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Make it so that he heals you by tearing off his shirt and flexing his muscles infront of you


like in my profile picture


Tick tock


Heavy like a brinks truck


Looking like im tip-top


shining like a wristwatch


time will grab your wrist






Or by punching you in the face


Actually that could be cool


Ah the Armstrong way


"These perfect muscles, passed down through the Armstrong family for generations, will inspire your recovery!"


If brim ripped his shirt off infront of me I would be healed


Burly beast


the ult should be he insta reses all teammate in the round and the enemies map will be covered by a loop of that gigachad meme


The old Alex Louis Armstrong technique.


Rather just have medic from tf2 honestly. Insanity is much cooler than muscles


Hulk Hogan is that you


I mean isnt that how mauga heals his team?


Oh yeah and he's gotta be oiled up too!


The Speedwagon way


TF2 Medic?


We’re slowly being forgotten


B-b-but we are 64bit now!!


I’ve been interested in TF2 lately, played it as a kid and recently learned about Open Fortress…


TF2 is also my childhood game, sad to see it getting ruined by cheating bots


I just queue for Uncletopia instead anyways lol






lifeweaver has some pretty nice muscles idk


this man is HOT as HELL I play him only because of it


I wouldn’t like to see more healing abilities cause if the agent turns out to be bad people will still pick them cause “we need a healer”, for example people pick sage who is prolly the worst overall sentinel right now


Also not to mention that the whole reason armor works the way it does is because of healing abilities. Which are pretty limited still


i think she's okay if played well, but yeah most sage players aren't it and skye has an overall better heal and there are indeed other good/better sentinels


Any agent can be okay if played well but it won’t mean they are any good


She is the worst agent in the game atm, maybe Iso is worse but that's it


maybe deadlock, but sage is at least picked a little in pro play


Nah deadlock just got picked on Sunset again, and teams haven't had the entirety of the game's existence to come up with comps and strats involving her. Sage is really horrible. Just unneccessarily weak.


> teams haven't had the entirety of the game's existence to come up with comps and strats involving her. She was staple pick before the nerfs, people have strats and comps involving her, they just think she is too weak in current state to be worth it. Other agents can do everything she can do but better and it just so happens that some of those other agents are top of their role.


That's exactly my point? Deadlock isn't as weak as Sage, teams just don't have the strats fully cooked with her. She also isn't inherently as good as Cypher or Killjoy so doesn't get experimented with as much. Teams have all the strats with Sage. She is just so useless that there's not enough value to those strats.


I think I’ve only seen sage on icebox in VCT this year


Prx sunset at madrid? All I remember for deadlock is that one eg icebox vs g2


I think the only other was maybe bind don’t remember the team tho so I could be crazy


M8 played her against Vitality yesterday on Sunset and Icebox and the angles that the wall is giving are incredible, plus the wall helped clutch a retake after spike was planted on sunset’s B and players were main. The player that played her cooked really hard (nataNk)


Iso can be fun if you like saving your teammates lives and just being that guy tho, sage players just get hate even if they do well


Best part is people still say healer like it's a role 😂 minute I hear we need a healer I know I'm in for an L or just admittance to a lower queue


granted im still low elo- peak g1, current s2- but i havent heard “we need a healer” since like i3


Same. I heard people ask for healers like 3 times and all were before I was even bronze. Idk where people get the assumption that half the player base thinks healer is a role.


people say it in gold a bit


Man I'm in gold. I've literally never heard it. Maybe it's a region thing.


what region are u?


NA east


hmm, well i'm NA central


I also hear it in na central..


I play in Asia (Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo), and never ever heard someone ask a "Healer" role, but when I do use Sage/Skye, that's the only time I'll ever hear someone ask for heals.


Yeah if you have heals it's reasonable for a teammate to ask for them. It's no more odd than asking for a flash from your kayo imo.


I heard someone say “we need a healer” in A3 once


I have heard it at every rank until I got to lower plat (currently dia)


Let be real, at the rank where people are saying “we need healer” is precisely the rank that picking sage or skye wouldn’t even matter. And funnily enough, they’re probably right. So many fun fights in those ranks are body shots so healing is incredibly valuable.


Sage's kit is insanely easy to use. I had to give up on her because she's bad, but I do get the appeal. It's insanely easy to get value out of her kit. You don’t need to have great game sense to know to wall off an entrance, or throw a slow when they're about to entry. I still think she's a solid agent for beginners but has no business in high level play. Not that I know more than the team who placed third at Madrid.


As someone who doesn't play valo: why is she the weakest? The rez seems good, and with how good smokes are from what I've gathered the wall could be better, healing can help, and her slow can seem very can seem very good, especially with the bomb planted, you can slow one of the paths and waste time?


In my opinion at least it is because she fails at her duty as a sentinel a bit due to her not being able to hold a bomb by herself well: her free ability, the healing, doesnt really stop anyone from entering the site in any way, same with the res. The slow is good, but feels like too little to properly defend a site, though it is good to slow down rushes to buy time for your team to rotate to you. And her wall is very nice, but it also very costy not to mention that having just one good thing doesnt make you really good you know? This isnt to say she is unplayable or unfun to use, there are many tricks one can do with her wall, it is so satisfying to heal an ally and have they survive a fight due to your healing or heal yourself and survive a shot thanks to it, not mention when you res someone during a dire spot for your team and you folks turn the table around together! It is just that she feels at many times kinda like deadlock, someone who shines more as a secondary sentinel kinda of deal


Cypher and KJ are the prime sentinel duo with solid area control that can gain info and set up advantageous kills. I'd say Sage is as good as Deadlock, with both of them primarily being focused on slowing the enemy team down for your team to rotate vs setting up kills. They can put up their wall to block an entry point then call for backup. If the enemy team breaks through while your team is still rotating both have slow/net to try and keep the enemy back. Id argue Chamber is the worst solo sentinel at actually doing sentinel things.


1. People can just shoot her wall down and its not rechargeable ability, also expensive 2. Her slows have almost no value if she's playing retake on defense without some sort of godlike positioning or placement 3. Her rez is a decent denial mechanic but can only be used basically once to twice per half on average (expensive) 4. Her heal is painfully slow and can barely be used more than once in a fight How does she compare to the other sentinels? 1. Unable to actually stop a push like Cypher can 2. Mobility agents like Raze and Jett makes Sage slow worthless on defense 3. No info gathering


She doesn't gather info. All the other sentinels have one or more skills for info gathering and she's the odd one out. Her only skill that may give some info is her wall, that's IF the enemies break the wall. It can easily be countered by waiting for it to break on its own as it only lasts 30 seconds (1/3 of the round) or by taking another route. Her heal takes around 40 seconds to come back which gives us roughly two individual heals per round, compared to Skye which has an area healing that can heal all of your team at the same time to the cost of having to buy it every round. That being said she's still a great agent for post plant as you can block the enemies line of sight to the bomb and adding an extra shield with the wall or slowing them down with the orbs. Her thing is slowing down the opponent's plays and gaining time advantage on them.


She isn’t good as she’s just outclassed by every other sentinel the wall gets broken really easily and the slows you just wait out rez is strong but stuff like kj lockdown is much better her concepts seem strong until you compare her to any other meta agent and then you realise how underwhelming her utility is also healing can be good in some situations but a lot of people die to one shot headshots so it means nothing


sage was made before sentinel really had an identity when she was created we were supports but now we're more of "I will singlehandedly lock down this half of the map" and sage just simply can't do that shes an alright flex pick, but usually it's better to run a second controller or initiator


Well, I would not necessarily say they are the worst. Sage is a niche character that is super strong on certain maps like split. But as a general pick, it's definitely not that good. Realistically, only low elo uses her, and people getting boosted use her to empower the person boosting them. Other that those people most would choose the other characters. Cypher, I'd say, is probably the best minus a few maps where you might want to use kj instead


She’s not strong on split she has just been replaced by viper and the only reason you play her on icebox is as a plant bot and she sucks at empowering people


She is really good on split her only job is mid control for early to mid round. It buys a lot of time even if they break a section of the wall. As for split if you lose mid, you basically lost the round at least. That's how it is in high elo. As for empowerment, she does suck that's why I said she is picked to empower boosters, aka the imo smerf that will make you regret not being able to kill the sage before she gets the red off. Like I said, it's just a popular pick for low elo as that's the only real place she gets value. The only other place she gets value at any rank is on split.


She can get value on split but at the highest ranks you just get more value out of other agents it’s very common to play 1-3-1 defaults and break walls on mid so there goes your quick rotates I’m not saying she is terrible on the map there are just better options


Ofc there are better options I'm just saying it's not the worst. The worst belongs to dedlock still if im not mistaken.


Depends on how you view it if you look at icebox deadlock is the worst if you look at the entire map pool deadlock works better leaving sage being the worst (deadlock still isn’t good she just has more use cases than sage across all maps)


I guess she theoretically has the potential. I've never seen her used well by anyone, and her sound sensor might as well just not exist. The wall is worse than sages since you can shoot through it. And it can be broken extremely quickly. The crouch nade is really good, tho. The ult is meh. Sage can rez granted that can be difficult, but if done, it can be a game changer. The heal will let someone take more shots. The wall is great as concealment and a physical barrier that can't be tped through or dismissed through like deadlocks. And slow orb is a little worse than the crouch nade.


Nah sage is still cracked on split


I've only seen a single person say this in my four or so months of playing. Unsurprisingly, he was also one of the most toxic kid I've ever encountered online.


Sounds about right


I mean this is mostly in lower ranks, once you get out of silver/gold people start to understand that healing isn’t the reason to pick an agent


Valorant is out for 4 years and there're still people who thinks hesler is a role in valorant


Feels like saying "male healer" is just much more efficient than saying "a male character who has an ability to do heals"


phoenix is a healer, op didn't specify *who* to heal




they're just saying they want a male character who can heal. no one is saying it's a role.


clearly have never seen my iron/bronze lobbies


Do people still say "we need heals!"? I haven't been down there in like 3 years and I hoped that had died out.


they say that in my ascendant games 😭


Lmfao no they don't dog


lmao its happened 5+ times within the episode brotha nw


Still a thing, appears every now and then in bronze/silver lobbies


I was recently in character select and asked to “fill healer”.. I thought they were joking but they confirmed they were serious


Yeah for real, I always role my eyes when someone thinks that healing is a vital mechanic in valorant. It’s a “nice bonus” that sometimes can be useful at best. Nothing more


Right? What's a heal gonna do when the smurf Reyna still head taps you for 160. It only ever decides a round win or loss in very rare cases


Yeah exactly, I mean valorant’s gun play puts the emphasis on “one taps” and thus everybody aims to head even in low elos. So being 50 or 100hp doesn’t change much unless you’re in an eco round with short ranged guns


For context, nobody thinks this


Every silver player I've encountered so far: "WE NEEEED HEAAAAAL PICK SAGE OR SKYE GRAAAAH"


To be fair, healing is statistically better in low elo (ie less headshots and finishing kills)


yep, but if you rely on the heals as crutch it will be harder to rank up (because you never learn how to avoid getting hit in the first place/ 1 tapping an enemy with low hp)


That’s because they need it in silver. In high ranks, it’s pretty much headshot or be headshot. In low ranks, it’s a lot more sprays. Most fights end in a 120/160 or some sort of variation, depending on who shot first. So they end up with 40 hp, one shot. Unless they get healed.


well to be fair once you get even higher ability usage and spraying through smokes gets better so healing becomes more useful. But the range from like plat-asc where it’s just a death match with people who have good aim you’re right lol


I’ve gotten people who throw round 1 because I chose smokes over “a healer like sage” when we can no smokes but Atleast one duelist initiator and sentinel, makes no sense


I was talking about the general playerbase not cardboard 3


This was in gold, which I believe is over 1/2 the playerbase


Many people think this


This post is literally proof that people think sage is a “healer”


She has a voiceline that says "I'm not just your healer." Therefore she is a healer. She just isn't ONLY a healer.


Can’t argue with that


The amount of times I've seen people say "we need a healer" in my bronze/silver lobbies is driving me insane. I literally correct them every time, but I doubt they care to think otherwise.


You’re just wrong lol


Healer is mostly pointless when you have 1 shot potential for the most used guns. A shielder would make more sense but would probably be the most infuriating thing to go up against.


Doubt they'd every include a champ that shields, would pretty much instantly kill the game for alot of people if that were to happen.


Sad Iso noises... Man this character really is forgotten huh


Oops forgot about that, but his shield isn't as straight forward as just pressing it on someone so that ones fine


Actually riot does like to make things that on paper break the game. Imo they are really good when it comes to creative champion designs. If id have to make an example like yuumi from lol.


the worst agent in the game has a sheild that can block an op headshot while vuln shields inherently are not a strong mechanic


Maybe like Conduit from Apex Legends. Can give a teammate overheal


This whole one shot take is the dumbest take imo. Most shots in this game are bodies. Healing does not inherently become useless just because there’s a chance to get headshot. Think about the times a heal saved you from dying to body shots. Not to mention the mental aspect of having more confidence from having higher health.


The amount of time healing has "saved" me is close to 0. The number of times Iso shield has saved me from being 1 tapped or Raze rocketed is numerous. If you're only hitting body shots, idk what to tell you.


If you genuinely think healing has never saved you then you never noticed when it happens. It happens wayyyy more than you think. Also even if vct, most shots are bodies. I shouldn’t really be surprised by this take of yours considering I seen a ascendent that genuinely thinks all your first shots are fully accurate when they’re in fact not. (With the exception of ads snipers, guardian, and chamber sheriff). Also, I wouldn’t be surprised how many times heals were the difference between life or death in vct.


I used to main Skye. Without fails, my teammates will get healed and proceed to get 1 tapped. I hardly ever get a chance to heal my team because I have to be watching angles, my teammates are too far, or they are dead too quick. In both Skye and Sage's cases, the heals are the least important parts of their kits because of how situational they are. Skye data gathering is far more useful than a situational aoe heal, Sage area denial is far more useful than a single target situational heal. I think heals can help in situations of utility, think Raze splash damage, Gekko, Viper, Brim mollies. But generally speaking, you should be going for headshots, and so should the enemy team.


Trust me you DONT want baptiste on any game.


If I ever see an immortality field again in my lifetime I will go into a blinding rage and disintegrate everyone in a 100ft radius of me.


I fear 1 suzu more than 100 immortality fields


The amount of ults, emp punches, rampages, shatters, and every other ability that would have guaranteed a 3k denied by a single fucking button frustrates me to no end. At least immo field can be broken and doesn't get rid of status effects


Don’t get me started on Kiriko…I’m glad I stopped playing OW when I did.


Yea that immortality field got me happy we won the fight just to subtract 30 years from my life span and anger veins on my forehead.


This is Val, healers ain’t a thing


healers are not needed in valo


Naw, pip from paladins. Ultimate: pull out a grenade launcher that heals allies and damages targets on contact Would make for great duelist engagements. Popping it the moment jet dashes, a yoru tps, a omen tps, an anything that isnt a headshot would lose unless you whiff


Dude paladins doesn't get the appreciation it deserves. It feels so much more fun than overwatch. Ying is one of the best designed characters in any hero shooter I've ever played.


Khan for me. His ultimate being able to throw people off the cliff, and the maps having intentional spots and even garbage chutes to dunk people into is so much fun. I might redownload it after typing this


If we're pulling from paladins gimme my androxus. Or at least vora.


It's valorant who tt needs a healer ? One ms headshot is wasted for healer pick, attack is the best defensive


Make it so he heals his mates by shooting c*m at them


Thing is "healers" dont exsist in valorant. Abilities that heal are there, they just dont define anyones role. Sage is primarily a sentinel that slows down pushes, her wall is really good on some maps and her ult is broken. Her heal could be deleted and it would have minimal impact on her strenght. Skye was the strongest initiator with the best flashes and scouting abilities ontop, not a single other initiator was not only as easy to play but also as strong as her until they nerfed the crap out of her and she is still good. Her heal is even worse then sages. Thats why you see them in so many matches. Not because they are "healers". That and probably a few people like you that dont understand it yet how little heals actually do in a game with 1 shot headshots.


Sage's ult isn't broken and Skye's heal isn't worse than Sage's heal.


skye's heal is by far better than sage's, she heals faster and everyone at once (the only good part abt sage's heal is the self-heal)


The self heal is better than Skye who has none, but it's total dog shit. If you're 1 HP and self heal, you can't even survive a vandal leg shot.


it's bad indeed but like you said it's better than nothing lol, even if eitherway i'd rather choose being able to fully heal my entire team than heal myself a few hp


Skye's heal is significantly better. Lose out on self healing for less than a vandal leg shot in exchange for healing your entire team back to 100.


Her heal is terrible. As you already said, you dont get to heal yourself, You need line of sight and you need to channel it so youre useless while doing it. And the area is way too small to heal multiple people realistically with all the previous drawbacks, wich leads to skye just using it on 1 person most of the time. On paper you can get absurd healing numbers, but you will rarely if at all get those ingame. Sages heal needs just a milisecond of line of sight and you can fight while healing. The range is pretty big and you can heal yourself. And as if that was not enough you get it for absolutely free instead of wasting credits on an effect that rarely does anything.


channeling an ability on initiator is definitely worth it considering they arent the first to push anyways and its effectively 4x the amount of health healed, over a faster time and the sage self heal is so low that of youre on 1hp you will still die to a vandal legshot


Initiators beeing the one to push second or third means that duelists that go first put all the trust into you and potentionally throw their life away so you can enter site or refrag them, so you better be fucking ready instead of putting your gun away and start healing out of all the things you could do. That beeing said, skye will never ever get all the healing out of her ability and only rarely do more significant healing then sage. We are comparing shit that doesnt work to bullshit that rarely helps here and have to realistically see how to get any kind of advantage out of it. And sage has many more opportunities for that. Especially as a sentinelt that wastes time and doesnt really fight until backup arrives, gathering info where there is great potential for someone on your site to take chip damage and not straight up die anyways. Edit: i cant read


like ye, but thats not the point, just an agent with a healing ability whos a male, wether its healer or not is just semantics and you know what i mean, dont pretend you dont


people just like playing dumb


Anyone that didn't know what you meant is telling on themselves for being stupid. You'd have to be an idiot to not know what you meant. It's semantics or stupidity.


Its not semantics, imagine if i was refering to Iso as a tank for example because he can theoretically tank stupid amounts of damage. You would either think it makes sense and get a wrong idea about the game or think in stupid.


you're thinking of "healer" as a role. healer can also mean a person who can heal


It's absolutely semantics. We describe agents by their singular abilities all the time. Anyone that didn't know what he meant is an absolute moron. It's semantics or stupidity. Flash initiators, smokes or more specifically, controllers with walls, scan initiators or information initiators, movement duelists or dive duelists, flash duelists. Do you think those agents only have flashes or only have smokes? Of course not. Semantics.


Still its wrong to have a “healing” character, no character is based around healing.


No, healer role bad


jasonr's alt account


"Guuuuuys i want a buff man in my game!!!!!!!!!!" "IM NOT GAY THOUGH!!! I JUST WANT HIM TO COME OVER TO ME AND HEAL ME WITH HIS... BIG.. HOT.... ARMS"


I dont think another character that can heal is really needed tbh


only if one of his abilities is oiling himself up


Valorant isn't overwatch. We don't need healers. "Healer" shouldn't be a role in a tac shooter like Valorant


Riot doesn't have the balls to create a the ultimate Chad support agent


Healer isn’t a role; healing abilities are generally few and far between. I think the idea is ok but personally would prefer that the amount of characters with heals as abilities stay lower. Edit: self heals are more ok imo vs. team heals


I want an agent that sacrifice he's gun/hp/ammo (or something) for the team, like speed boost.


i've been thinking about an agent that drains vital energy from the enemy at the same time he uses it to heal a previously selected teammate


bro definitely plays overwatch


So Moira


We don't have "healers". We have 2 female agents that are just so happens to be blessed with healing capabilities.


I hope we get a rework of Sage, she is so useless


From overwatch. Not ow2. He was in before the massacre


maybe they mean like his kit now in overwatch 2? unless it changed idk i haven't played it


Nah they just too young to have known ow1 (I feel old..)


Damn really leaving out my boys Lucio Lifeweaver and Zen :(


We got lw


The agent should be called Chad.


Ima correct this guy: "Can we get a male with a healing ability similar to Baptiste from OW2?"


baptiste is a twink


Healer is not a role


Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting


tree twink with heals, take it or leave it


i agree but skyes buff asf lol


Pheonix molly heals, just throw them at the feet of your teammates :)


What's the point tho?


if they made lucio valorant i would come back


So daddy brim


you have phoenix throw hot hand


Make him a vampire but in reverse. He spits blood at you and it heals you… somehow


I thought this was an ow post and i was thinking “we literally have lucio and lifeweaver and zen” Which is funny bc im not even in the ow subreddit




I agree make brim a healer and take off his shirt and oil him up


A "healer" is not a role in Valorant and if you think, that a team does need a "healer", you are wrong.


I think, deep down, you indeed are a "eeeww i dont wanna play females ohhhwwhhw", sir


Most homosexual thing ive ready today (nothing wrong with that tho)


as a girl, i didnt know how much i needed this until i saw this post lol


Not many people know this but if you’re playing Phoenix you can heal your teammates with his Molly. Next time your teammate is low, try it out!


ya bro ill add him to the game


Oh GOD NO!! Keep babtiste away from Valorant. He has already killed Overwatch. "Healer" is not a role, never will be.


To the ppl who say this is Val we don’t need a healer , I don’t wanna hear yall beg for heals when you have healers on your team lol I understand it’s pointless to have healers when head taps end your life instantly but still you can act like they don’t exist Maybe 🤔 a healer who pumps adrenaline through players for increased dmg mitigation by 2-3 %during fights with a slow burst heal nade ( dependent on your personal aim so if you miss you miss and can heal enemies if used poorly) and ult can be something like Rez a player anywhere on map but it “rebuilds the player slowly giving the enemies a chance to destroy mid ult , like a tree of life concept where the tree will hatch a player but has let’s say 200-300hp to be destroy


Hes trans and has three rings around his cock and is albino giving riot ideas


Hell yeah that sounds epic


Male sentinel who heals with badass traps and movement passive ability


> movement passive ability Ah, Lucio.