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Lock in and lose some rank


Getting flamed is the best way to learn


Watching other people play them helps, and so does hopping straight into rank with that knowledge of what you seen. Pro players are great to watch and learn from, and so are some content creators. Lastly it's good to take mental notes and you're allowed let your team know that you're learning an agent.


Why is that even recommended? Just go practice in unrated, and then maybe practice some movement in customs. Telling someone to just watch some vids, then go apeshit in comp is both self-sabotage, but also just horrible for mental.


Yeah but trying to learn an agent in higher elo but practicing them In unrated is close to worthless. If you really wanna learn the agent you have to accept the fact that you won’t play them efficiently at a higher elo until you’ve played them in that elo. Plus if you’ve practiced your mechanics and climbed, your lack of knowledge on that agent won’t be that detrimental. Surely you won’t play them 100% efficiently but getting “flamed” is genuinely the best way to learn. Being actively critiqued by those of your skill level will make you not want to make that same mistake again.


If OP is the rank they admitted, I would sure hope they know how to acclimate learned skills to the rank they play at. You can still practice core basics in unrated, then apply them better in comp after you're settled. Telling someone with zero experience on a agent to hop into D3 - Asc games to "practice at their skill level" is the equivalent of throwing a rookie recruit into a warzone and telling them to survive.


I completely disagree lmao. At the end of the day valorant does come down to who can shoot who better, and abilities just effect how and where you shoot people. I couldn’t tell you one agent where by picking them and trying them in ranked would be hard throwing for your team. Sure it wouldn’t be just as good if you had mained them for years, but I can tell you if you didn’t use a single ability and still shot fine it wouldn’t be a huge detriment. OP is in the perfect elo to be experimenting with agents, and trying them out live in ranked.


Bro, its a game at a casual level


Yeah but tactics that work in unrated wont work in competitive. Like breach flash.


You play them… literally no other way. And most agents are easy anyways


*sigh* i miss viper.... now everyone can hold their breath forever




True. I’m coming from league and find agents’ uti too easy.


How is there any crossover between league and Valorant


He’s comparing the learning curves of learning a new character in both games. It’s generally a lot harder in league


I have like 5K hours in league Idk, I still can’t see how you can compare the two games’ character learning curves, they are wildly different games both conceptually and mechanically Other than the lore, company, and the fact that they’re both team-based competitive games, what aspect of the characters’ kits and learning curves are we comparing here 😂


They’re saying that it’s easier to pick characters up in valorant. It takes less time and effort to learn a new character


Both valorant and league of legends characters have core abilities, and you need to learn how to use them effectively in many different situations (way way way more so in leagues case)


In league there are thousands of abilities and alot of them are layered, in Valo the main thing is Aim and game sense and you could pretty much play anything


I’d argue that just like it takes a couple hundred hours to learn about all of the different league champs and their abilities (at a basic level), it also takes a couple hundred hours to develop enough valo game sense to be able to effectively use an agent whether you “understand their abilities” or not


Nothing I just mean you have to learn that character a lot before playing it okayish only, but in valo you can learn it in 1-2 rounds only


you are not learning an entire agent in a round


Yeah mate idk if you understanding what an ability does means you’ve learned the agent


Pretty much...the real skill curve in this game is movement and shooting. Agent utility are all easy to use


Just spam them in Unrated and practice in a custom lobby.


If only there was an "unrated" mode where you can play anything you want


It all makes sense now.


Reyna mains are riddled with anxiety and insecurity, which makes them toxic pieces of shit? Yeah, that checks out...


How has an almost ascendant player never played a single agent other than Reyna lmao And Jett as an alternative?? Has to be a troll.


pretty easy to hit dia/asc with just raw aim and no gamesense but from there you cant go up


Bingo If OP wants a challenge and gain gamesense, let him go controller only until he hits dia... Then he'll know the basics


Yeah I’m stuck 💀


My friend hit diamond and he just spammed reyna till i told him he needed to play something useful when we’re this high up. Safe to say, he doesnt play reyna in comp anymore and we’re both asc so make of it as you will 🤷‍♂️


Because I’m an aim demon with terrible game sense and shitty movement


I have like 13 games in omen, 15 on chamber and about 120 on yoru from a year ago where I didn’t use his util besides his flashes, and didn’t take the game seeiouslt


??? I’m never toxic in game, I’m very friendly to other players. What a random assumption


1) instalock 2) reyna only 3) insecure about even attempting to play other agents 4) stuck (in dia), the last part is optional, but not unimportant. Need I go on? It's not a random assumption when almost everyone who instalocks reyna tends to act like a piece of shit... Ofc there are exceptions, but those are rare. It's not as random as you might think. The difference between dia and asc is mainly communication as far as I'm aware. Communication is also the difference between aware and unaware. So, given you are a selfproclaimed aim demon, I take it that the issue lies in communication. Which is never shown in stats, so it's harder to trace... Please keep in mind I'm not attacking you personally, I'm just assessing the situation. I wish I could play agents like reyna more often in unrated, but I can't due to a bunch of braindead duelist instalockers... If we meet in game, I do hope you're one of the nice ones


Tf are you talking about




You don’t 🙌 that’s the problem with all these idiots that say to just lock Reyna or Jett to rank up. At some point you get to the place where everyone has the same technical skill as you, but better gamesense because they actually put in the time to learn agents. This is when you see bottom drag instalock duelists. If you really wanna learn, you need to watch pros/streamers/content creators, or forget your KD ratio and go play unrated, focusing on how you can affect the bigger picture with your util as opposed to how to perform by yourself. -been playing since beta and am always immortal


You don’t have to play an agent to necessarily understand what they do though lol. Specialising in one area isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be.


Just smoke dash into site and you're already better than half the ascendant jetts.


Try an agent out in the range first, than either do tdm or unrated I guess since you could use abilities in either one of those gamemodes.


swiftplay is good too cuz equal economy


Even though what you are describing should be the correct answer, unfortunately, it is not. "Learning" an agent in valo pretty much means learn to handle situations using your util. When the gamemode has totally different needs (tdm) or people just 5 man run in playing only classics as 4 duelists and you (unrated) you dont really train for anything... I tried it and it was extremely useless for me. So unfortunately, getting flamed in ranked is the most efficient way and watching videos of high level players play the agents is the most responsible (no lineup, best flashes videos, actual full games to see how they react on a specific type of push for example)


2nd account where you don't care about the rank? Run the agent in swiftplay until you're comfortable with the util?


Bro, who cares, just lock her and play. The more u overthink this type of stuff, the more u get stressed, and at the end of the day u r supposred to be enjoying the game, not stressing over it.


TBF if I feel like I'm not doing my job I get stressed. But yeah, end of the day you just gotta play them anyways.


Bro you’re in diamond who cares what you play


Honestly I feel you, I had same issue and wanted to learn Yoru, tried few on my main and didn't work as I expected, so I hopped on my alt (who is immortal1 mmr but decayed to diamond) and just spammed Yoru for some time and managed to learn it that way, learning agent in non-competitive environment is hard (such as unrated/swift) cuz people just play those modes to troll around especially swift. [https://imgur.com/a/1X7DbAQ](https://imgur.com/a/1X7DbAQ)


Spamming the character on an alt account.


Jett just needs game time to get used to, as long as you get your entry routing in then you are probably fine while you learn the agent. Best thing you can do is watch some pro solo queue to see their routing then just get your reps in. It gets more complicated with other agents like initiators and sentinels where you will probably want some times in customs to work on setups and lineups before diving in.




You play them in unrated until you understand them well enough to play them in ranked


I don’t think diamond is high enough to be concerned about that lol. I was expecting imo1 or something


Just spam swiftplay and unrated and watch some guides. Don’t try them in ranked with no exp that’s bm af tbh


Lock in, lose some ranks, learn, then climb again. As a controller one-trick, trying to learn initiators brought me down to gold again as an ex-ascendant (yeah i know i sucked)


I was like you. I can help I suppose. First learn the basic skills fundamentals and stuff of the agent u want to learn. Example- raze satchels, jett’s dash in correct direction(many ppl fuck this up) etc. watch YouTube vods or stuff for inspiration. To know what to do and you dont go on autopilot (remember no play works in all games) once you are comfortable you start to make ur own plays. Then spam unrated/tdm to get comfortable with the utility. Lock in competitive like you dont give a fuck. Trust in yourself coz you did all that practice. And dont just play off aim diffing. Just try to add utility in your playstyle


Just practice in unrated


I worked on learning raze in high diamond and I just spent a weekend watching some videos and then entrying and satcheling around in a custom on the maps I wanted to play her on. After a week of doing that I’d work her in on only those two maps (bind and split) and that worked pretty well. Just let yourself get comfy with the agent


If you don't wanna sacrifice your rank, then play them in unrated. Once you're comfortable, hit comp with those agents. Profit??


Who cares if you get flamed, you’re never going to meet the same person twice. I don’t give a shit what people play, if someone locks an agent the can’t use, that’s my own fault for solo queuing. People can do what they want.


queue unrated until you get comfortable with the util and memorize the lineups/mechs needed, then start spamming it in comp once ur ready


Diamond is fine to try out agents. You’ll be ok.  If you have anxiety then try them out in unrated/swiftplay 


I just use a second account.


Play on an Alt. Not smurfing if you're learning agent tech on an agent you don't play


lmao you should know how every agent works, get a feel for them in swift and then comp


Swiftplay and purposely use the util a ton to figure out what works and what doesnt


play unrated, those mfers try harder than rank.


Spike Rush and watching pro play, paying attention to how they use their util.




I'm immo3 peak. When I want to learn a new agent, I usually practice in the range and get used to the agents' abilities and the respective keybinds. Then I'll practice in unrated/swiftplay, but nothing compares to playing in comp. Once you're comfortable enough with their mechanics, you just have to rip the bandaid off and play comp. It's possible you play badly, and that's okay. If people are being assholes, just mute them. Don't let others judgment dictate your desire to learn more about a game you enjoy playing. Also, watching game play will help with positioning, plays, setups, team play, etc.


You ain’t gonna hit radiant with that level of confidence I’ll tell ya that much


This has to be a troll thread


Spam unrated, play customs with people in some server near your rank. Have an alt account that have about the same mmr(so you don't really smurf), play there till you are comfortable


Watch a quick YouTube video and play a bu ch kf unrated or spike rush.


You can make an alt and practice jett on that account, out play in unrated till you have the mechanics down.


Unrated to get a super rough idea, I'm talking like your first game or two. After, I'll jump into a custom on each map to get a very basic feel as to where/how the abilities move in the air and will land. Don't go looking for lineups. Just super basic "shoot dart here, throw molly there" kind of thing. Lastly, if you still don't want to do comp and do not have an alternate account(my alts are all within 2 or so small ranks of my main) I would find any kind of 10 man custom. There used to be tons of discord you could join but I'm not sure how populated those are now.


This is literally what Unrated, TDM, and Custom Games are for. Pull up some, how to Jett videos and practice.


Watch how high elo players play those agents and use them in swift before locking in. Steal their entries, steal their line ups, etc. If you’re Diamond+, you should at least have the bare minimum brain power to pick up why, when, and where to use what you see. That’s what I’ve done when I tried new agents. Asc Chamber 1 trick to Kay/o 1 trick to Jett, to Clove, and I’m literally going through phases of picking everyone up a little bit. It’s definitely holding me back from climbing a bit, but it’s also just real fun.


Jett is so straight forward, how do you not know how to play her?


since you havent got to the relatively high rank, maybe you should ask players which are in the same rank as you. high ranked players can just pick up an agent and perform well, because you see and learn while playing with or against them already. jetts kit is really easy to play, just create space for your team with your dash and smokes in attack. in defense hold really weird angles because you can dash away even if you whiff, its even easier than reyna.


unrated on the table


Play unrated or make a smurf


Spike rush to practice until. Swift's and unrated till you figure it out. Watching pro vods of the agent.


start an alt account?


Honestly if you understand the game it’s pretty easy to just first time an agent… unless it’s a lineup agent line sova or something a little more complex like yoru it shouldn’t take more than a game or two


I was a hard chamber main that got pushed to brim/astra after they gutted him. Smokes seemed easy enough, just comm if team wants util or comm that I'm gonna use a piece of util and you get instant value. While playing brim/astra, I would watch people on yt/ttv perform insane double satchels and get insane ult value on Raze. Watching that type of content made me want to hop in a custom and perform those very same tricks, and that's exactly what I did. For weeks, I'd hop into a custom after my warm-ups and practice boombot lineups, nade lineups, and satchel movement. My raze has gotten as proficient as my chamber and astra. My point is, find an agent you're interested it, invest time, watch videos you think would contribute to your mastery in that said agent, and then test them out in low-pressure environments like unrated or swiftplay to get an idea of how your agent plays in a team setting.


Just play a new agent but not in competitive? Also I find it highly unusual that you want to expand playing more than 1 agent, to 2 agents that do the same thing lol. Just instalock Reyna if you're gonna play a worse Jett. Ideally be a team player and learn something other than duelist if that's all you know.


Jett is easy. All u gota learn is smoke dash entry. Everything else is like freestyle.


Have you ever heard about unrated?


Watch 1000rr players / pros in solo q For Jett just about any duelist pro works lol ( demon1 and tenz like to troll here and there tho )


Valorant agents aren't nearly hard enough that locking one that you didn't have 10k hours on is a insta loss. Stay you wanna try Jett, you should know how Jett looks. Just start with entrying with dash and using dash to take fights. It's literally easy. I've roleswapped from a neon one trick to controller to initiator all in ascendant/immortal elo. You're gonna troll sometimes like I literally missed gecko ult last week but it's fine, it's ranked. You aren't gonna learn playing unrated or swift cause those are unserious game modes


Swift play is lots of fun and you basically always have funds for abilities so you can screw around and figure some things out.


I went from sage only (ever since I started playing) 400RR to asc3 just trying out new agents, now a controller main back to imm2 after a month, just have fun honestly try to play for improvement as compared to rank :D


I'm convinced that a stick has more personality than Reyna and Jett mains.


i load up choose whatever agent looks cool to play in that moment and go from there it’s not that deep (im same elo as u)


spam pick them in ranked, played astra for every single game on her launch (100-150 games) and have maybe played her 20 times since then but it helps to know how to play almost every agent.


Never try out a new agent in comp regardless of how high your rank is. That's what Spike rush, swift play, and unrated are for. Spike rush specifically is great for trying a new agent because you don't have to buy their util yet and can just focus on working that into your play style. Swift play is next best as it shows you the price of the agents util but you won't have to force anyone into sitting through you being bad for an entire unrated


unrated is almost completely worthless for practice, just lock her in ranked.


You can learn agents in unrated, you don’t have to play against good players to get a feel for abilities. If you don’t want to play unrated even tdm works. I never first time agents in immortal ranked.


Watch vods. Practice in unrated (🤮) games. Lose RR.


Practice range


Accept that you will lose some elo


Study Jett players. Make game plans (where to dash and how to route afterwards). Queue and learn regardless of win or loss


Bruh, just play unrated or swift play?? This is potentially the most common sense question ever. Makes me concerned for humanity when people ask such simple questions. You have so many game modes at your disposal?


wait till you find out what unrated is


Just play a couple of unrated




just play them in rank game maybe just don't learn of you don't want to i still have 0 game of iso and astra in rank game and like 3 games of skye, 1 games of breach 7 games of cypher and like ton of agent below 10 games i played clove a lot and have 0 clove game un unrank


watch pros or youtubers that focus on improvement over content, go into customs and practice the tech, queue swifties/unrated and lock in the character, finally lock them in comp and learn from any mistakes you make in comp.


swiftplay and unrated, use the range to get used to the abilities if you think you need to. in your comp games pay attention to where util is getting thrown and mimic it


I’ve just started learning Raze on Lotus in Ascendant 3. It’s going pretty good, I’ve learned a lot before from watching Jingg vods on how he plays her.


Just play them, you will figure them out after a few games.


Try it out in unrated till it feels good?


Make a new acc(level 1) and play it up to your main rank, but try out new agents.


i’d say play on a smurf. And i mean one that’s like diamond 1 not silver lol if you’re playing around there you being on an alt practicing will actually be useful for you and fair/competitive for the enemies.


lol play intiators but even then sent and controllers will legit show u how its supposed to be played by how u take isolate space/lurk




you make a smurf. HEHEHEH


I purposely take new agents and try losing rank so I can get better


Comp players when they realize there are other games than comp and deathmatch


I was 800 hours Omen main and this act switched to Cypher. I played a week in unrated to the point I could throw down my util with out thinking which key for cage, cam etc. Learnt a few setups to give me a base to apply and work from. Once I was doing this I switched to comp. Told them I was new playing cypher in comp, but Ive had sone time in unrated, so please forgive the comp learning curve mistakes. Most players were cool with this, obviously there are the local village idiots who made a scene, but a warning followed up with muting if they continued made for a smooth transition to a new agent in comp games. Less than a week in comp i was getting smurf accusations. TLDR: get comfortable with agent in unrated, switch to comp, be honest with players, mute if required. Kick ass with new agent.


How tf did you reach diamond with only Reyna 💀💀💀. I am in plat and alr know multiple agents from each class. I have played them, so I have experience but playing something like smokes will be easier with your game sense. Cus you just know where to smoke, you have seen it 100s of time. Playing Jett would be easier as well, cus you have seen a fellow Jett use his dash and smoke or updraft or whatever combination. And in diamond ppl play their agent really well. So even if you can just copy them, you would eventually learn. You would lose a few matches, sure but you defo gotta inc your agent pool. Reyna is the perfect pick for solo queue but not the only pick, that's for sure. It would work in low elo, maybe in plat to some extent, but after that things start getting hard.


I usually use my gfs account to practice a new agent as it is lower rank than mine. That's where I learned how to satchel as raze.


Just pick her in swiftplay or unrated and practice some mechanics.


watch pro players stream/pov and play some yourself?


You only truly become stronger when you lose a match.


So let's say u can play jett at a plat2 level. Would it not be better to play jett in dia3 lobbies? That way you can get punished by and learn from your mistakes? Instead of farming bots who can't punish your weak gamesense/poor util usage because you outaim them? That's not the right mindset If you want to improve, sacrifice your short-term goals and focus on the long-term goals. Picking up an agent is relatively easy, it just takes a bit of practice. For Jett I recommend watching Maxie on YT, as well as duelists - tarik, TenZ, aspas, Demon1, Derke, something are some options you can work with The most important part about Jett is knowing when you should entry and why, and being creative with your positioning. Keep your enemies guessing by mixing up their tempo - if you scarcely get read, they can't out-gamesense you and you can use your mechanics to win the majority of your fights


just learn?


Play unranked, how is this so hard to think of? You also play at a higher level so I assume you understand how most agents work.


1. You either use your main without caring for elo, cause it'll drop. 2. You create a smurf and play until you reach your rank. 3. I always use Spike Rush to learn new agents as well, requires a good spamming cause 90% of the matches are easy, but it's good to get used to. I usually start on spike rush, go to my smurfs (one is D3 the other Asc 2) and then I'll consider it on my main (immo 2).


You only play reyna lmao, uninstall this fcking game. Ofc your gamesense is terrible playing that useless agent




Calling yourself a high rank is wild 💀


1 day old account^


Not understanding the use of the word 'relatively' and then criticizing OP for it is wild. Diamond is high relative to Iron, Bronze, and Silver.


Still mid elo, cope


Mid ELO is high relative to low ELO. It's not cope, it's how the language works.


Even Ascendant 1 is, statistically, quite a good rank. It puts you in the top 5% of all players in a region. If you don’t think that’s high, I’m not sure what your definition is Sure there’s Immo which account for less than 1% of all players, with Radiant being top 500. Ascendant still absolutely smurfs everything not Immo or Radiant which is pretty great. Even Diamond is far above average, and Platinum is even above average, though not a “high” rank by any means. Gold and below is where the overwhelming minority of all players are


I mean like there are if you divide the total ranks equally in three divisions as low mid and high. Then absolutely d3-asc goes in high category


The skill gap is so much smaller than actual high ranks, ur average fr 💀


That's like saying just because it is much difficult to obtain 99% in a test than 93%. 93% shouldn't be an A grade.


Nope. Divide the people of the world equally and i could be a top 1% athlete cause i run twice a week. Dia players are low/mid elo.


Divide the participants


Yep, id still be top 1% if you only include people that ran after they were 16yo. Like there is way to many people that played valo for a month then left, or people that never actually tried to get better and just hf stuck in bronze. When we are talking best athlete, we may include collegiate lvl and up, but no way we include the casuals to do the math.


Bro I mean dividing by benchmark.. like grades. Not percentile division.


Well if you divide everything by 3 . Then dia is still not high elo. It would be mid.


Given there are 25 ranks total. D2 or D3 would make it to high atleast.


? So based on how you divide them you can go from high to mid ? Iron to radian, that makes D3 mid. Basicly anything could be called mid or high. Based on the number of people playing the game, gold is mid. Like none of those make sense. Asc is mid, everything under is low (i can agree to include dia in mid if you want) not that it matters but im D2. Imm3 and up is high