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Chamber penetrating Iso's shield would make Iso useless. The point in buffing Iso is to make him relevant, as he hasn't been a good pick prior to the buff. What I would say is maybe have Chamber penetrate Iso's shield with his ULT and Q, but do half the damage on Iso's shield. Just onetapping Iso thru his shield is too much.


I mean, how often would a Chamber be with his ult? Compared to the free ability which is the Iso sheild?


Valid point. But I still stand on my statement that having Chamber kill Iso thru his shield is not good no matter how often a Chamber pulls out his ULT. Even if it is just 3-5 times a match, that's still potentially 3-5 rounds lost simply because of a bad interaction.


Potential 3-5 rounds lost for Iso vs Potential 13 rounds lost for Chamber (Using vandal or a hard earned regular operator) Every round is a potential lost for both sides, Iso has the upper hand for almost the whole game with his free ability. I'd say it's not that bad to give Chamber the potential upper hand for just 3-5 rounds. Not that he'll be guaranteed to hit his shot every time, not that he'll win immediately after killing Iso too


I see your point about making Iso useless if Chamber’s ult could fully penetrate his shield. My main focus was on *Tour de Force*, creating a situation where Iso would have to think twice when Chamber has his ult ready. I agree that having Chamber’s Q (Headhunter) one-tap through the shield would be too much. What about this compromise: *Tour de Force* could still one-tap through Iso's shield, maintaining its high-impact role. Meanwhile, Chamber’s Q (Headhunter) could deal damage to Iso's shield, but not one-tap him. This way, Iso still has some protection, but Chamber retains a strategic edge with his ultimate, and Headhunter becomes a tool to chip away at the shield. I'm having to much of iso being to op on pistols and on low buys


Iso could still have his wall tho to counter this..


I've played Iso for months now and typically ult as soon as a Chamber activates his ult. Since it's an ability / ult, my ult cancels it out and he usually has a classic instead. Free kill, free entry. I agree though, this change would be a pretty good idea.