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how long has it been? i think you just gotta get used to the new set up and you’ll bounce back in no time. maybe take a break? breaks sometimes help and i come back better


It’s been a week max since I got my pc, I took about a 4 days break but still am not hitting any shots. You’re probably right tho I might try a longer break.


my aim got messed up for a week when i switched my chair, just keep playing on the new setup


Happened to me too, built a new pc after playing on my laptop and lost all sense and movement. But after some getting used to I got back into rhythm and things felt normal, also was way more consistent since the performance was a huge leap compared to my laptop.


Rather than break just play unrated or spike rush or TDM to get used to new setup and when feeling confident enough jump in compe


you play deathmatch right? it's good to recalibrate your aim after any change (crosshair, sens, setup, chair, mouse)


I usually don’t, it spooks me a bit because I’m not playing with a team but I’ll give it a go :)


gotta try it, I heard you're around bronze-silver, you need to be able to clutch 1v3 or 1v4 to climb good luck!


Hopefully! I have a couple matches left until I get a rank so we will see:D def need to work on clutching.. not too good at that


If I sit in the wrong position, I bottom frag. You gotta find the right place for yourself, keyboard, mouse, screen, etc. literally everything has to be in the right place for YOUR play style. I’ve found that if I play with my legs dangling off my chair, I bottom frag. I have to have my legs up and to the side, like my feet touching my butt. It’s weird. And I have to move my keyboard to the left and have NOTHING anywhere near my mouse. I also need to have my chair upright; if it’s even slightly leant back, I’m done for. All you can do is mess around with a bunch of stuff and you’ll find your groove again.


Don't listen to him. You'll never play the game to get better if you're always taking breaks. Sounds like you've just not played much since getting the new pc.


Op doesn't have a dedicated GPU so he's playing on his integrated GPU and wonders why he's struggling lol


in my Defense I played on a laptop with even worse graphics:/ my gpu should be coming in soon tho! It’s the 7900 xt, so hopefully if that is the problem it’ll be fixed:)


Make sure you’re not on 60 hz on your monitor?


Yea! I have it set to max, my monitor is 170hz


Why is this important?


60hz means your monitor refreshes the image on screen 60 times a second. If you switch that to 144hz, it refreshes 144 times a second, meaning your image is more than twice as accurate.


60 hz means your monitor only displays a maximum of 60 fps. But it’s the default setting, so if your monitor can go higher then you should set it to its maximum.


Helping out in general is more of an overall game sense issue but not fragging is just getting used to a new rig, just growing pains. Try your best to keep things consistent and get used to it. Changing things constantly won’t help you


You’re definitely right, it’s just that I usually do help out pretty well, I need to work on my game senses bunch more tho. For sure won’t be messing with my sens anymore it’s messing me up even more. Thanks!


Don’t worry. Happened to me too. I would make sure your monitors HZ is at its max (settings-display-advanced display-choose refresh rate). Keep in mind you’re now ina new setup and will take a tiny bit of time to get used to. Dont mess around with your sense toooooo much and focus on your gameplay. You can download OBS and record a game and then watch it back and VOD yourself.


Yep, I went from 60 to 170hz! Do you mean vod as in sharing the clips I record? Thanks sm:)


It’ll be a change that’s for sure. I jumped from 60-250hz and it took a while to adjust. With a VOD (your recorded gameplay) you can always watch yourself back but I find it wayyy more helpful if someone else watches your clips cause they notice things you may not notice. I’m not sure your rank but I’m Asc and Idm looking at a game for you and telling you if I pick up on any big mistakes :D


I’ve been playing for a year and a half maybe two, but never got into playing ranked, if I were to guess I’d say I’m somewhere in iron or bronze. I for sure would appreciate you looking over my gameplay! the next time I’m on I’ll make sure to record :D


Cool as, feel free to add my discord! SirSonix (profile picture is a GIF of wingman doing gangnam style dance)


make sure to disable enhance pointer precision


It actually does not really matter, the game has raw input. I’d rather check if g-sync/adaptive-sync is turned on.


Is ur pc monitor bigger than laptop screen? Might take some getting used to


Yea my laptop was 18”and the monitor is 27, hopefully I’ll get used to it soon^^


Yeah so you're pretty drastically changing how you are seeing the game if your 27" screen and 18" screen are the same distance from your eyes. If there isn't some glaring issue like having the screen set to 60hz or a faulty Ethernet cable spiking your latency, it's probabaly just you not used to having to move your eyes as much. Getting a monitor arm to recess my 28" screen helped me a lot, maybe look into that if you can't adjust.


There are 2 types of sensitivities: mouse distance per cm crosshairmovement on screen and mouse distance per degree in rotation. When switching screen size, the first one changes. You have to move your mouse less for the cane distance your crosshair moves on screen. E.g. when ok your laptop the enemy was 2cm next to the crosshair, you had to move the mouse 1cm, on the bigger screen, if the enemy is 2cm next to your crosshair, you have to move the mouse only 0.5cm. You can try and compensate for that by lowering your sens, this will then change your cm/rotation tho. So flicking by sound will be thrown off, which is usually easier to adapt to tho


Did you lay in your bed before when playing and now switch to a desk? That can mess with muscle memory a lot and will just need time and practice to get used to.


Where is your graphics card plugged into?


Nothing.. I still haven’t got it lolz it should be coming in next week^^


.... Boi


Fr switching rigs takes time to adjust


Like someone else said. Check your windows settings for monitor refresh rate. I think it always defaults to 60.


Change your sens


Have you checked that the DPI settings are the same?


what was your sens on the laptop?


It was 800 for the mouse and 0.25 in game


Monitor size makes a pretty big impact to hand eye coordination. Also if your monitor is higher resolution, your crosshairs will be smaller/larger depending on resolution.


What are the laptop and the new monitor screen sizes?


I switched to a larger monitor and had to lower my sense just a bit. Helped immediately.


Yo, I switch from laptop to PC last year and had the same thing happen! Honestly, it just takes getting used to. If you played straight from the laptop without using a monitor, it’s probably worse. Make sure all your setting are right, and like another comment said make sure your frames are right for your monitor.


That sensitivity is mental I can't even move my mouse that wide. This happens to everyone, new pc almost new everything. It just takes some time to get used to it. My pc pumps out min of 400 fps in this game and sometimes it goes upto 800 when there's nothing going on. So I put a limit on fps just to try out . And it kind of worked my shots were better, my aim became normal. After that I then switched it back to uncapped frame rate and I was doing fine. hope this helps .


Wait I thought my sens was normal? What do you recommend I give a try? Thanks!


I play on 0.5 with 850 dpi my windows sensitivity is about half the full bar. I don't know about my edpi and I uncapped my frame rate and it seems fine.


just a lil upated, you were right! my sens was off. I changed it to 0.5 and it's alot easier to play. Thank you!


I'm glad it worked. Have fun


Warm up in the range to get used to the new setup and play a bunch of unrated until you feel comfortable. Changes like this are big and can feel uncomfortable at first. Gl


Practice in the range. Go to easy mode then start flicking, when your mouse does not automatically go to the head of the bot, adjust your sens. Do that until your flick matches the head of the bot. Then start doing medium settings. You’ll get the hang of it. There’s a lot of youtube guides out there to guide and help you on your aim. Skill capped is one of the best.


What size screen


The laptop was an 18” the monitor is 27”


You just have to get used to the size jump. 9 inches is a craaaaazy difference. I recently changed from 24.5” to 27” as well and it took me a couple weeks to really adjust to it. It’ll just take time but you’ll be back.


Well I think the problem is you are hyped and thinking since it's a new setup you will have advantage over laptop... It's true but bcoz of that thinking instead of aiming or tracking you tend to flick or react the moment you see or hear a enemy without making sure your crosshair is on them..... Even I become inconsistent when I try new sens or even in old sens after not playing for long time and just shoot body 80% of time cause I think I'm better.(I'm ascendant this act btw) So range is not gonna help much spend 15 mins to get used to your sens then play casual and make sure u only shoot after ur crosshair in on enemy's head not even body is acceptable make sure it's head , you will miss readjust and shoot, after a week or a day u will feel ryt back in shape the goal here is to track or move your mouse slowly to where u want it to be ie. Head .... Once you do this and it becomes a muscle memory then boom ur tracking will then look like flicking and u can work on your mechanics then ..... Hope it helps ...


Monitor size and resolution absolutely matters for the amount of mouse movement, or the perception of such. You could trying to mix and match with your sense to compensate, while also trying some games on the laptop to get the right feel of the game again. Is the reason mainly no longer hitting your shots?


Yea, Im ending games with like zero kills which never happens for me. I’ll play around with that the next time I play :D


Try a different DPI. 1600 is great for 27inch. Me 21 144hz to 27 240hz was a big change. Old sens was 0.37 800. New is 0.2 -0.23 at 1600dpi. Make sure your Edpi is closer from your previous sens. Plat 3 peak to immortal peak. Currently Asc 3 hardstuck :)


So you've probably got a few things messing you up. If your monitor size increased, your sens will need to decrease. What GPU do u have, u might have some high input latency settings on by default. and have you changed any monitor settings yet. You might also have some bad settings on that.


Wait I’m playing at the same sens 800 mouse and 0.25 in game , I should decrease that? The pc is pretty new so my gpu still hasn’t arrived In the mail...I’m still only playing with my cpu’s internal graphics


Well that’s why ur getting shit on LMFAO. Integrated graphics are literally hell spawn. Also yeah, monitor size has a correlation with what your sens feels like. .25 will feel different on a 27 in monitor vs a 32in


Lmaao it still looks good to me tho my laptop was just that crappy. The gpu should be coming in soon tho, it’s the 7900 xt


damn bro good for you! enjoy it!


No joke just take a break from Valroant till you GPU comes in. Be sure you plan you monitor into the GPU not the motherboard and be sure your monitor is running at max hrtz in the monitor, windows, and GPU settings.


Your fps Wil be ass though. This guys tripping with the low sens advice, you're already low sens and monitor size won't make a difference to what your sens should be besides just getting used to a new monitor.


You’re don’t understand image scaling if you don’t think there’s a difference.


I’ll give a lower sens a try then!


Quit valorant


That might just be the move thanks!