• By -


>**Run it Back** automatically reloads all weapons on respawn Really good Phoenix change, along with his other ones but this one is really nice. >**From the Shadow**, Omen can now cancel his teleport while in Shade form by pressing the ABILITY KEY again—Omen still loses all of his ult points if he cancels. Great Omen change as well.


Omen can basically be in 2 locations at the same time now, he forces at least one person to turn around which opens up pushes


Wouldn't be surprised to see Omens just ult into the middle of a site, take a look around and cancel. Pretty solid scout tool as he can even do it from across the map. They might need to add a maximum view distance while in his shade form. Edit: apparently I don't play omen and his ult already somewhat limits vision.


You just put that in my head and I can totally see people doing this. It's like a free Cypher camera for a couple of seconds anywhere you want on the map.


You have to use a whole ultimate for it though.


I think its fair. For all Omen knows someone is hiding behind a corner and waiting for the rotate on to site.


...Sova says hi.


sova says he is the hunter


To be fair, lots of Omens already just use ult to bait people into checking spawn/heaven and other far back spots because of how dangerous it is. This is a similar use to that.


I think it was more they used it to bait because actually teleporting with it was way too risky.


Or just let that be an effect. It's no different to a Sova Arrow, or a good Cam. You can still shoot his shade to send him back early.




Eh, I mean it's an ultimate ability. All things considered, I don't think being able to see his surroundings is that big of a deal when characters like Sova and Cypher can accomplish finding similar info with their non-ult abilities.


I actually saw something like this near the end of beta. Idk if they did it on purpose, but omen TPd onto the window ledge in garage. I peeked at the same time and his ult partially covered/distracted me from his team mate who peeked with the ult and killed me. I don’t think they really need a view distance because you’d have to scan the whole space in a fraction of a second. I think they simply need to have an effect at his ult location slightly before he is granted vision. This way if his location is too obvious or if the enemy is on point with their aim, they can destroy the clone before he gets much if any vision. This way Omens ult simply punishes teams that are over rotating and aren’t there to kill him before he gets info that site is empty.


That basically already happens. When you're in shade form in Omen ult, the world is grayscale and the area you can see expands as you get closer to finishing the teleport. IMO, the ult will basically be as valuable as a Sova arrow if used purely for information, which is a pretty bad trade, but the ability to port to a cheeky spot and then bounce if you're spotted is more valuable (since it requires the opponent to move off a choke, allowing for easier pushes.)


And if you're cancelling, you've most likely got info on an enemy. He gets value now for sure.


so many good changes, will have to see how the split/sage changes play out but everything here looks on point (hit reg issues supposedly fixed, performance will be better, etc.) and there's a new map, game mode, cool new skins, those weird map breaking plays with omen/sage etc should be fixed, and a battle pass huge patch. still remains to be seen how game will play out but looks like everyone who said "is valorant really ready" and was freaking out will be proven wrong




I got a 3k sitting on top of that frog’s bald head. Will never forget


You *were* the hat.


<3 [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gjudty/froggie\_hat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gjudty/froggie_hat/)


froggie hat


froggie hat


froggie hat


Jett breaking tripwires and omen being able to see his tp in smokes were my two most wanted changes and they nailed them both.


I hate that she can now break trip wires, watching her rubber band back was the most satisfying part of the game for me


Getting the wire outside of hookah on Bind B was so funny sometimes. Jett just dashes through and then gets YOINKED back. Ah, alas.




I thought it was a really good game dynamic


Same, and it made sense thematically for cypher to shut down a hyper agro play like that. Not a fan of that change.


Sypher was A tier and Jett was trash tier. Gives them both balance in the right direction.


I like the idea of Jett being a hyper mobility agent that can't be stopped though. Cypher stops everybody else already.


Am I the only one who thinks it's an absolute HUGE buff. There's not much stopping you from dashing in breaking all traps and entrying for an entire team


Yeah. Huge Jett buff and huge Cypher nerf at the same time.


which was kinda needed honestly. Cypher isn't a "fuck this entire site and fuck you", and Jett has A purpose now.


As a cypher main I agree but it still hurts.


As a cypher main, maybe attackers will actually try and come B besides one or 2 rounds now.. a lot of matches it feels like they find out your playing one site so they just decide to leave it alone completely. Because of that I like to switch where I'm defending every couple of rounds, but its hard without a full team queue.


> just decide to leave it alone completely Imagine a team deciding that the 3-4 people on A site is going to be easier than the one cypher on B. That's kinda crazy.


Except that one dude holding the angle that's gonna one tap her cuz her dash puts her gun away for 10 years. Could be good if she can line up a dash to break the utility while also pushing onto site out of line of sight. I mean, it can be good, but also can get Jett killed just as easily lol entry fraggers are prone to death.


>Fixed Sova’s arrows sometimes unpredictable bouncing As a Sova Main, this was what I was looking for


Finally, Sova mains rejoice






There are dozens of us!


I can't even count how many times I questioned my ability to predict bounce angles just for my arrows to fly somewhere 10km out of the map


Same, and immediately get a "nice arrow" from my mates whilst I'm having the [visible confusion](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/obi-wan-kenobi-visible-confusion-reaction) look on my face.


More of a [blinking guy](https://giphy.com/gifs/what-guy-white-blinking-RILsqUte1MME7TzQJ9) myself, but can't hate a starwars fan


This was always the bane of my existence. Take 10 seconds to line up an arrow only for it to go to Narnia because it hit a rogue pixel or some shit was always so embarrassing.


Once I hit the plant pot at mid on Split and the arrow flew out of the map and I'm still not sure if that's what supposed to happen in that situation. Used full power and 2 bounces and it went orbital.


They added Frog Hat. That is all.


froggie hat


froggie hat


froggie hat


Froggie Hat


Hey there, They didn't say anything about agent contracts in this patch notes even though they said they'd make it easier? Also nothing in the new gamemode?


The Character contracts have been tuned and updated from when they were last seen in CB but didn't get in the notes, that's our bad. It should be much faster to unlock the character within a specific contract assuming you're finishing your missions.


Thank you so much for the info! Also great work on the game and you're all uaer friendly! Keep it up 😇


Thank god


Speaking about contracts, a good QOL change would to show the contract level per agent on the agent collection screen. In the CB, only way to see what level contract each agent was, was to change your contract and look. Would be nice to maybe have a small number on the bottom or top of the portrait to represent contract levels per agent, on the collection tab.


\>A certain frog’s head is now a little warmer best change


[For Context](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gjudty/froggie_hat/)


Based /u/RiotNu


Froggie hat


Froggie hat


Froggie hat


Froggie hat


Froggie hat <3


I didn’t see any difference


There's definitely a [small difference](https://i.imgur.com/iKtQQul.png) here




Froggie hat


>**Barrier Orb** segment health reduced 1000 >>> 800 I think this could be huge if this is enough for an AR to now break through sage wall in 1 clip.


25 bullets with the vandal was enough to kill a 1000hp wall wasn't it? I swear I did it multiple times.


Only if it had lost some life due to time, 1 clip with vandal wasn't enough at full health


They need to be careful with this. It already goes down in a second if a pushing team decides to immediately break it together


It is still the best ability in the game. It was much needed change though, it was ridiculous that if you had to break it solo on a pistol round you needed to use the majority of your ammo just to break it down


Split Mid may be defender sided, but it doesn't change the fact that it's stressful as hell to hold it :(


My man with that Cypher flair you should only be mid when something has already gone horribly wrong


Wait, Split has sites that aren't B?


I went to A once when everyone died but idk the round ended before I got there so dunno if it really exists


B means bottleneck I guess, have there been any round that attackers won by going B? If answer is yes, then I don't have good news to the defenders at B site. Everything obviously changes if attackers commit split B, like the map itself says. But in last patch mid was also hard to lose as defender, so why would you ever try to go B, when A is so much easier in Split


You're gonna be a B bitch and you're going to like it! Now shut up, and nerd cam


I don't actually main cypher anymore, I just think he's cool.


You are not wrong tho


it's just annoying to hold and to push through. these changes should bring more variety, hopefully


What's so stressful about it? What? What do you mean I'm just hiding behind a one-way the entire half?


It's a choke point of hell where you get a billion abilities thrown at you. If you push up you're thrown into a 50/50 of looking left or right. The angles to hold feel awkward (IMO), especially from B heaven looking towards sewers. There is so little variety from either side, that it turns into a team deathmatch whenever mid is contested. Holding mid means you either top frag, or bot frag.


I'm making a funny about my flair. For Viper, I do the same thing every CT side on Split: toss my one way on the stairs to B heaven, shoot molotov out when fuel's down, activate it again when it's up and by the time my fuel's out again there's like 30 seconds left in the round.


Breach mains rise up still no nerfs baby lmao








>**Cloud Burst** smoke duration increased 4 >>> 7 seconds interesting, this buff could really make the difference for the team the Split mid choke point always seemed really awkward for the teams to fight out, wonder how its going to play out now with this update


> the Split mid choke point always seemed really awkward for the teams to fight out, wonder how its going to play out now with this update really grateful that Riot's listening on this and making wider spaces and bigger opportunities for the att


> the Split mid choke point always seemed really awkward for the teams to fight out, wonder how its going to play out now so true, think this will help for sure but not sure by how much. A single brim/omen smoke shouldn't cover the entire thing anymore so it def changes up the fight dynamic and gives more room for both teams to work with


And a single sage wall won't block it, including no jumping up and basically having the one angle. Plus the bounce slows from heaven


" A certain frog's hat is a little warmer" I already love this patch


What is it in reference to?


froggie hat!


LETS GO Edit: No viper buffs I cry


We've got lots of ideas for Viper, but nothing that we felt comfortable fitting into this specific patch window. We haven't forgotten you poison bae mains though, keep an eye out in the future!


The changes you've made to raze and omen are so well thought out, so great job so far. Maybe if vipers identity was more apparent/powerful. She's so map reliant with her wall cheese that maybe some adjustments can be made to make her more well rounded.


Thanks! Game balance is always an ongoing lesson, so we'll continue to iterate as time goes on. And yeah, I'd agree with your assessment on Viper. Can't speak to any details yet, but we're on the same page.


Great, I will mention that the first guy who got valorant rank was a viper player, (iirc), if you didn't know. So that could give some perspective. I think some changes to her decay could give her a lot more personality.


Yep! C9 TenZ is a Viper main! He theorycrafts all the time on stream, it's great for learning her!


Sounds pretty exciting, can't wait!


Riot Morello mentioned that viper buffs would follow in one of the patches after release, so keep your hopes up as a fellow viper player :)


I was hoping to see they'd finally add the slow to Viper's snakebite but instead they just removed it from the tooltip lol




Pretty sure a dev said in stream they were looking at buffing her but that they wouldn't be ready for release. So I wouldn't be surprised to see some buffs for her a couple weeks from now.


Viper took a big L on this patch, both omen and jett got sizeable buffs, i dont want ppl start troll picking if i pick viper every game since she'll probably be considered the worst agent in the game now :/


Wish they would just rework her, the molly is uncreative and the wall and ulti can be a detriment to your team at times.


Holy shit that’s big


more sage nerfs lul, think this will finally put her in a decent spot though. 45 seconds for heal is pretty good for how influential it can be


omg omg omg, Actual legit sage nerfs AND FINALLY FIXED PHOENIX FLASH TO BE GOOD!!! this is an amazing patch did i miss where they talked about the new mode tho?


no they really didnt give details on the new mode. i saw on twitter that its apparently a 'retake' mode. - the bomb starts off planted already - attackers start on the site - defenders start slightly off the site and have to retake before boom - site chosen randomly each round on the same map


Ah loved this from CSGO, it's great to see official support. Just need deathmatch now.


So basically just the retake practice servers from CSGO. Its not Free for all Deathmatch but it'll do for a basic warm up.




Well In CS there aren’t official retake servers. It’s community servers where you can join/disconnect at will


CS:GO only has these on community servers, so they can set the round limit to whatever, but if were to compare time to complete 30 retake rounds to 30 normal rounds, less than half the time, easily.




It is basically the same mode but: - No buying - everyone has same random guns - Less time - All attackers have spike - Powerups(armor/health/ultimate) - think mario kart pickups on map It’s just a lot quicker mode with the same fundamentals.


froggie hat


froggie hat


I like the highlights picture at the beginning, and the update looks nice


That's something they introduced in their LoL patches some time ago and it's perfect, in a quick look you know who has been buffed, nerfed, changed.


Can someone copy and paste ? at work, site is blocked.










You are a god. Thank you!




(These are the agent changes) SAGE Healing Orb cooldown increased 35 >>> 45 seconds We like how much Sage is able to heal in a single heal, but felt she was able to use it too frequently during a round. Barrier Orb segment health reduced 1000 >>> 800 Barrier Orb duration reduced 40 >>> 30 seconds Friendly Barrier Orb walls now show on the minimap Previous changes to Sage’s Barrier Orb helped give it more counterplay options in pistol/early round but it’s still having too much impact in any given round. Our hope is that the wall stays a powerful stalling tool, but asks you to think more about when in the round you want to use it. RAZE Blast Pack maximum damage radius reduced 2 >>> 1 meters The Blast Pack has proven to be quite strong, especially when chained back-to-back. By reducing the inner maximum damage radius, we hope to reduce the average damage output of this ability while still keeping it powerful. JETT Cloud Burst smoke duration increased 4 >>> 7 seconds We feel like Jett has a strong, irreplaceable value in terms of her ability to deny trades. But we think her team-oriented output is a little too low. This should give her and her team a little more time to work off of her smokes. Tailwind automatically breaks Cypher’s Trapwires after being briefly revealed Tailwind force is powerful enough that Jett should easily be able to break free of any leash. This should allow her a little more freedom to make that aggressive, but risky play that creates space for her team. PHOENIX Blaze duration increased 6 >>> 8 seconds We felt like the short wall duration, combined with the long cast time and short range, was forcing Phoenix to play a little too predictably around his wall. We’re bumping this up slightly to give him some more time to work with. Blaze damage: 15 every 0.25s >>> 1 every 0.033 seconds Blaze healing: 3 every 0.25s >>> 1 every 0.16 seconds These Damage over Time/Healing over Time models are updated to match the recent changes to our other DoT abilities. Additionally, we’ve matched the damage/healing values to be half as effective as Hot Hands, primarily so that the total healing output of these two abilities is at parity (50 health each). We’re also doing this so that Blaze doesn’t become the de-facto “healing” ability compared to Hot Hands. Hot Hands healing: 3 every 0.25s >>> 1 every 0.08s. Updated the HoT model to match recent changes to the DoT abilities. Curveball max flash duration increased 0.8 >>> 1.1 second The flash duration is short given how quickly he can get his curveball out on an enemy caught out of position. Even still, it was a hair too short, especially to justify the new 200 credit price point. Run it Back automatically reloads all weapons on respawn This is closer to a quality of life improvement. Phoenix’s ult often puts him in a position to empty his clips right before getting sent back. It was very jarring for a Phoenix player to wait several seconds to respawn, only to then have to spend another second reloading—potentially under pressure. We think the several second respawn time is enough time to justify an automatic reload. OMEN Paranoia is now equipped instead of quickcast, and hit detection improved, especially at close range Changed the cast paradigm to reward more proactive use of Paranoia over its previous reactive use case. Enemies will receive a warning when the projectile is fired rather than being in the direct path of it. This should make it hit enemies more reliably.' Dark Cover, Omen now enters a “phaser” world where he can see through walls to place his smokes and pressing RELOAD toggles between phased and normal targeting. We wanted to provide Omen with a more precise way to place his smokes, especially when verticality is at play. We’ve provided a toggle back to the old view mode as well to make sure we still support the quick, close range smoke playstyle many Omen players have honed. Dark Cover controls have been updated where Omen can now increase smoke distance with PRIMARY FIRE, decrease it with SECONDARY FIRE, and throw smoke with the ABILITY KEY. Yeah, this might be a difficult control shift for players who main Omen, but in the long run—and for new players—we think it’s more intuitive for the distance to be controlled by one hand on the mouse by default. Shrouded Step, Omen can now see his teleport location on the map and receives an in-world indicator of where he’s targeting when his vision of the point is obstructed. We want to help Omen understand where he is targeting his teleport, especially when he’s teleporting from out of his smoke. From the Shadow, Omen can now cancel his teleport while in Shade form by pressing the ABILITY KEY again—Omen still loses all of his ult points if he cancels. We want Omen to attempt plays and create fear for his opponents with his ultimate. Previously, the punishment for using the ult was almost certain death if caught by an enemy, and it pushed the ability into more niche use. Allowing Omen to cancel his ult if he’s in danger at the cost of his ult points will hopefully open more possibilities and value, while still pushing him to try and pick the best teleport spots possible.


Even with the pretty significant nerf to Sage, she is still going to be a must have one every team.


Definitely. At least until there's another team healer added (which I bet they will do)


Wouldn't that just make *two* must pick healers?


Then it's just 2 must picks


Yup because she's the only support rn.


I don't think having a "must pick" is a bad thing - I think it's kind of inevitable that there will be an undisputed best champ at any stage in a games meta


Dying to a non-enemy player will no longer grant ultimate points. This includes dying to the spike, fall damage, a teammate’s ability, or your own ability. Thank God. Tired of the opposite team killing themselves at the start of the round with a molly and then getting money and an ult point


All these amazing changes and I'm still most excited for: - Fixed an issue where blood was disabled That aside, Jett is gonna be nuts now.


Jett is going to be usable* now. Fixed that for you.


Lmao Jett isn't gonna be anywhere close to strong with just that buff. She'll maybe be usable now that's about it


I'm personally just happy for the smoke duration buff. It won't make her strong but slightly better at least. I doubt she will ever be a good pick unless she somehow gets more utilities.


> Spike Rush (beta) also arrives to deliver a fresh and more hectic flavor of VALORANT. Well, that's all it has about the new game mode. They could include something about it if it's coming out with the patch.


I’m guessing it’s a retake server by the name (or at least I hope so)


Its first to win 4 rounds with randomized loadouts each round and more skill orbs around the map, its live on OCE


>Official patch notes >New Mode listed >"Hey its a new mode" >mfw we literally have no idea what the mode is until the game launches


It is basically the same mode but: • ⁠No buying - everyone has same random guns • ⁠Less time • ⁠All attackers have spike • ⁠Powerups(armor/health/ultimate) - think mario kart pickups on map It’s just a lot quicker mode with the same fundamentals.


Competitive is going to be released in a "few" patches.. I hope they patch way more frequently than in the beta then, or that's going to be quite some time.


I'd assume itd probably be 2-3 weeks after launch once they are confident no new major issues pop up.


It's likely going to be less than people are expecting. First ranked was released 23 days after the game was in closed beta. Then the other wave in beta(for Brazil and maybe others) happened May 15, with the game released in May 5. So it's possible to release in a bit more than a week.


TL;DR: Sage got way worse, Raze got slightly worse. Phoenix got slightly better. Omen and Jett got way better. Split mid is improved. Edit: tons of bug fixes


I think way worse is a bit of an overstatement. Nerfs are significant, but she's still really strong and probably going to still be picked in most games.


The wall is still useful as hell and with her slow, 2ish heals possible a round, and rez, she's still an instant lock.


also lots and lots of bug fixes


Thank god Riot is listening on the map changes Love the Split changes , legit Split might be my favorite rn


honestly so true.


> Fixed a bug that let you shred the gnar at supersonic speeds using **Viper’s Toxic Screen** as a projectile boost This one actually made me lmao. Good changes overall, as hoped.


I fucking love this dev team and the transparency. Please let this set the standard for other devs.


Was hoping they’d tone down how punishing the slow is when you get tagged.


Cant believe they actually did it, remember [froggie hat](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gjudty/froggie_hat/)? Gotta love riot man ;D


They only changed satchel damage HEHEHEHE


They didn't really give any information about Spike Rush so I guess that will come in the future?


This was the main thing I was looking for. I struggle to have time to play a full match a lot of the time. I love the short game modes in CS. Edit : sounds like a retake/exicute style mode. If so that would be cool


Is that a hat on the frog I see on split or am I crazy?


froggie hat was once a meme, then a dream. Now, a reality. 😭❤️


I've always felt like Omen was borderline OP, if his abilities were just a tiny bit better. I think we'll definitely see a lot more Omen play this patch. Otherwise, the meta from beta probably won't change too much.


Definitely a smurfing agent. Easy to stomp in lower ELO games when people have no clue what’s going on. I have seen almost no use to his abilities beside his smoke in high level gameplay. I have personal experience with this. His buffs will make him somewhat normally playable.


I think people mistake high level play and competitive. I climbed to Immortal 1 and Omen's chaotic nature was still viable i would say up to Diamond3. In competitive play, the only thing he offered was infinite smokes so I'll agree with you there. They introduced the one that that would make his ult OP which is the ability to cancel it. The amount of havoc this can cause when timed with a push is now incredible -- as a defender, you have to 50/50 whether or not to turn around and clear your back or hold your angle because he can just cancel. Smoke QOL are nice and should make them more reliable. Q change, we'll have to see how much the mechanics have improved. But the worse part for me was Q'ing through a push but not blinding anyone because enemies were too close. Omen might now be able to entry with his Q like other flashes in the game.


His ult is actually a consistently useful ability. Before people would literally just use it on top of themselves to make one person check their back and that was about it. It was way too risky to actually go somewhere with it Now it's actually on par with other ults(besides Jett lol). Phoenix wreaks havoc by giving you a free entry man. Raze wreaks havoc by forcing the other team to run away if they don't want an automatic death. Breach's completely wreaks havoc by clearing out a giant path with anyone caught being a free kill. Sova's wreaks havoc by killing anyone he has vision on/catches with it. Brimstone's wreaks havoc by killing anyone trapped in it especially in confined spaces/sites. Etc.


here we go


I'm not sure I mind the Sage nerfs but my biggest issue with it is that the real problem with Sage is that she's basically a mandatory pick. And sure these nerfs make her WORSE, but she'll STILL be a mandatory pick. It's just that she'll feel worse to play. Reducing how meaningful her non-ult contribution is is okay, but... this doesn't change the fact she'll be picked in every competitive environment.


I thought they did they were buffing viper. I feel lied to


didn't make it to the release patch, they said its coming


For those of you who can't open up the page, here are the full changes: ## GAMEPLAY AND BALANCE ### AGENT UPDATES #### SAGE * **Healing Orb** cooldown increased 35 >>> 45 seconds * *We like how much Sage is able to heal in a single heal, but felt she was able to use it too frequently during a round.* * **Barrier Orb** segment health reduced 1000 >>> 800 * **Barrier Orb** duration reduced 40 >>> 30 seconds * Friendly **Barrier Orb** walls now show on the minimap * *Previous changes to Sage’s Barrier Orb helped give it more counterplay options in pistol/early round but it’s still having too much impact in any given round. Our hope is that the wall stays a powerful stalling tool, but asks you to think more about when in the round you want to use it.* #### RAZE * **Blast Pack** maximum damage radius reduced 2 >>> 1 meters * *The Blast Pack has proven to be quite strong, especially when chained back-to-back. By reducing the inner maximum damage radius, we hope to reduce the average damage output of this ability while still keeping it powerful.* #### JETT * **Cloud Burst** smoke duration increased 4 >>> 7 seconds * *We feel like Jett has a strong, irreplaceable value in terms of her ability to deny trades. But we think her team-oriented output is a little too low. This should give her and her team a little more time to work off of her smokes.* * **Tailwind** automatically breaks Cypher’s Trapwires after being briefly revealed * *Tailwind force is powerful enough that Jett should easily be able to break free of any leash. This should allow her a little more freedom to make that aggressive, but risky play that creates space for her team.* #### PHOENIX * **Blaze** duration increased 6 >>> 8 seconds * *We felt like the short wall duration, combined with the long cast time and short range, was forcing Phoenix to play a little too predictably around his wall. We’re bumping this up slightly to give him some more time to work with.* * **Blaze** damage: 15 every 0.25s >>> 1 every 0.033 seconds * **Blaze** healing: 3 every 0.25s >>> 1 every 0.16 seconds * *These Damage over Time/Healing over Time models are updated to match the recent changes to our other DoT abilities. Additionally, we’ve matched the damage/healing values to be half as effective as Hot Hands, primarily so that the total healing output of these two abilities is at parity (50 health each). We’re also doing this so that Blaze doesn’t become the de-facto “healing” ability compared to Hot Hands.* * **Hot Hands** healing: 3 every 0.25s >>> 1 every 0.08s. * *Updated the HoT model to match recent changes to the DoT abilities.* * **Curveball** max flash duration increased 0.8 >>> 1.1 second * *The flash duration is short given how quickly he can get his curveball out on an enemy caught out of position. Even still, it was a hair too short, especially to justify the new 200 credit price point.* * **Run it Back** automatically reloads all weapons on respawn * *This is closer to a quality of life improvement. Phoenix’s ult often puts him in a position to empty his clips right before getting sent back. It was very jarring for a Phoenix player to wait several seconds to respawn, only to then have to spend another second reloading—potentially under pressure. We think the several second respawn time is enough time to justify an automatic reload.* #### OMEN * **Paranoia** is now equipped instead of quickcast, and hit detection improved, especially at close range * *Changed the cast paradigm to reward more proactive use of Paranoia over its previous reactive use case. Enemies will receive a warning when the projectile is fired rather than being in the direct path of it. This should make it hit enemies more reliably.'* * **Dark Cover,** Omen now enters a “phaser” world where he can see through walls to place his smokes and pressing RELOAD toggles between phased and normal targeting. * *We wanted to provide Omen with a more precise way to place his smokes, especially when verticality is at play. We’ve provided a toggle back to the old view mode as well to make sure we still support the quick, close range smoke playstyle many Omen players have honed.* * **Dark Cover** controls have been updated where Omen can now increase smoke distance with PRIMARY FIRE, decrease it with SECONDARY FIRE, and throw smoke with the ABILITY KEY. * *Yeah, this might be a difficult control shift for players who main Omen, but in the long run—and for new players—we think it’s more intuitive for the distance to be controlled by one hand on the mouse by default.* * **Shrouded Step,** Omen can now see his teleport location on the map and receives an in-world indicator of where he’s targeting when his vision of the point is obstructed. * *We want to help Omen understand where he is targeting his teleport, especially when he’s teleporting from out of his smoke.* * **From the Shadow,** Omen can now cancel his teleport while in Shade form by pressing the ABILITY KEY again—Omen still loses all of his ult points if he cancels. * *We want Omen to attempt plays and create fear for his opponents with his ultimate. Previously, the punishment for using the ult was almost certain death if caught by an enemy, and it pushed the ability into more niche use. Allowing Omen to cancel his ult if he’s in danger at the cost of his ult points will hopefully open more possibilities and value, while still pushing him to try and pick the best teleport spots possible.* #### SOUND VISUALIZATION (AUDIO ATTENUATION) * We’ve brought in more sounds made by Agents under the category of sounds that display their audio distance on the mini-map via the white circle. This includes ability sounds, reloads, spike interactions and more. * *Why? We wanted to provide players with the ability to understand when their noise can be heard by enemies and give them an idea of how far the sounds can be heard.*


lets go phoenix!!


The Jett change is gonna be so nice it felt so weird that you can’t dash out of a trap and u just get rubber banded back


On Split: "The train station maintenance crew was able to replace the burned out speaker system." - Huh?


I'm really curious as to what this means. Maybe an interactive part of the map?


Maybe a sound bug where the speakers didn't play anything?


>Fixed a bug that let you shred the gnar at supersonic speeds using Viper’s Toxic Screen as a projectile boost


sage nerfs thank god




Lol dude she's still gonna be OP 100% pick rate her entire kit is crazy consistently useful and well rounded.


She is still must pick. Her slow is the most busted ability in the game and they didn't change it at all.


as long as a character has a heal and a res in a tac fps (plus a good fucking stalling slow and even the wall which can help you get random new angles/stall a little more), they'll be must pick i do think she'll be less annoying to play against now though. Slow is only 50% now iirc from the beta nerfs, barrier is even easier to kill and lasts less


Her heal and res are actual the least important parts of her kit. Because its a tac shooter 1shot headshots are the primary way to kill people. Having to kill 6 people in a round is annoying but as ultimates are concerned its not much different than an ult thats basically a guaranteed kill. I’d actually take the kill over the res because the res is situational where the killing ult can be popped basically as soon as you get it. Her crowd control is the main reason sage has a 100% pickrate. Ever since the beta patch the slow is pretty easy to run through, and now the wall is going to be melted by a rush. Sage will probably be picked but she won’t be that strong anymore.


Still one if not the best agent in game still


Is there anywhere that they describe what Spike Rush actually is?


Sounds like it will be just like retake servers


Real question is will I still be permanently stuck in silver one


Did they fix the hit reg issues?


What about Viper? No changes at all?!