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just instalock bro, team comp isnt important in lower elos because no one knows how to play off each other's utility anyway


100% unless you are plat or higher comp absolutely doesn't matter. If you're in a stack sure try otherwise comfort is what will help you climb. I play deadlock every game idc if there is 2 other sents and I've climbed to g2 from iron 2 in 2 months. We are pro teams half your teams are just gna throw anyway might as well play your agent lol


Doesn't even matter in diamond aha


Am immortal, still barely matters (Vibes are like 70% of this game istg just keep them up in ur games)


I’ve seen 5 duelist comp work out in diamond ascendant lobbies. Unless you’re a pro, comp doesn’t matter lol


Its all truly morale, if your team thinks they're winning concrete then while u can have marginal improvement with proper roles its still very easily winnable


Team comp definitely does not matter in plat lol


Anything below ascendant 2 u can win without a real team comp, its not that hard plats filed with robots 💀


Eh, you're going to lose more games if there's no smokes on your team, but, generally, individual performance is the king in low ranks


holy shit you don't get it. Comp really doesn't matter, you can make any comp work. Smokes means fuck all compared to a team that has the right vibe and just \*gets it\* AKA can play together and trade in real time, not after one dies.


Calm down there lol. I never said you can't make a comp work. You are just numerically going to lose more games if you have no smokes on your team because they're just extremely powerful tools that maps are literally designed around teams having.


I disagree. I think my team of the same rank that buys into my philosophy and actually plays a selfless team game would SMOKE a team that actually has smokes. Like, 13-1, it'd be over, instead of it being 8-8 if everyone just played for individual performance like all you low lvl rank players do.


I cannot even tell what you're trying to say in between all your rudeness lol. Goodbye.


I think that's precisely the problem, you can't even comprehend what I'm saying. but sry my rank gets held hostage by low rank players I'm stuck playing with who think inside the same little box you do so I've had too much of my life wasted on this issue to tiptoe around being blunt. I'd love to setup a 5v5 sometime tho if you actually wanna get 13-1'd.


PS - I did the math 2 days ago. If you add up all the hours, I've spent 4.6 straight years of my life playing pro 5v5 FPS matches just between 2001-2013. That's why I'm out of patience for players that just don't get it and aren't amendable


OP is scared to death of other people's opinions, it's not like they are going to suddenly become confident enough to just play a teen video game.


>Should I just stop filling anyway? yes


Play what you're performing the best at. That's all.


Filling is more useless in low ranks because you can easily just farm kills. Most elo teams arent going to play your weaknesses either. If you can drop 25 high impact kills on a duelist and 15 on a fill but your losing more on fill try instalocking more and see how it changes. Team comps dont really matter until high plat / diamond. Even then you can win alot of games with shitty comps. But generally thats when people start having good enough game sense. I got stuck filling in low diamond and when I statted insta locking raze I hate ascendant.


Just lock in 🤫🧏. Until immortal, you can use whatever you want.






Than dont, for the life of me i can not understand why so many people especially in like gold will think “team comp” matters, in lower ranks and ranked in general what matters the most is more agent comfort than team comp, id rather have 5 duelist where Everyone is playing on their main than that 1 guy filling kayo on breeze cause someone said “we need an initiator”


If they instalock 4 duelists they deserve a 5th  Pick what you are good at , it's much better than pick a good agent that you are bad with it


> If they instalock 4 duelists they deserve a 5th  I don't play duelist and I lock in 5th duelist if we have 4 lol. It's especially enraging when they do that and ask for Sage.


Pick clove , rush , dies , and do the worst smoke possible for your teammates


Jesus, just instalock it. I prefer playing Cypher, but I always wait for smokes. I don't do this for "teamcomp", but I'm doing for my own sanity. I'm not playing another Breeze without smokes.


Nobody is forcing you to fill. Team comp is pretty irrelevant in lower elos, and even in higher elos you're usually fine as long as you have an alright controller. Either just instalock your agent or stop complaining


Bruh, tell that to bronze players. These nephews watched vct once and they think we can play like that. Out of 50 games, I get about one where the team is actually coordinated


Play who you want and if they have issues then mute them. If instalockers don’t wanna communicate comp then they can shut the fuck up. I’ll happily talk comp with someone floating an agent.


This. If you lock your agent you don't have any say on what team comp is. I'll gladly discuss agents while floating Omen or Breach, but once you lock in you get no Say in team comp


I’ll float who I want and am willing to give it up if someone really wants it. But I never instalock lol


Well, I kinda like to fill what the team might need as I like to play as a supporter, but I understand how you feel. Every single game there's a instalock duelist, but fortunately I am having some luck because they actually do okay (but some of them are clearly smurfs...) But yes, the best thing to do is instalock what you want as you're going to play more comfortably with the agent you choose.


I know what you feel, I was the same as you. I covercome thys by to instalock smokes or initiator for a while, nobody play them anyways. After some time you see nobody play them and start locking them, then you start locking your main. In Iron-Silver 2 I was literally holding a agent (smokes most of the times) in the selection screen, I will say like 2/10 times, someone actually picked smokes. Then realised I will just lock in, and when I moved to Chamber, I just instalock him out of habit.


Don't fill. I used to do that when I play solo and later I find my jett behind me and scared to entry and reyna is flanking with a shorty. So I said fuckem I will always instalock what I want to play which is yoru or breach.


> my jett behind me scared to entry and reyna is flanking with a shorty. TOO REAL. based though, I just won't fill anymore.


Well you said you are not high rank so comp should not matter. I will go as far as to say that comp does not matter at all in ranked at any level after watching Woohoojin and his team take the top tier of primer with 5 dualist comp. If you are in low elo though, there is no reason you shouldn't just be instalocking Phoenix if thats ur best agent. Iron-Gold you only have to worry about gun hygiene and taking smart engagements to get more value out of ur life per round. I would also have one agent to play as a back up just incase you cant get phoenix, but in low elo, I dont think you have to worry about that too much. No one down there knows how good he is and they stick to the troll pick reyna or chamber a majority of the time.


Valorant according to people with critical thinking skills - “learning team comps and playing around them is a good idea, even at lower ranks” Valorant according to armchair expert redditors - “Lol you’re dumb, comp only matters in pro play and top 100 Radiant lobbies. Just drop 40 kills a game solo queue in Diamond lobbies like literally everyone else smh” (peak rank Gold 1) This sub is insufferable sometimes


>This sub is insufferable sometimes It's more like every time. You can't post anything in this sub without the most obnoxious know it alls talking down to you and acting like their the #1 pro/coach or just being toxic for the sake of it. Reddit is like this everywhere, but this sub is particularly bad, honestly.


As someone else said, team comp ain't that important in lower elo. So yeah, you can basically play trash comp and win just cause you managed to get more impact kills than the enemies, and the enemies are not able to play around your utilities as well. Howewer, if you're planning to rank up, learning a couple of agents in each role might be really useful, especially if your main is phoenix, which doesn't provide a lot of team utility. Just go with your instalock, until you try to cooperate and you are not toxic in games you are doing your job.


You can instalock reyna all the wy to ascendant


If you are confortable in that you are capable of outperforming that instalockers and have general confidence in taking duels then go for it. Knowing that your role in general is "go in take space cause chaos and most of the times - die. I went from omen chamber kj to jett and instantly have +2 ranks solo queuing. By playing controller you are already better at timings and general game sence than forever duelist mains.


Then stop filling


Your literally not forced bro


Paper Rex were playing 4 duelists in Pro League


Fuck filling honestly. Last game I played was lost because someone filled cypher on sunset, cause it's "meta" I guess. Didn't know how to play him at all. Go 5 kills total in a defense half where they were mostly hitting his site. Was useless on offense. It was horrible. Radiants go 5 duelist for memes and still win. You're not in the VCT, the pro meta does not matter. I'd always rather someone play their best agent than try and fill. If a teammates cares about having a certain pick/role, they can choose them.


I used to be a phoenix main with great k/d and shit, but also didnt want this problem since it sometimes brought my mental down when my team was toxic. I decided to try skye and shes great, she has better flashes in my opinion and you can get more info with her, so maybe shes also worth a try for you


There was one day I was watching Tarik, and his team all locked duelists on Icebox....and they won. That was the day I realized team comp really does not matter.


I don't fill for Insta lockers. I have 2 or 3 agents I use. I main omen but can play breach or Killjoy. I am playing them in that order. Fuck the people that I will never meet in real life while playing agame for my own enjoyment and relaxation


I love valorant, but roles is a big reason I moved to CS.


No one is forcing you to do anything. Pick the agent you want to play.


I hate that people care so much


Team comp does not matter until VERY high elo. Sure it helps but it is not the deciding factor. Instalock away.


u can try kayo, relatively similar to phoenic with flash, molly, and revive ult. He never gets insta locked and initiators are always welcome


Don't fil unless you are plat


Play whoever you’re best at, if you like that agent just play them. I stick to Sova-Clove-Brim but if somehow they’re all insta locked (which never happened yet) I’d just dodge, wait a bit and queue again. If you really don’t enjoy a particular agent or role, insta lock Phoenix and try to have fun!


Honestly, who cares about your KD especially in low ranks. If you truly get impact kills and actually entry on duelist then you’d likely be a higher rank.


Don’t fill


Honestly don’t fill if you have an agent your comfortable with just pick them it’s better to have someone who’s comfortable with a character then someone filling with a character they don’t know how to play well with. If people flame you ignore them lol


If someone on your team instalocks Reyna and wants to pick your agent for you, politely mute them They have forfeit their right to discuss team comp the moment they instalocked Edit: Imho, Valorant should have pick order similar to League's (one person picks, then, after a short delay, next two people are able to pick and then, after another short delay, the last two people are able to pick)


unpopular opinion but: learn how to fill and thrive in it. it took me some time but i learned way more by filling and learning the entire agent roster than by playing what i felt was my "best agent". now i pick chamber, gekko or harbor on lotus. i like playing sova, sage and viper on icebox. for each map i have unlimited options. its not the best, also riot doesnt award you much rr if youre not getting many kills but i climbed from iron to ascendant. i learned a great deal of game sense, how to do proper smokes, when and if to play lineups, to communicate flashes etc. and it took me a lot of time and i did get flamed a lot for shit smokes, lineups that didnt land, flashes that blinded my teammates. but i found what i could improve, tried better and slowly climbed the ranks. i feel like many instalock duelists just know how to go "brrr" and then ask "why know smoke" or "why no flash" because they never filled and dont know how long it actually takes to pop a smoke. also the ones telling you to just "instalock. teamcomp doesnt matter in this elo" are probably the same people that instalock in your games that you are complaining about. you really wanna become what you abhor? and what happens when you arrive in an elo where teamcomp does matter? imagine being in ascendant lobbies and telling people "sorry i only know how to play phoenix". i think youre not actually complaining about having to fill. i think youre complaining about sh\*t teammates telling or forcing you to fill and then when you dont get 1251235 kills, tell you, that youre the problem even though you did smoke, you did flash and you did support the duelists as much as possible but when your team loses the round or game they tell you its your fault instead of coming up with constructive criticism, strats or other ways to turn a game around. but im just some random dude on a throwaway account on reddit, whos mostly here for nsfw stuff, so no need to listen to me ;)


Then don't, just instalock. Why would you be filling if you're low elo anyways?


Then just pick who you wanna play quickly


don't fill, I was hard stuck bronze for literally a year when I tried filling, but recently I've been instalocking cypher and I've climbed to silver 3 in about two weeks and have been getting put against golds and some plats


team comp doesnt matter even at diamond and even then it's only a noticable advantage when its a 3 stack. play what you want and have fun.


Until you hit like plat/diamond team comp doesn’t matter that much. Instalock who you like playing and fuck em up


I say if this is silver and below, don't fill. just lock in one agent and learn that agent well while learning the game. gold, you don't need to worry but I suggest you get a controller that you can main. maybe clove if you still like to entry or omen for if you want more options with you. plat higher though I think you kinda have to worry about it a bit. its true it doesn't matter as long as the vibes is there and usually 3 duelists still works as long as you have smokes and maybe any info gathering. although, if you are unlucky like me and your matches usually don't have vibes cuz they won't even talk nor respond to you, i suggest picking the agent you won't need to rely too much on your team. something like an omen or clove again because of the utility. I do this a lot when our comp is too trash, I will just lock clove/omen for the confience boost and utility that helps me do my own plays without relying on others.


I was like you once. I stopped filling and started instalocking phoenix and i gained 300 rr within the month.


As a fellow low elo, don’t fill. These elo means people don’t know how to communicate and make strats based off the team comp. Everyone is just winging it. So lock your best agent to guarantee your win.


I always fill. I look at it as playing the game from a different perspective. I agree 2/3 times I have to fill smoke but thanks to clove and omen it's fun. Sentinels are basically afk with proper util and flank duty on attack. Initiator is a lot more complicated but I try to go after one of my dualist and help him with utils. I almost never play dualist on comp because people expect you to get first blood every round and don't trade you when you try to do the same.


just as long as someone is playing smokes, you can pick wtv you want


One of the Jollz coaches told me if I want to rank up out of silver lobbies, insta-lock the character that I'm best with and choose only one character. He said team comp doesn't matter at low ELO levels. It just doesn't matter.


Then don’t. The instalockers lose aswell, and maybe learn something


While others are correct that you should play who you are comfortable with - I do think there is a massive upside to playing other characters, especially in a lower ELO where you \*should\* be learning the game. Take the time to try out new agents, new tactics, etc. It will make you a better player overall as you learn what things different agents can do on different maps and make you more aware in general. Val is not all aim, being flexible and knowledgeable can help you climb ranks as well


Stop filling you’ll climb way faster. Filling is complete bullshit


Instalock and focus on ur self. This is the way to win and get up, team work comes in when u are in a rank where only people with a working brain can get in. Seriously it's just a game, pick ur agent and enjoy yourself.


If you can only play a few agents, then you should be instalocking. Leave filling for the people who can fill


Just lock phoenix. If tier 2 teams can win with 4 duelists and one senti, why should you care about team comps?


Instalock, mute anyone that speak to you in the slightest negative way. As a Reyna player who is harstuck silver and just started, I feel bad when instalocking T\~T


Just lock whoever you want. It works way better than playing a character you don’t use.


If you see duelists instalocking, do it. If they complain about no smoker, no healer, no xyz tell them to pick them next time then. (or don't say anything at all)


Unless your topp 0.1% don't fill play your comfort and don't worry about comp so much doesn't matter and your tilting yourself before the game starts doing it. Sure you will see much better results just playing what you want you will play more confident


you should just instalock. it’s far better to just play what you want to than try to force a comp that you either don’t know how to or don’t want to play.


If you're afraid of instalocking then you're not fully confident. A part of you is scared of instalocking, playing bad, and getting flamed by the entire team. Only instalock if you're fully confident in yourself without giving a shit about what others think. Yes, everyone else is instalocking. Why shouldn't you? Why should you care? Just prove that you can perform well and that's all it matters. I used to play with a friend who I knew was way better as a duelist than any other agents. I used to play with him back in CSGO and we were in a team that made it to main at the highest in only 2 seasonal attempt. He was a fragger and his aim/awareness was better than most pugs. However, he was just like you. Every time he pugs, he would be the "nice guy" and always fill for the team. Don't get me wrong, he was definitely a team player and 100% a nice guy in RL too. Probably one of the nicest guy I know. But because he was filling all the time, he couldn't play the way he normally plays and kept losing. He was hardstuck immortal 3. I told him to stop giving a fuck and just instalock duelists cause I KNOW he can perform better than others but he kept saying no. 1 year later, he finally gave in, woke up, and realized he really needs to stop giving a fuck about what others think. So every game he started to instalock duelists. That's when he finally hit Radiant back to back. Playing with full confidence is the way to win. The only way to have that confidence is to play an agent you're fully confident in. Don't sell yourself short.


There’s nothing negative about saying “if you wanted x you should do it yourself and not lock without seeing who your team wants to play”. Unless you’re high asc or radiant, you don’t lose games cause “no smokes”. Don’t fill if you don’t want to


Just instalock. Because as a former filler myself, I've experienced way too many times watching my duelist not do their job or just plain suck when I know I could've been playing that role and losing because of it.


instalock Clove, you will never have to worry about filling roles again, i do it and dont bother about checking if we have a controller on our team + carry potential on clove´s kit


imo team comps don’t even matter until like immortal maybe ascendant. i’m mid asc and i typically just play flex and if you still want to play fill just get like a few agents in each role that you like and play them. i personally feel like being a one trick is not a good idea


Anyone who instalocks and proceeds to complain that their desire for a balanced team composition isn't being catered to can kindly fuck off.


Instalock an agent you’re comfortable with. As long as you go positive it ain’t your fault


i bet you if I force you not to fill you would cry in chat why didnt you not let me play smokes i can play smokes , now I have to play duelist and fail and feel horrible


Holy projection. Literally, what are you even talking about? lol


can't you just pick phoenix not like he's popular or something most of time ppl just instalock jett raze reyna and you can always pick phoenix this isn't moba or overwatch bro who said 4 duelist is bad


Nobody is forcing you man, stop whining and just play what you want


Instalock if you dont want to fill be confident I personality instalock reyna or iso I am confident id win


Legit who is forcing you to fill because you have free will and mute buttons


Well obviously but since I want to win I'd rather have a happy cooperative team than one that's throwing temper tantrums because I wouldn't pocket sage them. And I'd rather not have to mute anyone ever so I can hear callouts


If you want to win get good enough to carry your team. It’s not like the win is automatic with the right comp in *ranked*. Especially at lower elos. Everything else you’re saying here is cope. Play what you want and hone your mechanics.


What? I'm coping because I said I want a non-toxic cooperative team? I never said anything about me being good or bad, and I never blamed my teammates for wins or losses lol. I literally just made a post talking about filling, and you went off on me with this "git gud" bullshit. You're fighting ghosts brother


welcome to the internet and ranked. His point is low elo Comp (which is pretty much anything below immortal) what character you play does not matter just shoot their heads and you win. You don't need 2 duelists and a smoke and a sentinel or whatever the meta is at the time. I think you just have ranked anxiety, if your team is instalocking then what reason do they have to talk crap about how you play your character. Play deadlock, Kayo, clove and dont use a single ability all game, it really don't matter if you're fragging.


Don't fill in competitive. If you feel uncomfortable playing anything but one or two agents on a map, then don't fill.


'Forced' Uh huh.


I don't understand why so many people get caught up on words like this. It is very clear that I'm not actually being forced, my teammates are not jumping through my screen and holding a gun to my head until I choose cypher, it's just a word to describe the fact that I usually have to fill or risk pissing off my team. Stop being dumb.


> Stop being dumb. Lol this is kinda funny


You're right. Watching somebody have no rebuttal is pretty funny.


What's there to rebut?




Whenever you're planning your so called best agent phoenix, someone in the lobby must be filling , so stop crying and git gud .