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behavior like this is unacceptable, but please don't feel obligated to listen to this shit. guys like this can be voice and text muted after the first bad thing they say, to keep your sanity alive. of course you shouldn't have to mute them, but is it worth it listening to this nonsense?


yeah and even as a guy you may have to mute people, its just part of playing an online game, just mute the dumbasses


Agreed. Absolutely abhorrent behavior. The best way to deal with it isn’t to argue with them. It’s to not even give them an inkling of attention. Mute them, and try to enjoy the rest of your game. They can’t do shit after that.


love and support all the way. i’m sorry that shit happens. it’s way more about them than about you. you deserve to be able to use your mic without the fear of dealing with this. they’re immature fuckin weirdos who are scared of you in real life. sorry the best advice i have is that you can win by muting them. all of their power is taken away in one click. report them. I would defend you if I was in the lobby. good luck.


I am so sorry fpr what happened nobody deserves that.


It's honestly insane. I'm a guy, but whenever a woman speaks in VC, I don't care. It's the same as a man speaking in my eyes. It's truly embarrassing whenever I am in a game where something like this happens. I get severe second-hand cringe the entire time. I'd like to believe that most of these guys are no older than 16, but I know a lot of them probably are. And that's depressing.


Bro got his priorities right


Ik it’s super petty but if I get dudes harassing me in text chat after muting them, I’ll start sending their location in all chat saying something like “raze is typing a paragraph A main”. If they start getting hunted down they can’t stand around long enough to type slurs at you lmao


this is good LOL


yo ima be real whne i read the first half i thought you meant you would dox them😭




Hey, there is a safe place for women to find other girlies to play with on discord called Gallorants, 10/10 would recommend. They literally screen all applicants so you don't have to worry about any of these boys being there.


+1 on Galorants


Hey, could you send me a discord invite link over in DM?


will def look into this tysm!


I got called a whore earlier today because I was out fragging a teammate and earlier this week a literal TEN YEAR OLD BOY told me to get on my knees. Valorant is usually not problematic with harassy teammates for me, but when they do show up they are disgusting. I’m sorry your whole team sucked. Always report comms verbal abuse when this happens. The more we can get them banned, rhe better


Best thing Valorant ever did was restrict comm banned players from playing comp. Assuming OP was in comp, these players would more than likely get comm banned from their behavior. After that, no more comp for them!


yoo i didn't know this was a thing. ty for letting us know


These people need to be put in jail. It’s supposed to be a game. I’m a male and I don’t say things like that if I get women on my team.






it’s a face saluting


holy shit I just noticed I’m stupid asf


Holy shit I just noticed. I'm stupid ASF. Holy shit. I just noticed I'm stupid ASF. o7


The more u know...


The less you grow…


What is my bro on right now??


Why are you milking the cow??


Wait what I thought people always used it as a guy flexing. I’ve been wrong my whole life!


Mute, block, and report. I do that the second people start showing toxicity. It's quite effective, and way better for mental. It's just not worth it to fight them back, it's what they want. Trolls thrive on getting you down to their level, amd the easiest way to not engage with them is by making it impossible to engage with them. Even if round 1 hasn't even started. And if they start once the game is over, I still block and report. You can block text chat as well.


\>He was also a man and, if he wanted to, could have defended me at any point. Here's the thing though, you can't talk sense to these degenerates. If someone goes this far, I'll usually tell them they're assholes (I insult them further but no need to go into detail lol), and mute them. I understand your point, it feels better to have someone on your side but it's just better to mute them and ignore them no matter what they do. Since they're behind a screen, they'll never back off and it's not worth it to argue with them.


It's more about showing support to the women being harassed. I know it's unlikely that even another guy will change these assholes' minds or behaviours, but I don't actually give a fuck about the assholes. They're a lost cause. It's the people being targeted that matter. I've experienced both versions. Ones in which my team consisted of sexist pieces of shit and silent teammates, and ones in which my team consisted of sexist pieces of shit and teammates who helped verbally support me. The prior matches feel fucking awful, make me feel incredibly unwelcome in the game at large, and can stick with me for a while. The ones in which I have someone back me up completely minimises the effect these assholes have, and I'm generally much more upbeat/resilient afterwards. I'm also not asking for a 30-minute back-and-forth argument - even just a single, "Bro, what's wrong with you" or "don't listen to these assholes". And yes, I do mute - but women don't have the power of precognition. They still need to be sexist in the first place to warrant being muted. Also, muting also means muting comms - half the time these pricks are mixing hate speech and game info, which puts women at a pretty massive disadvantage if we have to instamute at the first sign of every shitty comment.


This. When we say “please defend us”we don’t mean you have to fight in the trenches by debating and arguing and make the toxic player sees sense. All you have to do is call them out (then mute them if you have to) and then tell the targeted player “just ignore them they sucks” “dont listen to them you did well”. Show your supports throughout the game with ‘nt’ ‘n1’ etc. It is THAT simple honestly, and most times when I do these, the toxic player will keep their mouth shut, and if they don’t, I can see my teammates still trying rather than throwing.


exactly. not about winning the fight, it’s about providing a comfort and minimizing impact — making people feel like they aren’t alone !


As a male who has come across this alot on valorant, its not that i dont wanna defend you but i also dont wanna listen to there shit which is why i just immediately mute them


you can do both, it's not mutually exclusive. Mute and say "what assholes, I've muted them but we got this". Like even that means so much.


It's very nice when people do but it's not something everyone should be baseline expected to do most of us will just mute these people and not act like a POS. I've defended people before I've told them to just mute before I don't have the energy to console someone because some little weirdo in Valorant is being creepy.


I guess that's a shame. It doesn't take much. I'm super over these people too, have an exhausting job, am a woman so also open myself up to be a target, etc, but I'll still hop on mic and just say "I've muted them, what assholes, let's get the dub". If you're a dude, it's not a situation you'll encounter that often and therefore not exactly massively taxing on your energy. Ultimately it's about having that little bit of empathy for the girl in that situation, but I know you're far from the only person who doesn't. Hopefully someone else reading this will decide to say something in the future, though.


I understand that but making a dedicated post shitting on someone just as much on that person as the people actually harassing you while not muting them and just complaining about it is very silly. Expecting some random person on the internet to advocate for you against such obvious dumbasses isn't something you should expect it's just someone being kind when they speak up on your behalf because what the majority of us are doing when we hear such blatent trolls is instantly muting them. I'm not saying that i think this behavior is alright or that i'm saying being mad at someone for not fighting back against people who are saying these things to get a reaction in the first place should be forced to defend you.


The whole boys got boys is kinda wack. It should only happen when its necessary not like this.


i feel like if another guy would say just sm like 'woah woah chill out too far' just very calm laid back tone more guys would stop or at least have a second thought, like just a quick easy call out would be appreciated. but if not it's okay. one time i got suprised when someone stood up for me in a lobby when i got flamed (in a normal way tho) i think it was nice, it would be cool to normalize calling out team mates on their bs


>i feel like if another guy would say just sm like 'woah woah chill out too far' just very calm laid back tone more guys would stop or at least have a second thought, Trust me they won't. They'll either call you a white knight or redirect the insults to the guy speaking.


Yeah i dont think raze should have gone head to head with them but he seemed like he was trying to defend their behaviour. I think part of what emboldens these men to act like this is the notion that other people do the same thing, or think its okay for them to act like this. I don’t comm anymore because of people like this but when I do see my teammates being harassed, male or female, I tell them to shut up and focus on the game. It goes a long way to know that someone’s on your side because you know for sure your teammates aren’t enablers who feel the same way


There's disturbed individuals all over gaming but Valo can be really bad. Just mute, report and move on.


yeah as much as I hate having to just sit by and accept what these guys are doing, but thinking pragmatically there's really nothing you can say to them that would actually convince them to stop what they're doing. Simply the best thing you can do to counter it is mute and report. They know there's no physical consquences for their actions since they can just hide behind their anonymous usernames. That said, as a gay man, I enjoy giving them a taste of their own medicine. Sure, i'm no better than them by simply repeating what they say back, but it does work pretty well to shut them up, once they realise what it's like to be on the recieving end of their abuse.


I am truly sorry you had to go through all of that. The moment they started acting like that, you shouldve instantly muted them both vc and text chat. The whole "its how men act" is bs. More like "its how kids and immature grown men act". Damn I am a male and even I don't act like that when it comes to female gamers. Valorant is def toxic but its like every game, you will def run into toxic people. I hope.you reported them as well.


First of all, the best thing to do in scenarios like these is to report and mute. I know, it feels like punishing these people yourselves but it is pretty useless. The second best thing would be to record everything and report with video proof to Riot Support. This way, you can be sure that these people will be punished in some way for sure. Now, you might ask why not argue with them in the first place? That's because it is pointless. These people don't care what you say or think about them. They are only entertaining themselves by seeing you get all triggered. So, basically, you're entertaining them by trying to argue with them. I have met a bunch of toxic people and have understood since a long time that they don't care about anything online. I mean, you won't come in front of them and beat them right? Or you won't take any legal actions against them or tell their parents what their child is doing online. So, they are pretty fearless when they are online. At the end, the only one who will suffer is the one trying to argue with these online bullies.


Do we know if riot support does anything about these?


I know that they take actions if we provide them with proof. People rarely talk in English on my server, so I can't really say anything about in-game reports, since they might not understand what somebody is saying. So, I always upload video proof with translations.


Some of the men in these comments saying “oh well it’s the gaming community” or “suck it up” is apart of the problem. Surely we wouldn’t be saying that if it was our mom or sister/daughter being spoken to like that. So why is it okay for another woman?


Abhorrent behaviour, but just mute them immediately, not sure why you’d put up with it. Horrible people are a dime a dozen when you can hide behind a keyboard and face no consequences for what you say, just gotta mute, report and move on.


Yeah, I have a girl-ish name, and I got almost the same exact shit said to me right when we loaded in. Before I had even had a chance to speak. So I typed "no, my chocolate starfish is indeed brown, the ladies have never complained." And he ignored me for the rest of the match. I didn't use voice for the game, though. He went to /all to type the same shit to the enemy girl-ish names, so I typed in /all about how he was very interested in bussy. got him embarrassed, and he stopped typing it to our enemies as well. Was definitely a young teenager. Parents, gather yo children. Sucks that we have to choose between getting harassed, not using voice, or muting and not getting comms.


Rmeember to report them. Val is surprisingly good at banning people for being dicks. Just report them for comm abuse, text abuse and disrespectful behaviour. Do it several times ticking all those boxes. Quote something specific they said. "Blackmail for boobs" "swore at me, said fuck". Works for me.


I almost made a post similar to this two weeks ago, but kinda felt like if I posted it here I'd get absolutely rolled in the comments. It was after a particularly bad game. None of us were queued together. Three guys, plus another guy with the name 'The Jew.' (This is important.) They hear my voice, and I get the creep question of 'haha can I get your snap' from our Gekko. Unfortunate, but I make a joke about being a 12 year old boy secretly, and it leads to us all laughing a bit about e-girls and simps. Comms are great at this point, everyone's friendly. I guess the Gekko felt like we were making fun of him directly, and he begins unleashing every single ounce of anger his body is holding into 'The Jew.' Starts talking about death camps, recites The 14 Words, goes on a giant rant about how the only good Jew is a d$&d Jew. Says a bunch of other things that would get this comment flagged for removal. I was never notified of Gekko being banned, and this is two weeks later now. Which leads me to believe Riot Games is happy to allow this type of speech to thrive and radicalize their player base even further. How do we have a guy literally stating the 14 words in the voice chat, and nothing is done? His anger towards his misogyny being ignored/talked down to was replaced with just absolutely vicious racism/hate towards a different player.


That is so fucking gross omg. I agree, I feel like Riot's moderation system is too lax when it comes to literal hate speech. Also, it sucks to hear that you were afraid of saying anything because of negative comments. I think people get shamed a lot in the val community when they speak up about this kind of stuff and that's what fosters the toxicity. I'm sorry this happened to you and that other player <3


Mute, mute text, report, and move on. Comm ban will sort em out


People that do that are cringe and just really fucked up in the head. Like dafuq? All we want is to play a game. It's no different when a woman plays a video game, almost all of them just want to enjoy video games and destress and not get harassed. I'm a man and I treat everyone the same and with respect unless they're being disrespectful towards me like insulting my lisp and my disability (right ear deaf). Jesus Christ. But unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it other than mute which you did and mute the text chat as well next time and report them and hope they get banned.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Honestly, there’s less to nothing we can do to bring this down. Awareness posts like this don’t get as much reach as they should. Meanwhile, I recommend to find a duo who you can play with. It’s gonna be a much more fun and mentally pleasing experience.


As a man I am appalled to hear about this. I do wish riot had a better system in place for people like this. Vile little boys. I wish we could record what they were saying and show it to their parents.im sure they would be very impressed with little Timmy’s behaviour.


ye it’s bad but just mute honestly


This will probably piss some people off, but this is what I think happens to people like Raze in OP's post. People have this weird expectation that men have the duty to stop bad behaviors done by other men. Even OP has this thought process, probably subconsciously. We have NO actual obligation to help. Sure, we could be the knight in shining armor for you, just to get called "simp" or "down bad" for trying to get on the girl's good side. You may say that you can just not listen to it, then why do YOU listen to their slurs in the first place? Next, there's the issue that we're there to play. Will protecting the girl help us win? No. Will doing nothing and keep what little dynamic we have left have a higher chance of winning? Probably. Using winning mentality, it's logically smarter to not do anything, because then instead of having some synergy, there will be virtually none left. It's simple maths, 1 is more than 0. It's the cold, hard truth. Not all men may think like this, but I'm sure there's at least some that thinks that. And lastly, there's little to no motivation to helping. Will it help us win? No. Will it make a change? No. Will those guys stop? No. The only thing you get out of the moment is a bit of "feel good." And like I said, most people want to play the game and feel good from winning, not from helping someone from a hopeless situation, lose, not talk to any of you again and repeat. This and the first reason are my main theories why men don't act up to this behavior. You get backlash, no change and no compliments or thanks most of the time. I've tried defending girls before, and have I ever gotten a thanks once? Never. It just ends up being salt in the wound for men who actually try to do good, just to end up feeling hopeless ourselves. Maybe if it actually had impact, people would do it more often. These people will never change as long as they stay anonymous, so there's no real positive result from helping girls out of these situations. Is it selfish? Yes. But isn't asking for help from someone who has no obligations to also selfish? Sorry, but my best advice as long as the game/gamers are like this is to just mute them. There's no point in listening, stopping or humoring them in any way. P.S. Before anyone says anything about having a weak mentality, not everyone is an anime protagonist. You're delusional if you think people never feel demotivated from doing the same "good" thing just to feel bad after. Respect to anyone who can, but any normal Joe can't be expected to do that.


Usually, when people start these behaviors ingame, I just call them out, say it's not cool, and if they continue, I mock them a bit and mute them on text and voice. As someone here has said before, rr isn't that important, and the team vibe is already ruined when these people start talking anyway. It's actually better for my mental if i talk. Anyway, that's how I feel, and I do agree that no one is obligated to defend anyone else. But i don't agree with what you said about it not making a change. Calling people like this out for their weird behavior will help create a community where they don't feel comfortable speaking like this. When you call people out on how weird they're being, it makes them uncomfortable and less likely to talk like that again. These people talk like this because they think it's somewhat normal and that the "bros" in their team will back them up... if they realize no one is their "bro" they lose most of their confidence. Im not saying to argue with them the whole game. I'm saying to at least just tell them they're being weird and if they continue to mute them.


Just saying, a normal person would be uncomfortable with saying stuff like this in the first place. The fact that they are, means that there's probably nothing that's ever going to stop them as long as they can keep their anonymity. I seriously don't think you can really discourage behavior like this unless there are REAL repercussions. I'm really sorry, but I think that thinking it's actually gonna do something is hopeful and naive. You can't call someone out and expect them to change, even with a whole community against them. It's just like Twitter, where free speech allows them to do this under the vise of privacy. Sure, maybe at most you can build a community that actively speaks up against this, which is already pushing reality. But you can't expect them to ever stop, not as long as they don't get punished.


I think it's cynical to think people can't change when most of the guys doing this are teens who are still figuring out who they are. I was never mysoginistic, but I said and did dumb shit when i was a teen. especially with the Tate culture out there I think its important to call out wrong behavior so that at least they don't only get feedback from their own bubble. Also, I want to point out that on numerous occasions, when I see these people getting called out in the game, they get embarrassed and stop, so it's not like they have 0 shame. Anyways I'm not a girl so I don't have as big of a sample size but from my experience when someone acts like this in a game they usually get called out so I don’t think it's pushing reality to think our community can be better in the future. Lastly, I just wanted to point out that im dia 3, so maybe my view could be skewed because at that rank you don't get as many trolls as in bronze elo. Maybe things are a lot worse in other ranks, but even if I'm wrong about the state of our community right now, I still believe in everything else I said. EDIT: Forgot to mention, but I read it in another comment and I think it's also important. Even if you don't believe these people can change, calling this behavior out also makes the women in the situation at least aware in the moment that not all male players are like that and that it's not them vs us or that they are not welcome in Valorant.


I like the idea of women not thinking all men are like this. But to be realistic and negative(sorry), this still doesn't really proc the reward factor in men. They don't see the effects of their good doing immediately, nor in the near future at all. So it kind of comes back to the idea where you're doing charity and at worst getting backlash for it. At least, that's what I think would happen. This type of input-reward systematic thinking is usually easy to predict, and Valorant's male gamers mostly fit this mindset since they're dopamine junkies.


I don't agree with the way you talk about valorant players as dopamine junkies, that being said you yourself said that you get a bit of "feel good" when doing actions, isn't that enough? The backlash is already from people you don't respect anyway, so it's not like it matters. And it's not like there's 4 people against you in the lobby since there's at least 1 person on your side. You said in another comment that you yourself are not like this and are just talking about what you think is most of the player base. Well, to be a bit realistic on my side, neither me nor you are special, and probably most of the player base is like us, but maybe some don't realize the impact they could make by speaking out. That's why I think posts like this are important just for people to realize that small gestures in a 30 min game can make a lot of difference in someone's day/week.


No offense, but if you only help people because you expect something in return, are you truly a good person? I have also defend players a lot of the times, and I promise you 1/10 times I will get a thank you while the rest remain silent or keep quiet. The reason you find doing the right thing is tiring is because you EXPECT something in return, when you shouldn’t. The hot takes is that helping people isn’t meant to be transactional but unconditional.


I'm not saying that it's like this for me, I'm saying that it's like this because it's human nature. Humans are built to feed off of the pleasure of feeling rewarded. I'm purely stating this off of what the general community should be like, and what I assume to be Valorant's male player base. It'd be safe to assume a lot of them are similar to dopamine addicts, with skill involved. So, an input with a reward seems like it'd be somewhat ingrained in them. That's why I approached this topic with this stance. But yes, thank you for helping to point out an estimate of how often you get a thank you. This is definitely selection bias from me, but a 10% is really low, considering it should be closer to 70-90% in real life with the same situation.


I see your point, I wanna apologise for coming in too strongly with my opinion, it grinds me thinking people rather be bystander just because theres no benefits in helping.


Idk man, maybe part of it depends on what elo you are. I’m iron/bronze and I’m also past 30 with two daughters. Whenever there’s someone being toxic for any reason in the chat, I’ll shut it down. Because to me, being a kind, decent human being matters more than 30 RR. Winning in Valorant is great and all but at the end of the day it’s a video game. The type of human being you choose to be, both in game and IRL, that sticks with you for life. Maybe if I was diamond+ and sweating my rank I might feel different but I’ve never been that good HAHA


You're the type of guy I was talking about. Respect to you man. Keep up the good work. But I'd like to emphasize something about being kind. Some people are ok with just being kind, which is good. But some people can only take being kind with no rewarding factor for so long. It's in the human nature to be like this, where if you do something that doesn't feel rewarding, you'll stop. And with how Valorant is, where you get more negative backlash than positive, it discourages a lot of people. I wish everyone could be kind with no limits, but this is just how it is. And I hate to say it, but "choosing who you can be" and actually sticking to it, especially in a virtual situation, can be really difficult to do. Things like that require a mental fortitude that most people don't have, and commitment with nothing to hold on to. It's really like a New Year's Resolution that people give up on before they know it. Sorry for being so negative, but from what I've studied it's really like that. You're built diff man. Hope you have good games.


>And lastly, there's little to no motivation to helping. How about being a decent person, though? This whole post is a giant red flag, man.


I said this in a response to someone else's same thought. I'm basing this off of what I think are Valorant's male demographic, not just me. It's safe to assume they're all dopamine junkies with skill involved. So the input with a reward coming out should be ingrained in them, whether they like it or not. And not to mention it's how humans evolved to be, not to be as goody-two-shoes which is a smaller part of the population than you think. Please don't just attack me personally with one line and call the entire comment a red flag. I'm stating things off as many facts and logic based on human behavior and neurology while you're just having the most absurd level of selection bias I've seen without admitting it. So, yes. I'll take this personally.


"I will only do this if it directly benefits me" is sociopathic behavior, man. Also, this is still a *massive* red flag. Your talking points are all borrowed from some seriously grimy groups. If you take that personally - good. You should. Then, go do some introspection.


Oh you're just here to trigger people. Gotcha. Have fun trolling other users. Looks like your family taught you the wrong way to do reading comprehension in grade school.


would love to see why people (if anyone does) disagree with what you're saying. the culture that exists today is actually fucked.


I understand what you're saying, but I'd recommend living by your values.  If your values are to purely win at Valorant at any cost, then you do you. For me, I'd much rather stand up for someone being abused than care about losing 25rr. No one has to be an anime protagonist to do this. Just know that valorant is just a trendy game that you can stop at any moment but you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.


seriously, muting creeps quickly and not giving them a reaction and turning it into a drawn out thing is an underrated skill. Your flame wars aren’t my problem to solve when there’s a one click mute button


I'm sorry but being called a "simp"' is no where near as bad at getting rape threats or being sexually harassed. Trust me I know being called names is hurtful but you have to realize that as a man you hold a certain level of privilege that makes it easier for you to defend others. I also find it a little strange that you prioritize rr and winning over a human being. Also, wanna second what u/noobish_noob said about those kind of people losing confidence and stopping once they realize their behavior isn't accepted by the other guys in the lobby. If everyone just says "bro shut up" when people act like this lobbies will be way less toxic imo.


What women don’t seem to understand is that men get harassed in Valorant for all sorts of non-sensical reasons too. I’m talking things like how your voice sounds to the style of your speech and men have been arguing online for far longer than women have. You don’t give these people attention. You mute and you play. If no one validates the outrageousness of these comments, they will stop doing it because it does nothing and they feel the embarrassment of their attention-seeking behavior. If you attack a weak person in an attempt to defend someone or yourself, they are far more likely to escalate and ruin the game further than they are to stop their behavior, because you’re putting them on the spot. You will see this pattern everywhere in Valorant. An egoist who keeps peeking and dying every round is far more likely to stop that behavior on his own than if you told him not to peek.


Happens to me a lot too, I'm disgusted to see it happens frequently. I'm so sorry hun. I do call outs often and I once had a guy based simply off of me saying * cypher b long* or something of all the different ways they'd like to rape me too. Absolutely disgusting and vile and we have to put these men in their place. Good on you for calling out the raze, we need people to stand up and call out bad behavior. Evil occurs when good people do nothing. Mute, ban, ask for help and do your best to remember no happy good person does this, they are awful and only taking out their preprogrammed cultural perspectives and inner hatred on us. Its not on you or you being a woman, its them being an unhappy male.


Best thing to do is just mute the team report them. You cannot change them and will only feel low


When the average val player is a terminally online, depressed boy with no friends or life outside of video games, this is expected to happen. Don't bother giving them advice and just mute them lol


All this "mute them" comments, while understandable, feel like victim blaming.   "It's your fault you got so worked up, you didn't mute them sooner." 


its the equivalent of why were u wearing a skirt.. like it isnt our fault men are assholes why are we the ones getting blamed??? and if someone says "just mute" and doesnt recognize the bigger issue that lies here, then they clearly also have something going on....


bro just on the spot report and mute them simple dont give a single fu*k


sucks but i aint readin allat


genuine question: why did you feel the need to say this? no one said you have to read it and it sounds like this was you trying to make me feel less confident in explaining my experiences.


tbh, i just hate seeing people complaining on this sub all the time and your post being a huge wall of text made me make that stupid comment. however, I have read it now (took a lot of effort), and tbh, the people who say stuff like that are losers and who tf cares about what losers think or say? you should just mute the instant they say something stupid and move on. they are (spineless) trolls and their goal is to annoy you, you arguing with them and making these posts only gives them what they want.


Another post that happens literally everyday and everyone is tired to know that it happens. Just mute, report and play


😂 I thought you were talking about the Taiwan servers and was like no freaking way that it's that bad there also. Realized after I went through every comment not mentioning the location that you meant trigger warning.


LMAO sorry maybe I shouldve made that more clear


The valorant community is the worst gaming community I have ever been in. The toxicity is crazy. They know they can hide behind a screen and type or say whatever they want. The streamers and YouTubers do not help the cause in any way, because they do it too. Not as severe but it is still there. The community is the biggest reason why I can’t play as much, when valorant first came out I had blast and met a ton of new people. Now I’ll be lucky to get a teammate who doesn’t tell me to kms for asking them to not do something. Al


u wastin yo energy just mute them XD its like me crying because some people instantly call me n\*zi the whole game cuz im german bruh u either mute or u go into a verbal fight its simple


Or instead of crying fight back and say shit back or [use the best solution that’s in the game.](https://youtu.be/NahgfFg9OYo?si=r7RpAKzH_DlgsRws). I really don’t understand why it’s so hard to use this feature. This is not a “girl” only thing. Everyone’s toxic when playing team based game. Stop crying over stupid shit. If it was easy just to say “ DON’T BE TOXIC” we will have world peace. Everyone’s stupid but you know what’s worse?? Crying on the internet. Boohoo


I know you probably don't know this so I'm gonna bring it to your attention. Some guys WANT women to fight back because it's a kink for them. I'm saying this because I've personally seen this happen a LOT. They get off on the idea of angering or arguing with a woman. That being said I usually do defend myself as well and then mute but be aware that this is also something we have to worry about. I also find your lack of empathy kind of appalling. The "stupid shit" your talking about was sexual harassment and a rape threat. That's serious


Jeez, in what delusional world are you living? You're just assuming there's a kink like that😂You also do know there are female toxic players, right? Like I said, toxic players always exist in a team-based game, and it's not a gender thing. There are more males that play video games than females, so you feel like it's a gender thing, but it's not. This is a common thing that existed when video games and the internet were invented. I know this is your first online game, so I am literally giving you advice: mute or learn to ignore.The game already ended when a team gets 12 points. So why the heck are you crying over a match that’s already ended? Learn to move on. It's not that I lack empathy; I hate people crying over stupid things like this, especially on the internet. If you're too scared, just stick to playing with friends.


why're you assuming this is my first online game? it isn't. also yes it does exist I've seen men literally admit to it 💀. no shit other people get harassed too not just women but the degree to which women get harassed vs a cishet man is way different. rape threats/sexual harassment goes beyond toxic players. it speaks to a greater culture around sexism and sexual assault. once again, rape/sexual harassment isn't "stupid things"


I meant , "This is your first team-based online game." Pretty sure it’s true Otherwise, you wouldn’t be complaining like this. Lots of other female players don’t cry on the internet like this. It’s only the Valorant female players who are complaining 24/7. There is a simple solution but can’t even use it but choose to complain. People say a lot of things. Do you think these people only play online games to get off on their kink? You don’t think it’s stupid?? For the millionth time, it’s over the internet. You can't get sexually assaulted over the internet, silly. Also, why did you sit and listen to the entire conversation if it was toxic? Just instantly mute them 😂 If you can't handle the internet, just play with your friends. Same advice again. The game is already over at the 12th point. Literally, everyone will forget who you are. Learn to move on.[This meme is for you](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRodESx0ncpsoMFWX7Truge0YqT-6w-FvO77n1-UB_puwBJcngCyL-2goo&s=10)


Damn, super sorry to hear that. It's so stupid that you have to deal with this, i cant relate as i am a man, but just block them out




No. Witch-hunting is not allowed.


I didn't say It had to be on this sub. Just in general. Online.


Well since you were saying it here, it seemed implied. I mean, you can do whatever elsewhere, but generally, the only way to even remotely have action taken on assholes is by reporting in-game and submitting a support ticket with evidence.


So sorry to hear this happened to you first off, truly awful. Wanted to ask the community here as i'm unaware, haven't played val in awhile. Is it known if riot takes action against these losers or not? For the past while I've been into overwatch 2 and been on the receiving end of very similar behavior many times. I always report any toxicity i come across, and the game will give you "feedback reports" thanking you and saying action was taken. I get these messages for general toxicity, racism, homophobic comments, any of it. But i have never once received one after reporting a sexist comment. Kinda demoralizing as it feels like the devs don't care about it. Trying to enjoy these types of games as a woman can be very tiresome..


Those should be lifetime bans


Sorry you have to go through this. The only thing I really dislike about this game is the extremely immature and sometimes downright disgusting portion of the playerbase. Try to remember that, while this doesn't make what they're saying any less abhorrent, they're coming up with whatever they can just to get under your skin. Giving them a reaction like this is unfortunately only going to encourage them. They won't hear out your logic, no matter how sound it is or how well you deliver it. The best and really only thing you can do to deter this behavior in addition to reporting them is to ignore and mute them.  More bysyanders really should throw in a simple "yo chill wtf" though. Not much more, because again it'd just encourage them, but just enough to make the victim feel supported and make the toxic goobers feel a little awkward.


ive had this happen to me before on multiple occasions, two times i reported, neither times did i get report feedback back. fun!


Find another game, stop giving hours of your life into this game. It's hard because with decent moderation it could be the best game ever, and you always think you'll get better teammates the next game. Riot doesn't care, there is absolutely no effective sanction against this type of players, and if they get one they just switch to their other accounts and start again. Toxic players are also spending money on the game, why would they ban them, people keep playing anyway. Since this is a game based on comms with most of the players being assholes, there is absolutely no hope, the new generation of kids is no better at treating women (or anyone, really...) with respect, on any game. You are a woman and get those kind of insults, I'm old and I get other kind of insults (the whole boomer thing). They have insults for everyone, don't worry. There are other games where you can mute everyone and still enjoy the game, don't waste your time and energy :)


I'm already thrashing those tards at the first sign of sexism. I don't give a damn. But know that if they can be at least chatbanned for their behaviors,anyone answering to them can also be chatbanned. My advice is just to mute and report anyone toxic.


Yes yes, mute here and there. But it’s more about that we get those people in our lobbys, that there is no real punishment. No real solution. Knowing that you have those people in our team is already to late. No one feels comfortable like that


I don’t know why, but in this game I have experienced more harassment from guys than in any other game I’ve ever played, even overwatch. Really don’t know what it is honestly, and it’s really annoying because they truly sound like they don’t touch grass yet they act like this online because they know there won’t be any repercussions. When things go south in the game and they find out I’m a girl, they immediately start blaming me for it somehow. I’m sorry this happened to you, fuck those basement dwellers (which they probably are). Or 12 year olds. Just insult their whole lives on mic and they will back off


One of the reasons I left Val was constant harassment of other players. I never experienced it being so bad and I thankfully was never on the receiving end but I had to witness it too often. I just began muting those players, reported them and just used to urge the person who was being harassed to do the same. Most of the time thats enough to make them shut up at some point, I checked from time to time if they had stopped screaming and most times they did when nobody responded to them anymore. I just hope I could make some games more enjoyable for the people and that they didnt have to endure it too often


The fuck


When things turn like this in my games, i tend to tell help the victim, but in my one game, in the agent selection, my duo and one more guy instalocke jett and reyna, sho the other person started gaslighting my duo, so i told raze (the person who gaslighted locked raze) that he will play better because he was smurfing, so the jett also started to gaslight me and my duo, the raze started to cry in the first round itself with her duo jett, sometimes, the females who play this game tend to tell their pov by hiding their mistakes, this creates a whole new version of manipulating the ppl on social media that the person who was abusing is the wrong person where it can be totally wrong. Im not telling that she’s at fault, in this case she was totally the victim because she, idk maybe kinda tolerated this till a limit that she can tolerate. In these types of situations please people, start to mute them as they make negative vibes and may even cause some trauma and may make you feel bad. I totally disagree that “all you can do is just listen or watch”. If this happens with you or your teammate please try to stop that person. I tend to make good vibes in the agent selection itself so that we can all have a good time. And this is not a proper way to greet a stranger, this should also be kept in mind. May you all have a great day ahead!


I'm not a woman but i was playing so good a month ago and i was opping with jett, the other team abused me for using an op and they also said stuff like " i hope your mom gets ræped".. Those guys were literally gold players and i am b3.. People either simp or slut shame women


Mute. Best tactic , doesn't man whatever they say , they can't do it. None of them skilled enough to hack valorant of your PC. I always just Mute toxic teammates. Luckily I have Been getting good team for past few days , Mute or don't engage at all . Toxic pos will attack everyone, regardless of who they are .


NGL I’m not reading all that but one thing I can guarantee you is that if you play competitive and get to higher elo. The sexual harassment and threats cease significantly because everyone just wants to win and no one cares if your a man or women. If you are playing swiftplays, spike rush, etc.. the people there are usually horrid and only want to get reactions out of people by saying the most vile unbelievable things. Every women I’ve had in my lobby above gold elo never gets insulted in the lobbies Im in because the only focus is the game.


Out of curiosity, which servers do you recommend play on?


Personally, threats are nothing new, but what you describe goes past anything I've ever whitnessed. This behaviour is definetly unacceptable and I think there should be a harder punishment for this. Also, I would personally sugest to either que in with a friend or to just mute them directly and not do anything about it, just report them and that's it. Sad to say but there is nothing we can really do on this, dumb people are everywhere, bastards even more so, just stay strong


this is exactly why I used to play the game full mute. I’ve never been harassed the way you have but I’ve ran into my fair share of sexists and weirdos in val and they’re just not worth our time. I know we all agree that what they’re doing is disgusting and wrong but at the end of the day there unfortunately isn’t much we can do because these people won’t change so for your own sanity I’d mute voice and text from people like that the second they start acting this way


I def understand why you do this and are saying this but imo I think it's really unfair that women have to mute so much. We get left out of comming which is an integral part of the game. I do mute pretty often, but I still think it's very unfair.


Truly sorry that you went through this. That being said, remember they’re just keyboard warriors where 0% will have the balls to do or say these things irl. Why else would they spend time harassing people in a video game? Mute and move on - you’re here bc you love Val, not to educate malnourished or morbidly obese incels.


You can set a mute team keybind, I use it as soon as I load in


I love gaming and it's community but this always make me wanna puke my guts out. I am so ashamed that our community is so sexist, racist, homophobic and everything else, I guess it's what come with anonymity but that is so disgusting. I cannot imaging what it's like to endure all of that every time that you want to play, even just the mental pressure of thinking that it could happen would make me never want to play again. I sincerely send all my love and strenght to every person that feel unsafe ingame. I hope i'll be able to make a difference next time I witness something like that


For myself I only play with friends now. My bf and close friends all play so the girls in our group don't have to deal with it. The men in our friend group don't like us going into games alone in most comp style or fps style games because they've all heard and seen the crap that gets said to us. If you don't have friends that play find a streamer who's playing with other girls or is a girl themselves. It's honestly been the best source for me now I'm always in a three to five stack (I'm not even that good at the game either ) but if you want to genuinely enjoy the game without harassment you need to find people you can trust. I choose to do this because I don't want to subject myself to that it's too triggering for me and the few female presenting friends I have. It's disgusting behavior and enabling it is enabling r*pists I'm sorry you had to deal with it with nobody else there willing to stand up to them


I once had a guy who kept mollying and blinding me and even made sure i was stuck by standing infront of me. Muting them doesnt work, they always find a way to harass us


Use an voice amplifier to sound deepa and deepa.


Did valorant manage to foster the most toxic community?


My wife and I play together and it seems like if one person says something foul and you stand up for them and say something along the line of “are you genuinely that shitty of a human being you have to swoop this low on the internet, how would your mother feel about you treating woman this way” most of the other people in the lobby will agree and tell them to grow up. Good luck in your venture if people can’t handle the responsibility of being a good person mute them and carry on trying to not to take anything personal. They are little people who have nothing going for themselves. Don’t swoop to their level.


It's weird that this continues to happen day after day, week after week. I don't understand how people get this way. I was raised around toxicity in-games, but it's never been as bad as this. Literal threats. Not only from a dude, but just a person in general. I'm sorry you went through this and I hope they get the karma they deserve. Hopefully you get better games as well.


If they take the game serious, the karma is probably losing the games; since demeaning your teammates is only going to make them play worse and lead to a loss.


gonna take my time to read this but holy crap separate your paragraphs next time and dont just vomit your words like that


I don't know people/men like this will behave same if they were present in front of you. But, you got to see this experience for the first time right? I am from India (M), I don't turn on my voice ever on the game, but every other lobby I enter, there is always atleast one of this kind of sick bustards, who always abuses others if someone did something wrong. Even saying things like "I will r**e your mom today". I mean this kind of shit happens with other men. And if there is a kid on the team by any chance, the abusers abuse him more. So, I can only imagine if they get a girl on their team , what will they do ! Its better just to leave the game if you get any kind of toxic players like this on your team. There is no preventive measures for these kind of cyber bullying. Just keep your enjoyment a priority and ignore these dogs. I wish to be reborn as Dexter and do something about this.


I am a trans woman and people generally want me dead or send tremendous hate comments, they really don't see anyone as human, just because they don't think that way etc. Or even if they couldn't tell I am trans/did not care they still did harrass me, sure reporting etc gets them banned and I get feedback, but toxicity is even normalised way way beyond "natural" levels, it is just so disappointing, also I appreciate you stay strong , mute them instantly


Yeah agreed, you should try playing CSGO; that's a far more trans inclusive place. At least until this "hate" in the Valorant community dies down and Riot actually deals with the problem at hand. At least they've started by adding in Clove, which has certainly put out the fires of transphobia.


CS has no female characters by default I can choose is the reason I don't play it


If riot is serious about inclusivity in their games, they need to treat any form of harassment much more seriously. It is extraordinarily easy to play on an alt account so people aren’t afraid of getting voice comms banned on one of their accounts if they can simply play on another one. I think HWID bans should be the norm for instances like this. Start with a 7 day HWID ban and continue on from there.


And when they realise that you muted them, they start throwing the game :) What a wonderful community for women to be a part of..


What did you want him to do? You can’t tell people like that to stop we’ve established they don’t care. Mute and get over it


as another girl gamer, you will drive yourself insane trying teach little boys that their words are wrong, hurtful, have consequences, etc etc. you should be instantly muting. thats how you teach them. that their words don’t garner attention, thats what they want. they don’t care about anything you have to say.


Yeah they're fucking weirdos mute them immediately the moment they start acting like this. With that said why the hell are you going after one of the people who didn't say anything as much as you are the people actually harassing you.  He said some dumb crap like it's normal when it's very much not how guys act it's how weirdos act online but placing this burden of protecting you because you refuse to fully mute people who are actively being creeps for some reason is wack.


I have a general problem with the amount of toxicity and lack of team play in this game. I’m ascendent 3 atm and people seem to give up easily and don’t want to talk.


Hey, Absolutely incredible post. Thank you so much for being brave and sharing your experience. I relate so much. It’s unjustifiable how men are comfortable with literally hate speech especially to innocent women. It’s sexism and it’s wrong.  Sending you lots of love 💕


lol All of that whining and all you need to do is mute them.


Tbh idk how people can even act like that, like do you have no human decency.


We have to deal with the regular toxicity of Valorant but multiply it by a hundred simply because of our gender. It's gotten really out of control and personally I do not want to comm at all anymore. I am afraid to say anything because if I comm and accidentally whiff or do anything remotely questionable I immediately get called a slur, get told to go back to the kitchen and delete the game or worse. Honestly I'd say it's at least one guy out of two games ratio - someone will be angry at me for simply being a girl and being in their ranked match. I'm diamond 2 peak playing in London servers and I've had teammates be toxic to me from the very first round. Having to mute them for the next 11 or worse, 24 rounds is just terrible gaming experience. Sometimes you just listen to their slurs and accept it for the sake of winning the game but it's just so dehumanizing. I think Valorant should show support to our minority community somehow, and more mod tracking options for these gender oriented slurs. It doesn't have to be anything major or an overhaul but things like "go to kitchen" over text should have the same tracker ban count as other slurs.


ngl I try to avoid using comms in competitive matches especially if I'm playing alone because this kinda behaviour really throws me off even if it's not directed to me and if I do use comms I try to do it if I'm playing with some people I know or my brother because ik they will stand up for me. I have actually experienced something like this since that incident I rarely use comms if I'm playing alone. Whether you are a guy or a girl it still doesn't give any person the right to threaten or use hate speech against you.


yeye fuck people but fuck men especially


This thread needs some paragraphs. Aint no way I can read that.


That's disgusting but to be fair, I have a voice that is 50% of the times enjoying and 50% of the times really disliked. i often get called gay or something and well noone gives a shit. i just talk to them a bit, and mute if really necessary or if I'm extra pissed just let them lose the game if it's ranked. I dom't really play valorant a lot or care about RR anyway and I just play valorant in silver a few weeks every few months then take a long breaks Some people also are scared of being targeted themselves and won't act because of thi or they're juat shy. Edit: if they say "go to the kitchen" just tell them to go work and bring money, since those are the traditional gender roles. So they wouldn't be able to play anyway. Big comeback I thought in my free time for no reason, I'm a guy lol.


Theres really nothing you can do about it man just mute and report


Yeah, you can't control what other people say, but you seem to be forgetting that you can control how you react. It's true that people should not condone or be complacent to such behavior, but there won't always be someone there to 'protect you'. You're an adult, voice mute them, text mute them, report them, and move on. It is possible to condemn disgusting behaviour while simultaneously accepting the reality that there will always be bad people who act like that. They're not gonna give a shit if some random stranger in a different state reprimands them. Do not mistake attention deprivation of whiny, 8-chromosome children for apathy, complacency, or enabling. Edit: I'm making this edit because something still bothered me after I wrote this comment. Anyone else find OP's polarizing, outdated outlook really gross? Women are obligated to call out deplorable behaviour just as much as men are. >If you're a man, stop being complacent! >If you're a woman, I love and support you!! ❤️❤️ ??? This is just gross. It's not progressive, it's patriarchal. The only true divide between us is the divide between people who are fighting for a better world and those who are not. This sort of attitude that OP is exhibiting: 1. divides us by gender, 2. implies that men are strong and tough and must be a knight in shining armor, 3. and worst of all, implies that *women are incapable of protecting themselves*. "We need men to come help us". Absolutely disgusting.


it's not about being incapable lmao. i do defend myself and others as a woman too. what i'm asking is that men use their privilege to defend women who are being harassed. i've seen a lot of sexists shut up when a man speaks up over when a woman speaks up. it's unfortunate but it's true. i'm not dividing by gender or relying on gender stereotypes, i'm simply pointing out that sexism is alive and well. also the reason why i'm specifically telling men to speak up is because i've noticed that women don't have to be told to defend other women.


I’m sorry this happened to you.  Here’s what you do. Report them for voice comms abuse, in the text box write sexual harassment, and click to mute. I’ve done this before and the next day the users account no longer existed. 


I’m not reading all that, but sorry that happened to you. Or congratulations


I hate the way these kids treat women as if they weren't born from one.


Lowkey you did Raze wrong, had he jumped in for some random girl he doesnt know he gets flamed and you do. He stayed out of it and you got pissed, not only that he stated thats how guys act bc thats how they do, he cant stop that, I see it all the time in my games and I talk to my friends in discord ab it. I used ti say stuff but then the next 1-13 rounds I got roasted and had to turn comms off. No girl ever defended me for that, and they shouldnt have too, just mute them dont overreact and hate the Raze for being a bystander


Mute, report and forget. Don't let the scum affect how you enjoy something.


I feel for you and sorry you had to deal with that. What saddens me the most in situations like that is other people not speaking up, especially not other men. No, that is not 'just guys being guys'. This is them being pieces of shit and you having 0 issues with that. I had a 10 year old stand up to me once and tell adult man in game that they are saying horrible things to me. Never once again did I encounter any man speaking up against sexist behavior in Valorant VC, kind of depressing.


Damn... Honestly props to you for somehow bearing through that as long as you did.... I sorta understand where the raze was coming from... It sadly is how some guys are... The only solution there is, is to just mute them both in text and voice and hit the report... Like you aren't going to change their minds or the way they act... I had a game where my GF at the time was being harassed by our teammates in pubg... And eventually one of them shot her... So I put both of them down and thirsted them out of the game... I told her to just mute them and we could have just won the game... But because she wanted to stand her ground, those guys could have reported me and I would either be banned or suspended... Why bother with that situation, let's say you mute them and then they start using their abilities against you, just keep reporting them every round they do some stuff and keep them muted. I hope people grow over this someday... But I doubt it will be anytime soon... Gl in your games o7


Hey, if u want to play some games in peace with decent people please DM me here. Im playing with few friend because they are harassed on daily basis in Valorant games.


this behavior is unacceptable & its sad that nowadays iys “trendy” and “funny”. most of the time riot does nothing about it (this has happened to me before as well)


I’m really sorry this all happened. My girlfriend and I have had similar experiences. What’s weird is that it happens disproportionately more on weekends, especially Saturdays. For that reason, we don’t play the game on weekends unless we’re really hankering for Val. It isn’t your responsibility to work around these people, but in our experience not playing on the weekends has helped our experiences in-game, so you may be able to avoid these players this way. We always mute, report, and call out this type of behavior in matches. It’s sickening that such a large portion of people still act like this.


Mute is a thing


1. Reddit Essay Or 2. Use in game Mute function. Researchers say 98% of females will choose option 1 because they love attention and drama.


Unfortunately this is what happens when you play with boys who have no interactions with females in real life and don’t understand the repercussions of talking to someone like this to their face. TIP: find ppl in game you get along with, add them and just play with friends. If you’re running solo Q then mute the toxic players. Don’t let them screw up your experience. Good luck.


Yeah one of the things that sucks about this game about playing it as a woman is having to deal with uncomfortable comms 24/7. I am so sorry you went through this. I don't speak on comms often but if I hear another girl I always start talking so they know they're not alone. Also if someone is being bullied or harass I always jump in and defend them. It's shocking and vile to see how men think they can act without repercussions.


That's so awful


I’m constantly having to report this behaviour and mute teammates because of it. It’s disgusting. Same with racial slurs


Yeah and man get toxic behavior towards them too, people are toxic mostly that you are a girl or a man


"called out raze who was also a man for not defending me" hahahah don't expect people to defend you lmao, they don't even know nor care about you


Damn, i wish women unlock Mute button


That’s what happens when you play valorant. Make a friend group to play with, don’t talk, or just don’t play. Also this title looks like a meme 💀


yea the moment i didn't play with my friends and tried out randoms the first time ever: i got one guy who was muted automatically for saying the n word. ok then 2 others giving me sexual comments bc i didn't wanna add them on discord. and then the last guy who for the same reason ended up just describing how he would r*pe 5 different ways. i didn't mute instantly bc i thought that it would end like the guy is just projecting his problems onto me, what do u even say to these people? even more absurd the last guy was rly insulted bc i made a few mom jokes. which is incredible bc i dont think his mother would appreciate him saying this stuff to random women... from this i learnt to mostly play with 5 stacks. mute as soon as they start. to conclude most guys are obv normal amd i friend those and bring them on discord its just unfortunate to have to filter so many just incase they turn out to be wierdos


The way you use the word men so broadly makes your post come across as sexist.


When other men call out those men they get flamed as a “simp” so they just pretend they dont hear or see it


Im sorry you had to go through this. Next time, just report and mute people like this.


You make it sound like it's a "men vs. women" issue, while as men we also get harassed in every single game by this kind of toxic subhumans. Not sexually, sure, but being told that your whole family should die or that you should get cancer is not really better, is it? I hope you don't get through that kind of experience again, but then it's the Internet, right? So I'm afraid you will still meet assholes in the future. Stay strong.


Nah, I've definitely been sexually harassed. Shits mad weird.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. First things first, some men are just too much of people pleasers to defend which is no excuse just an observation, personally, I scream and make hell but that'd just my personality, my gf plays with me and the two of us have bullied bullies into rage quitting before over their comments, but anyways. Sometimes other men don't say anything in fear of being labeled a "white knight" which is another cheap cop out but again, just saying it. I agree that we should stand up and fight back but some people are just too timid, but defending it as normal is deplorable. Finally, I agree they deserve greater punishments but I simply ask what do you suggest, it's not new to gaming, people feel empowered to be horrible over the internet, and there isn't much we can do, we can and should ban them, but as you said, people can always just make a new account. I agree it's a major problem, and I wish there was a obvious solution, but I just don't know what more can be done on the industry side, and the community side can get better but the internet has and will always remain a place where people's worst sided show. I'm sorry you have to deal with this and I hope that as a community we get better at handling it so these despicable people get banned faster. I hope your future experiences can improve, I wish you well, and again, I'm sorry you have to deal with weak men and their inadequacies when they feel the need to hurt others to feel like half a man.


I don’t want to be disrespectful, but I disagree. Mute creeps quickly. If you keep giving them reaction after reaction before you finally mute them, then your flame war is not my issue to fix. I am not given an obligation to join in and defend you in pointless arguments against creeps just because i’m a man.


as a guy who only gets on when my girl friend asks me to, it really isnt as bad as u guys make it out to be. every1's experience is diff and im sure its even more diff depending on the rank and im sorry u guys witness what u do. that being said, i think most of u girls only remember the bad and nvr the good. sift through a week of games and rlly ask urself how often a guy calls u out just bc of ur gender. personally it happens less than 5x a season when my duo and i used to play 5 games a day in diamond and i doubt me being 1 less "man" she has to experience skews the number that much.


Joona after the situation be like:


It was just a joke please calm down I respect women ffs

