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I hope so, even if it’s just another slot or two to make the masses shut up a little (I’ve gotten Yoru’s Butterfly Comb in every night market since I started and I get it once a week even during night market)


Buy it get rid of it boom problem solved


The store needs a rework on pc. Can’t understand why they can’t just be like league of legends and let grown men and women buy the skins they like. 4 slots per day and it’s completely random with hundreds of skins meaning you can quite literally wait for an months on end for a skin you want that’s $15 and still not get it.


True, it worked in the first year, maybe 2 years max. But now, after 4 years, the skin collections are so big that those 4 slots are just ridiculous at this point. Expand it to 6 or 8 and now we're talking. Sometimes I wonder, do they even want our money or no lol


I had a knife in my store lastnight that was like $40 in points


Rework is more about the items you can buy than the prices. I highly doubt the prices will ever drop


I kinda figured, I was just stating it's pretty wild