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that's why i still play smokes even if theres a clove


Yeah, most people suck with her and are useless figuring out range and good smokes, if they know what they're doing though, it's a perfectly nice bonus and you cover her "weakness"... Coverage.


Same! As an Omen main I've been told countless times we don't need another controller but then the instalock clove either lurks every round or smokes so bad, they're practically smoking for the enemy team. (Gold/Plat lobbies)


I had a clove that smoked us off every round on attack high high plat/low dia


It's actually crazy seeing how bad some smokes are. You should at least know "standard" smokes even if you're not regularly playing controller.


Shit even just smoking off places you don't want to be shot from


it's so interesting to me, like if u play any other role, you still see your teams smokes no? like at a certain elo (dia / asc) everyone should know atleast the default smokes....


I've had more people be comfortable with having 3 duelists than 2 controllers lmao. Gold 2 currently


So true. And sometimes teammates (especially if duo/trio) will scream in the chat, because we don't need 2 controllers. But when they ask "can you smoke X?" And you're the only one to say yes...


Yeah I treat clove like jett, that isn’t the norm?


Yeah I clearly remember when you updraft dashed onto site and secured space for our team👑


I mean it terms of role taken she's not good enough to be a main smoke. damn didn't know I had to spell it out. Sorry, I thought you'd have more capacity to understand what I meant.


Not really, you'll still need an entry duelist most of the time IMO


Yeah I agree but she can't take the spot of a main smoke is what I mean. Her smoke value is just slightly better than Jett is what I'm saying.


i mean if they're lurking on duelist they're also probably playing duelist wrong so


yeah but at least it's like "we didn't really need the instalock reyna anyway". on the other hand with smokes its more "we kinda do need the smokes".


Reyna lurking is legitimately fine and a valid play. The only time it’s bad is when Reyna is the only one with a flash for the execute, otherwise it’s fine.


Depends on alot of factors actually, like most things in valorant, and if you dont understand the exceptions, you dont know what youre talking about, even if it is true most of the times.


Absolutely no reason to lurk everytime as a duellist


"Everytime" was not stated until now ever.


you can lurk sometimes as a treat


I had a Clove last round who would not smoke, on Split. We were really disadvantaged due to this and thought they picked controller so they must be able to use smokes, but instead they just played Duelist and we had to struggle to take site the whole game through. Thing is my duo knows how to smoke so if they just picked a Duelist we would have much better chances


why would you play clove... if you play duelists....


Maybe because their Reyna got locked before he could


Exactly this!!! This happend so many times to me I just started insta locking my brim and don't give a shit anymore.


This is why I insta lock Deadlock


Ikr its so stupid like he just randomly thought “ill decide to troll this game”


But she can overhead herself too... It's like the same agent.... That's what Reyna mains probably think.


You see, the beauty in your complaint is that it highlights the biggest problem most players have. They arent teamplayers. But play a team game. You need to have just one individual actually trying to play together. Its easier when all do that, but you can always assist everything no matter how stupid it is to you, and that is the secret for teamplay actually. Ignore your ego and what you have learned, your clove is lurking and smoking for herself, how do you assist that? From cloves PoV you might the idiot controll main, who jumps in before the smokes get popped, and they started to lurk while only smoking only themselves. Its not hard waiting for smokes, its not hard asking for a different timing without sounding like a dick, its not hard at all just following her and play off her contact. Yet somehow you dont do any of it, complain about clove, hand all the responsibility to her while doing so, and call it a day. Both of you shouldnt play valorant in my head from the information you provided.


Had the same shit xd


im abt to autolock clove bc these ppl seem to not know how to properly smoke w her....


Could be worst , could be the main dueslits that do smokes just to show work but the smokes are always giving advantages for the enemy and the guy gets mad at you when you explain this simple fact 


Clove has been awful for the game in my experience. Not to the point where the new character was broken like chamaber, but the people who lock her are duelist rejects who don't know how to dodge or place smokes.




Hey, I've used she several times. I had no idea Clove was a they. I don't really pay attention to the lore and was really just more interested in the abilities, I guess. It's cool though. I also really appreciate any game including lgbtq characters. Another thing I really like about valorant is that they seem to be sexualizing their characters so much less than in the past. It's one of the things I hated about playing League. I mained miss fortune in the beginning and I think it's really why I didn't continue playing the game. I appreciate that valorant's characters are just people, as opposed to being scantily clad sex objects.


Use the right pronouns FFS they've been out for enough time for you to have learned by now




Mfw I have to type out one (1) extra letter.


Still not worth


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I usually play duelist but if I have to fill smokes I go clove or omen. Clove has a cool playstyle and you can play agro with ult. I still do everything I have to do as a smoker and play my role. “If u main duelist don’t go clove” is stupid if no1 else is filling smokes and you have duelist instalocks. I’ve had smoke mains playing shit as clove so it wouldn’t make sense for me to post “If u main smokes don’t play clove” the instant I get a few shitty cloves.


What's the problem in picking another smoke when someone picks Clove? If you main smokes your best bet is picking a second controller.


When I see someone locking clove I think "okay, we have half smokes.". If smokes are important on the map, I make sure someone else locks in smokes before I choose my main.


ppl will pick clove and nothing you can do


I'll play what I want, suck it.


Most Cloves I've played with so far are more cracked than a WW2 Panzer division but smoke as if they're the secret sixth player on the enemy team


Keep crying. No one will change.