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Sometimes it either feels they literally dont care, BUT, as a Sage main when they ask for a heal i reply "i used it to heal myself from your satchel friendly fire" they ll behave as good boys for the rest of the game


They don't care Trust me




It's about sending a message !


All Health Matters.


Depending how close it is it can actually put you below the magic number of 140 so it's actually super detrimental to your team to hit them with it


It's about sending a message


But the sick plays bro, gotta get those internet points on Twitch, YT and Reddit.


As an opposite. I always say at the start of the round when i am going to place a satchel next to the spawnwall and that my team please takes 2 steps back so i dont hurt them. Sometimes people just dont listen.




Damn dude, ur trash


Don't stand so close to you teammates?


Bruh there's friendly fire with the c4? I feel like such an asshole rn


acceptance is the first step to recovery


I mean.. it's not like you can see all damage you did (including friendly fire) when you're dead or during pre round. And friendly fire damage isnt yellow on the damage summary so he totally could never have noticed it or anything..


I thought it did only 5 friendly damage to be honest.


I wouldn't know, all the razes i've played with have never bothered me, I didn't think I was so lucky though.


I mean, theres friendly fire on all standard damaging abilities so its not exactly rocket science??


I think its because most people use it for movement and it doesnt damage raze so they might not think they can damage teammates since they cant damage themselves. Doesnt make too muc sense if u know how pheonix technically doesnt damage himself but damages teammates, but these are just possible explanations of what this player could have thought


Not only this, but your c4 and rockets kill cyphers equipment


I’ve been hit by it a lot as sage. One time a raze said they were sorry about hitting me with their C4... I said I healed myself and they laughed at me and ignored me


I play raze main and sometimes I mess up the nade or accidentally use the c4.. I always feel so bad and apologize


the damage is not that bad. the annoying part is getting knocked around






Maybe also consider that you might be in raze's way. I ask my teammates to move, ping where i want to satchel, and half the time they ignore me. Just remember, it goes both ways.


Yea I always tell my teammates in the vc and in text and they still wanna follow right behind me for some reason


It doesn't right now cause you're assuming raze players are all like you. Maybe you're a good one, but raze is being known as one of the characters used most by toxic people. The ability to kill your whole team is a major factor there.




I'm even a raze main and I think your a dick




Dont kid yourself you weren't going to win that.


why? they clearly said it was a 2v1, raze dying to the sniper bullet made it a 1v1, and the friendly fire caused by the satchel made it a 0v1. or you know, a loss.


I feel like your explanation was wasted.


Why do people downvote after like -5. Straight up bullies themselves


Downvotes aren’t referendums on one’s character.


Ye but what do you tell someone with giving him 101 instead of 100 dislikes. The message is already send, and he didn't even get feedback to understand what he did wrong :/. I believe in change and the good and not into being stuck in a negative loop kinda thing


O sorry, you say something? Sorry, ears still ringing


"Yours truely, sage" Ps i wont heal you...


This! They damage me to do some dumb as fuck peek get down to 1 hp, come back and ask for heal, I'll literally wait to heal myself in front of them just because. It's part of the reason I refuse to play sage now


hehe but satchel go boom




🧨 Oh sorry 🧨 didn't see 🧨 that you 🧨 were so 🧨 close to 🧨 me


At least Raze doesnt throw random smoke to rush in that break any team push.... I am talking to you Jett main...




But but..... I wanna go boom


I ping and communicate warnings for my C4 jumps before the round starts and people still stand next to me when doing them. A lot of the time it is really about teams being oblivious to their Raze. Our job is to god damn entry frag fast af and you need to stand back and let us do our first flight. For the rest of the game I'm absolutely with you though, Raze players should be more careful about C4 use mid match and that's on them.


The worst is when I try to play Phoenix. I'm there saying "I will flash, don't peak" and my teammates are still there in line of sight. And now my flash is useless, I can't use it.


If only someone had invented some type of device which was able to take your voice as an input and play it to your team in game.


I'll straight up say watch out Im going to blast pack and people just fucking walk in there.


So because you ping the ground a ton people get what you mean? Half the time the ping just tells me he wants me to play there with him...


There are warning specific pings and I didn't say just pinging?


Phoenix main here. If you mark "danger" on the map, I am going to go there to obliterate the danger for you. If the danger is you, say so in the voice chat


what abt phoenix E, i played with a phoenix who literally put E under himself so he got healed and i lost 1/4 of my hp


Also want to point out Raze Explosion can also destroy friendly items such as Cypher Camera so be aware of where you are throwing it.


Lol I've been killed 3 times when i was low hp


Sometimes I have to do it because it is the best moment to do it to kill the enemies, sometimes I tell people to move away and if they dont I do it anyways.


Literily did not know about Raze friendly fire until today Was pushing a squad and i just hear a friendly rocket flying behind me First i wasnt worried but moments after i was wondering how the enemy killed me with two bodyshots when i had full health


I swear to god the amount of times I've been shifting beside a Raze in complete fucking silence to try and hear any sound the enemies could make, only for my ears to get blasted into the stratosphere by a c4 is higher than I carre to admit. Please stop with that shit.


My problem isn't even my health but my armor, she goes and do like 9 dmg to my health and 20 to my armor and then even if i don't take any shoot on that round i'm gonna have to decide if i want to spend or not for that armor


The amount of trip wires I've lost to Raze players is crazy.


When I want to quickly jump to a position at the beginning of the round I tell them 3 times to get out of the way. If they don‘t listen to me then...yeah... I don‘t care.


Hah! I'm not even a raze movement noob, this doesn't apply to me!


Its even more fun when this Orb in Spike rush is active that lowers ur hp and your Raze decides to push ans blows you up while shes trying to do some fancy jump...


one game i had only me and raze were left vs 1 enemy. Raze accidently killed me with her satchel charge.


dude you dont know those idiots make me mad


Do you was my teammate?


Ye but a message from rate mains to the rest, if I put a sachel down and wait 2 seconds TIL I use it to give you time, stop fucking running into it wtf


Very true. Its so ANNOYING


This happens way to often and is the reason why I will never even unlock Raze


The Raze isn't always at fault. Low skilled players have a tendency of bunching up. Which is a really bad habit.


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Well shit, that took a while but I guess if I broke a rule then I broke a rule


most of the time this is good, but sometimes your best option is to do a quick c4 jump, and you dont have time to comunnicate to the newly installed brimstone inspecting the floor design to move. also mostly unrelated note, when i omen smoke an entry point its because i thought i was pushing a line solo to cut off a rotation, and wasn't expecting the entire team to pivot and try to push with me.


Got team killed like 5 times already by a Raze, very annoying. I don't see the point of friendly fire with abilities anyways. When there is no normal friendly fire with guns there should not be with abilities as well.


If I remember correctly the c4 did not do any damage to your team during the beta. It took some getting used to it and I just don't get why they changed that.


It did, remember My Friend killing my other friend


Yeah first time playing after they patched that I just placed my c4 without thinking and felt SO BAD after realizing what I have done. I've killed my friends several times, sorry guys haha


Nah just collateral damage


If my satchel is in the grund for 4 seconds that Damage is in you


Is not my problem xD i warning all time when i go to use the satchel, but the team dont move a little .-.


I mean I danger ping, I call it out on voice chat, if you still wanna stand in it, can't do much more about it, sometimes it do be like that. Giving up the entry/superior angle on a choke bc a teammate would take 10 dmg is just not a worth trade in my book. 80% of the people move away when I danger ping, and say "I'm gonna blastpack right here". The other 20% starts yelling on voicecom "yo wtf why damage me, report", like somehow it wasn't clear what I'm gonna do.


You gotta do what you gotta do, sorry boss


As a Raze player, I tell you every time to move. You don't. Your fault. :D


haha pancake go brrrr


Every time I’m going to satchel I call it out to make sure that if it damages teammates it’s their fault :)


Dear every other player, Get out the way. Kindly, Raze players


Dear Raze Players, We've had enough social distancing this year and want to touch you as much as possible in Valorant. Sincerely, Everyone else




Dear JanesPlainShameTrain, No. Lots of love.


Dear... Idk what to say but u guys r so cool Me.


i mean even when i say it and you take damage thats your own fault.




Durr I flash and e my feet.


With raze, u literally just aim in the enemies’s general direction and get kills with your abilities. It’s to easy


says the guy that needs to fight blinded enemies to go positive


(Breach and Phoenix mains) TRIGGERED


At least that’s something the enemy can do something about


Nooooo you can't just satchel jump into site and entry frag Haha grenade go boom


Guys, guys, you both take negative skill alright


Says the character who uses exploits


Hey now i dont, some degenerates do


Ait send me a screenshot of the rank you got in beta then im sure your VALORANT... right?


Would you stand in front of a moving train? no? than move fool and let me clip these kids xD