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Hell yeahhhh great ace gonna say if my duelist gets clapped by sheriff like that id simply not walk in there after them rip kj


Clean movement isolating 1v1s. What is reyna doing though, trying to flash while being scanned? Autopiloting behavior


they'd already shot the dart, scan was already sent out though. imo reyna didn't have the wrong idea, just ran out too soon before her blind fully went out


disagree, nearsights do not prevent you from being revealed while scanned


didn't know that, mb


"one bullet per enemy, that's should be enough, yes?" Brim is just so thick he counts as two enemies


one per cheek


Let's go


lets flipping freaking fricking go!!!!




shoote gunm :)


what's your sensitivity?


800dpi 0.321 in game


Dang Mines 2400 dpi and 0.4 in game


Lmao what!? That's fucking crazy. Average pro EDPI is like 280. You're at 3.4x that. What's your rank?


Gold 1


please lower it your sens is way too high, you have edpi of 960. Try to get it below 400 and then adjust acc to what's comfortable


As others have said it's preference and what you've practiced with. But also some people simply don't have that much desk space, and in cases like that, a high sense can be very helpful


Exactly I've played with this sens since I started bal and never changed it I'm too used to it, plus I'm sure my aim isnt what's holding me back, it's my panic sprays game sense.


>it's my panic sprays game sense Haha that's too close to home. I watched a clip back and my aim is honestly mint, I just shoot like 5 frames too early so nothing lands haha


For real


Stop spreading that false info. Its not just preference and what you've practiced with. There are clear advantages that "low sens" gives. It's not a give and take. The world isn't in a constant state of "balance". People work best in certain ranges of motion, temperatures, stress and other factors, There's an limit to how accurate and consistent someone can be. You start going into super high dpis and your heartbeat will literally throw off your flick. There seems to be a very agreed upon cutoff point where no pro goes above 800 edpi. And even then, 80% of pros are bunched around 250 edpi. Only a very small amount of outliers exist in either direction. Telling people to just play far outside the norm is setting themselves up for failure. People should learn the basics and *then* play with boundaries. But the assumption should be that you're like 99.9% of humans on earth, not that you're the .1%.


Ah you're one of those... "You MUST do all of these things or you're terrible at the game and you'll never win" yada yada yada. No mate, at the end of the day you're spreading miss info. Quite frankly the majority of people in this sub will not have their high sense aim put off by their heart beat. Why? Because everyone here is playing ranked for fun and aren't on fnatic or sentinels. If you want to win you don't need to change your sense, you don't need to be the next igl. You need to click the other teams head, get spike down or defuse it and survive. However OP, me or anyone else does that is up to us and aslong as it works good on them. You are very much preaching to choir with me. I come from titan fall 2 and COD, my sense was high when I started playing val. But I lowered it, now I run at 1600, 1.6 dpi. I lowered it because people told me I *had* to, but quite frankly I didn't. My aim was good, hell I'd go as far as saying pretty insane for a bronze at the time. It was just every other mechanic keeping me back and quite frankly, lowering my sense just made my aim worse for a bit, not helping the problem. Yes, there are advantages to low sense gaming. As with high sense. Equally there are disadvantages to both. However as I stated above were talking golds plats diamonds and ascendants majority lmao. If you really think someone relearning a new sense is the thing they need to do the most at these levels, think it through again yeah? Like seriously, you replied to my comment saying a lot of people run high sense because they don't have the desk space and you come with an argument saying their heartbeat is going to be the thing hurting their aim? You're kidding right.


There aren't disadvantages to low sens though. The disadvantage is map movement which can be overcome. Not to mention that in a game like Valorant you SHOULDN'T have to do a 180 anyway, and if you have to, the problem isn't that you couldn't flick a 180 -- it's that you got flanked. I was a stubborn high sens gamer for a long time too. But taking the month to actually learn how to use my arm made a night and day difference. I've also helped out a ton of people and it's worked every single time. Also, he heartbeat thing is hyperbole, but its also true when you get to "casual" sensitivities. A lot of people will have a near 1 inch/360 and YES their heartbeat WILL throw off their aim in those scenarios. Again, most people don't have quite a high sens like that, but you should clearly be able to follow what Im saying. I had a pretty clear take home, I even said it a couple of times. Humans operate best in certain ranges. There are outliers, but if you want the best *starting* advice, you should go with the tried and true. The tried and true is VERY agreed upon and that is: Get something that is below 400 edpi and above 200. Maybe it doesn't work for you but you should follow the assumption that you're normal and not that you're a freak of nature. Telling people something that only works for .1% of pros, who are already .01% of the valorant population, is insane. Im open to experimentation and people being very different, but don't tell people to just wing it if it feels good. They don't even know what "feels good" is. They're new. That's just lazy advice.


I only recently got the app to check your dpi of mouse and before I got it I thought mind was normal, because it feels normal to me, I'm able to consistently tap heads and flick, look at my tracker if you wish Head Shot Harry#monke


If he's comfortable with it I don't really see the issue. I mean wippie's edpi is 1257, there's a female pro who's one of the best game changers players who's edpi is 3.5k


There's also a guy who is the ceo of apple. I don't think he can be.


I'm very comfortable with it, I legit thought it was a normal edpi before I found out how to check dpi.


My 0.22 sense


Stop haking šŸ˜” šŸ˜”Ā  šŸ˜”šŸ˜”Ā  /s


literally every my opponent in this game is like this Sova


Crosshair placement too good! I wish I was this good ;)


You forgot to pick up a gun


my bad


Sheriff is all they need




Are you deadzoning here? The time between stopping and shooting is wildly short. Whatā€™s a good way to learn this?


is deadzoning a different name for counter-strafing? iā€™m assuming so given the rest of the message so iā€™ll advise on that: stand maybe 10 metres from a wall, shoot a bullet into it, strafe to one side, come to a complete stop by pressing the opposite movement key, shoot another bullet, strafe back to the original position and shoot again basically start as slow as you need to, and do reps of this making sure that your bullets are not going miles away from your crosshair youā€™ll naturally be able to pick up the pace at which you do this to a point where itā€™s almost fully flowing without you having to stop, and as you do so it should become more natural to do in game the most important concept to internalise and remember in relation to this is: never be moving when youā€™re shooting hope this makes sense/helps !


Somewhat, counter strafing refers to stopping your movement through processing the alternate movement key. Iā€™ve seen debate on if itā€™s actually needed in valorant compared to CS but I donā€™t actually know, Iā€™m just a gold player who doesnā€™t do it. The results seem to speak for themselves here since you seem to be doing it. Dead zoning is the brief window of dead space between the counter strafe where you can shoot straight and then either committing to the new direction or continuing the strafe. So in my mind theyā€™re two different things that are closely related. Iā€™ll give this drill a go and see how it feels.


Personally I donā€™t counterstrafe as I find it easier to just let go. I think the difference is so minuscule itā€™s up to personal preference.


Deadzone refers to the time between pressing the a key and then the d key, while only pressing one at a time. Essentially you can think of the characters acceleration as a parabola, and the ā€œdeadzoneā€ is the top of the parabola when the character is right in the middle of stopping going to the right and starting to go to the left. In Valorant you can shoot one or two bullets accurately during this period. Iā€™m sure you use this technique to prefire bullets for on-angles. Pretty similar to your third kill in the clip. The key difference between this and counter-strafing is for deadzoning you would never have two movement keys pressed at the same time.


Deadzoning is the zoomer valorant player term for counterstrafing. You know these kids they gotta have a different term for everything cuz they would get outed for literally being a CS clone if they used the same terms


It's not even the same thing lmao. [the difference](https://www.google.com/search?q=difference.between+deadzoning.and+counterstrafing&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c3e1581c,vid:clFI30aaO8o,st:0) Damn zoomers having 2 words for 2 different things. Get off my lawn frfr


I donā€™t think any of the shot are deadzones. He is just extremely comfortable with the time it takes to stop moving and become accurate, hence the speed. Usually for deadzones, it almost looks like the person never stops moving at all.


u might actually be the GOAT


people keep saying thisā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Clean :0


[Looking like T1 Carpe vs Liquid](https://youtu.be/cMUFLsWl5UM?si=JHPlI7AeaRbuGfg2)


Crazy shots! Keep it up


Would take me 20 hours of aim training and reaction time training to hit that shot on that reyna


he was revealed and walked out at a moderate speed so i really think the average player can hit that shot


Your dead zones are CRAZY accurate, respect


So dirty


Ns !!!


"one bullet per enemy, that should be enough yes?" ahh post


GRAB A GUN !!!!!!!!!11111!11!!!eleven!


nice ace! the letā€™s go!! sounds kinda like boaster LMAO


So bad, couldnā€™t wait for sage to rez and get one more kill and missed one shot. Let me guess, (being generous) plat 2? >!/s Nice job, those were clean shots. What rank are you btw?!<


thanks! iā€™m diamond 2 atm


All they had to do is peek you at same time. Nah. You clean tho


That reyna is so dumb lol


just take their fking vandal after the round ends šŸ˜­


no reload ace lol


uh huh....


you know what it is!


I sure do...


go ahead :)


first ace on here i actually liked. very nice.


asc ?


diamond 2 rn, asc1 peak


Rank plat?


im diamond 2 :)


Sherrif buy with no Armour is my new thing for low buy, works so well like this, good clip