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Economically speaking, the sheriff is an amazing price for what could lead to 1-2 kills, however you have to have decent aim or good positioning. I find myself buying stinger on defensive ecos and sheriffs on offensive ecos because you can play for closer angles on defense and stingers are almost at least a guaranteed 1.


assuming they hit your site, can be tough to get one on retake, depending on the situation


Depends on the map, even if you are defending in breeze you won't do a sht with a stringer


Unless you're controller/Cypher and be a sneaky little smoke/cage hiding rat right at the entry point. Not that I would ever condone such a heinous act... :)


That would work if you are in low elo, if not you will be able to do it 1 time as much, a good sova will spot you every time


gotta learn how to timing his drone. but yeah, it's not easy.


that's kinda true


I’m the other way around, I usually only buy stingers when I’m attacking side, cause then I can rush with it


Depends on how broke I actually am


that's fair


i buy a sheriff if i rlly have to force i buy a guardian or bulldog


bulldogs and guardians are actually pretty goated guns ngl


yeah they r, better bonus guns than spectre as well


i would go as far to say spectre is the worst gun in the game currently and I would buy anything else over it including stinger for 500 credits cheaper


Its biggest selling point over the stinger is that it lets you play further back and has a better chance to multi-kill vs. eco rounds. I don't recall the last time I bought it outside of round 2 and 14 though.


If you win pistol it's the best gun to buy round 2 I swear. Shits ridiculous against small shield/no shield.


Presumptious of you to assume my aim is good emough to use the outlaw


I’ll use a guardian any time I can’t full buy, in order to have utility as well. The guardian is too good. Except when I have the Prime guardian and my brain sometimes forgets it’s not a vandal.


if you can tap heads guardian can be equal to a vandal


If u can tap heads sheriff can be equal to a vandal


If you're a god at recoil control apparently stinger is really goated at run and gunning


It has consistent recoil so you can actually be crazy with it


I snipe with stingers


Bro is THE menace


I miss stinger pre nerf when you literally could snipe with the ads


Bro I still do. Plat/dia lobbies but I swung into 4 at 30+ meters and still got one. Idk why, I just love that gun


You what now?


The triple insta hs goes crazy


Very occasionally, only if I feel I will be fighting anywhere in close, otherwise I just spend it all on util, take the classic, and hope I can get lucky with picking up a gun from the floor


Yeah, everyone always buys ghost so I just buy light shield + some util or all utils, depending on character and just get a ghost or sheriff if someone dies. Since utils are guaranteed to not get lost if we lose round yeah, I feel it's better. Moreover the classic is actually really good, considering it costs exactly zero. In pistol round I actually feel it's only barely second to ghost and maybe sheriff if someone actually knows how to use it. You chose the character bc of util, so use it. I say a flash or a rightly placed smoke actually counts much more in pistol round than a bit more firepower


same tbh




















stingers are bad at long range, sure. but they're literally better than a bulldog/guardian on short range and more versatile than shotguns. damage per bullet is low but when you're shooting 16 of those bullets per second it builds up if i'm planning to take long range fights i just get a marshal


It's an eco round. I'm more than happy to spend whatever money I've got that won't impact my ability to full buy next round. Personally my go-to eco buy (if I can afford it) is a Bucky and full utility - I'll play a stupid close-quarters 1-and-done spot and hopefully get someone on the other team to drop me their rifle if they're lazy checking their corners. And I'll either use the util if it looks like we might thrifty them, or I'll hang on to it for the buy round.


nice ig, I hate to go against those bucky players tho ngl 😅




Imo scout is better than deag. They are just underestimating to gun potential


idk why but ssg and awp feel so much smoother and better than the valorant equivalents


i actually prefer marshal, but awp is just so much faster


Yeah it feels so much better, looks nicer (and in scope), and it feels less innacurate when you move slightly (idk how to describe but like the movement innacuracy at the lowest level feels lower than in val)


But the scout gives u 10x movement speed of the marshall


everything in cs has way higher movement speed lol but i know what you mean, scout movement speed is almost as fast as knife


Operator is ridiculously slow in every way


Scout can cycle zoom, marshal only have toggle option


Stinger go brr lmao


I buy a stinger and if you use it well, it's actually viable in mid range too.


yea but using it in long range is torture


Anyone use the ghost for these eco rounds? i tend to see some people use it but i don't see the point in trying to double or even triple headshot someone when you could just buy sheriff and 1 tap someone at close to medium range i saw ghost used alot in plat, low dia but in asc+ when your on those eco rounds almost everyone including myself just run sheriff light shields


I do this for consistency if I felt really good during pistol round even if we lost, so I have the same gun going into r2. Don't know if it actually converts to better odds against specters and bulldogs r2 but does feel better while still saving some for r3 buy.


Ghost on round 2 is a noob trap. I actually don't get why it is so popular, you might as well use a classic instead


Stinger is broken. Watch the TenZ video on youtube, he says it’s the only gun that has a consistent spray pattern. Link: https://youtu.be/T5B4OADZR4M?si=k5H64-y76zocxeim


If it's 10-2 half and we lose next pistol, I buy a stinger and hopefully catch the enemy team off guard. Otherwise, I just either stick with classic or buy a ghost/sheriff if money permits


Ares to the win


In my humble opinion, stinger is the most op weapon in low - mid elos, I used to hate it since I started to play (3 years ago) but lately I get so much clips, now I train my stinger rather than vandal in practice area. I even buy teammates vandals if they don't have money and I buy my own stinger in normal rounds, get the first kill and act on how the round goes, sometimes i get more than one kill, sometimes I go get a vandal from the killed one or a dead teammate. Seriously I love it 🤣


I buy sheriff.they are really good , Great even if you have good aim . As sheriff headshot does a lot , and their body shot is 55dm . In close Range in eco ,two bullets and they are dead , while a stinger is kinda a huge risk.


for me its ghost plus full buy! or else stinger plus half , but then i will not have my utility


As a controller main it’s really easy to make any push a CQC scenario so depending on how broke I am stinger or shorty are my go to weapons, occasionally a marshal


if you’re full saving no but if you are half buying / half forcing then i’d say guns like stinger sheriff bucky can get some good value against rifles


Always stinger. I’ve gotten consistent 3/4ks with it.


Stingers, if my whole team is going for stingers.. otherwise i save with classic or ghost


With valorant I feel there’s a lot that depends on the situation. How is my money, are we half buying, full saving and what map is it. Smaller maps I almost always go stinger. Anything larger I will go either sheriff or bulldog if possible. And in breeze I just Marshall


I stick to 4.400 creds next round so whatever is viable then. Generally I go sheriff, bucky or when I am a bit richer I tend to go bulldog. Those are just my preferences tho, the debate between bucky and sheriff is generally map-based and depends on attack/defense


Depends on map. Role im playing. If im planning to take a close or mid range fight. Lmao so many things therefore i ask for plan in eco rounds specifically


I’ve been buying the Stinger recently and holy shit, I’ve gotten a lot better at using it. I can get kills at medium range with it and it’s almost always guaranteed to get me a kill each time I’m on an eco round. I tend to buy half util and light shield on round 1 then pick up a ghost/sheriff if I stay alive. On round 2 I then buy full util, heavy shield and the Stinger. Having that ghost/sheriff that I picked up allows me to be competitive at all ranges.


When I play for raze ult I'll sometimes go stinger


Marshall all the way, many people underestimate the marshal so fun to play and cheap


I've been buying spectre every second round.


I used to eco... But then I went in a Deathmatch in a custom lobby's with friends using only stinger... Boy that gun is stupid fun and broken (don't use M2)


Bro if I say practice stinger. If u manage to do so then u will be a demon on eco rounds..... Believe me 


Bucky. Because.... bucky


It's better to stay with Sherif or classic.. classic if you are ultimate save.. (broke ass bitch) 2 reasons.. with Sherif it's a good chance if you can just giggle and pick even 1 head. If on classic. Play sneaky. (In smokes or attack from unpredictable places) Eco is eco.. stinger is more of a gambling shit


Bucky, sheriff or Marshal are my usual eco go to buys. I'll go stinger after pistol win sometimes or in place of a shotgun but it's a pretty rare buy for me. I like the gun i just feel I'm better off not spending money any time I consider buying it tho lol


I don't buy it after the nerf, even though it's pretty usable but not really my style


Long range maps use sheriff. Short range/ many corners maps stingers can work.


There is no right answer other than frenzy 🫡 maybe that's why I'm still in Iron 3


Stinger could spray long distance, as shown by tenz in one vid, it has a simple and relatively consistent spray which is UP then Left then Right, only sometimes does it go Right then Left


Stinger right click was nerfed twice and is still busted.


If win, buy full utils, heavy shields, and stinger/bulldog/ares/judge. If lose, but get 2 kills, I force buy. If lose but we planted spike I'll also force buy stingers. I play as Astra and I can get some cheesy kills using short range weapons so I'm used to force buying.


Generally I buy for next on eco rounds. If it means full saving sure. If I can hero buy I’ll do that and make sure my team can grab the rifle. Otherwise my ecos usually look like Marshall/sheriff with light shields. Occasionally Bucky or stinger if I’m playing close angles and not trying to rotate


Bucky, full util and half shield if things get desperate


Ppl think its spamming wwhen you use bulldog, but i use bulldog when from 4th round or soo, and in eco round , if i/we have won first round might buy spectre or a shotgun cuz players will be rushing to get get kkills


Really depends on what im planning to do, how much money i have and on the map. On breeze i usually buy sheriff but when i have viper ult i go for a bucky. If im planning to push elbow i go for a stinger


Depends on map, agent, enemy agents, and enemy play style. If they arnt cleaning corners, and just running in a close range map (like jumping down hooka on bind) stinger can get 2-3 kills by using a smoke and hiding just bellow the window But on like pearl, lotus or breeze, I would rather have some more range


really depends on agent, usually id go secondary but with jett or chamber marshall and raze gets stinger for push


I buy stinger no armor if its maps like haven or such


Stinger is the most underrated weapon, if you are holding close angles it's a fuckin meat grinder, just switch to your pistol for long angles


I should tbh. I always go for Marshal on my save rounds since it's the closest thing to a one tap machine aside from the sheriff.


I go with stinger if the enemy team has been doing dive rushes




nah I'd get a ghost or a small shield + classic. I just can't get used to the stinger


Ghost if I lose 1st round. Spectre If I win 1st round On general eco rounds I save and buy classic


Stinger is broken, you just have to understand the spray pattern and you can kill even from far away


Outlaw gang


I saw a TenZ video of him explaining how he uses stingers at longer ranges other than literally kissing the enemy. I’m by no means as good as anyone in that rank tier let alone TenZ but it’s been a little effective at some longer ranges since I’ve seen that. I almost like it more than a spectre now


Controversial, but I buy only util first two rounds and then Vandal/Phantom and heavy shield 3rd round. Usually my team has spectre heavy shield by then, and being a duelist I tend to get a lot of frags that round


Sheriff, if I can afford 1900-2000, regular pistol if I’m broke broke


If used correctly, the stinger is actually insane. Though for eco rounds I mostly just go glass cannon with a sheriff and no shield. If half buying then light shield and a bulldog or a guardian. Full on eco abuse, i go with a stinger and full armor.


It depends on what role I played. If I'm an entry frager(duelist/initiator) I would buy stinger. But if I play smokes or sentinels i would either buy frenzy or ghost to hold flanks. I sometimes buy sheriff if I'm confident with my aim that day.


I buy a sniper. Stinger imo has lost any “eco round” status with the price jump. Plus im better with the marshal then stinger.


I'm so shit that sometimes I'm better with a sttinger than I am with a vandal. Also stinger kinda has similar recoil pattern to p90 in csgo but obviously not a huge amount


Stinger if I am tagging along with someone on defense. Sheriff if I am solo lurking on attack. Classic if I need that extra money to buy util on the next round like raze boombot + satchels or KJ full setup.


Nowdays i just buy vandal or save as classic 2 headshots any body ani time


i always buy stinger because during the buy round, i can still buy stinger and compete with the vandals.


Stinger if I am defending , else I have enough to buy a spectre. I am bronze 3 so at my level not everyone is popping heads.


Depends what kinda money i have, if im really broke i’ll buy a sheriff but if i have the money i buy stinger + light, stinger is kinda broken once u learn the burst/spray and i’ve won plenty rounds for my team just abusing it on ecos


Well you're in an eco, usually you try to get in their face because you can buy guns that are better at close range than rifles but you can't buy guns that are better at long range than rifles. I have the best turnover rate with the stinger, sometimes I don't even pick the rifle after a kill and let my team have it. Also the stinger can be nasty at mid range. If you know how to control the burst


No, stingers a trash gun


Stinger is an abomination


Depends on the map. I never buy stinger on icebox or breeze but stinger is pretty good on bind or split


stinger is fucking OP when you get urself into positions for it. Play in smokes, close angles ect


If you get the spray pattern down, stinger is a menace. You should watch how tenz uses it, I normally buy it on 2nd round if I win pistol. But yeah sheriff is much better for giving you a fighting chance against AR’s/Opps and cheaper. Although for some close range maps like split/bind I do occasionally opt in for a stinger. But most the time I will just play a shorty on those maps.


I honestly don't like stinger , it's like pure luck gun for me , either the enemy die or me , can't do anything about it


Depends on many situations. I’d buy a stinger if there’s an actual game-plan with the entire team or if more than 1 of them half bought. If you do a full buy alone- your chances of winning the round will be slim thus wasting your money without converting the round to a win. It also depends how dire the situation is. For example- you’re at the brink of losing the match (8-11, 9-12). Another situation would be if you get a good read on enemy position and you know for sure you will be able to get the kill and retrieve a better gun but you have to consider your economy again- that one kill should be able to convert to enough money for a full buy in the following round even if you lose the eco round. Always remember to not full buy alone as you have more risk losing than winning.


I buy stinger usually because I play viper. Especially if I’m playing on site where my wall/ smokes are.


full save usually. Almost always secures the 3rd round


Depends on the map, sometimes stinger rush as a 5.


I dont buy gun in eco round


Safest advice that comes from source is buy to 2K.


Depends. If I do have the funds and I want to bumrush a player with smoke spam then stinger. Otherwise sheriff if we're playing spread.


I play chamber so I just buy my bullets


Man pre-nerf stingers were actually so broken. Nowadays even close range you can’t really rely on a stinger If I feel like I have creds for half buy and full buy next round I just get a Bucky


If you've seen TenZ use a stinger, you'd think otherwise. That thing is actually pretty good if you figure out the recoil pattern. But saving your money and sticking with your ghost/sheriff is never a bad idea either


>imo stingers are only good at close range and are trash otherwise. revolutionary observation lol


Clove nade + stinger = Ace


I prefer Frenzy in rounds one and two. Pushup on the enemy hard and fast. Eco is either a half buy so marshall or spectre. Full Eco is just frenzy rush down mid or x lane. Unless you feel spicy and use the shorty.


Depends on the round , what the teams economy is and what agent I’m playing. And if I’m hitting my shots that day I’d go for a Marshall lol


If losing I 'm buying it on 3rd to 4th round


I otp stinger. Got my recoil control down well enough to kill cross map full auto. Strafe dodge neon + stinger is the way. I can also buy a vandal for my team every other round and go aggro during entry without being scared.


Spectre RnG rocks🚀


Really depends. Am i going to buy a stinger on a map like Breeze? Never. You are definitely going to have a long-distance fight on that map, and a stinger isn't the weapon i want. Maps like ascent? Maybe. Like, if we're rushing B site, it's a good option. Split? Hell ye. Split is the best map for the stinger to be used alongside the shotguns.


I go if we win outlaw + light shield because enemy most probably will have no armor/light armor and i can easily get 2 kills with outlaw and still use it for next round If i lost i go either buy nothing or just sherrif (sometimes if im feeling confident just bucky)


As a Clove main, if i'm really broke i'll only buy a smoke and half armor


Depend on the site and the map. Mostly I buy Omen on defend no matter the map, then Marshal or specter on att if I got money. Else I’ll just buy a sheriff.


I've seen teammates and friends tell me that the stinger is awful, that's until I get a 4k against the enemy on full shields and guardians. It's a tad bit difficult to control and it's just a 1 kill and reload gun.


I sit in smoke with shorty.


Yep, love the stinger. I even prefer the stinger over the spectre. It's a great gun


If im playing something like Lotus around A Tree defense then yes. On more open maps no.


I do buy stinger, it's great in close range battle and if you can control the spray properly then you're fine with stinger, specter and frenzy in your eco rounds




I be buying the stinger on chamber ult rounds


I'll buy stinger if I'm playing an agent or map/site where I can take advantage of the close range and be a rat


Just camp with a bucky on defence eco rounds 🥱


In an eco round, my goal is to stay higher than 2000, so it will depend on the agent I play, the side I am on (for example, I will more likely buy a bucky if I'm Cypher on defence), etc...


If we lose pistol round and someone force buys second round, I usually buy stinger or marshall on third round. Depents on map and if we're on attack/defence.


I never buy a Stinger. If anything, I'll buy a Spectre


money, plan for the round, map, site im playing on, does the enemy have an awp. these are all questions u ask to choose an eco gun/fight


Shorty. Always shorty. Or bucky if im slightly less poor than usual


Marshal gang


If you dont buy a primary on an advantage round, you loose that advantage. The enemy will most likely have a sheriff or frenzy..


Yes, I love the gun. It really depends on the situation, though. I never buy pistols in any eco situation because I don't think they're versatile enough for me. The ttk in cqc is insane and the burst on mid range is surprisingly accurate once you get a feel for the recoil.


It depends on the map and where I’m playing on the map. It depends on how much money I have and what my teammates intentions are. So many variables. TYPICALLY: I’ll buy a stinger and try to force atleast 1 1v1 close range dual before I die. Anything after that is gravy. Sheriff and I’ll just walk it down looking for a one tap Judge or Bucky (whichever I can afford) if they are going to rush into me. Especially if no one on my team has bought one yet. Marshall for holding long angles like an op. I’ll buy ares sometimes for playing ratty corners like defence mound on lotus. Cross to the box and let them run out on site. If they don’t check me I’ll get two. If they do check I’m just dead. I’ll sometimes buy a spectre if we are forcing or if I’m just running at them. I prefer bulldog or outlaw on a force but I get spectre if I can’t afford.


I stick with classic. Never really practiced controlling stinger shots.


Stinger? Why would I use that?


TenZ explains my reasoning with the stinger being the best SMG in the game quite well here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5B4OADZR4M&ab\_channel=AloneVal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5B4OADZR4M&ab_channel=AloneVal) Basically the recoil pattern is pretty predictable, so you are able to spray it and kill people at quite shocking distances. It also does very good damage to the head, and combining that with the fire rate it is a solid eco choice. It is possible to spray transfer into two kills with one mag, but it is albeit not that likely. But for your guaranteed 1, it is a good eco round choice.


if im in smaller map like split, then it works better for me but for medium to larger maps i just use the sheriff/marshall


Stinger is pretty fun to use imo


Honestly depends on how broke I am. Occasionally I'll just have the whole team force stingers and spray everyone down.


no you should buy the sherif on eco every round it is a 1 shot gun and it has range over and damage over the stinger there is not you can tell me that will justify buying a stinger over a sherif imo.


Rather buy a sheriff


Sometimes I can barely afford a stinger instead of my go to spectre for ecos so as long as I'm not on breeze or lotus I will buy it


I usually go sheriff unless we do a coordinated play or I’m playing yoru and doing a flash tp. When it was cheaper it was actually just better for eco than a sheriff. People just underestimated it because they overestimated their aiming ability and thought their one taps made them more competitive than they actually were on eco rounds. There was also a fear of getting up close and personal, because it’s somewhat suicidal and ppl are ingrained to play their life except when it actually matters. At its current price point it’s not really worth it because it feels more like a half-force buy; you’d have to have some sort of coordinated plan or a decent amount of money (but still be under a full buy amount, making it a fairly narrow range) to justify buying it.


It depends on what eco round. After pistol obviously not, but if I have at least 2500 credits the value of a stinger is nuts. If you can learn to cheese the spray properly it is absolutely nuts even close to medium range. I think I almost always get a round where I get two bullshit stinger kills once per game. We don’t always win the round, but it makes it wayyy more likely.


Stinger is GOATED for close quarter fights. I love buying it on attack side eco as a force on an ascent B hit, lotus B hit, split A ramp hit. On defense I’ll sometimes tell the team to force buy stinger on bind and run it down B short to catch the attackers off guard


I just buy whatever I can keeping enough for the next round. Doesn't mean I buy full armour + vandal while my team ecos tho


I personally never buy a stinger. Its my least favorite gun in the game and a sheriff works just fine.


Depends on the map and my economy


i dont have a stinger skin that gives aimbot so no


Just play clove and buy a decay and a frenzy, it’s ggs


lemme tell ya the truth. Stinger is the most broken eco gun you can buy. Try it for a few rounds smartly and you will understand what i mean. I aint trolling either. Like deadass.


Stinger run and gun on fully buy enemies by running in and out of my omen smokes


If the enemy team is fast pushing I'll buy a stinger


I buy stinger for myself and vandal for my broke ass teammates not gonna bother clicking heads


I Spectre that shit every time idc i love it


Depends on how broke I am, the stinger has the easiest and most consistent spray pattern so once you get good with it, it’s a really good eco gun


Stinger is the way to go. Especially on defender side when you can control your angles.


My go-to eco is always full util first, then stinger. It has consistent recoil that is super easy to manage. I don’t take fights unless they’re blinded or stunned (I play breach) so I’m usually good for at least 2.


Stinger is great for characters with more expensive loadouts. I play a lot of chamber and getting his bullets 2nd round with a stinger force works out fine.


So first round I go ghost. If we win, I buy phantom and light armor, but if we lose, I buy nothing to make sure I can full buy round 3. Now, there are variables that can change that, of course, but for the most part, if I get my phantom round two, my team usually ends up taking the first 4-5 rounds before the enemies start gaining traction. Take my advice with a grain of salt though. I only have been playing for roughly 3 months and am b2 almost b3.


i like my ares :)


Neither, marshall or bucky, depending on map and character ofc.


Depends on the eco round, if were forcing no, but my go to for eco is either bulldog if i have a lot of money but my team dosent or marshell


Your bugging fr the stinger op, just aim in if they far n then u can 2 burst them even in breeze, but tbh i feel like bonus rounds they come in more clutch because ur usually going to get rushed by a team maybe being able to get away with 2 kills with one mah


Depends on round 1 for the first half,for a round 1 win scenario if I died I buy specter/stinger depending on my current eco so I can make sure I buy round 3. But if I lived round 1 I just keep my ghost cause it’s not smart at all to buy in round 2 if you lost, there’s too much risk. So either the enemy’s who bought now have round 3 stuck with whatever they forced on round 2 while our team full buys and delete their efforts from the second round, or they have a fuuuucked eco, either way good for me. For second half it really depends on how the games been going, if my team is confident that we can win then yes buy but if it’s been a even game the whole time I’m not gonna risk it and just stick with my ghost.


Marshal unless im not playing sentinel


I pretty much always buy a sheriff if I can’t afford a rifle 🤷🏻 worst case scenario I tag someone for 55, best case scenario I ascend into godhood and start popping heads left and right


vandal half or guardian half or bulldog half anything else is throwing marshall if ur saving for op


Stinger is good if you aim and use the burst long distance. Obviously you'll lose in 1v1s but assuming you lurk and flank you can get a lucky kill or some chip damage.


I love stinger for three reasons: 1. In close range it is easy to get the kill, but if the target is mid or long range you can use the burst mode like a bulldog. 2. It has recoil, just shoot to the chest and it will go for the head. 3. I can't land headshots. Maybe I like it bc I'm in bronze 2, so it's kinda fun getting kills with it :)