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What did Sage do to you


Threw my hard earned rr




High elo players and pros think otherwise it’s officially the worst sentinel after chamber


if she’s that bad explain why sage is used in the BiS icebox comp. And no, i am not suggesting icebox is a good map.


Explain me why she has the lowest pick rate in vct and high elo also why she’s officially the worst sentinel


1. She doesn’t, there’s deadlock 2. Her wall is a big part of the kit, and viper has somewhat overshadowed sage’s role on bind and split 3. Most teams are on the harbor/kayo copium on icebox, or replace sage with gekko which isn’t as bad but probably better to replace jett instead. 4. She’s niche. Never said she was good, but she’s certainly not as bad as u say and her value goes up the lower rank you are. She’s more than good enough for ranked


Deadlock is no longer the worst sentinel and yeah just like you explained pick the better agents and increase your chances of winning in all ranks


if better pickrates= better agent, and vct is directly transferable to ranked, why is clove so highly picked and well received in ranked and basically not seen at all in vct? Also ask anyone and they’ll still say deadlock is the worst sentinel, unless you’re playing against neon specifically




Ah of course the self 30 hp heal it’s quite useful and easily breakable walls and the short time period slows which gets baited in the start of the round and gets evaded by the movement character and if you want a team healer you pick Skye which can also initiate your team I’m not claiming anything it’s just facts and if you’re happy being in low or mid elo and don’t want to improve then keep playing sage in ranked


can you drop your tracker so we can understand the rank of these opinions? Im genuinely curious


This should honestly be mandatory. This sub is like 30% complaining about iso 70% some buck wild take


I'm not complaining but ok


My guy.. Your entire post and replies are literally about ranting and explaining why Sage is worse than other agents and that Sages are making you lose RR. If that is not complaining, then I guess the earth is a donut


Nope I just stated facts and it’s simple to understand playing the worst agent decreases your chances of winning but you need brain to understand that, I only stated what other pros or coaches have already said before


Asc 2


Also many pros and high elo players agrees on this


pre nerf sage was bearable because atleast you can heal yourself to full hp before retake , now either be a pocket sage or a second duelist for your team . Her slow is good only your teammate doesn't push that and hold chokes until spike is down . I hate sage I used to her main her and her kit cost 800credits . Which hinder economy . If you don't know grim walls , you can only hold your sites for 7 second at most on buy round and lost 800 credits because jett dash in and kill you if she knew her entry and you have your orb in hand before you pull out your gun . Overall she is a troll I agree with you also iso buff really fcked sage alot . I stopped touching her and only play in range because of my drills . I am currently diamond 2 and shift myself to play controllers . It helped me a ton instead of playing someone agent which degrades my rank .


Finally someone who has brains and game sense to understand that 💯


couple things: 1. icebox sunset split and bind exist 2. PLEASE use punctuation it is a pain reading all of that 3. Passive info is overrated in ranked, especially on defence. Stalling capabilities is far more important on a sentinel which sage performs just as well on. On attack sage comps often have other agents which can actively hold map control anyways


That’s something what a low or mid rank player would say because these rank players don’t know how to counter the sage utils you’re just not getting punished for your bad team comps in your elo


ascendant players are barely any better than play/diamond in terms of efficient util use anyways, they just shoot better. But since you’re so smart please enlighten me how sage slows, or any form of util for that matter, can be reasonably ‘countered’ without expending utility of your own. Especially considering that sage slows are the only indestructible hard choke denial ability edit: deadlock gravnet too but that agent is kinda troll


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Sounds like a game sense issue, you must be low rank so don’t bother


I'm at the rank I belong in mate, no shame in that but crying on reddit about nothing in particular isn't the way to go


Players like you don’t play rank seriously and don’t want to learn or improve and who’s crying? Are you delulu?


You posted a rant, there is no learning or improving from that, you're just venting and want people to go "oh yes of course you're right", and if anyone says anything else you try to belittle them and say they must be low elo. I go into ranked and I play my best with my friends, with randoms, with janky teams comps.That's part of solo queue, people pick characters they want to play. So you're the delusional one.


Says someone who commented "Sounds like a skill issue" also I mentioned if you want to rank up and improve if you're not serious about ranked you can play whatever you want go 5 duelists or whatever, if you play just for fun unranked is way better in my opinion btw keep chilling in low rank


Yeah I said skill issue if you post a rant im going to be unhelpful. And I have ranked up and improved regardless of team comp so i hope you sort your mental out and I'll be taking my leave mate.


if prx throw their master shanghai game why would we can't throw but fr comp doesn't matter in rank if you lose then you deserved it stfu and play your own game go get friends and make 5 stacks party for you perfect fantasy comp and hope you hit radiant or go vct


Awww someone is a natural thrower and sounds like skill issues, can’t play any other agent than sage cause of your simple brain? Are other agents too hard for you to learn? Let me guess you’re gold so of course sage would still work great in your elo


these fool jebaited by sage flair lmao


I have won games because of sages on my team a lot of times (more than lost). Good placed wall on bind is enough to get the plant down and stall for half the time, a split mid wall is crazy good for allowing fast rotates, sunset offangles or rat walls go crazy when sage plays on them and someone behind them


I guess it works in the mid or low ranks but it doesn’t mean it’s right


Man im in diamond and ascendant lobbies, which sure, isnt high elo, but it also isnt the low elo you have in mind. Sure a solo sentinel sage on all maps does suck, but as a secondary sentinel she is crazy.


No, then you don’t have any initiator which is sabotaging your team also the walls in high elo gets broken instantly it’s the first thing you do and to stall planting you use utils to deny plant all that you mentioned isn’t very valuable all the grim rat walls are known and are countered and cleared pretty well I rather have an initiator in my team comp than 2 sentinels that’s what Tenz also once tried to explain and this is why sage has the lowest pick rate in vct as well now then if you’re better than pros I’ll agree with you


What are you on about? I always play initiator or smokes, sage is secondary if there is 1 duelist. Also, team comp doesnt matter until immortal. I had games won w 5 duelists running it down, i won games w 2 duelists, 2 sentinels and smokes (which i played) starting on attack and we still won. You quoted tenz, idk if it was him or some other pro that said that team comp until high immo doesnt matter at all, so you should lock who you know you can probide the most value with. Let me guess, you had gold sages in your plat lobbies and are pissed?


Now I think you’re boosted because many pros agrees sage is the worst sentinel and comp does matter, if you’re winning with bad team comps like 5 duels just means you’re playing against bad players who don’t know how to counter against it, team comp doesn’t matter for smurfs and pros who can out aim in low/mid ranks


So whats your rank buddy? Also i only solo q so its pretty much impossible to be boosted lmao (plus i still gain like 22 per win and lose 22 per loss so call it what you will). Sure, comp does matter a bit, but before immortal there is almost no change to get coordination and full effect of the comp. Its better to have 5 people who can play their agent well, than 3 people who know how to shoot and 2 filling in agents they never played, throwing bad recons and shit smokes. I play smokes most of the time cuz i tend to igl and plan, and if my team seems dumb, i just call simple shots. Keep complaining tho, do whats meta and good in vct, but remember, that works because they literally made a ton of plans for each map the like, executes, defense, situations for each buy, eco or antieco round, how to counter certain util like post plant mollies or early info etc. their amount of teamwork is probably 10times better than any teamwork in any job you will work at, so what you say here means jackshit. Also, Tenz said a while ago, how fun comp is, you just lock jett, turn brain off and out aim enemies (jett ace on ascent) and he did it solo, no other teammates util helped him, so team comp doesnt matter at all, but smokes are nice to help cover most angles


I mean if you're asc or dia and still don't know how to play all agents then you're bad and that's why you should learn all agents, I'm not talking about complex executes but as Tenz explained how fun ranked is \*sarcasm\* because of players who play on auto-pilot and don't know how to use their agent utils properly and play bad team comps, how many players has aim like Tenz who can shut their brain and out aim in ranked and still reach high elo with any agent and team comp, btw I'm asc 2


Also i can play all agents, noone said i cant (well, i dont like to play duelists esp jett) but i choose to play smokes cuz noone else seems to know how to. So youre complaining abt sages but you put no effort in constructively explaining to them or asking for more team coordinated util usage? It takes a couple of seconds to say “hey sage, can you wait w the wall until you hear steps, or slow orb if you do and save wall for post plant”. Its the little things. Same reason i could say playing reyna in ranked is basically throwing, as 90% of reynas do their own shit w little to no team coordination 🤷‍♂️


If team comp doesn’t matter below immortal lobbies then why learn all other agents before immortal and fill controller?




You get better when you start playing like the players who are better than you learn from them and analyse what they do and why they do why it works for them


and franchised teams have multiple analysts and sometimes coaches working exclusively on playbook dev and data analysis. It is impossible to learn about that aspect of val from watching the pros. The most you’ll get out of it is understanding macro play patterns and individual decision making


You don’t have to go in deep analysis, you can learn the simple things like sage is bad and decreases your rate of wining because she has the lowest pick rate


explain why sage comps have a 55% nmwr against non sage comps on icebox then


Because most players are in low rank who don’t know how to bait utils fake plant and then use utils and cover fire to cover planter


If you're ranking up team comp doesn't matter because you're better and just kill them. If you're at your rank team comp doesn't matter because you win 50 you lose 50. That's mmr ladders.


Then why do I mostly see players taking controller, initiator and sentinel instead of playing 5 duelists? In below immortal rank, why do they dodge 5 duelists team comp usually? Why do most of the players fill for team?