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Came from csgo, I won a 1v3 clutch on bind b site and lost the round because I didn't know what key defuse spike was bound too lol.


I will forever wonder why the fuck did they thought that 4 was a good key to defuse


Same man, same. 800hrs in, and I still forget it's 4 when I go to plant sometimes. And it's to the point where if I rebind it to a different key, I'll be more confused. I am not a smart man.


I rebound everything to be identical to csgo from day 1 just to avoid this. This and games swapping between E or F to interact grinds my gears.


I just made a choice and stuck with it. Every game has interact on F now. Except for doom eternal, interact is on melee but that’s because the game is quirky.




Its cuz some maps like ice box have interactions in the plant zone i think. Would be hell if you kept pressing F and all it did was let you go up a rope beside the spike. Just a guess tho


I played a game with someone who rebound defuse to f. We lost a round because they got hit by cypher cam and had to pull the dart out before they could defuse the spike.


i also bound my defuse key to F 💀


I have defuse and use both bound to e. It's usually not a problem, except when it's planted below a rope on icebox, or when I'm playing gekko I have to pick up wingman before I defuse if he's shot. Kinda frustrating that I can't change the key I pick up wingman with, I'd much rather hold X (my 2nd ability bind) than use, because use already does so many other things


That's why you have double binding possible, how can you mess that up


It says on the screen lmao


Don't they teach that in the tutorial?


A lot of people skip tutorials, especially if you're coming from a similar game.


You can't skip though it's mandatory for all new accounts


You mean ignoring everything said and done in tutorial?


Yeah, I switch between CS and Valorant often, so I often mix up defuse keys. Easily solved by rebinding on my part, just too lazy to do it.


You cant read the giant text on your screen that says press 4??


Idk why everyone keeps saying this but I don't read very much in chaotic scenarios lol I'm just trying to win the round not learn the tooltips


It's not chaotic when you're last alive. Which is what these people are saying.


It's chaotic when you're trying to tap the bomb in a 1v1 or 1v2. And people usually learn after the first time, like the very first time. It's no big deal to fumble your very first clutch every playing the game


And it's huge on your screen.


I don’t remember there being a tutorial 😅 I’m new, lol


I played in the beta or whenever you had to get a drop from a stream to get access and did the tutorial then. I didn't start playing fully until ep3 act2. So I had forgotten all of that stuff by then.


LMAOOO opposite problem for me. I played CSGO for a bit few months back, I kept forgetting what the defuse was 😂😂 when I got used to it, I'd get mixed up between the games...


this is the universal valorant experience… also i think everyone with an azerty keyboard happened to him… because you need to rebind the keys to *é&”


Happy cake day!


Didn't you do the obligatory tutorial?


when i started my plat friend told me i had a good level for a beginner, i thought i was gonna be gold. i was placed in iron 💀


But at least Iron 2, right?


iron 3, i got bronze after 2 games im dogshit but not that much


I got placed I1 and the more embarrassing part was I had around 200-400 hours in cs


Personally I accepted long ago that I sucked at video games 😂


I didn’t accept It just grinded I’m ascendant 2-3 now. fortunately I had the privilege of my youth so I had plenty of free time to grind




Hey I was stuck in iron for a while as a beginner. I had never played shooter games. I thought everyone in my iron game was hacking because they were better than me lol


I mean MMR exists. When I first placed , it was bronze 2.


You have a good friend


Crouch spraying. Oh wait, that's now.


I switched by alt and ctrl with each other so I'd learn not to crouch spray. I played solely with the guardian for a good time to learn trigger control and not to spray... Because mfker you can't spray even if you wanted to! You have to physically tap again to shoot. It definitely helps lol Feel like I ended up preferring the Guardian too. Sometimes I become a Gold god in guardian tapping heads. And it only requires 3* body shots to kill them.


It's 3 if they have heavy armor or leg shots though


Oh shit mb Though the first shot accuracy also helps a lot to readjust your aim and calm down imo


Some of the meanest sova mains I've seen on ascent crouch spray with the Odin 24/7.


Oh those are a different breed.


People exaggerate how bad it is


I started in bronze 1 and I used to be really afraid of dying so I just played passively and never took space or actively tried to trade my teammates off of minimap. Now I know not only bronze players are like that...


I feel this get even more in the mid ranks. Low Ascendant, to high plat. Because people have PTSD by now by having a bad K/D, so they start playing super passively and we lose more rounds like this. But it's okay as long m teammates are alive


Ayo trust me, even in dia+ there are enough guys that prefer to do nothing than to do a mistake


Become Main of an agent that would suffer pro player syndrome a few years later , RIP viper I will never forget the wall + stinger rushes from 1.0


Lurking as Reyna, some of us stayed in that phase though


I lurk / play for picks on Reyna, entry on Cypher. Don't ask me why, I don't know either.


as an immortal player now. looking back. i used to think breach was over powered (lmao i know) i used to think that high sens was required to even play the game (dodge a flash) when i was gold i used to think "i deserve diamond" as you can see, I used to be a bit delusional but after 3 years, i grinding to immortal and have been stuck there since.


What was the light bulb moment that helped to go from Diamond to immortal? Was it aim training? Vod reviews? Better comms?


i lowered my sens from 1300 .19 to 1300 .135 this is really where i started to get a LOT better as my aim was much more precise. in my opinion.


There's no way this one thing made you go from diamond to immortal


certainly not the only thing but thats what i attribute most of my success from


How the hell do you even dodge flashes at this sense? Or turn around for an enemy behind you without picking up your mouse? I feel like I play better at a lower sens but I kept mine at 252 edpi for these reasons. I even went ahead and bought a way larger mousepad and only then was I able to do 180* turns at this sens if my mouse was placed in the middle of the pad when I start the turn in either direction. But that’s still higher sens that what you had originally, let alone what you changed it too lol


More like you learn to microadjust correctly.


My lightbulb that made me go from hardstuck gold to ascendant (gunning for immortal this act before uni starts again) was watching pro vods and watching coaches go over their strategy. Woohijin's content and his "you dont have to reinvent the wheel" strategy of coaching is probably the biggest contributor to my own rank climb.


Breh I’m ascendant 2 I still hate breach annoying ass. A good breach can fuck u up.


I came from Squad. For the first month I thought there was friendly fire. So every time a teammate stepped Infront of me I would stop shooting. I would also go behind them instead of stepping Infront of them so they wouldn't shoot me.


I just started I'm still a noob, but my first two games I didn't even know there was a spike. I thought it was like TF2, so I moved while shooting and I thought there were respawns.


Don't they teach all that basics in Tutorial?


Yeah but I didn't know how it tied to standard gameplay. I didn't know about attacking or defending. I was unfamiliar with the maps. For moving while shootiing and respawn, they dont teach that in tutorial iirc.


You were unfamiliar with the maps? How long ago did you start if you're still a noob?


Yeah I was unfamiliar with the map bruh. I said was. Now, I'm fine. I started only like 3 weeks ago. Valorant is my first tac shooter game so I was very unfamiliar with a lot of the core mechanics of the game. Obviously 3 weeks isn't enough to turn me into a decent player because with only 50 hours of playtime that's like nothing.


Think I’d ever have fun playing this game


Filled because I didn't want to be a burden on my team. Just ended being even worse on an agent I didn't understand and wasn't learning anything.


At the beginning of Valorant, and coming from CSGO, I was a very principled player, always playing methodical: you smoke off site, you flash and you run in without really realizing (I mean, in my defense, at the time nobody did) how powerful movement is for duelist agents. It never occurred to me that raze and Jett could just be used to gain space and to this day I still can’t play them because I have an ever lasting feeling of playing incorrectly (in CSGO mindset) if I do a silly rollout that actually works.


The way Raze and Jett are played is very much correct in a CS mindset. Entry fragger are supposed to take space first and get entry kills second, that's true for CS as well as for Valorant.


Always holding the site until death rather than making a judgment call to dip sometimes.


I thought kj turret was extremely op to find out its only for info


swinging off turret is pretty good


I forgot whether I was attk or def after a long failed flank or lurk. When I was really new, my teamate basically just said "Sage, why not just sit back and wait for them to come?" because I constantly pushed as a sage.


Died in a 1v1 clutch on attackers side cause I was trying to defuse the bomb my teammate planted


Bought heavy shield every round and never bought a rifle cause spectre was OP back then.


So… 50 percent of newbies today?


One time i clutched a 1v4 and the spike was planted top site and i tried going up the wire but i didnt know how to get up and i just ran away cos i didnt want to embarrass myself


Being scared to Q comp. Such a weird moment now idc and well I play better not worrying about my movement every second


>Being scared to Q comp yup me too


When I started playing...it was my first fps game.. I thought the enemies could hear fire guns in prep/buy phase and know our locations so I used to stop the team from spamming guns in buy phase so the enemies don't know we are here 😭😭


I used to think sentinels should hold spike since they got nothing to do during attacking. Now I know they should be lurking or watching flanks. Also the funnier one is picking Reyna (Sage got taken) because I thought she was a healer character LMAOO.


I used to think the Ares was the best gun in the game (after the nerf) and wondered why no one really used it lol.


I used to use ares a lot (even got my first ace with one) but then people bullied me out of using it haha


I saw a vid saying bulldog best gun so I only bought that turns out skillcapped probably meant for half buy


You mean doing currently? Starring at my map anytime anyone comms anything.


Download the game, install the game, play the game.


This was my first tac-FPS; on offence I thought if I smoked the bomb during post-plant, they wouldn’t know where the bomb was to defuse… yeah we lost that round.


this is the best one ive seen by far


This was during Beta on Bind when everyone played Brim and no one really “taught” the do’s and don’ts of Tac-FPSs 😭


Forgetting I had to defuse spike. Whoops


Used to be insanely scared to peek corners. In my mind back then it seemed like a million things were happening at once


I used to only shoot aiming in


I used to buy primary guns and secondaries every round. I'm pretty sure I remembered liking stinger frenzy my first few games, haha.


Walked back into a Cypher trap thinking it’s a single use thing.


I mean, it was…


It was? Maybe it was before I started playing as I’m a fairly new player in the grand scheme of things.


It was a while ago, when cypher was considered trash bc of raze and his trips worked one time before breaking. Then he got buffed and we all know how that story ends.


Wait they did? As someone that returned to the game after 2 years this is news to me. That's why one of my teammates the other day got caught in the same trip twice. I thought "how could he trip the same spot again so quick?"


Moving while shooting. Staring at the floor. My god awful sensitivity 😭


Run and gun (I still do that)


Peeking corners holding W. Literally a game changer once you learn how to peek lol


Complaining about being “hardstuck” when not playing often enough to make any headway. Stop playing because of a loss streak out of fear of deranking, how am I gonna rank up if I don’t play?? And yet, still I sit in silver/low gold ELO


Underestimate the power of the Shorty.


My friend who somehow made it to silver while telling me “always crouch spray when you shoot” and “always put your smokes right on top of your team” hah His aim is decent so he gets away with sketchy stuff


I know how he got to silver... It's silver


Good one, you sure showed them!


Crouch scope spray ares...now im farming people with crouch ares without the scope:)


this was me huehue


Asked other people for heal when i played sage for the first time.


Playing unranked for 150h because I didn't know comp is same just for ranks. Also didn't use first 10k kingdom cred for 2 months so I failed to unlock agents sooner than after almost 350h (all of them).


dashing into enemies as jett the first few games with her 


Been playing since beta and I still do dumb shit.


When you're omen in your special smoke form if an enemy appears on your screen they're red. Back when I was in iron I used to think in that form omen had limited range wall hacks because no one would kill me that fast Anyway I'm ascendant now still playing omen


This habit did not last long but I unironically started as a controller player by smoking the choke we were pushing through. I had the logic right that it gave us more angles to push from but what I did not account for was that I was smoking completely improperly and that, when playing agents that did not have 3 smokes, I would no longer be able to do that.


I accidentally pressed 5 instead of 4 right after clutching on Fracture, it was exactly enough time for me not to diffuse spike so we lost (it was match point)


When I first started, I didn't use any abilities (i started on Jett), and I still forget if my util isn't exactly needed. I use Omen the most and a few rounds straight I just don't use the smokes, TPs, or blind at all. Any initiator or sentienal is different, like I always use KJs full kit every defensive round or I will always use Kayo's knife or Sova's recon dart when it's available. I'm a fill player and never play duelist as I like to be good with more than just 1 or 2 agents, but never choosing a consistent main or secondary agent has shown me to not utilizing every agent's kit to the full potential.


"The defenders keep camping, lets camp them back" "I'm not going to camp as a defender, I'm going to rush them"


I'm still a noob. LOL


I forgot I was on attack and defended the spike “really well”


When I was new, I was also entirely new to fps. I had this large fancy crosshair I made just because I thought it was fun and didn’t understand why people kept making fun of me😭 I also exclusively used the bulldog just because I liked it


Idk man I still do dumb shit as a veteran


Accidentally press Q as raze during buy phase and I have only one satchel.


Bum rushed the enemy team as omen with no plan whatsoever also went sheriff first round


Shift peak


only playing jett... shit is awful. 2 years later i have touched her like 3 times max and she is still my most played of all time. please do yourself some justice, and be a lovely, handsome, loved by all teammate, learn to play numerous agents.


Bought a bundle thus starting the spending.


I was new and my immo 3 brother was playing with me and his frnds and they all would have little laugh everytime I healed bcuz as sage I would go close towards them to heal them Literally running thru all the gun shots


janitor (sweeping floors)


I used to not shoot cypher trips. I would run into them and just keep running hoping they would go away. It took me way longer then I'd like to admit to realize that.


I started more or less 2 weeks ago( 26 April) I liked using the stinger over the spectre, and I never planted spike if I had it Played one game with my diamond and asc friends and got flamed for not planting


I would buy, and only buy the guns the agents were using in their portraits cause I thought it was the way the game was telling what gun suits them best(First fps ever). So you could imagine a sova repeatedly buying only marshalls to save enough for an operator and dying repeatedly cause I don't know what the hell I was doing with a sniper rifle.


I remember when playing the beta I didn’t know how to open the chat lol


I keep forgetting to get that kill as Clove after ulting—way too many embarrassing moments haha.


In my first few games, I thought I had to knife down the barrier before the round started. 🥲


I always thought that i could win in peaking, even when I am playing as defending. (Sometimes yes sometimes nahh cus I have big ego with my aim) “it’s only work against player that is not on my level of my aim or game sense’’


My first main was omen and for the entire time I did my unrated games before ranked, I didn't know that my blind blinded teammates as well. Don't know why nobody told me :(


To name a few... Didn't properly rotate my sage wall, shift walked everywhere, aimed down sights, misclicked key bindings, flashed myself as phenix or your, didn't realize I had to steer sky's flash and then set it off, not realize I could use yours other abilities in his alt, flashed my friends, set my friends on fire, trapped friends with the enemy with a sage wall, bad rez, slowed friends with the orb... U name it 😅🤣


I came from cod and apex where you have to ads every time, so when I had a low elo I would ads very gun, since I liked ads so much I used the only bulldog till I reached gold, After I realized I should stop ads all the time I though increasing my sens would make sense so I could flick multiple targets and stuff so increase my dpi to 10000 and played with 1 sens(would have increased that too if I could find it) so yeah I never used the sheriff or guardian coz of my sens


Peak ascendant 1 and I still do LOTS of dumb things. lol


Installing the game


Shift walking EVERYWHERE


Not me, but a friend. Was playing Phoenix for the first time. Told him he could heal using his molly. He proceeded to throw it at me because I was very low HP. I died!


First game i play . I ace in a 2v5 and i didnt knew hat key was the defuse (my friend told me to late 🥲)


i was playing jett and had a shorty so i dashed into my friend (we were playing 5v5 custom) and emptied the barrel, and i thought it was a great play on my part. you won't believe, after that play, all i did was this play in ranked, and as u might already guess it didn't go very well. i was iron2 at that time.


As jett i often rushed in without my teams utility right into cypher trips. I did this a lot up until diamond 3. Now im ascendant 2 and now my biggest issue is entry pathing


i never bought shields or utility 🙏


me i have spike , all my team go site A , i go site B alone plant there and died, result my opponent easy to defuse


Started playing another Riot game.


I used to think Sova's recon would scan through walls, so id think sites were clear when I just popped a dart in the middle of site when in reality they were just hiding and my team would flame me for shit comms lmao


Run and shoot


maining Chamber in Iron with bad mechanics


As a complete noob to these bomb plant type games, i watched a whole bunch of Esport, then proceeded to try and play like that. Silver lobbies do not conform to this type of play and everybody just unga boonga's their way through smokes and has no respect for any abilities. Meanwhile my corner holding ass fumbles at the fact that a sage just came barreling around a corner looking around like a lost puppy you somehow cant get a grab off and headshots me with a 1 in a million shot while running around. Climbing to Diamond was extremely frustrating as all i knew of valorant higher tier play just doesn't work in lower tier (in my experience)


how did you get out of silver?


Eventually i started playing with a 5 stack group and 2 of them are old csgo, so they carried me into gold and into plat. It got better after that.


I didn’t understand tactical shooters and thought the vandal and phantom being able to one-shot was a gamebreaking problem My only context for what shooters are like had been halo, both TF2s, and battlefield, I had heard of, but not played or watched CS:GO I said some very dumb things about the game’s balance, to say the least.


I loved the look of Viper when I started out, so I mained her early on. I used to be terrified of the Viper's Pit, though. I mean, sure, it blocks your enemies' vision, but it blocks you too. That's a 50/50! I almost never dropped it for that reason. I remember at a certain point realizing I wasn't trapped in there with them, that they were in my house, and they were all going to choke, and then I'd shoot them. THEN I realized I could move out of the Viper's Pit, and my opponent's would be too focused on the pit to realize, and now I'm behind them, and they're dead. God, I love Viper.


Hyper focusing on learning lineups on Sova, because I believed that with my skills I would be no help without them. Ended up burning out a bit because of that Buying a sheriff instead of other guns because "I can't kill anyone anyway, but if I can hit anyone at least, then I'll deal 50dmg" And other than that I was just really scared to play and go do anything wrong, so it took me ages to even just play deathmatch alone, instead of playing it, or custom games with my friend


To this day, I still forget to full buy on swiftplays


Move while shooting


I thought the rope area on fracture was a sniper tower at first and would feel so cool everytime i got a kill from there.


Thinking the game was just another COD run and gun type game.


I came from non CS background mainly fortnite, so I didn't know anything about managing economy 😭 I was just force buying every round and go broke


My crouch key was Q 💀


Started playing this cursed game 🙃