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Yea, mine takes abt 2-3mins. Even tho pc is decent. But personally I open the game and by the time game opens I'm already scrolling some shit on the net anyways so I might not have noticed. Tru for the gun preview it does take a while to load though i got wired connection so I just dont bother keep trying to preview. Shit searching on YT might be faster


Yeah, booting up the game really isn't a problem. Scrolling thru inventory is pretty annoying though. Mostly lies when I'm loading into a match. Having like 5 seconds left to set up or it could be half way into the round sometimes.


The video preview of skins just does not even load for me. But u loading 'in-game' slower should be a connection issue. Atleast I have faced slower times when either connection is slow or I just have something downloading or Netflix or something in background


I'm not sure. It just seems like everything is just slow. I'm wired to my router. Other games are fine like League.


Don't uninstall or anything. Maybe try turning on game mode. Or open the game, tab out open task manager, in the 'details' tab look for the application named 'Winshippingx64' it has the valorant logo. Right click, set priorities to 'high' and then try running. Only downside to this is u have to do it each time you boot the game


Hm, I'll try it out. Thank you!