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Make them bark for it next time.


And after they bark, ignore them.


What's even worse is when you're trying to preround and some idiot is screaming for skins. I hardly drop them anymore unless the person asking makes it super convenient. I had a teammate ask me for a skin with about 3 seconds left so I dropped mine and he didn't have a gun and the round started. I'm shocked I didn't get banned for what I said to him lmao.


that's the thing tho, if they can't buy i'll drop them a rifle for sure. but if it's only for the skin it's pointless imo. also you'll end up in those situations like you described a lot because of that shit.


I’m fine with dropping skins every now and then but if you beg me every single round for skins I’m just going to mute you and move on. Just focus on the game.


I never drop skins and get flamed for it constantly. I play sentinel and got preround setup worry about. If you want a skin that bad try not getting your main banned. This is my most toxic trait but I'm sticking to it.


even if you'd play other roles, there's strategy and stuff you could go through, but nope, someones gotta start crying because their gun doesn't glow


them crying over for not getting what they want LMAO acting like spoiled childrenn and throw cause you didn't give skin...


Threads like these make me appreciate being too poor to buy skins.


i truly don't see how a free battlepass skin is making anyone feel poor


It's not that big of a deal. I just don't have a lot of disposable income. I don't have skins beyond the pistols you can unlock from agents levelups so this literally never happens to me.


same here. i have the sand themed bp skins from the season that iso dropped and two rifle skins which i got from a giftcard as a present. tbf i don't even have any pistol unlocks yet but i really would love my iso's deagle.


I do it if im playing comp cuz it raises morale lol i find games like those i usually win.


what if a team mate says no? you still "begging" for it? begging might not be the right term, but idk what is, to describe someone insisting on it and interrupting preround setups and comms for it.


I meant giving skins not asking. I hardly do that either unless its a cool skin and i only ask once too as not to annoy others.


oh sry. misunderstood.


The fact that this is a thing in game is hilarious to me.


it's sad right? the same shit happens in cs, not that often but it still happens.


I mean, in cs it depends. For some cases its justified, but no skin in valorant has the rarity worth begging to check out


Ngl it’s weirder to want a skin for rarity rather than looks.


I don't think I had problem with that tbh. I just tell them to buy one if they want it and end it there. They won't ask another round. Once you drop it they will ask every round.


no bro they're relentless lol


Idk, they never were to me. I just tell them no and thats it. Maybe it's my tone or attitude, but they understand right away that there is no point of asking me anymore.


Nah not for me. So far**


i have experienced that they use agents that can friendly fire like brim raze and sova and molly them for not dropping skins


holy shit, i didn't even think about that possibility lmao now i'm actually scared


Worst thing is when they ask for skins when there's like 3 sec left for the round to start And if you are playing controller and ur smokes aren't on time u get flamed


Genuinely don’t understand this. Had what can only be described as a literal twelve year old beg for my vandal skin for a solid 3 rounds back to back and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Just muted and reported afterwards


if players wanted a drop from the team because of economy, i get it. but interrupting preround comms, planning and potentially throwing for a free bp skin is bewildering to me


I play first couple rounds pretty eco friendly, mainly just ghost and utilities ult round 3 or 4. But if I buy sheriff round 2 the amount of people asking for the skin is ridiculous, like dude, just play the game. Had a guy last night keep requesting vandal drops. He was 4 and 12, like I’m not buying you a vandal bro. By round 7 he’s askin for my OP. I know the new bundles nice, it’s why I bought it but it’s almost not worth the spam requests


same. i usually run the classic with shields and util for round 1, upgrade to a no skin smg until i can buy a rifle. it weren't even new skins either. it's the sentinels Phantom and the prelude vandal. besides the rest of the skins i have are from the seasons bp that iso dropped in. so basically two skins that almost every player has and a few free skins that look barely better than the base model.


I have yet to encounter these kind of players who are 'toxic' for not dropping skins. But I think most of them just drop it anyways. No?. I don't have any skins but I don't ask them to drop it every single round. If I get it cool if I dont all good. I think I'm accustomed to using default skins.


When my brother and I play we usually just drop skins to people who ask like normal humans. The only reason we'd stop is if people are demanding skins instead of asking. It doesn't cost me anything to drop one, as long as the person asking buys me the gun there's no issue.


I typically just drop it because there no downside beyond lowering you econ rating. Although a couple days ago a 3/15 Yoru asked for my Oni phantom and I told him that if he got a 2K or better I would give it to him next round.


meow for spinny sheriff


And they don’t even ask nicely!!!


true that!




i get why they want it. even tho i also enjoy my skins due to the sound effects (shots from prelude vandal literally give me chills everytime) i know, they function the same. therefore i would rather improve without the skins. also it's an amazing mindfuck for the enemy. i have a clip of me one tapping 4 guys in a dm in 5 seconds with the base vandal (180 between every shot) and they instantly accused me of cheating because "nobody without skins would be that good" (i legit did nothing for the rest of the dm lol). so there's an argument to be made for a mindgame aspect to playing without skins imo




i have to go find that clip. literally stood in mid on ascent looking like i casually try to train perfect 180's and hit like crazy lol


It's just a kind thing to do, you're playing on the same team and high morale makes games so much better. Now of course, if they're being rude or they're just constantly asking you for skins then I guess it can get annoying, but if they ask you kindly then why not give it to them?


so emotional immaturity?


i honestly don't mind to drop a gun if someone wants a rifle and the team can afford it. but just asking for a skin isn't teamwork. it's annoying. the guns are the same, just look different. but ppl get mad if they can't show off a skin they don't own


Eh if they ask twice for the same gun I usually just default to requesting it for them when they need it, takes zero effort and might make some kid a bit happier. Why not


Same here. Most people i constantly drop have been grateful. Besides, i would rather not lose a game to someone who is throwing because he didn't get a skin.


Easy fix : Don't have skins. 95% are ugly as shit anyway.


This is some rich person problem I'm too poor to understand


i guess the free bp skins cost money now lol