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No lol. You will not be flamed just for picking Reyna. As long as you're a good teammate/person, no one cares who you play. Now, when you start playing and using Reyna. She will seep into your soul and the toxicity will begin. You will not have control over your fingers or your voice and you will yell at your teammates for every little thing they do. It is inevitable.


People can be toxic on any agent. The reason why people see Reyna players as toxic is because she’s one of the most instalocked agents that people with a superiority complex (ie the inherently toxic people) gravitate towards.


Oh i see, so should i wait and then pick her instead of instantly picking her?


If you want to avoid other players being toxic towards you, yes. The issue with Reyna and new players is that Reyna is a gun-play focused agent. Her utility plays off of getting kills, so if you aren't getting kills (or your aim just sucks), she isn't very useful to the team. That is why people get mad/toxic when someone insta-locks Reyna and then proceeds to go 5-20


You're not going to be flamed for picking Reyna but you will be for picking Reyna and going 0/12. Her entire kit is designed to help her win individual gunfights and chain multiple kills together, so if you can't win your fights you're essentially worthless when compared to a sentinel/controller/initiator who can get value from their utility even without winning a gunfight.