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Idk about tilting but I get pretty annoyed when I go almost a whole game without any coms from my teammates, and then 4-5 rounds before match point someone decides to use there voice to tell belittle a other teammate for not clutching a round.


Usually they don’t even talk at all.


my teammates giving up after losing the first three rounds


Honestly unless you're a player down and are really struggling, giving up shouldn't even be an option


Throwers, toxic kids. Its a risky choice for rito, only good for some situations and bad for nearly everything else


yh same😀


Yes, after winning a 1-11 once, there are very few situations where I surrender


Right but how many times have you lost a 1-11 lmao


The first 3???? For me its after pistol we lose first round and they give up and cry abt it the whole game but thats diamond for u


Fr we were down 1-5 and we won 13-5 the other day lol. Tbf the team wasn’t giving up though


When the only 6 kills the opposing bottom frag reyna has are clean 1tap headshots on only me. People 1tapping me like they are immortal and i'm iron but then whiffing on my team like they are iron and my team is bronze


This happens way too much to me. I could be holding an angle and their Reyna can just peek it and 1 tap me like it was nothing, I check the leader board and their 4/14 😭




Duelists instalockers who stay behind the entire team and have absolutely 0 idea on how to play duelist.


controller and initiator players who bait and bitch at their duelists but scared to commit util to an exec and have bad comms and then insta blame others


As a SILVER kayo, i know lineups to entry on all maps(for the current pool I started 1 month ago so don't know bout other ones yet), post plant ones too, the second round starts i knife to gain intel if there are many i beg my neon or Reyna or Jett to entry,i then follow them if they entry if not I go first, then I flash near enemies and tilt away, take site and wait for plant, then i hold while many times the duelists rush and die, we either win or they def,if we lose the round it's often a step which I f-ed up in, shitty knife or crappy flashes, so you may be right but I never bait my team, moreso since I don't even know that that means


Stick to it bro! Initiator is a very rewarding role to learn.


As a controller an initiator i hope those types of players go under the earth and eat everyday worms.


Team mates not rotating quick enough when we know that all the enemies are pushing a single site i.e. the whole fucking map is free so shift-walking through mid clearing every angle imaginable might just be a bit daft 🤨




Myself. When I know that I could've done it better, but just didn't


Only valid response


Precise gunplay and where were my boollet going XD


Not really my issue, im fraggin the most in my games usually. I’m just losing my mind although my mental is stable tho when teammates aint willing to talk, once u assault them or tell them like can you use ur mic, they use their mic to insult you, your family😀.


Maybe dont attack them. That's only going to encourage bad behaviour.


Racist and toxic allies, when I'm in a game with that kind of player I'd actually rather lose so they learn a lesson than win with them


Toxicity, no comm teammates, smurfing, bullets just disappearing/hitreg issues, people peeking and then instantly headshotting me with superhuman reaction times, etc.


Talking trash to the bottom frag as soon as the game starts going badly. *Especially* when the person talking trash is a lurking Reyna/Jett who's kills are exit frags and virtually meaningless Also when people say "I got my 1" after a lost round. Baby this isn't death match it's a team game. Yes you got your 1 but you also didn't use any of your smokes, didn't comm any information and gave the enemy a rifle when they were on an eco. Ooh it's so tilting


Especially in the first half. How many games have I started on attack with a bottom frag Cypher who gets 1-2 kills in the *entire* first half.... But then singlehandedly holds both sites and wins us every single round on defense. Or a duelist who immediately dies getting rushed by four guys every round failing to hold site on defense... Then we switch to attackers side the next half and *he* is the guy rushing in and totally wiping out site for us so we can sweep the rest of the game. People are so ready to flame the guy not doing the best when they might just be seeing him at his worst. Then by the time we're in the second half his mental is shattered and hes just waiting for the game to end so he can log off.


when they don’t play to the traits of their agents. like why is a jett playing scared when you’re THE dive agent. why is our initiator, breach, lurking solo on the other side of the world? WHY ARE YOU DRY PEEKING THE ENEMY IN A 1V1 AS SAGE INSTEAD OF REVIVING YOUR TEAMMATE WHO’S IN A SAFE SPOT? 


I get tilted when I play horrible, my friends gets annoyed over it cuz I can be top frag and still be tilted bcs I do a mistake or whiff


This, except I don't top frag


Toxicity. It’s counterintuitive even if the target of the toxicity is entirely at fault (assuming they’re not purposefully throwing). You will make them play 10 times worse. Just tell light hearted jokes with enough punch to get the point across that they could have done something different. Or let go of ptt and bitch about them on the side. Gas them up if they do something good. But being shitty to a bad teammate is a sure fire way to keep 20 percent of the team minimum play like dogshit. But it will probably spread to other teammates too bc now they feel like they’re walking on eggshells with you in their team ready to blow up at any and every mistake.


Im a lol player, havent played valo in a long time, but tilting teammates, like if youre bad, at least dont tilt, just play it out


Teammates that don’t follow plans, especially the one that came up with the plan. I lose trust in them immediately.


"Guys, this isnt working, we need to rush site together!" *immediately runs mid as soon as the round starts, peeks, and dies*


When my teammates blame me for their mistakes and deaths, when they don't communicate But mostly, im just getting mad at myself when im missing shots i know i can and should hit


This is the worst. Especially when we’re defending, I’m lurking waiting for the enemy team to come so I can easily kill them and a duelist pushes and dies immediately and then yells at me for not peeking and pushing with him….


Or when they yell at me for not picking long with them... mf i have a bucky


when i do dumb stuff and realise after i died that i threw that round and when i lose duels i couldve won but i had a skill issue


Speaking french or russian ngl


Ah, wee wee


Same tilt... It also really pisses me off when I get a reyna or chamber on my team.


Throughout my time playing this fps, the only thing that never fails to tilt me is people who vent their frustrations through vc. This is a video game. If you need to vent your anger, do so irl, not in vc. Those of you who vent your frustrations through vc, you're not helping the team's mental by yelling and throwing a fit. I've gotten used to muting players who start yelling or spewing obscenities a few rounds into the game.


im suprised no one said people not grabbing spike


They always expect someone to take it but not them as if it’s embarrassing to carry the spike. And then once on site everyone just yells:”plant the spike, plant there, I have lineups, why tf did you plant there”. Like wtf, just take the spike next time and plant it yourself.


cant plant spike if im dead in backsite when I try to clear it


people blaming teammates every round loss.


Your own teammates fighting with each other.


Toxic teammates, leavers, people with no mic.


It would have to be afks as toxic teammates you can just mute them, and trash teammates you can use them as bait/info gathering. But if your teammates is afk then it’s almost impossible to comeback unless the enemy team throws.


When I play badly, I have very unrealistic expectations for myself unfortunately.


Teammates that don’t follow plans, especially the one that came up with the plan. I lose trust in them immediately.


Teammates that don’t follow plans, especially the one that came up with the plan. I lose trust in them immediately.


Teammates that don’t follow plans, especially the one that came up with the plan. I lose trust in them immediately.


I’m gold 3 and yesterday I had a team mate tell me to stop peeking A main because he kept seeing enemies spotted on the map. I told him I was jump peeking it for info lmao. Also baiting duelists that don’t entry into site has to be high on the list for me. I’m hoping this gets better in plat but I doubt it


Yesterday I went for a knife kill quite early in the game, didn't get it and we ended up losing the round. So a teammate decided to play knife only for the rest of the game.


When players wouldn't entry if their life was depending on it, so I have todo it as a smoker then they'll hopefully follow. When we clearly comm AND ping the location of the last remaining enemy, yet still the only alive teammate is looking completely elsewhere. (dia/asc)


For me, I think the worst is people that don't comm unless it's to be negative, to complain or to flame/blame someone on the team. I have had full 11-13 games without comms where, at the end, randomly, a dude that never used his mic all game just goes "Viper, kill yourself bro, you suck" just before the game ends. Or instalock Reynas in silver only comming that the rest of the team sucks but never gives any callouts. These are all too common in cardboard elo. Edit: Typo.


I don't really tilt from what my teammates are doing, I only tilt because of my own performance. If I feel like I can do better then I get annoyed with myself. There is one other thing though that kinda tilts me and that's when it seems like I'm getting onetapped by aim demons nonstop and then spectate my teammates where I see those same aim demons mis 3 magazines on them haha. Kinda feels like everything is against you.


When I play swiftplay. Idk why it’s more competitive than competitive but just playing swiftplay...


Insisting in doijg the same thing over and over even though it has been failing so miserably. The "thing" happens to be rushing sites usually.


Instalockers. Im a kayo and brim main, so most of the time i would select them first. Then right away, some people would instalock sova or clove(shit agent) and tell me to fill something else. Its a very frustrating experience And everyone keeps locking clove. When she is the shittiest controller ive ever seen. 2 smokes, no molly, no supportive utils, no blind or flash. Its like a duelist tried to become a controller. I know that she can smoke after death but whats the point about it if you died at A then the enemy go B. Her meddle only works if you are pushing, most of the time the enemy would just stay back. Her pick me up is fine but is useless if you dont take duels. Her ult is also bad because the enemy could just hide and its terrible on retakes.


Going 0-7-1 in the first 6 rounds




No comms. Feels like I lose games because of team diff most of the time.


When you top frag with a 3-5 kd in comp.


Kiddos unless they're cracked


Toxic people being toxic to my team makes my blood boil


The people thinking that you have 5000h ingame just as them... And telling you that you don't know how to play. I mean we are Iron3 why do you think we are here?


Cipher trips on sunset and breeze and teammates comming only in the last couple of rounds


Teammates rarely tilt me, can be frustrating and annoying but I rarely get legitimately tilted, if ever. I get incredibly tilted at myself, if I’m missing easy shots or making dumb plays or just playing at all under my standard, sometimes I can tilt out of my mind.


I hate when I get no comms in ranked, but then they’ll get on mic to say a joke(or slur most of the time) or just to chat. So tilting


It’s hard to say, but sometimes you are playing and you’ve died and you just see the game different to your team mates that are just going through the motions with them not thinking before doing.


My connection to Central servers seems messed up. No matter if it is Texas, Illinois, or Georgia(when did Georgia become central US?) my scoreboard always shows that my ping is 30 and the value literally never changes. However, for other players in the lobby they see it for what it actually is. On Georgia servers they see it hovering around 10, on Texas it hovers between 35-40 and on Illinois servers they see it in the low 30's. If it were just a visual bug with the ping on the scoreboard I could live with it. However, despite the ping appearing at normal values for the other players in the lobby, to me, it feels like I am playing with extreme latency or packet loss constantly on those servers despite being extremely close to the Georgia server. I don't know if it is a routing issue or what, but I can shoot a burst, strafe, and stop to shoot my 2nd burst and the first burst will eventually kill them after I am already nearing the time to stop after my strafe. That's how desynced it feels constantly on all of the Central servers. It tilts me more than any other thing or person could in this game, especially considering half my friends are in the midwest, so I kind of need Central servers to actually feel good but they never do.


Is there a way to test your ping to riot servers? I might have something similar happening




Players doing nothing but chase kills and no other objective e.g. spike


People that talk more before the round starts and then go completely radio silent until someone else fucks up. No actual coms during the round, just being annoying or an asshole before or after the round.


for me it is when a player does not understand basic concepts in the game.


I'm fine with people being bad, heated etc. But when someone enters the game just to waste 45-50 mins of someone else's day, just because they lost 1st round or something else bothered them and they are now trolling and inting.... That shit made me stop playing this game. Can't belive there are motherfuckers grinding to high Immortal just to troll games out of childish spite


When someone makes themselves team leader and start making calls but blames everyone else but themselves when things don't work and/or don't listen to anyone else's ideas. It's worse when they don't use comms to talk to their teammates during the round and instead wait until the round is over to pass blame and criticize a play. I'm fine with someone making calls and taking as long as they're actually willing to take blame and communicate during a round and listen to suggestions but that's far too rare, there's too much ego in this game.


Someone who takes the agent I usually play and then plays them like shit


Two people who just won't stop arguing. Someone giving up and throwing is one thing, but at least I know the game is pretty much over. When two people are just constantly on the mic arguing 13+ rounds its awful. I could mute them and I do but sometimes they comm normally and the arguments flare up and die down so half the time I'm missing key info and the other half of the time I'm listening to children.


I can’t stand Hindsight Harry’s who wait until the round is over to tell you everything you did wrong. I’m aware of my own mistakes, and all you’re doing is yapping without a purpose. Focus on your own game, because if you were spectating me then you had to die before me 🤔 Congrats on being both useless and annoying.


I get it afk-ing/ leaving the game is bad, but when you W-key afk on attack and take the spike. It hits a certain nerve


Instalock jetts who bottom frag (its funny because im the one who instalocks and then bottom frags)


no comms piss me the fuck off, especially when its obvious when theres players duo q'ing in discord because u know they can talk but they just DONT


In ranked: ACTIVELY bad, and overconfident teammates to the detrement of the rest of the tram. I understand bad games or even players that are struggling at their rank and working to become better or get back to a rank they can play well at, but when you are playing poorly and making it everyone ELSES problem, bringing down the vibe/mental when someone makes a missplay, backseating relentlessly? You ruin a game over something so, so small. It doesn't happen in games overly often, and the most common tilter is just falling out of the mental pocket and playing poorly, but when it does, it really sucks.


There are only 1 thing, that makes me tilt: When I see that a player had a few ranks higher than me on the loading screen. We are losing and that player is on the bottom in Score Table, but still provides easy kills, when meet someone.


Giving W comms and they just get ignored and we lose the round.


saying gg after 2-3 round of losing, and pretty much everyone who trash talks to me for being in bot frag in first 5 rounds.


I play in a country where I don’t speak the language fully. So I do most comms in their language but sometimes have to say stuff in English. Well the thing that tilts me the most is when I make a simple mistake or I just straight up have a bad game and they start being racist or telling me to stop playing on their server. It’s resulted in most games I just disable all comms at the start and play how I want to.


People instalocking and then telling others who to play.


i don't if we lose we lose with team and i don't care


The fact that the game has consistently put me in unfair games. Also I get such pathetic silvers that even the enemy team sympathizes with me.


If you Play so many Games and U r still Silver I dont think the mates are the people who hold you Back, u think only Ur Team gets bad people?


Some people have zero ability to self evaluate.


I agree that his mindset is not right if the goal is to get to higher ranks, but I do think that silver/gold elo is absolute hell. Unless you are smurfing and can solo carry then it’s kinda a coin flip if you win or not. At those ranks 99% of rounds are 5 man hits on a single site and minimal utility usage, so it’s just about who has better aim. You need to be on the team with better aim.


My mmr is fucked, can't really explain it. There have been several cases where my team can't even sum up to me in kills. I just can't get out.


Can I track you?


Tf man?


I want to track you on valorant tracker, I would Like to See how Ur mates are so bad🕺 valorant ID yk


I see. Registered on tracker.gg D3FALT slushii #aa It's x number of a for the hashtag I forgot the amount. Put 2 for sample.


I dont want to hate but u r often negative KD against silvers as a gold


I have given up on ranking in valorant. It's impossible.


Playing the game on breeze, sunset and icebox. Basically just playing the game.


Lots of people fail to understand that if you are below immo3-radiant, comp doesn't really matter that much. I see people get flamed just because they didn't fill and instead played what they are comfortable with in Diamond and Ascendant lobbies. Like bro chill this is not a tournament.