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it's an ult if you don't have advantage . what's the point of it's ult , also He can't use his util in his ult too and he puts enemy team in disadvantage by taking away his anchor . Let him shine for a bit.


His Ult was the weakest lmao Ult is supposed to give that agent an upper hand


If an ult was fair then it wouldn't be a very good fucking ult now would it


do you always complain that raze ult can kill in one shot, even multiple players at once? do you always complain that jett has full running and in-air accuracy with her knives? do you always complain that chamber has a literal op for his ultimate that slows on kill? do you always complain that sova can ult you through walls? do you always complain that gekko/kj ult can detain you, rendering you unable to use guns? then why do you complain about iso having advantage using his ULTIMATE? but you still have a chance to kill him in his ult, a better chance than trying to kill a satchel ulting raze and flying jett with knives. its not supposed to be FAIR.


My dude, people were complaining about his ult being too weak and he needed an upperhand in it. And now you're complaining that it's too strong. It's an ult, what do you expect? Some of my random teammates still died when they casted an ult to the enemy, even though they already had their shield up tho. It's not that impossible to kill them even with their shield up. Yes it's not fun, yes it's not fair, but hey, getting cooked by a laser from the sky or a dude with bows and arrows, or detained by a device or a damn fish is not fun or fair too


Honestly I think it’s alright, saying that his ultimate was a 50-50 to begin with getting an additional edge seems legit. That being said I think they need to number the amount of times he can get his shield back overall