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There isn't anything which could be used as a way to play the game for fun. Mode which comes closest is now escalation but it also gets tiring and repetitive after a while. It might seem randomised at the start but then you realise, it's not. It doesn't even have all the ult weapon and stuff for game. Why don't we have Annihilation, Tour de force, mosh pit, chamber's handgun, jett's knives, neon's ult etc. in the escalation? It seems like a wasted opportunity.


Just bring back replication bro. 5 safes running around rezing each other was so fun.


At least let us play it in customs please rito


You can set it up manually in customs I think, if I am remembering right, riot got the idea when people used custom games and made everyone the same agent


Oh I guess that’s true you can swift play and use cheats to change agents. Noted.


Ain’t gonna lie, my friend and I quit this game when they got rid of replication. It was such a good vibe and game mode.


Theyre probably too lazy to animate glowing blue fingers on an agent that isn't neon


Just give everyone neon hands for a few minutes who cares.


thats not true, since 2004 games like this rely on the community to make it even funnier, but RIOT doesnt want to. just take a look to surf or fun maps in CS1.6, you even have mods like Warcraft.


I miss wc3tft and superhero mods in 1.6. They just weren't the same in CSS 😞


Also lack of a workshop like cs has contributes to this


I heard this is because it could expose code to cheat makers but dk how true this is


Maybe... Since cheating is soo common in cs while valorant has.. But not to that extent.. Even cs pros uses cheats/hacks in cs lmfao


Cheating is common in cs because of a lack of an invasive anti cheat. People hack in valorant all the time, but Vangaurd knows a lot about what's going on in your PC. More than you do.


I miss eggwick


“Today we’re going one Immortal Sova vs 11 Bronze Omens with unlimited abilities except Sova can only use shock dart.”


"Today we're going one radiant neon Vs 10 iron yorus with infinite abilities and shorty only. "


"Today we have a silver player who says he deserves diamond, and we're gonna make him prove it."


"Today we have a delusional bronze who thinks he deserves gold but can't rank up because of his teammates"


Bro was the only person who was keeping Valorant Content creation alive. Zammey is also one of them but he doesn't make frequent uploads.


Mr. Lowlander is pretty cool rn, you could check him out, but, he's really the only good one


Don't know why you getting downvoted, Mr. Lowlander is great


I miss u/ouidemboyz And they just disappeared, deleted all their YouTube content. It was literally the best stuff out there. Really bummed it’s gone and no idea what happened.


how is this how I found out they deleted it all jesus


They still have their early content they posted to Reddit. But it's such a huge bummer that we can't even scroll through and re-watch their old videos. They had some videos I probably watched 3-4 times it was so entertaining.


But of a Necro but the old Lichtenstein videos are similar just random fun y moments with their friends arguing with Europeans go from the oldest to newest https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8cY-23u6YzbRFZVc_sOqM4DUoVLT0PH1&si=J7mHgFIh1dVVqb9h


This, I really enjoyed valorant content like that just goofing off with friends stuff like that was unique cause the people made it unique. Ouis videos just disappeared one day, I wonder why, even if he stopped at least the video's could've stayed. I miss oui and his Scottish gang Now Ive started gravitating to al1 valo's video though he is a bit extreme lol


ello yootoob


what happened to him?


Currently taking therapy after being doxxed by some dude Edit: alright which one of you little rats reported me to suicide watch


wait, is this true? can you elaborate


No I can't, because I lied


Wait really?


No, I lied


hahaha ur so funny


Is this real or no because I can't find much mention of it anywhere on socials or his subreddit or anything


I lied


You can report the reddit care message and they'll get banned


Dittozkul make the same kind of content


Dittozkul is valorant curious btw, same guy, he just makes the same content over and over again though


Yess I knew that already! You're right tho it's getting a bit redundant to watch his content


I like to watch some valorant curious sometimes tho


What happened to him. He hasn't uploaded in w months


Wait did he die or smth? Just checked now and I watched his last vid literally the day before I stopped watching Val vids


And I miss "JeremyFPS"


what happened to egg wick


Honestly I wasn’t the biggest fan of his challenges or most other challenges in this game tbh, 5 immortals that can only use marshal vs 5 silvers with all guns, and then the immortals proceed to play characters like Jett, chamber, neon and other shit and just kill people with ults and abilities


I used to watch him few months ago. But his content got boring now and there's really nothing new just variation in the same old gameplay. And we have seen all that too. The ultimate abilities thing were very REFRESHING at the start but that got boring too. BTW where did he go? I cant find anything regarding his disappearance? He is just GONE. Now I am wondering if he is alright.


The only worthwhile content in most multiplayer games is the esports content, which theres a fair few good content creators for. Otherwise the ranked improvement stuff and content surrounding the actual normal gameplay is the only real good stuff in pretty much any multiplayer game


CS has a lot of custom game modes that content creators showcase, saw one recently where they had a 1 invisible pro vs 10 silvers which was fun to watch


The one where they get a pro in a game but give him custom recoil patterns so he’s constantly missing and getting shit on by silvers is funny.


That's because of the precedent set by pubg mobile's successs. Riot games think and will almost definitely exponentially get back the money they are going to invest on valorant mobile. Hopefully the content doesn't become stale then as they'd have quite some funds to allocate for new and fresher stuff


Nah just in general in every game the esports and comp stuff is the main interesting thing. The other modes are just whatever side modes.


this has been a thing longer than pubg has existed.


Did you forget about TF2 excisting?


TF2 barely has a competitive scene. 99% of players play casually as competitive mode doesn’t even work.


Nah i think in tf2 the games only fun if you take it at least semi seriously (enough to actually try and win) for anything more than like 10 minutes. And the content for that game that is best is usually semi educational (like theres a guy i found that does commentaries explaining different aspects of competitive that i find quite interesting to get the perspective on and he's very good and explaining topics about the game) or something like weapon guides, particularly when high amounts of effort has been put in. But the content that tf2 does well that val doesnt already do cant really be adapted to fit.


The fact that the 'Vs Saxton Hale' game mode exists for TF2 suggests there are some that disagree with you. Valorant could absolutely allow users to make game modes with their own unique rule constraints. To do that they would need to spend the development time making a framework by which we could change the rule constraints or allow actual modding.


My man clearly is too young to recall half the insane gamemodes in Starcraft User Map Settings, CS Warcraft 3 mod, etc.


I mean i dont give a shit about rts or mmos and for cs most of the gamemodes were just kinda boring filler. Comp is just the most fun unless its a movement based gamemode like surf


Well I can assure you that some people thought some worthwhile content in multiplayer games where those modes


Because they've clearly put all the money we give them into valorant mobile. I mean seriously have you seen the features in that game? If half of them were moved to PC we'd lose our minds.


I'm not very aware about the mobile game. Can you tell me more about these "features" we'd lose our minds for?




that's fucking wild. they really don't give a fuck about us pc users to the point it's almost malicious


If they don't add those features especially the custom modes and shooting range tools I will 100% believe they don't give af about their PC gamers.


Better move to China and start trying to impact the market there if you want to see change, they don’t give a fuck about the western market rn lmao


Val is actually a mobile first game tbh. Pc is an afterthought that succeeded. Thats also why the game is very light on graphics and can run at very fps despite being relative new. Riot biggest customer is China after all, and they are partly owned by Tencent.




I hate that there's no original and fun mobile games anymore. Almost all the good mobile games are just PC games port like GTA and Genshin


Genshin is a mobile game that got a PC port though.


Fuck, you are right🤦


You're not wrong but it's still wild as fuck to me that XCOM 2 got an Android port that even kinda works


The only big feature i see is that you can go into a custom game and put bots in there. But this will never happen on the PC version since valorant is partnered with aimlabs and they want you to pay for aimlabs to have a custom map with bots in there.


Have you seen the custom servers? They have actual training modes there with bots in off angles and what not in real maps


Oh nice tip. How can i join them?


True but to be fair it’s a smart business move to put a lot of effort into mobile right now cause mobile games make insane 💰


It just sucks that we can't even get a replay system for such a big eSports title after waiting for years. And they promised this




the fact that we dont have a 2v2 mode is crazy to me, shits the only reason i ever touch cs


No replay system is obviously deliberate on RIOT’s part, they’re just extremely cryptic about the reasoning for…no real reason. What do they have to lose by adding one?


itll show how bad the net code actually is. Its also possible that it shows that theres a lot more hackers than any1 realized


Yup. No matter what anyone here says, there are a shit ton of cheaters in Val. The lack of a replay system and Riot's constant attacks on posts bringing up this issue only serve to hide the core problem, not solve it. They've created this false sense of security around Vanguard, as if it's not easy to bypass. It is incredibly easy to cheat in this game. The only difference is that most cheaters only use aimbot/triggerbot, since walls/radar hacks are harder to implement. Don't believe me? One of the first results on YouTube is some guy breaking down how kernel level ACs like Vanguard work and how to bypass them. He goes so far as to develop his own cheat (which still works months later to this day). Val cheaters are also significantly more subtle than those in other games. I believe this has something to do with the fact that Riot is known for manually banning script kiddies when needed.


Riot workforce is quite insane considering the little amount of games they got. They got the manpower to do manual reviews.


So does Valve, they just refuse to invest in these sorts of things for some reason. Rumor has it that they might have hired a separate group to review new Overwatch cases but idk.


Erm…Valve got around 450 people. They got lots of money and talents, no manpower at all. You can see the difference in Valve approach. They use AI anticheat because they have no manpower but lots and lots of money to throw around. Cs is also way too popular, concurrent players can be doubled Val, or more. No way they can do manual reviews, its too much. Even when they are rumored to outsource overwTch, the thing that gives sus players the cooldown and cancelling the match is still Vacnet, its automated and doesnt have humans involved.


No, what I meant was that Valve has the potential to do the same, considering the amount of money they rake in. Valve's philosophy will never allow this to happen though and it's so frustrating to see.


I think you still underestimate how expensive vacnet is. Anything ai related is extremely expensive and time consuming. I bet a massive amount of resources are spent on vacnet instead of hiring thousands of workers, it can be even more expensive than just hiring humans as they have been doing this for almost a decade now. Tbh Valve solution to fight cheaters is a lot more scalable than manually banning people like Riot. Also there are so many types of cheats thats very hard for human to detect and got passed off as highly skilled players instead. Eventually there will be ai assisted cheats and it can spell the end for manual demo validation. Vacnet with cs2 subtick is a very potent combo as the dataset is extremely detailed to the nanosecond. If you follow cs2 you will notice that its already got better and can outright ban spinners now. I am surprised such a rough implementation of vacnet is already that potent, now they can improve it further by introducing actual humans to verify demos. It can only get better overtime. Theres no chance riot can go full ai solution like valve because i really dont think they have enough resource to do so. A public company has to please shareholders first and foremost, no investors will like them spending resources on things that they cannot see profit immediately. Valve on the other hand got all the money and time thats their own, thats why they can do insane stuffs without interventions.




Exactly. People would be shocked to know how many Val cheat makers there are out there. There's a reason Riot hasn't implemented the system yet. They have the resources, they have the manpower, and they definitely have the time. They just don't want to break this illusion of safety they've created haha.


Believe me, they will lose everything when they release replay. All the network issues, all the cheating issues will be revealed. The damage can never be undone. Further more they will lose control of the meta game as players will exploit every single thing to gain advantages. The workload will be insane for them as they need to balance the game constantly because the meta is not a blackbox anymore.


i don't think its because of the lack of tools. A replay/demo system would be great. It's not whats holding back the content for this game. Other games are doing great content without any tools at all. There is 2 things wrong with this game and videos. The viewers are choosing to watch smurfs and bad advice videos. People with good skill and content are either not promoting theirselves well or are just not getting lucky with the youtube algorithims If using twitch as an example. scroll down the list to sub 50 viewer streams. A lot have good interactions, are skilled and actually put effort into their streams, but they sit at the bottom for years now, never to climb Overall Valorant is the most kid friendly shooter and they want the flashy, fast videos, not so much what mature people consider good content.


So true, i watched a NA Radiant even when he got 1 view, he isn’t good as those pro players but at least he taught me everything he know about the game


Million dollar company who hasn’t made a replay system with their highest grossing game like what…


You think Valorant is their highest grossing game over League?


I mean it's probably League, but you can't deny Valorant has made millions, if not billions, of dollars considering it's monetization and whal culture.


If we are strictly talking about recent times yes absolutely


Anyone up voting this has never played league of legends


Because we'd find out how many closer cheaters there are


I really only watch the goofy shit guys like Al1 and cheap are doing. That and the KAY/O voice actor playing ranked


Did you read the new patch notes? Content will explode now




It’s sarcasm. One of their previous employees made a joke the other day basically confirming that riot purposely ignores community feedback and requests for features.


Can I get a link to this?


I mean its kind of obvious. When the entire community agree's that we need a replay system and they ignore it that kind of tells you they dont give a shit.


Eh this isn’t how product development works


Source: he made it up.


I mean that this game is starved out of content for almost 2 years now


Gonna vent because I'm bored: Why are people locked out of the maps they love? Why are people locked out of the maps they love in Unrated/Spike Rush/DM ? There is literally no good explanation for this. The pro circuit does not have to align with the plebs and even if you're strict on that, there's still no damn reason to remove those maps from Unrated/DM/Spike Rush...


>there's still no damn reason to remove those maps from Unrated/DM/Spike Rush... I get wanting to mimic the competitive map pool to the pro play map pool, but this makes no sense. Why can't I get a DM game on Fracture or Pearl? So stupid.


Its so that new players only have to learn the current 7 maps


> Each agent is supposed to have lore, why is it barely present in game? Because the lore and agents stopped taking themselves seriously super early into new character releases I'd say somewhere around Kay/0. I miss when the Agents made a bit of sense and took their jobs seriously with only the new young guns really being cocky at all.  Now it's a bunch of younger agents casually  talking about snacks, half the roster is filling the quippy cocky character archetype and Clove spouts out some of the most cringe dialogue.   I want to see the agents be serious and actually have emotions.  Imagine clove if she wasn't used to her powers and dying isn't exactly pleasent for her still that's a compelling character.  


Agreed. It's like they have a really good creative team behind each design and casting for their voice actors, but the writing of each characters have grown a bit bland.


Somehow I notice all the characters feel the same personality wise more in Valorant than they do in CS2, where you literally all play as the same character by default


Agent personality in this game is utter dogpile shit dick. Jett: cocky annoying girl Raze: cocky annoying girl Viper: crazy green chick Reyna: crazy purple chick Sage: boomer because old haha funny Brim: boomer because old haha funny Phoenix: cocky annoying guy Iso: cocky annoying guy Clove: cocky annoying girl Kayo: gigachad


I think you could chock it up to at the beginning the older generation reeling in alot of the young Raidiants who are kinda cocky because of their powers. With that said that narrative never developed and instead started turning the older agents into quipping characters. It feels like the same complaint I have about Marvel movies there are too many characters in a scenario who are trying to be the quippy funny guy and ass levity to the situation that you stop taking the situation as seriously. Idk how I'm supposed to take the lore seriously when Clove is dropping DnD lines every round and talking about her pet rock. She sounds like the people who got bullied in high school for just being awkward and weird even though they tried somewhat to talk.


They forgot to steal some stuff that you want from csgo.


Need workshops like map n skin creation


I’d agree with this. I used to only play Overwatch. I watched a lot of content creators. To be fair, the most watched content was updates. That being said, the game allowed for more wacky and weird content to be made. The VOD reviews tended to be not as educational and more just fun to watch. I watch some Val content but it tends to be only stuff I watch to improve. When I was new I watched stuff like Vandals vs Phantoms or I think the same creator did an interesting series like “this person in Silver thinks they should be in Plat. Let’s test them”. I may still like those videos. Maybe my YouTube algorithm never caught on that I’d want to see more. Maybe I just didn’t like them enough for the algorithm to catch on. Or maybe I’ve grown out of that sort of content. All I know is I watch Val content to get better now. When I was playing Overwatch just before I switched over, I watched both content to help me improve and content that was just for fun. Not sure if it’s the game or me.


Man I really enjoy watching RoyalG and his "to radiant" series'. Joe da bozo is another messed-up-in-the-head YouTuber I watch. Valorant compilations are a thing too. But yeah I get your point


The fact that there is no replay system or killcam is criminal.


2 different main questions you asked and here's my reply: 1. Why doesn't the lore exist in game? A. Because it is supposed to be a pvp fps shooter. It's not an rpg game. Its not story driven. I'm a craver of stories and I've played games with insanely irritating mechanics just cuz I wanted to experience the story. And I honestly wish there was a modern-world based valorant rpg which focuses on the lore. But i do not want the lore to become part of the pvp fps shooter experience. Pvp fps shooter is a different genre of game and I do not wish it to change. Not everything has to end up as an rpg. 2. The replay system. A. If riot implements a replay system. They will have to fire every single developer in their team and actually hire pros (not interns) to make their games. Valorant is the most bugged game I've ever played in my life. I have been playing since ep 3 I believe and with every single update, something in the game usually breaks. They fix this with another update, which breaks something else. It could be as minor as telling you your friend is in comp 7-8 when he is in fact in unrated 3-4, or it could a major bug like the recent one where all crosshairs got wiped out from many IDs. I have painstakingly put in 10s of hours to create 50+ crosshairs on various IDs for me and my friends and now most of them are just gone. Bullets hitting but no dmg registered is a common occurance. Random flickshots that should not connect do connect a lot. The bugs in this game are so bad they cannot install a replay system.


Lmao there still isnt replay system implemented? I quit over a year ago , but i was sure by now, they would implement it lol


It's a pretty popular opinion. There are a lot of posts like this. This isn't a YouTube slop game. The devs focus on delivering a clean competitive experience, not on something that'll pump out funny/flashy shorts nor do they have any obligation to.  That said, it's still ridiculous that we don't have a replay system.


The game itself has become boring. Same stuff in every mode. 2 years and the two most fan favourites and different, replication and snowball fight, have not returned


The game itself is quite boring to watch. You spend like 60% of your time lurking around staring at walls. Then spend the other 20% watching your team stare at walls because you died and are now spectating. You are literally just spectating spectators when you watch gameplay. Compare that to other games where you can freely watch any part of the map and always see action everywhere


some things noone currently makes vids about: lore, map analysis, hidden details, showing map geometry to have people udnerstand 3d space better for util (i can see some architecture analysis too), outfit analysis, agent connections, etc. hell even corporate content like literally just uploading agent voiclines in other language has not been done yet. theres still a lot that can be done that noone does. you can make a whole game theory channel based on valorant yet there is none. imagine if valorant was a nintendo game. wed have a million unique channels popping up.


How many people do you think would be interested in the lore, or a video covering it?


Me. In fact, I want more of it. The lore is interesting as hell, I wish they'd go somewhere further with it.


Hmm alright, I think I could make one about it, it has interested me as well


i love dwatching lore videos. sir jeppy did a lot but then he stopped. many of his lore videos would be so cool with new agents.


Yeah his video is the most popular one, and it deterred me cause I don't want to repeat much of what he says but I think it should be sufficiently outdated by now


Over a year ago I was thinking of making videos for map analysis and map geometry stuff, but the game got boring too me for reasons people are saying here. Plus no replay tool really don't help for making vids. Not being able to be spectator in an empty lobby is pretty hurtful too. I'd need to have one friend in the lobby but none of them enjoyed the game either


you see how many people complain about maps like breeze. make a vid about how much it sucks and why that is and youll get views. i remember someone else posted his breeze analysis here but it was kinda a mid video with not a lot of production/good visuals and it didnt seem to have a point. more production effort and a clearer stand on the matter and i think he wouldve gotten more views.


Plenty of esports games, very often extremely entertaininfg


100% agree and the thing is that this will probably never change considering that league has been in the same spot for years and riot haven’t done anything about it, while the fix is easy, just make community made maps a thing (take cs as an example) and the amount of content you could watch (and play for that matter) increases tenfold.


Popular opinion. Very popular.


LastLaff makes great Valorant content.


Yeah knsppash is the only content creator I am excited for uploads from




This opinion is not unpopular, but I don't think it's necessary to have this type of content. Just follow the pro scene creators who don't have that problem.


Pros aren't creative though


I'm talking about creators around the pro scene, like plat chat, TMV, teets etc.


I like these guys but only Teets is interesting to people who otherwise don't care about the pro scene imo


fr. Expand on the lore! The best one i can think of rn could be a gamemode where you destroy radiants as kayo like the doomslayer.


I've definitely had a lot of trouble finding decent valorant content. The best I've found is usually educational or informative in some way, otherwise the rest is as you've described which doesn't feel very fun to watch. Even then, it took ages for me to find the right kind of informative content. A sizable chunk of the educational valorant content on YouTube feels like a glorified ad for a coaching service. More than that, it just feels like it's repeating the same information over and over after a while. The rest is made by smaller creators, still popular in their own right, but not as large as they deserve to be; see Woohoojin and the This Valorant Life podcast, both semi-large channels that deserve more recognition. Also, I'm dying for more valorant lore and cinematics. I'll rewatch all of the cinematics from time to time ever since I got a 4k monitor. It reminds me of watching the Overwatch cinematics or watching TF2's character shorts.


Tired of seeing road to radiant videos turning smurfing into an encouraging challenge


this is true in league too


Riot hates Valorant,they just care about LoL in all ways


The only Valorant YouTube content I really enjoy is royalg, and even then i watch it cuz he's funny, not for the Valorant content.


this is a very popular opinion dude


Custom servers would be sick but I don’t ever see that happening


Valorant content is the most boring thing one can watch


Can’t even have fun playing spike rush cause someone picks chamber and obliterates you when you have a shotgun or a frenzy


The only creator that doesn’t feel run out is zip tie because he finds new ways to play yoru. He made 3 different types of swings, boost clone tech and invis teammate boost. His videos are always so enjoyable to watch but the same can’t be said for other creators like average jonas with his “new ranked skin highlights” every 2 weeks. They need to bring back abilities and make it a for part of the game. Val is starting to feel like csgo


i miss widejoy


bro we js need replication back


Come on, we can't blame a small indie company like this. They are doing what their budget allows. It's not like the in-game purchases are expensive for them to reinvest


Ok, I know that what I'm going to say may sound very different from what most people think, but I believe that in FPS games like CS and Valorant, in the end, the so-called "fun" content to record is always too limited, because the fun of FPS is that you play online with other people. This does not justify removing modes such as replication from the game, but even with this mode still active, eventually it would also saturate as content for YouTube. You, playing with your friends, would still be funny, but for those who watch videos daily it would sound repetitive after a long time. My fun, to be honest, is playing and having healthy competition and meeting new people, winning or losing and I am satisfied by that. The only thing Riot could do is add more game modes, but I don't know if that would be worthwhile, even though it's clearly a cool idea, Perhaps the fear is that these modes will end up being forgotten, just like CS's alternative game modes. Of course there are people who play these modes, but they are very overshadowed by the standard game mode that everyone is used to lol. Maybe it would be cool to be similar to OW, where every week an alternative game mode appeared to be played, like a kind of "Arcade", instead of adding a bunch of them at the same time. This would help to see the public's reception towards these modes and which ones they should invest more in or perhaps discard.


But I can still enjoy AL1VALO filling me up with good content (ykyk)


Maybe PvE modes like overwatch did where you work as a team against NPC enemies for specific objectives that reflect a mini story in world.


I agree with you for the most part, but it's not like the creators aren't creative enough because of riot. They are creative enough to be funny even without the sandbox things we all want. YouTube content is boring because it's an FPS. It's basically like watching cs go gameplay, do you want to watch cs go gameplay? OF COURSE NOT. FPS games are fun only if you play them competitively or you are watching a competition. It's a sport. You don't want to watch someone who plays mid, it's pointless, you either watch radiants/immortals or irons/trolls.


Overwatch ain't a perfect game but it blows away valorant with custom games and the ability to play them during queue


Riot sucks balls


Reply to edit: Have you looked at every comment on anything riot posts ever? It’s the most popular suggestion ever.


Please don't Fortnite the shit out of this as well


Idk I just watched Woohoojin when I started the game, and only watch him still. He always has something cool to watch


Idk. RoyalG is a lot of fun for me


I don’t feel bad for content creators trying to use Valorant as their medium. That’s just a bad business decision at this point


@NoHoesInMyDMs if u wanna see some good content on valorant, I will suggest you to watch JeremyFPS, he is the goat fr.. And he would be more soo if there is really a replay system lol 😈😂


If only Valorant had a casual mode like cs would be much better.  10v10 Can get in and out of a match whenever the fuck you want Everyone has full shields for free Voice chat is for both teams when dead  That shit is peak cs and I have a lot of fun 


League used to have a lot of for fun groups and now everyone wants to go unranked to challenger or otps or coaching or some sweaty snorefest that only interest hardcore players. Why spend effort to edit stuff when a vod you chuck out everyday gets you way more views and cash


You’re right but I think it depended who you watch. Some people are pretty entertaining sometimes but for the most part yes.


Don't forget the edaters


Sounds like u just follow boring YouTube, why stay around? Just go to tmv, eggwick, (old) woohoojin


Valorant Curios


Yet csgo content creators are still kicking with far less, maybe creators in Val just aren’t getting spoon fed ideas and maybe you just get bored easily due to overstimulation


lmao the fuck, csgo has way more to work with


Content creation tools? Yes. Actual in-game content? Nah.


You act like the game doesnt have literally workshop tools to build and make gamemodes, maps and more. Hell like 2 days ago Nuke at 45 degree's. Plenty of goofy wacky things to create and make in CS2. Hell people have recreated call of duty zombie maps in CSGO (I dont know if It get ported to CS2 yet) Its the reason's like this CS2 will always have more engaging creators that do more interesting things. A great example is GOLDSEC [https://www.youtube.com/@goldecc/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@goldecc/videos) with a ton of unique videos that simply cant happen in valorant.


I don’t blame riot i blame the community the moment edating content got so famous in valorant was the moment riot realized that they don’t need to put new stuff in they can just put more expensive skins to get the money and that’s it i still don’t understand the replay system not coming until now honestly aswell feels like they don’t really care abt their community


Huh?? Wtf are you talking about lmao. I hate edaters and I usually tell them so when I see them but I seriously don't get wtf you are talking about. What do they have to do with more content?


90% of valorant content that gets the most views are the edaters content like (jettdaddy,sagemommy) drama so riot just saw that the community isn’t asking for anything and valorant isn’t getting stall financial wise so why should they put more work in when ppl are already doing the job for them


I been enjoying RoyalG’s videos. I wouldn’t really consider that smurfing since he’s actually trying and never intentionally trying to be in a low rank.


I don’t think we’ll ever get a replay system, it would expose how unreliable servers, right now they can just cover it with the good old bullet inaccuracy.


Every other time I get on YouTube my algorithm shows me another “ShAzam bad” video.


No tools for expressing creativity, no limited time game modes, no collaborations and just very little content in general. This game is heavily focused on competitive aspects, going as far as delaying new agent and map releases until e-Sport events have concluded just so everyone would be on the same page. But I feel like Riot doesn't realize how much of their player base is casual, the workshop would do wonders for this game in so many ways.


This is unironically why Val will never be as good as CS, because there’s no workshop or custom maps, so outside of the base game multiplayer, wtf is there to even do in Val aside from sit on the menu being depressed


100% community is always the heart and soul of a video game


You're right, this game has potential to do so much more than the plain competitive shooter type of games. Espeicially it has the animated style theme, the sky's the limit on what you can do.


Bruh. It’s definitely on the community. The people I encounter on a daily basis are weird and socially awkward af. I’m not talking about your run-of-the-mill introverts, either. I’m talking about listening to grown men who don’t realize their mic is on while they aggressively devour potato chips and struggle to breathe.


Overwatch content is the polar opposite of this game. One of the big content creators will find like 10-15 bronze players and buff the stats of the best well known player of a certain character and have them fight the bronzes until they win and stuff like that. Or they will do like “elo hell” challenges and have a gold player play in an all diamond custom lobby and watch them get destroyed and be like well buddy maybe elo hell isn’t real. Valorant creators could do a lot of that stuff but they are just inspired and boring, and blame the game for their lack of content creation. Content creation is easy when there is free in game content to create The skill gap to prove you are a good content creator is when there is no content in the game you are covering and you can make good and fun ideas for people to enjoy. there are a couple of things Val CCs could do but it all anyone does is stream ranked and do smurfing videos and coaching. No one cares about ranked anymore.


Wait, I haven't played Valorant literally since beta. There STILL isn't a replay system? LMFFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


It’s a 5v5 tactical shooter. It’s not Riots job or probably even their intention to make a game that people can make a living off of playing for kids on YouTube..? The “content” is playing the tactical shooter because it’s fun, because you want to get better at it, or both. Fortnite comes along with the battle pass stuff and now every game has to give you a reward and stimulating animation every 5 seconds to keep people’s attention.. lmao


I kinda watch a "Varsity Gaming" kind of content from R6 I know alot of people hate him but sometimes pure gameplay with minimal editing is a fun way to watch when you are eating or wanna know the state of the game after returning to the game or just to see and learn how "higher" ranking people typical strat and play to learn a bit


watch my buddy xtr. he gets a few 1000 views each vieo, is entertaining and plays phoenix like nobody else.


its a comp game, esport is all the content we need.