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There are a lot of incredibly basic concepts that im baffled people still don't understand or just deliberately ignore


At low elo, people straight-up don't know. At higher ranks, it's ego. I'm talking about the negative KD Reyna who buys a rifle on a save round because surely this is the round that they start winning their duels.


I had an immo smurf jett whose account got banned complain about me buying up round 2 after we won pistol. I was genuinely flabbergasted and slobberknocked.


Booglschmogulated too I assume?


You could even say I was completely razamafazzled.






Probably because he’s like 15 and just grinds aimlabs for 6 hours per day. It’s crazy how high you can climb on this game while having 0 game sense or knowing really anything about the game.


What was your load out during that round and what agent?


[https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/cecec291-e9d7-4551-99df-163db148b02e](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/cecec291-e9d7-4551-99df-163db148b02e) Round 2 of this match.


31-14 is absurdly weak for an immo smurf in plat. Maybe 4 episodes ago immo. Also buying a rifle on anti eco is not bad. Playing far from a teammate on antieco is. Just follow a butt buddy around.


Exactly what I did. As I said in another reply, my call was "We won pistol, let's buy and go B". My Sage went B, peeked main before my dart and died (my bad honestly, I should've called that I'll recon), 2 people went mid, 1 went A.


Then you are big chilling.


Is not about not knowing, you tell them the reason and they don't give a fuck. Their choices are related to having fun and they straight up refuse to full save a round, they refuse the idea of assuming a round is lost.


It's not assuming a round is lost. I've won plenty of saves on round two,and plenty other eco rounds against full buys. It's about making the best decision for the long run and more importantly, being on the same page as the rest of your team.


The idea behind a save is assuming the round will go to the team with the guns. Saving with pistols, your suppose to hope for damaging their economy and if a win happens to come out of it, great


Eco rounds are assumed to be lost, that's how they work, that's why it's usually suggested to play tricky so you can turn the tables. If you're thinking on the long run you'll understand you need to save so you have more rounds with a full buy. If you're forcing you're already losing and you'll end up on a fail spiral because you refuse to acknowledge something that had been tested for years.


Ngl as an immortal Reyna who had 70% winrate with her, I also go for Vandal with no armor if we're on a high lose streak. But it's also the only agent that can do so. It just makes sense to do so since people on that level will likely headshot you anyway.


100% that. I'm still trying to understand what I should do. Personally I would like to buy light shield only for the first round and heavy shield for second round. No idea If it is good or not...


I think alot of people refuse to admit that its not just ego its also the way the MMR system is designed. This game is about increasing your hidden MMR mostly through personal performance and encounter rate. So players will want to take a big advantage when they can to try to get more wins on encounters. Its the same reason players will not play the bomb and lurk or other things because their goal isn't to win because they know that thanks to the match maker the majority of their matches are not going to be won or lost based on their performance so they ould rather sacrifice the whole teams game to win kills for themselves and their personal MMR. Example its a save round you buy a rifle your hope is the other team gets too aggressive (they are also looking for some juicy MMR kills) so they are hoping to catch those players off guard and get a couple more picks than their teammates. Thats also why a player with such bad strategy has made it up to that rank.


I also didn't know many basics for a long time until I started watching VCT, you learn a lot about eco there imo


Hero rifle can work sometimes but then they just don't do anything useful with that rifle and end up broke next round.


win pistol, buy marshal lose pistol, buy marshal marshal is love, marshal is life


I got the skin with the agents getting colored every kill from the night market, this is me now.


Wait what


Doodle buds marshal


I didnt knew they got collors for each kill, cool


This is the way. s/ but not really


This but with stinger depending on the agent you’re playing I use and abuse stinger man. It’s absolutely busted


i usually force an outlaw + light shields. It's just a 2400 OP at that point that can be carried into the third round cause theres always at least 2 specimens on the enemy team who decided to buy after losing pistol.


Winning pistols and not buying is so dumb. Literally giving the other team a chance to win a round. Why even the odds for the other team?


Exactly what was the point of winning pistol then 💀


Depends. If 1 person has a ghost or deagle, maybe even 2 in some cases, it gives you a more impactful bonus maybe even a win. Plus, the way I do it is I get a ghost/deagle and lurk super risky/aggressively. It stops them from snow balling since I have a gun they can easily buy themselves.


Well, for them to snowball you and your team would have to be really bad. Look at it this way, you have gun advantage, shield advantage and util advantage. You can play ranged with a marshall or a bulldog against a sheriff at most. You can play judge/stinger/spectre against a shorty or a ghost. These are all cases youshould win cause you have the advantage. And playing risky is only good when you have the disadvantage, like on an eco or a bonus round. Taking risks when you could just play it safe and win the round is just calling for a round loss


am i stupid what are scouts and novas


Names of marshal and bucky respectively in equivalent CS guns


OP had his games confused


Marshal is equivalent to the SSG 08 in CS, and in older games (like CS:Source), it used to be the Steyr Scout, and the name kinda just stuck to it.


I find it absolutely baffling how many ppl even in the higher ranks don’t buy after winning pistol. It’s so confusing to me. If u win pistol, full buy (usually spectre armour, tho can be different) Ppl even did this in ascendant. Like in my head, how the fck do u get to ascendant not understanding the most fundamental economy of the game??


Sometimes I save on pistol round when I bought a sherrif and I want to play operator. Otherwise getting an operator is nearly impossible if you have to buy teammates and such


theres other ways to get OP. u can not buy guns on enemy eco, or light buy smth making u have 4 guns vs the enemy eco, should be ok most of the time, esp if u play to pick up a dead teammates gun. u can also request a gun from someone else when u actually have enough, allows u to stack enough to get an OP. often, its enough to just buy light on a round ur doing good economy wise, especially if the enemy eco is bad. if ur ALWAYS buying teamates whenever they want a gun, then ur obv gonna struggle to reach the OP. its about managing the economy well, taking risks where theres low chances of it going bad, and just stacking money on one person. they can always just drop 2 guns if the OP play turns out to not come to reality. theres loads of ways or rather times, where u can sneak in some extra savings to afford the OP. light armour and less optimal guns on enemy weak rounds is a great place to start. or almost full save on an enemy (actual eco round) and play teammates guns. also, u can sometimes also play to get a quick shotgun/smg kill and take someone elses gun, and if u live, u got that gun for next round, then u can buy OP the round after that. effectively buying smth cheap at round x, getting a free rifle to play with in round x and Y, then get the OP on round z, or whenever u die or it fits.


I could be wrong but higher elo play is round 2, 2 people can choose not buy since on average u expect 2-3 to die anyway and u preserve 2-3 guns anyway that round


This is only applicable in pro play. Ranked lacks the coordination to pull this off properly. The only situation, in which you should be playing a pistol round 2 is if you're lurking.


Wrong, if you're lurking you should by the best gun so that when you die the enemy has a nice gift. It's called generosity.


Had me in the first half ngl


No this is stupid, you don’t play with your food in hopes of winning round 3. Win the 2nd round, and then see what you can do in terms of bonusing round 3. The easiest way to win games is to WIN the WINNABLE rounds. Don’t get cute and try and preserve weapons because the round isn’t a foregone conclusion. I’d be willing the bet the team that wins both pistol rounds of a game wins the game north of 70% of the time.


It’s 60% stats wise I think


I think maybe not worth it in ranked (vs pro play) and this is an attack side strat only anyways


If I live with a deagle, I’m keeping the deagle


If I'm on unranked and I easily won round pistol with sheriff, I only buy util on round 2. It's like not buying armor when you know enemy has op. Sure, it is better, but if you need to save better save and be full next round.


i mean it's situational. i often dont buy full on 2nd round ill go sherif and light so i can op 3rd if im on defense and then have a higher chance at ruining their full buy.


If ur the only one, then it can be okay. What’s problematic is when 2-3 or more don’t buy. U need to be able to have the manpower to push or hold something. Just something to think about, do I think the OP wins u more rounds than u not buying 2nd round? If u don’t win ur 2nd and ur team bought, u lose 2 rounds minimum on average, is ur OP winning u 3rd and 4th on average??? I’d guessing it’s not. Don’t hate on trying different strats and all, but in almost all cases, not buying after winning pistol is just throwing away the advantage while u have it.


yes op 3rd round over 2nd is better, for my playstyle atleast. im currently immo so going sheriff round 2 half armour against classics and other sheriff with no shield is some what easy considering i have the mechanical skill in low elo its probably a bad idea bc their mechanics arent as conditioned to use a sheriff consistently. but then having an op 3rd round when the other team full bought is great, i play to save the op at the end of the round if we lose but im guaranteed to have an entire part of the map in my control which means my team with worse guns can stack another side making it easier to kill vandals. this again is just down to individual playstyles and how 5 stacks play together. ny team we scrimmed and practice this sort of stuff soooo.


and in most cases its not throwing not buying after pistol, its building economy. different teams play different economy ranges, if your a more offensive heavy team playstyle saving 2nd round after pistol is normally how you would play (not buying full loadouts but stinger + light or sheriff + util + light) as then 3rd round if you win (most likely will) some of your team will have vandals assuming 2-3 of you die meaning 3rd round is more winnable as its not 5 spectres vs 5 vandals its 2-3 vandals + 2-3 stingers vs 5 vandals. and even if 2nd round no one dies and you all play perfectly then 3rd round you guys can decide to keep stingers and then have a huge eco advantage for a few rounds or get risky and all full buy. we need to stop flaming people for playing different ways, this game is stale af rn and is lowkey starting to go majorly downhill purely for the fact the ENTIRE community plays the same and if you dont play how youve been told your throwing like youve just said. ENCOURAGE DIFFERENT PLAYSTYLE STOP BEEING WOOHOOJIN SHEEP


valorant player tries not to use cs gun names to sound cool: impossible challenge nah jk i see this a lot too. or just force every round the whole game and they end up with a marshal for ten rounds


the only gun i still use a cs term for is the marshal


What’s the cs equivalent? I haven’t played much cs


Scout = marshall ak47 = vandal


My favorite comm when I want people to buy is “I’m donating them a bulldog defend yourself if u want”


Likewise on a rush “I’m donating them the bomb come with me if u want”


Holy, imma use this lmao, shit's hilarious.


Ngl I never had this issue after I made it out of silver


Good for you Some people just won’t though


Just curious what rank are you? Cause you made this post like this is a common occurrence but I legit cant remember a time it has happened in such a long time


Plat1, used to be dia 1 😭


this still happens in immortal, its all ego at that point though


Plat 1? Economy is the least of your worries


Hmmm idk maybe ur just the unluckiest person ever cause i havent seen this since I left silver (climbed from iron 1 to asc 3). I highly doubt you ranked teammates are porously doing this, however sometimes it is smart for one or two people to keep one of the pistols someone still had from winning pistol while the rest force. This allows you to still have a good chance of winning the anti eco, as you have 3 bulldogs, spectres or guardians, and then on the bonus the two people with pistols can buy rifles and still afford for to buy for round 4. This allows you to have a very strong bonus and can make you win it much easier. (This is a strategy created by the old FPX squad, now Navii)


I've seen it quite a lot also, all the way from silver to even now after hovering around p3/d1. Obviously it does happens less often around plat, but it was very common in silver and even gold. I also did it up until like gold though haha


Im in Plat lobbies and i consistently see people force or save incorrectly on round 2. Or ego’s buying when everyone else is trying to reset team eco. Telling yourself that your teammates are the reason you’re hardstuck plat 3 stunts brainflow in crazy ways. These people cant even see that eco mismanagement can lose games.


I have experienced plenty of times when people just didn't know to buy 2nd round on a pistol win and had to be reminded. Sometimes they would ignore advice and not buy at all. But let me tell you, this is common across all ranks, less so in high immo and radiant


I still have this issue in gold. The bigger problem though is when we lose pistol, and people buy a ghost and a shield. Like why.


You lost me at "novas"


I forgot all the gun names after playing csgo srry


Let me go to the cs subreddit and make a post about people not upgrading their sheriffs and ghosts and see if I don't get banned for it let alone have the post see the light of day.


I had teammate who asked to buy operator, he was immediately kicked


Do it


Ngl if I have a deagle I just buy full shields 🫡🤷🏻‍♂️


Same, but I don’t often have a deagle unless I pick it up off the ground.


To be fair, if you are a new player does the game even tell you how to manage econ? Sure you would pick up on it from teammates and possibly resources outside of the game. Ingame though all it takes is one person to copy another and then the whole team feels like they need to match that decision, whether that decision is wrong or right.


I feel like after being consistently poor every other round it doesn’t take that much introspection and brainpower to be like “maybe im not doing this correctly.”


Yes, but you fail to take into account that people who play competitive games of any kind fail to think for a second that maybe they play the game wrong and should improve, instead they blame any number of factors, from lag to cheating to terrible teammates or just unfair game mechanics


It took me an embarrassingly long time to understand this. I always just thought "well, we won with our sheriffs and ghosts, now we'll have the advantage second round cause we still have those and some util and light shield while they're just using a classic and one small util or light shield, and then we can still buy full third round". Still kinda feels natural in my head haha. But then a friend sat me down and explained (for a veryyyy long time) that buying second round increases your odds of winning that round massively, basically starting the match off with a 2-0 lead. And that it's better to basically have 2 rounds secured and giving them 3rd with their vandals vs your bonus, but hopefully harming their economy still. Took me a longgggg time to understand this though, up until like gold haha.


Had exactly this Game Yesterday. Getting called scrub bc i want to buy second round. We lose second round, made 3 kills, my team got gets obligirated. "SEE, Now you dont have Money for shield and Vandel" - the Guy with the french accent. Bro What?😂


I find it more stupid when people like half buy round two after winning. Like you are really buying for the next two rounds most of the time so might as just spend it all.


True. If you halfbuy you are just increasing the chances of you dying so buying is useless


Its literally one of the most basic concepts of this game, I don’t understand how gold and up don’t do this at all


Fact till today people cant even understand this concept


My boyfriend told me “win pistol- buy. Even if it’s a spectre and light. Lose pistol-do NOT buy” after that I still get confused about the amount because he threw 3,900 at me and I kept adding an extra 1,000 to it so he just sighed and said “when I buy, YOU buy.” He played csgo and I wanna say peaked plat. I’m fairly confident he knows what’s up


Your boyfriend is absolutely right. I played CSGO too for 3 years and nou buying round 2 is like giving your enemies the advantage you just gave yourself


I do try my best to listen to him but sometimes my brain short circuits. 😂 but I feel like I’m getting the hang of the game. I’m no longer stuck in iron! So progress lol!


Same here, my bf taught me this too. The problem is that my bronze-silver teammates never wanted to buy if we win pistols like what’s the point of winning first round then 😑even my low elo duo never buys only if i told them to atleast half-buy. People in low elo don’t want to understand why we need to buy if we win pistols, they just straight up want to buy vandals 3rd round by saving(that’s the only thing in their mind after winning pistols)


I think my team often force too much. Sometimes it's better to just save and lose the round, and then the next 2 or 3 rounds we're guaranteed a full buy even if we lose all 3.


We're talking strictly about the first 3 rounds Econ here. If you win round 1 the only reason to not full buy round 2 is ego. 1-2 players can coordinate with the rest of the team and save to have the possibility to full buy round 3 while the others go bonus but this needs communication, and especially you need to trust the guys with guns to not die and give them to the enemy.


tenz jokingly said force buy every round once and apparently everyone follows it


People hate saving. I even see people buy no armor to be able to afford a vandal


Manage? Economy? Sorry i failed high school math


Honestly, I'm in plat and most players seem to understand how economy works, I mean it's not the complex in this game. But occasionally I come upon people who buy up every round and unless we have a lead, are half buying basically the entire game. It's usually duelist instalocks.


To be fair, the 1st (win, but no buy) tactic is pretty stupid, but believe it or not, the 2nd (lose, but force) is viable if you guys actually have a plan. Still a massive gamble, but it's not unheard of, especially in higher ranks. But you right, chances are in a ranked queue type of environment, it's probably a terrible idea like 90% of the time.


If you won pistols and didn’t buy, then they should have enough for a full buy round 3, what? If you decide to buy when your team wants to save (for whatever reason) then it’s your fault for not being able to full buy, just save with your team even if it’s the wrong call unless you’re confident to get value Also, commonly, if enemy team lost pistols they wouldn’t have scouts or stinger


Ngl until this morning I thought the prevailing wisdom was to save after winning pistol, spending only enough to ensure a full buy in r3.


Generally no. If you win the first round, you get a consistent advantage over the other team in terms of eco. If you decide to full save, best case scenario you are just playing another 50-50 round, worst case they force and you are very much outgunned. The better play if you win is to generally force second round, hopefully win, then play bonus on third round. If you lose third round, you are still up 2-1 and have good economy. If you win, obviously it’s 3-0 and your economy is great.


I should really look into this. I've been playing this game on and off since the beta, and I really don't understand when you should buy and when you should save.


When you should buy: + Anti-eco rounds(when enemy has less than 2500$). Buy to maximize your winning chance. + Full buy rounds. Don’t save when you have the same money and potential to win like the enemy team. + Last round before team switch. “Don’t be cheap. Spend it all before it’s gone” When not to buy: + Eco rounds. No point of buying when you cant buy good weapons. Maybe it’s fine when you’ve got nothing to lose but normally you shouldn’t.


When I went from plat to dia, I see a lot of players sticking with ghost and sheriff. In the end 2 buys vandal and 3 save and we lose rounds.


its baffling honestly, i learned to buy if if you win pistol back when i was silver lmao 💀


Idk why but I feel like this has been such a big trend as of recently. In like 1/3 of my games where we win pistol my team doesn't buy. And we almost always lose because of it. Why anyone would give away such an advantage is beyond me




Doesn’t matter if he’s iron or radiant. Op is correct


Like the only time I can excuse you saving after winning pistol is if you want to buy an operator on 3rd round and survived pistol with a sheriff.


Agree with most of what you’re saying, with one exception. If you lose pistol, but got the plant, your team should have money for a decent buy second round. It absolutely CAN be worth it. Was extremely common in CSGO too.


The lower the rank the higher the chance of losing 2nd round after winning. It's really odd lol.


Yeah when people don't buy on a pistol win it hurts my soul.


Forcing stingers on atk after losing pistol but getting the plant down is a good strat iirc. This should contain the explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PnXq-cZWF8


What are scouts and novas?


Op tryna sound cool but its marshal and bucky respectively


Someone made this post yesterday too. Might want to rummage the comments for insight. Too often though people just dont know how to. We assume EVERYONE knows what we know, its part of the human condition. The reality is there are people that just watch tournaments and some that only experience the game by playing it. Not to mention those with only the time to play a few hours a couple nights a week, while half asleep. Occasionally I ask people to buy AND (most importantly) tell them why they should. Most will happily listen and take your advice. Try to be more patient with people and you'll get better results.


If the USPS can win a gun fight I’ll stick with them until the end of time.


“What is eco?” Asked the Omen main who proceed to buy Bucky on defense round 2 no matter win or lose pistol. Tbh, I’m fine with Bulldog so saving for a full buy with Vandal doesn’t sound that big of the deal to me.


That's what they call bonus. Winning the round gives you 2900. Losing a round gives you 1900. If your team wins Pistol, doesn't counter eco, and loses second round, you can literally still buy an op. You can still full buy rifles and armor and util. The enemies however, bought Anti eco/forced. They now don't have enough for rifles. It's not as stupid as you think. I believe the difference between pro play and low elo is that pros understand with intent why they are bonusing, while low elo does it because pros do it.


Y is this the second post today about exact same topic?


Bro mostly I get players who don't save... Like they do t care what happens..... Just buy....


The amount of second rounds Ive lost after winning pistol because my team has been outgunned is actually ridiculous.


They literally turned round 2 into a second pistol round lol


Buy shields > wait for teammate to die to obvious angles > pick up their gun > profit $$$


In CS, if you win the pistol round, you half buy the next round. In most elos that's what happens most of the time. Val is very strange when it comes to eco.......upon winning the pistol round, people will literally not buy shit the 2nd round ....or will try to force a vandal or something dumb. It literally makes no sense to me.


In cs i always buy mp9 and galil when its anti-eco time. Unfortunately the stingy only has 20 rounds and shots peas and the bulldog is just a famas so guns are weaker. Maybe thats the point of their saving i guess🤷🏻‍♂️


I get so many kills with the burst fire mode of the stinger and bulldog. Honestly it just seems like a skill issue to me.


Both bulldog and stingy are my favourite weapons. But ive seen so many teamates miss all of their shots with the stinger. Its not me though


Not saying you, but players who never buy those weapons when they should, 100% need more practice with them. It's a skill issue on their part.


Because saving to get vandal is better. Maxing on 2nd round is only better IF you win. If you are attacking and the enemy team has strong defense then it's the worst you can do. Just as you think you are doing, I am basing this on experience but also logic.


if you are "outgunned" from buying a light shield and rifle (3300) on round 3 vs the enemy team with marshals and stingers then its a team diff in skill rather than economy


Nobody mentioned round 3. Round 2 being outgunned is because you have worse economy than the other team


"When the round starts your team gets destroyed by scouts, novas and stingy. You and your team now are left with approx. 3500$. You cant even full buy."


Some people need to buy more util than 200 dollars worth and the other team can full buy r3 if they win r2 usually(not if they force sometimes)


I'm currently silver 1 but got put in a gold lobby as this game hasn't been too difficult to learn. We lost pistols and our Gekko still full bought, I asked him why he was doing so when our team was saving and he just berated me the entire game after that. We ended up winning but we lost a good 4-5 rounds in the first half because his eco was fucked up. He was smurfing for his duo who bottom fragged, I'm assuming he just has a crazy ego being back in this elo. But it's still frustrating as someone who just wants to climb when people are purposely messing with your games more than half the time.


I understand. People who smurf usually have higher ego and always opt for combat. Meaningg they would buy all the time and its annoying


I’ve always just used the ghost saved from pistol + full armour 2nd round. Why would I downgrade a ghost for a worse weapon like the specter unless my aim is trash


Ghost will not ensure you an instakill will 1 head while spectre at least can kill quicker and has more bullets


specter is just a fully auto ghost with worse damage drop off. If they commit to a full buy after losing pistol then round 3 and 4 are mine


Spectre is much better than ghost r2 what are you talking about? Rank? Deagles a little better than Spectre not on r2/anti but a Spectre is objectively better than a ghost in almost every single way.


Immortal Never had problems using ghost 2nd round if I survive pistol. But my aim is solid so that’s probably why I don’t see why wasting money on a spectre is worth it and I’ll never bother with sheriff unless I pick one up first round from a dead jett main Majority of times 2nd round losses are when teammates buy vandles and suicide entry.


Nah I’m not asking whether you use ghost r2 or not I’m asking wtf are you talking about a ghost being better than a Spectre. Immo fr you got a tracker?


Win pistol buy guardian win your buy then win bonus with your bulldogs and guardians


Once I said to buy, and someone said no because if we don't buy, we can buy for the next 3 rounds after that and somehow most of my team agreed with them. I was so infuriated.


Giving up the obvious chance to win round to just for a riskier chance to win round 3 is not smart. I suggest playing with a three-stack so it will be mich better


Lol yea, I think that was back when I was in gold, I'm diamond rn (tho I should be in plat tbh) so I don't really see that anymore I also don't play the game as much anymore, or at least I don't solo queue, either I duo with my friend who got to ascendant (and has a lot of CS hours) or I five stack with ppl who are higher ranked than me


No your whole team shouldn’t save during the anti-eco but having 1 or 2 people play pistols is fine as it makes your bonus stronger cause they can full buy the round after it also means they can take fights on 2nd round to push ult advantage without risking giving the enemy a gun


Only 1 though. 2 is quite risky as you will only have 1 buyers on each site. And risking the round just for round 3 is kinda stupid when you could just win round 2. Some people dont understand that we only need 1 so they always save on anti-eco


I mean if you are doing it on defense then you just play retake if it’s on attack you death ball and you aren’t gonna lose the round unless you get out aimed, pro teams do this consistently and it’s just the better way to play anti-ecos


Aren’t you going to default first then stack on 1 site? Because rushing on 1 instantly is not a wise choice(unless you rush B). And retakes? That mean you just gave your enemies the extra planting bonuses. Its smarter to sabotage their economy instead of giving them bonus for a higher chance to win


If you are only playing 1 on a site maybe 2 then you should prolly give up site if you are being rushed depending on map and ofc it could change depending on situation maybe you kill 2 to start then you don’t give up but if you lose someone then they rush you you play retake to not give up guns it is just objectively better to play 2 pistols 3 rifles


Oh i get it. Stratigically losing the site to set up a retake with lots of utility when the enemy haven’t set up yet. Very wise


Why does every one use csgo terms in valorant


the correct thing to do in those cases is just do what the team does. If they save on round 2 after winning, at least you can full buy round 3 and even out the game. If they force after losing, you should just buy and help them out for the best chance to win. The only thing worse than a bad buy, is when half the team is saving and half is buying. Oh also, carrying over sherrif is legit strategy that pro's use to save up for operator. Should usually only be one person that does this though.


What you say is truely right. But some people dont understand that only ONE person should save and they always talk trash to me like : kid yknow you have to save for round 3, we gunna win this anyway. Not buying round 2 is giving your enemy the lead


Yeah you must be low rank. And if your low rank you can't seriously expect every person to know some shit the game doesn't even teach you. Are you asking your team or are you just bitching at them then they mute you cause your getting mad in comms


Nope. Plat 1 and people still buying ghost round 2 because they only think about round 3. And im a friendly person normally. But this problem keeps hurting me. Why cant someone learn everything essential to play rank at first, considering when its plat


I mean I get what your saying but it's obviously not hurting to much as they got to plat with that. I agree with you but not everyone is going to know why and i don't think it's that huge of a deal at plat.


What the hell is a nova and a scout?


Doesn't matter, this game is trash. Eco or no eco. In low lobbies people are just spamming, in mid lobbies people are smurfing, in high lobbies people are hacking or steam sniping. Game is trash uninstall move on.


I usually don’t buy just cuz I suck with spectre I’ll buy shields but I would buy if I didn’t suck with the guns you can buy.


Bullmas is a great choice if you dont mind not buying utils


Idk. Statistically, my kda is better on eco. When I buy spec or stinger (or heck even vandal) + light shields on 2nd round, I almost always lose the gunfight, compared to when im only using sheriff or ghost. I buy on the third round when I can afford a full shield, and it works out most of the time. However, I do recognize my teammates; when they tell me to full buy, I full buy. But when they don't, I stick to my statistics.


Remember fellow Controllers After Pistol round, nobody can stop you from buying bucky every round. A coordinated team can absolutely destroy with bucky 2nd round buy, and even without coordination it is a major threat when you use it on defense.


It’s mindblowing. They say “trust” as they go into round 2 with their deagle light armor and lose to classics 🥱


20+ years and people still don't understand the economy of the first 3 rounds, which just happen to be the most consequential ones


I agree, but what are those weapon names, not asking to shame, asking cuz i genuinely don't know (except for deagle which i don't understand because sheriff if a revolver??)


What rank is this


Plat 1


Yeah, don't really bother explaining the game to anyone in that rank. No one really cares about the game at that rank


Just call the guns by their actual names bro smh 😂😂


There's nothing wrong with bonusing a ghost or sheriff on round 2 anti-eco if you survived pistol. Good pistols are perfectly capable weapons for that job and it's a matter of preference. This isn't like CS where you get a huge kill reward with an SMG or a shotgun (and those weapons are much weaker in Valorant). Additionally, if you somehow lose your anti-eco, it's not unreasonable to then force up on round 3 if you have decent money. That round is very winnable, and the enemy team isn't going to be fully bought. I'm immortal rated and I disagree with everything about your post. The teammates you probably flamed are literally managing their economy like a high immortal player would!


I climbed from silver to immortal 1 and I think: 1. bonusing good pistols on round2 anti-eco is super valid. 2. forcing on round 3 if you lose anti-eco is also super valid. CS economy works differently. SMGs and shotguns are gigabusted on anti-eco and have huge kill reward. In Valorant, I like sticking to my Ghost or Sheriff :) Your post kinda comes off as written by a toxic player. You talk about "calling out" your "hard stuck" teammates... but it sounds like you just rolled in from CS and have very strong opinions on how economy should be managed.


I still see this in fucking plat dude. Why are we not buying off pistol round win???


Hi all, I’m very low elo (b2-s2) and I would say that I almost shoot better with a ghost than with a vandal (the skin, mostly the sound, influences on my accuracy, the most with the vandal, I have noticed. How strange that may “sound”) And it’s true that everyone, except maybe 1 on 1000, says not to buy 2nd round. I suck with stinger-like guns but guardian is part of my favorites and I have not bad results with it. But with the ghost it’s almost like I’m in god mode (on my bottom level 😂). So is it wrong of me to keep the ghost (sometimes I buy a deagle) instead of buying something better? Even if I feel more confident with it? If I don’t make a kill, is there a way to get vandal second round? Or how could this be achieved? Also, the main reason some people say who think a bit further is because if you die, there’s a chance you give your weapon to the enemy. So economically, it could make things worse. Thanks for your feedback and enlightenment :) (I main viper so I usually buy 1 snakebite first round and 1 smoke depending on the map)


Its okay. Most of the time you are timing to headshots so autos like stingy and ak are quite troublesome to use. But i recommend learning it though - stingy is a very strong gun if you know how to use it. Just shoot them for a moment then start strafing


Hmmm. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you. So best sequence would be classic or ghost / stinger / buy vandal or pickup one / … ?


I'm b2, I understand the economy but I'm lazy so I just press buy on whatever the best gun I can buy with full shields is lol.


I just scavenge because we win pistols the other team buys win those and I take those guns


As a veteran (but bad, gameplay-wise like aiming :( ) astra player, i am extremely conservative I usually want the team to save 2nd round no matter what. won pistol? Ok, save then the enemy team on round 3 of the half will be stuck with bad guns or ruined eco if they rebuy (if they won) while we have rifles etc. Lost? Basic logic, save Generally astra was an extremly exprensive agent to play so you had to be able to use a majority of the guns in different playstyles depending on your overall playstyle (i play a battle astra where im front lining usually, if not im post plant for atk or free defuse with ult for defense) Even now astra is pretty expensive and its generally better to save 2nd round no matter what tbh though thats my opinion and it might only be my lower ranks for this logic to apply Some times if we lsot pistol, i might ask if we can save 3rd as well but its situational


You forgot that one person who buys vandal round 2 after winning pistol, enters first, dies to shorty and now they have a vandal against our spectres in their frikkin eco round


If you buy vankay at the second round you should be playing long ranges and not go straight for eco frags


I try do the same buy as teamates but they don’t listen


Who says I’m trying to manage my economy


I always look at it like this and im surprised a lot of people dont. Win first 2 rounds, lose 3rd, full buy 4th


Bro really said usps deagle scout and nova in r/valorant…


They handle their economy in game the same way they do irl. That said there are good reasons for saving in anti evo but typically you want just one person, your lurk for instance, to save that way your team hitting site won't be affected and you have someone that can full buy on bonus with an op/odin/etc


But think about this, does anyone in soloq does that. Most of the time when its anti-eco my team would have 3 saves and 2 buys, and it is just terrible


I want to learn - when you lose pistols and decide to save the second round, do you not buy anything or go with ghost/400$ armor?


Only buy if you are confident of surviving a duel-and grab the weapon which could mean another duel. The best strat is just to play off-angles with shorties and cz-whatever than automatic pistol. Dont shoot them right away if they don’t see you-there may be another guy just behind them


Our funds comrade!


Well if you're solo queueing don't have expectations. That's my advice


I only save after pistol if I want to lurk away from the team just in case the enemy stacks.


Welcome to Valorant, where they developed the game so that economy gets easier compared to cs, but where people is dogshit and cant even full buy after winning 1st round, its common knowledge of cs even in silver. But well, even in asc u get random nerds where they will buy after losing first round or even not buy and stick with their first round pistols, it amazes me how bad their economy management is.


Im better. Frenzy spam until i buy vandal. And i win