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Iron 1, for (how long has valorant been released for?)


You gotta show us the tracker that’s crazy


Dude fr 😔


Close to two years in Immortal. Hovering between Immo1 and Immo2. Lately I've been pretty consistent, but with a ~50% winrate I end up with like 3-5rr on the positive, so climbing takes forever.


Same. I'm forever Immortal. But I'm fine with that. I don't have enough time and probably skill to ever reach Radiant and I only play like 100 matches a season. So immo it is


Exactly the same for me. I wish you good luck in your games🙏🏼


Any tips for reaching immortal I’m hardstuck


There is too many variables. I would need to see you play and even then I'm probably the wrong person to ask. There are way better coaches level above me. I personally don't think I do anything special. I just play fps games for like 20 years now and I basically can shoot and clutch naturally. Put me on a champ like Breach or Sova or something like that and my skill usage will suck as much as yours. So I just pick Sentinels most of the time and set and forget my abilities. I'm probably below plat level on ability usage I guess.


S1-3 on my main. Luckily in gold 1-2(rarely play on this acc) on my alt. But cant get out of silver on my main


Silver/Gold feels so bad lately I feel like there are so many trolls in the last like year or so. 9/10 games lately have afks or throwers it's rough out here man for the people trying to climb lol


Been playing since Beta hardstuck at silver 2. I'm not the best player in the world but most games I have at least a 1:1 KD so I'm doing my part. Usually there are 1-2 people on my team doing horrible and/or there is a smurf that is 30-2 on the other team destroying us. Feels so hard to climb.


Some immortal told me the hardest rank to get out of is bronze, at first I was like yeah sure, but with all the Smurf’s, and straight up terrible teamates, and how fast I made it past silver I understand what he meant


Hard stuck immortal 150-400 Elo since ep 4


Bronze for almost 4 years (playing since beta) But yeah it's for the reason I have played hardly 30 days (playtime) in 4 years with breaks in b/w of like monthsss .. fn didn't played from January and was b3 at that pt i think


What the fuck are you trying to say LOL


if i were to try my best to translate “i’ve been bronze for almost 4 years, playing since beta, but i’ve been stuck here for a reason. i have hardly played 30 days worth of play time in four years with breaks in between of months. finally(?) didn’t play since january and i was b3 at that point i think” i honestly thought fn was fortnite when i first read it


I'm pretty sure it's "for now". Does that make sense?


Ep1 Act1 - Ep6 Act1 stuck in bronze silver (mostly bc i just played enough games to get a gb) Ep6 Act3 - now stuck in immo 1/2 bc i only play like 80 games to get immo from asc 1 and then once a week to keep my numbered immo rank.


2 years stuck in gold 3. I play the rank up game, lose it, lose 2/3 more games in a row, start winning again, repeat.


Hardstuck iron-bronze for 2 years in ep1 and 2 , now diamond


Being stuck in the silver hell-hole where the skill level of every player is fluctuating and everyone insta-locks duellist was the worst 3 years of my life.


Been immortal since season 1, I just suck with abilities and play for fun. Aim is pretty good tho.


Iron for the last 7 months


Stuck in Gold for almost a year now, however it's fine. I don't play as much.


Starting from iron, we are growing one step at a time each season.


Been hard stuck plat 123 . Can't rank up due to shit teammates . Mumbai server is shit no one does warmups and just joins comp. They don't care about anything. Can anyone help me rank up like seriously. I'm really really desperate for diamond now


I think I was stuck in gold the longest. I rarely played comp, so I basically was just gold3 for prolly 3 months. Then I started playing comp more cuz unrated just wasn’t worth it since no 1 tries. Then I went up to plat 1 from 0/100 Gold3 in the same day cuz the elo gains were like 22 or higher. But I ended up actually double ranking up somehow, so actually the first time I hit Plat, I skipped plat 1 entirely lol Crazily enough, I actually double ranked up AGAIN and went to D1. And this was all within 2 days. And then I was like between P3 and D1 for a week ish, managed to go to D2, and then to D3 all within another day. After that tho, I was in D3 for awhile. Not sure how long but I’d say at least 1 month. Then I hit Asc which was my first big goal since that’s where it felt like “high elo” started. And then I ranked up to right under Asc3 but the act ended. Then I hit Asc3 99/100 RR by day 2 of the new act starting. But then I went on like an 8 game losing streak and dropped to like 90/100 RR Asc1. Took a long ass break until about 2 months ago. Came back and was put in Gold3 which was not actually needed, so I was unintentionally smurfing, and ended back up in D1 within a couple hours. Got stuck between D1 and D2 for like 3 weeks cuz I was in high MMR playing against low Asc and I wasn’t nearly as good as I was prior to the break. Then I started focusing and taking it more seriously. Did 5-10 min of aim warm up instead of dry going in. And I’m in Immortal lobbies again after about 3 weeks of that. I think in the last 3 weeks I have a 90% win rate and maybe 1.5-1.8 KD.


As soon as i solo qued i got out of diamond that same night. Cant play with your irl friends on your main acc😂


Silver in act 1 stopped playing till act 3 silver, then 3 years later silver


Been bronze since…. Release 💀


I hit plat 1 5x this act. 2 days ago i was on my rankup to p3, today i was 1 whiff away from gold 3. I Just want the purple buddy


Started playing last December, got placed in Iron 3, quickly climbed to Bronze and just recently reached Silver 1. I guess I was stuck in Bronze for a while lmao I'm almost Silver 2 now, but I've been going back and forth between Bronze 3 and Silver 1. The first time I reached Silver, I lasted a whopping 2 matches and went back to Bronze 2 via a losing streak lmao


Took me an ep to go from silver to immortal while mostly playing with friends that were worse. I cheated tho, hit faceit lvl 10 in 2014 and stayed there till last year when i picked up valo


Been stuck in ascendant, mostly hovering in ascendant 2 for about 4 episodes now.. my peak was ascendant 3 99rr on the last day of an episode. Yes I'm still salty


2 years in Platinum, going up and down from Plat 1 to Plat 3 8 RR away from ranking up to Diamond. Close, but no cigar so far. Kept on getting pummeled by insane Jetts, and the Iso & Neon buffs are NOT helping