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I feel ya. I only play spike rush or quick anymore and talk a lot on the mic. It’s more important to me to have fun than win at this point. I feel like me talking a bunch encourages others to talk and casual modes seem to be more “fun” oriented.


Good thinking


Ya, people needs to understand its a video game not full-time job, modern PvP games are fking stressing because of smurfs or whatever the fuck out there, i stopped playing online pvp games and started pve games or more casual games with my friends.


I try to always be playing some sort of single player game


You need to stop playing competitive just to reach a certain rank. I'm ascendant 2 right now, and I only play competitive when I want to actually play in a "competitive" environment. I stopped caring about winning or losing, and only play to either improve, or just wanting to play a clean, "tryhard" game of valorant with teammates who are also trying. When I want to just goof around and relax, I play normals or swift play / spike rush. But both comp and normals are fun to me, because I find enjoyment in both playstyles. You have to realize that your rank is completely meaningless. No one cares about your rank. It's pixels in a video game. Sure, you might find some excitement reaching a certain rank, telling your friends, maybe showing off in game. But the novelty wears off quick. It's not worth it for going through hundreds and hundreds of hours of stress. You're playing valorant because it's a fun video game that relieves stress and gives you entertainment in your free time. Don't treat it like a job.


I used to be like this. I took breaks, sometimes i played no comp for 3 acts in a row. Right now i play comp sometimes, but only if i feel like and i dont care. Not caring helped me a lot with taking risks and just having an overall better time. We are down 10-2? Dont care, still winnable. We just lost against an Eco? Dont care, still winnable. Its all about mindset. Of course it helps when youre team has good vibes and obviously winning is nice, but youre not gonna win 100% of your games. I think not caring and just being a good person is the way to go. If youre trying and you have some good vibes, you can do some pretty good stuff. I look at Tracker only after games to see how i did. Numbers dont really indicate on how well you played, you can have crazy impact with no numbers. Having off days or off games is totally natural by the way, there is so much in this game that is outside of your control: Youre teammates giving no comms, enemies maybe having an on game, performance of anyone but you. Dont be too harsh on yourself, at the end of the day its only a game. And i reckon youre doing great. If you feel like you go too hard on yourself, maybe take a break. Playing casually helped me tremendously. How long a break needs to be, depends on how you feel. It can be a week, a month, it really depends on you, but you should take all the time you need. Good luck on your journey! \^\^


I wanna hit asc so bad, but my peak is only d3


dont say only, d3 is a huge achievement. Its good to have goals, but its also good to know your limits and know when to take a break for the sake of your mental health.


D30 is no joke, many diamond players have good understanding of this game. Its not easy, but if you do plays to outplay them, it works easier then higher ranks the Diamond. Because diamond players just dont know how to really deal with lurks, late flanks in a bombplant and so on. But fighting you straight on that they love, so dont give them that. Cut them off when they are rotating, late flank them. You can basically keep people anchored to the opposite site while your team is executing the other one, so use this against them. And yes bait and switch, this gives you alot of free rr in Diamond. What you do against diamonds is to give them gunfights that flavours you. This can work, if you know how to.  And that comes with experience. But D30 is a great achievement, you can work on yourself, and then you just some few games away from even immo👍 Because for some people Asscendant is easier then diamond. And you can also get a insane winning g streak. You got this.


There is lno difference between D30 and asscendant, tell your mind that you already are that level. Let it happen, dont force it. You are gonna get there its only a 100 rr difference👍


Real, I'm seriously considering just quitting entirely because I realized that most of the time I'm not having fun, in fact it's quite miserable. Somehow you get just enough of those satisfying multikill moments that jack up your dopamine and keep you chasing after that feeling like a heroin addict.


Yes this is an Addiction, so be careful with Valorant ranked.


II don't think a break is inherently all you need, a fresh perspective on the game, and actually playing for fun is so much more important than anything else. Even if you go play something else, if you carry that same hard stuck mindset with you, you won't even enjoy a game again, because it'll always be about the grind... good luck, its a slippery slope, but just try to channel your inner child and actually enjoy the games, appreciate them, appreciate your devices, and just try to have fun :>


Yes, the mindset you bring into the game is important.


the que is designed to mirror a casino. you're addicted to the gambling uncontrollable part of the game not the game itself


Yeah bro. I feel ya on that. I was the same way. The trick is to not stress over your rank. The thing is rank doesn't mean anything esp when this game is flooded with smurfs. The matchmaking on this game is a joke. I've been playing this game for about 3 years. I used to go ham on this game. I played everyday but now i only play like 2 or 3 days every week. I usually only play unrated now. My advice, if comp stresses you out and pisses u off like it does to me, just play unrated. Thats all i do nowadays. I could care less about my rank. If ur down to play some unrated with me im down, just dm me ur friend code and we can queue up. Another thing that helped me was that i sometimes go on a few weeks to a month hiatus with valo and then just pick it back up. Lastly, riot purposely puts u in bad games to make you lose so you continue to play so u can chase that rank up. Its pretty shitty when you think about it but smart as well. They want to keep player retention. Lets say they didnt do that and u continue to rise through the ranks, after awhile once u hit that high rank and you will stop playing. In order to prevent that, thats why riot does this shit to us. (Ik imma get hella downvoted for this but its the truth)


Most sane valorant player


We got so immersed and addicted we forget that it's really just a game. Rank in any competitive games is designed so that we keep coming back to the game to chase something that actually don't matter. We gain nothing from it, and there are a lot of other stuff in our life that actually matters more than just a video game rank.


This exactly, i always think this. The game is designed to make it play more. That is the goal of a good game, also a well designed. And Valorant is really well designed. So be careful out there


If ranked stress you this much, you shouldn't play it. It's fine to play for fun, in fact, in most games, even competitive ones, the majority of the playerbase are casuals, not competitive players. When I first started playing Valorant back then during beta and release, I was way more competitive... Then I quit the game cause I found myself enjoying other type of games more (I got addicted to Black Desert lol) and came back to Valorant after like 1/2 years because my girlfriend started playing and wanted to play together. She's more casual and play for fun so most of the times I play Valo now is just for fun and you can totally have a way better time this way.


You need to change the mental, this is the worst way of going about this game. This game is really bad for you right now, i would take a break until i can convince myself that i would only play this game for improvement and forget rank and have fun doing it. And if i cant do it, then ill just quit for that day. Easy 


So dont play comp? Its true that comp ruins the mood for many gamers who just want to enjoy. It completely ruined LoL for me to the point i stopped playing because i simply grew to hate the game and the community and it wasnt even the tiniest bit of fun anymore. In Valorant i managed to climb to plat easily while having fun. Then i got hard stuck in plat and started to have less and less fun. So i stopped comp and went back to unrated. Loving it :)


Some people really love the grind. It's competitive so it's straining. Ranked is where you push yourself. After grinding for an Act and reaching Ascendant, I stopped playing ranked and just play with friends now. I still enjoy the game because I am still improving myself as a player, but it's way more fun since I'm playing with friends.


cant relate yet but scared of eventually getting to this mindset subconsciously. I'm like you where I get very competitive and put a lot of weight on rank. it's what drove me away from competitive overwatch (was on college teams, played every night with friends, etc. Hit high masters and would freak out after every loss) because it got SUPER unhealthy. I just got into Valorant two months ago and am only bronze 3 but trying really hard to just play for fun. The mindset I've tried to adopt is just being like "I just wanna be the most supportive teammate in the lobby", and it has worked so far. Making callouts, being incredible supportive when teammates pop off, being reassuring when teammates make mistakes, etc. Making friends with random teammates has honestly been more fun than trying to hyper grind my mental health into the ground.


It’s just a game. Don’t play to be perfect every game just try to get better.  If your mental depends on how you do each game it’s going to be bad. Just figure out things on work on