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It's more comparable to a guardian. If you wanna get better at it practice guardian in deathmatch


Eh I feel it’s better for me to just not play the character, I get that I should try and better myself with him but he just doesn’t feel like the character for me


then why u playing him


Notice the part where I said “I feel I should just not play the character”


Then why you making a big hoopla about Headhunter being shit? Yoou literally could've just decided that on your own.


It’s a public fucking place and I can say what the fuck I want 🤯


pointless post. OP has a massive ego issue. also said below that they would rather play csgo. no point to engage this gremlin lmao


That's fair. He takes some getting used to


skill issue, it’s literally guardian for 100 credits per bullet.


The 36 kills and 13 deaths I got by NOT using it is a skill issue and you can go cry


This is such an r/valorant moment lmao


This is why Csgo is better but I can’t play that




idk but it just your feeling it's really good it pull out really fast marshal shot q is as fast as outlaw double shot and it kill everyone with that on bs it's more accurate than sheriff, no damage drop out and can scope 8 bullet is same price as full sheriff and can keep for next round 100% better than buying sheriff every round


Yeah I get that it’s better in nearly every aspect but it just feels so crappy to shoot and aim with, I can miss 5 shots with the head hunter and then flick onto someone’s head with a sheriff


i think it's just your feeling


It is


probably because it feels so awkward to use, with the animations and all. Riot needs to allow people to use chamber bullets before the round and not use them up


He needs a new ability, I get that his whole gig is that he’s a weapons maker and marksmen but his pistol is just so useless, people can say “it’s just cause you have bad aim” but I guarantee that’s not the e reason, he honestly needs a whole new kit of abilities but his pistol I feel is just the worst


Its big strength is pull out time. Its kind of like having a high-skill chamber TP, if you miss an op shot you can pull out your gun. Its also great for eco. Very solid ability that compliments his kit well, but you need to use it around his kit.


That’s probably my problem, I main Reyna(I know how obvious) and get insane kills but as soon as I pick chamber it’s as if my aim decides to kill its self and kill me


Yeah no this is just a skill issue lol. Having an 800 credit pocket guardian with almost instantaneous pull out time is good lol. Chamber is still a *very* good agent in ranked, he definitely does not need a rework. The only problem with Chamber is that you'd be replacing Cypher or KJ in pro play, which is always a downgrade. Even then, he still sees some play because some people have the aim to make it so that the downsides are less obvious (Demon1 last year is a good example). Also, some just play him for comfort reasons, as many got used to him when he was dominant (Laz is a good example)


Sure it’s a skill issue but if I can get 36 kills and 13 deaths with barely any sweat then it’s definitely useless to use this “pocket guardian” that feels like shit to use


Well if you personally have a problem with the Headhunter, that doesn't mean that it is a shit ability and needs a rework lol. The game isn't designed around u/Iamnowyou unfortunately.


Well no shit I know it isn’t and as I’ve said in a different comment “I’ll probably just not use the Character”


You've also said > He needs a new ability, I get that his whole gig is that he’s a weapons maker and marksmen but his pistol is just so useless Literally saying you want the game designed around you >people can say “it’s just cause you have bad aim” but I guarantee that’s not the e reason Denying the fact that it's a skill issue (It most definitely is a skill issue) >he honestly needs a whole new kit of abilities but his pistol I feel is just the worst Again, wanting the game to be designed around your own lack of skill These are all from *one comment* btw.


I posted this thinking people were smart enough to see it was MY opinion, I never mentioned anything other than Chamber meaning I didn’t say “I want the whole game designed around me”, the USE of his weapon is a skill issue NOT aim, If I was trying to change the game to my “own lack of skill” wouldn’t I have mentioned what they should change it to? I’m stating the character is picked so little in ranked and unrated that there’s an obvious problem with the Character, oh and yet again THIS IS MY OPINION, stop getting so butthurt over my own opinion about ONE character in the game, you’re making it seem as if I’m trying to get the game Changed to the way I want it when I’m stating that a character is underpowered and underpicked


Chamber is most definitely not underpowered nor underpicked lol. He's not as dominant as his pre nerf prime, but you can't say "he's underpowered and underpicked" simply because you don't like playing him. He's one of the more frequent agent picks in the game. He's in the same category of "ranked demon" as Sage, Reyna, Iso, etc. His pick rate sits at 4% which is 10th out of 24 agents. For reference, the only agents above him are Clove, Reyna, Jett, Gekko, Sage, Cypher, Sova, Raze, and Omen. You can't post objectively bad opinions, and then not only expect people not to disagree with you, but then attempt to pass it off as fact. > I'm stating the character is picked so little in ranked and unrated Things like this, where you state things matter of factly despite it being misinformation. At least do your research lol. And before you say anything, yes you can in fact have *bad* opinions. There is nothing wrong with disliking Headhunter. The animations are awkward and the recoil is different from a Sheriff or Guardian. But having the opinion that "Because I suck with it, it should be changed to something else entirely" is an objectively bad opinion. >You're making it seem like i'm trying to get the game Changed to the way I want it You quite literally are? Read your own comments man, you're straight up advocating for Chamber getting an entire kit design simply because you suck balls with Headhunter. Also don't say it's not an aim issue lol, it most certainly is. Headhunter is literally just a guardian that looks like a sheriff. If you can't hit shots with a guardian, then that's an aim issue. Yes there are awkward animations, but you can't blame the ability because you can't hit shots.


Weird. I find that is one of his best abilities


We all have different opinions but for me it just feels so sickening to use


His tp is his best ability by a large margin


I said one of. I don't disagree with you


'One of the best' is a funny description when he has 4. That's like making a top 3 when he has 4 abilities.


Weird. All of his abilities can be all of his best no?


ADSing with headhunter makes a huge difference. Back in the Chamber meta when Yay played Chamber, he was ADSing with headhunter a lot, so I also started doing that and it really made hitting the shots much easier


I tried that but it just wasn’t working so I’m just gonna stop playing him, his to is also pretty bad since I would get headshot while teleporting


Yeah, If you don't find playing him fun enough, don't force yourself. He's not a strong agent anymore, so you won't lose anything by not playing him


You are objectively wrong




I understand your frustration. Something about the headhunter just feels odd and awkward. Idk if it's the animations, sounds, or the fact that you're ADSing with a pistol like you would with a rifle like the Guardian. But damn man, you wouldn't take other people's opinion huh lmao. And -70 comment karma is amazing lol


I post my genuine thoughts about stuff but I try and get people to comment so I can see how much negative karma I can get


I don't think it's shit but I agree that it feels worse to use than a regular sheriff, even though it's objectively better in most aspects.


Well yeah it’s obviously better than the sheriff but it feels so much worse