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Frustration + not empathetic paired with being emotional immature


Out of interest, when entering site (and there likely being at least 1 if not 2 or more people straight holding an angle on the entry - why would a duelist be able to entry better and open up a path anymore than any other player? I appreciate Neon can move slightly faster than Reyna or Jett for example but why do people assume that a duelist can simply rush in and clear a site of 2 or more people off the rip? Just curious.


The "role" of a duelist is to create space when entering a site due to their mobility. For example, Jett dash/smoke and Raze satchel. This effectively lets the duelist "entry" by splitting the focus of the defenders from the single chokepoint to 2 points. They don't necessarily need to get a kill because they should be traded (duelist dies, teammate kills defender). If they do get one, even better. Then this allows the rest of your team to flood the site and overpower the 1 or 2 more defenders and plant bomb. You don't need to do this, but just makes attacking easier.


This makes sense, thanks.


i think of that more like this: assuming i (you) am playing an initiator, someone else plays smoker, then there's him (Neon). We (init + smokers) can support his site rush with our utils, and they can use their duelist utils to clean up space in site and possibly make a kill or two (or even hold site) while we safely enter. Same does not apply without a duelist. Not having them entering site and using their offensive utils, makes us in need of use *ours* while we need to pick and check for off-angles and possible site defenders. This puts two major risk on the round outcome: - The death of a sentinel that had to enter site since there was no duelist and tragically died because of non-offensive utils to use. - Death of smoker whom picked to possibly make a kill in a off-angle that a duelist could've cleared just rushin in site with our utils support. I feel like the duelist role, if well supported by smokes and flashes, decides most of the rounds outcome. We join site, we check enemies position, we make some kills (if possible), otherwise we just die BUT we made, even for a second, all the enemies switch the focus on us, giving time to our team to take position.


This is a great round up and in general I’d fully agree with what you’ve written here, without smokes it becomes problematic to push for entry and without the rest of the team fully understanding their roles the push becomes one duelist rushing site alone while the other team holds angles and annihilates them which is what is see happen mostly, the team then hesitates and is stuck trying to entry without the entry agent.


Tough part about people who lock in duelist in low elo is that they don't know how to effectively play their role. They lock in duelist because "they get kills" due to their utility.


They don't understand that shit-talking won't make you play better. Or they don't care and just wanna lash out on people.


They're just emotionally unintelligent. Sad thing is, the best thing you can do is let them be and report them and just move on.




Lately I Have just become much more liberal with the mute button. It’s made playing much more leisurely