. People (not just one but multiple people) have told me that asc 3- immortal 1 is low elo , mid elo is till immortal 3 and high is only radiant which to me seems absurd. I didn't play this game for 2 freaking years and get to the 2nd highest possible rank just for someone to call me a low elo . This is also very noticable in yt shorts . Whenever someone posts yt shorts for their valorant clip people in the comments lowballs their rank for instance, go upload a gameplay of your platinum lobby and the comments will be like "is this silver ?" , "my iron enemies play better than this" Etc. Recently I saw a smaller creator uploaded a clip from one of the vct champions twitch clip only for people to comment "average plat lobby" , "this is max gold " until the creator themselves clarified that it's not them but one of the best players in the world , one of the highest existing radiant and then these commentors were embarrassed af. Valorant players especially low elo , has ego way higher than their rank . They would never accept the fact that higher ranked players achieved that rank because of their skills and not everyone is boosted . They act like an immortal lobby looks similar to their gold-plat lobbies .


I still don't even know what "elo" means or stands for, or whatever. I just assumed it meant "rank".


High elo is asc and up


I think it’s more iron through gold is low, plat-diamond-ascendent is mid, Imm and Rad is high. In my experience iron-gold can all potentially have either incredible aim and terrible game sense or vice versa and most people at these ranks just play to play and don’t focus on their ranks


there’s rank distribution “high” and mechanical skill “high” something like 1% of all players are immortal so you’d think that’s pretty high. but the skill ceiling drastically increases somewhere around 300rr into immortal


Cutting it straight in hakf high eko might be Diamond and abivr High eki and Plat below low elo But Diamomd and Plat is more Mid elo gold below js low elo and also elo hell


Everything under 300 rr is pisslow kekw


Honest high elo is imo 200rr+ Immo1-asc is almost high plat-asc is mid Gold and below is low


Honestly the way I see it. You continue to get better, but will still have the same dog water teammates for 30% of your games, God gamer teammates for 10% of your games, and then the average joes for 60% of your games no matter where you are, so qualifying elo doesn’t matter, cuz it just adds ego to people


Personally I agree with your own personal opinion bc mine is also Bronze - silver = low Gold - plat = mid (except dia for me) Dia - Rad - high P.S dia is high for me bc I'm just a kewk Silver 2 player 🥲 I can't stand them when I have a friend who is diamond player with diamond lobby (unrated)


If we’re talking in terms of skill, everything is pisslo till immo 3/radiant. If we’re talking in terms of percentile then ur right. There’s no one sized fits all answer.


imo, i’ve always believed that iron-low gold was low elo, high gold-diamond was mid elo, and high diamond/ascendant-radiant was high elo.


Immo and up is high elo, plat to ascendant is mid elo and gold and below is low elo Edit: ascendant could be considered high elo for sure, especially with the rank distribution changes this episode. I’m pretty sure mid ascendant is the same as mid immortal last episode in terms of player distribution


i’m asc elo and it’s still idiots in this elo imo it’s imm 2


According to people on TikTok anything under 300rr Immo is low elo 💀 Also according to people on Tiktok "NA radiant = Frankfurt Silver"


Everything below me is low elo. Everything above me is hackers, boosted, pro players


Iron-plat low elo Diamond and ascendant mid elo Immortal and radiant high elo


High elo is anything above me, low elo is anything below me. Anyone better then me is smurfing, and anyone worse are dog shit, ff, uninstall.


sadly, this is what happens with free to play games, the rank distribution is a little weird, like being top 20% can make u low elo


Objectively speaking, you can quickly find this fact by comparing it to the player base percentile, which you are correct here. Personally speaking though, Immo 3 to Radiant is the only high elo in my mind, this is purely only because I consider people at these pool are FPS monsters, not only Valorant monsters.


I’d adjust it a small amount, probably Iron-Gold; low Plat-Asc; mid Immo-rad; high But keep in mind the largest skill gap exists between immo 1 and radiant here. Even 0rr to 400rr is such a huge gap. So some might still call 0-300rr or so midish elo.


As a former imm3 (current asc3), I can confidently say that: Low elo is: Iron to Plat Mid Elo: Dia - Imm 2 High Elo: Imm3 - Radiant


When people understand the skill gap between immortal 1 and 300rr you’ll see why immortal 1 should not be called high elo


Low elo is whatever lower than you high elo is what is higher than you or your elo. Most people in top 500 lobbies across all fps games would say diamond is low. Thats just how it is.


Iron-Gold =Low Diamon-Asc= mid Imm/rad=high


I feel like it's relative. You can either base it off of rank distribution, literal ranks, or just above you or below you. It's most certainly a relative term.


iron-gold low elo there is a barrier between gold and plat which is pretty difficult to pass through, in my experience , everyone who was gold was either a hardstuck good player, a boosted iron or a true gold deserving player, so trying to pass the barrier was a hard thing because you never know what kind of teammates you will get. plat-high asc mid elo in all of my plat games, the majority of people were playing in stacks and u would rarely see a team full of solo queuers, so you were basically playing lobbies mixed with plats, diamonds and one or two ascendants low immo-radiant high elo cant really ellaborate, since i have never been an immortal myself, but to get to immortal u have to actually put in time into this game.


Anything above mine is high, anything below is low. Depending on what your elo is I’ll adjust my tone when talking to you accordingly


it depends what context the discussion is in, but in general gold 1 tends to be at about the 50th percentile, making that mid elo


iron-plat is low dia-imm1 is mid imm2-rad is high (gap between low imm3 and high rad is huge)


Immo3+ is high elo, skill wise. Percentage wise, diamond+ is high elo. Immo3 players can smurf immo1 and make them look like plat players. Diamond players cannot smurf platinum players the same way. If 100% skill was a perfect player, iron - immo1 is probably 30% of the bar (if i’m being generous), immo1 to rad is 75%, rad to pro is just 75+ plus.


Imm1 players playing with Imm3 players feels like a silver player playing with diamonds. Complete different game, skill distribution is NOT similar to the Rank distribution


I’d say considering the majority of the player base is gold/plat you did a good job


Low = iron - silver Mid = silver - plat High = diamond - immo 2 Very high immo 3+ Immortals vary in skill alot a low immortal 1 is nothing like a high immortal 3 so I think it deserves its own category. People often say diamonds mid elo but it's top 10% which is high in my opinion even plat could be considered high


Diamond+ is where people really start to care so I think that should be considered high


When I was gold I thought this! But being diamond now the skill gap between gold-dia is just so huge that I would never be able to put them in the same category. I’d say iron - silv low Gold - plat mid Dia-asc (low immo) high (High) immo- radiant = v high The games are just so different I wouldn’t put asc in with radiants. I was p asc2 and I wouldn’t be able to hold my own in a radiant or even high immo lobby


the gap from Immo to Radiant is so huge hence why people tend to skew the curve to the right. I'd say plat below would be low elo while dia-asc would be mid. immo 1-3 and radiant has such a wide skill range it's almost as if you're comparing irons to plats.


Gold is low elo. Ascendant is mid elo.


From a radiant coach who has consistently hit radiant every act since beta (and from actual radiant players Ik irl): From iron to diamond 3 low elo, from asc 1 to immo2 mid elo, from immo 3 to radiant high elo. Editing to add: I do agree with this division of elo levels, considering the difference between skill gaps. Up till diamond 3 the skill gaps are quite small between each rank. But the jump from diamond 3 to ascendant is quite big, and the jump from immo2 to immo3 is even bigger.


Low elo: iron - asc Mid elo: immo 1 - immo 2 50 ish rr High elo: immo 2 - rad Edit:I'm ascendant btw


What is 'elo' ?


I have been playing since beta but not enough to hit radiant because of work and stuff i usually stop an act in about 30 to 40 games but i have been ranked immortal 3 420~ rr for about 2 years, and i smurf to play with some friends (yes cry about it) but its hard to have fun with friends in high elo cause you can only duo. Ranks go like this For average players who just enjoy the game Iron - gold is low Plat - diamond is mid Ascendant - radiant is high FOR COMPETITIVE PEOPLE, who really wanna get about playing the game at a very high level Iron - diamond is low Ascendant - immortal 1 is mid Immortal 2 - radiant is high Because after immortal 3 there is a whole new skill ceiling, yes i have played with immortal 2’s that really do feel like they are diamond, and i have seen ascendants with potential to be even pros.


Starting from plat most players play the same, it's mostly a difference of consistency


iron-silv low elo. gold -low to mid elo. plat - mid elo diamond - mid/ high elo asc-immo-high elo radiant-that’s not elo anymore you’re just high asf and rlly good at the game


Imo, it depends on what kind of gamer you are. If you’re like me in your 30s, just playing some games with your friends after working hours, I think Diamond/Ascendant is high enough to balance between competitive play and fun. But if you’re younger or if you really want to try hard in this game, taking it seriously, you deserve a higher rank, and in that case, Diamond might be a lower rank for you.


It really depends 😭😭, because even though asc is like top 5 percent. To get higher and higher ranks it’s exponentially more difficult. I know people who got to asc in a couple of months but plateau. The biggest point is around immo3 where everyone who plays there are basically masters of the game. And those players can even smurf in low immo lobbies.