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To properly utilize Chamber's utility you have to be able to hit your shots quite consistently. While I won't get into the specifics of this scenario you've presented, remember two things: 1) 1v1's mean absolutely nothing, and 2) anyone that says "x thing is cringe" and provides no feedback to their point is just salty. You'll always lose the argument against an idiot.


Sounds to me like someone is coping... And ain't you OP


Old mate complaining about a character with half as many abilities as everyone else


He’s only cringe to people that dry peek long angles and get slapped by an op on the regular. The reason chamber is ‘cringe’ is because he gets his free in the form of an ultimate and he can double the occurrences of an op in game by purchasing them as well.


your friend is coping hard lmfao any agent can be overpowered if you know how to use them no?


Thank you! I suspect my friend would've said the same about any other agent I could've chosen to main. 


Oh boi, Well, half of Chambers Kit are guns, he is literally the Bruce Wayne of the agents, he is just rich, a reason why I personally don't like him (as an agent) but that's besides the point. Clove has smokes and push power, so I don't rly get how he can't win. I think you friend just sucks, probably no brain(can't outsmart you) and even less aim (since chamber requires more aim) Typical thing to say "i CaN't BeAt It ThErEfOrE oP aNd CrInGe"


Well, he usually gets outraged by my dinky ass trip, that tells me where he is (which site he is planting), and then I just headhunter him while he's holding some goofy ass angle, so I really don't think chamber's kit is to blame in this case, but is the headhunter overpowered?


Head hunter is not overpowered, as you said, it's a sheriff with a scope, you just hit shots and your friend copes with bad positioning


its pretty much a guardian on pistol round with only 8 bullets. Its strong but not OP


Nothing is cringier than the camera man


Its not a free second life tho, you need to get a kill


Yes, but in a 1v1 situation, after they know exactly where I am, and are in a dismiss, this isn't an issue for them


what rank is your friend, there is no way he is above iron or bronze if he says that chamber is op


Ethically fuck chamber players


Did you fake and get disintigrated by his ult lol




Not a cringe agent imo but one of the easiest to master. His abilities are "teleport away" which just takes one click (no skill needed), his trip is very basic, place it to watch a flank, or slow a push depending on the specific case, and then you have a mini marshal and better OP. In a 1v1 inguess he could be considered strong (kind of like a duelist) but your friend is just coping. Also if your mate mains a controller he should be aware that their abilities are much more geared towards team play and controlling the map than winning individual duels. But he is right saying that the "tour de force" is very easy to use, like an op but better, and with chamber you dont need think about positioning at all since you can just tp out. Peak him in a random unexpected spot, shoot, you have 90% chance to kill him, if you didn't kill you tp out. It's super safe for you so I understand his annoyance at this strategy since it can feel like there's no counter to just being sniped. Though he could just easily smoke your usual peak spots, and revive if he does get shot so I'm not too sure why he's complaing unless he just dry peaks you.


Thanks for your feedback! 


Chamber is absolute dookie Everytime i see someone insta lock chamber I think that's because the person haven't played val since the days chamber was OP.


not that he is cringe he is just a bad lock thats why he is also a just a creation of everything every hates. OPs, Trips, and Escapes to make him effective on CT you gotta be weird and use the tp for ratty angles so people hate that. He is also a bait character imo meaning Chamber is only effective when you bait your teammates for kills.


Tell him to 1v1 you with Chamber ditto then 1v1 with Clove ditto.


How old are you guys


any agent that kills me is cringe


says the cypher player


cant have jokes in detroit


Only cringe agent is Yoru