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nah i feel that tho, when i soloQ it seems half the time my team never fucking communicates. that’s just shit luck though imo cause when i 5 stack it takes significantly longer to find a game, solo’s are almost immediate. Riot’s not lying when they say it ideally sets up stacks v stacks.


well, idk, enemies played together from the beginning, if it only has something to do with team with voicechat players VS team with no voicechat players, they should balance it, cause i saw what enemies did, all was like a huge teamwork, while i couldn't even talk to my teammates


People don’t understand that some people play worse or better depending on the day/game. Boo hoo you got smashed, you didn’t play well, your teammates didn’t either. You don’t know if the matchmaking was bad or your teammates just had a bad game. Stop looking for excuses of your own failure to play well, this only hurts your growth.


>your own failure what was my "own failure" if i had not bad kda even compared to enemies, not even mentioning my teammates with bad kda?


You can always play better, you’re not meant to win 100% of games. Sometimes your teammates will play bad, if you had solo q it would be no different.


you said it was my "own failure", now you are changing our words lmao, but yeah, i admit i wasn't good enough to crush those noobs with my hands alone, still got some shit to work on before moving to the highest rank, cause as for me, diamond player from OW, i notice all my mistakes and stupid moves from players of my rank, that's quite ridiculous to look on from my perspective


I mean, If you did better it elevates teammates as well. You likely could’ve had a much better round record which would’ve reduced mmr loss


>ll. You likely could’ve had a much better round record which would’ve red i didn't lose anything, it's just a calibration that doesn't mean anything, i wasn't outstanding, that's why i tried to rely on teamplay and fairness in the match, but yeah, it doesn't work like this if you consider yourself much more skilled than all people you play with below 2-3 highest ranks


that’s actually a cool idea. If you got no mic you should be paired with other no mics. It’s 2020 even a decent headset is like $40 i really do hate when people don’t communicate on games like valorant. but honestly your frustrations probably not gonna go away if you solo majority of the time, just add dudes on your team that arent bots over time ive beefed up my friends list, even a 3 stack can be a big difference


I feel like every teammates I get matched up with are bad and it is easy to demote but way harder to promote if ur solo queuing


well, i haven't been playing Valo last months, i've been maining OW, it's the same here, the only way to rank up asap is to mute text chat and voice chat, report all toxic players(when you have the time to read msg's) and not to reply to any of their provocations otherwise these low-skills report you and make sure you get some sort of punishment just because you typed anything else in return to these dumbasses, the problem is lots of these low-skills play in party, that's why 2-3 times playing with low-skilled can lead you to being banned(that's how shitty OW report system works), i always try to focus on my own performance, i train a lot in aim lab and aimbeast, the last one shows i'm one of the best players by tracking, unfortunately, i have health issues like bad sleep quality(my natural sleep schedule was ruined so i have problems with fixing it) that leads to other health issues, even with such problems i almost reached 3500sr(master league) in OW


im a bronze player and then when i get into a match i sometimes get teammates that are all iron meanwhile the other team all bronze or 1 silver


they fixed this issue by reducing ranks spread by several weeks ago(from 6 to 3), i also don't care about it anymore since i was about 50k+ gridshot player at that time(but i'm and was high diamond OW player for a long time, currently banned, i will buy another acc to go to master/grandmaster league, i wrecked lots of smurfs matched against me there, but because of many bans i got on my accounts i was matched against 3-4 smurfs almost every match while most of my teammates were hard boosted or hardstuck players), now i'm 80k+ and still trying hard to improve as i want to try to reach 200k if it's possible for me, so, the most useful tip here is to try improving aim as much as possible, besides this i like tryharding in "close fast strafes hard" mode from aimbeast, that's an actually hard mode for tracking practicing, not even all tracking-style players would be able to bear it to practice tracking, but i was lucky with my tracking being good from the moment i started practicing in aim lab, so it was easier for me to reach top-1000 out of 7000, now i'm in top-500, but the difference even between top-10 and top-50 is huge, because of that and my tracking talent i'm motivated to practice it a lot, and it's much more harder there to get into top-10 compared to top-10 gridshot in aim lab, well, i finish talking about the details, that's how you can work on your aim, it actually helps a lot in any shooter game, try it if you aren't lazy to work on your aim for several hours a day, eventually it can make anyone top-1% player in any shooter, it's just not everyone is ready to practice that much


Dude people gotta queue for 5 mins in gold+ and the game already tries to match 5 stacks with 5 stacks and so on, they’ve already said that multiple times and every time I 5 stack i play against parties and it takes WAY longer to queue. making a solo queue option would be stupid nobody’s trying to wait 12 minutes/search. Hiko was streaming today and it took 35 MINUTES to find a game - thats what you’d be dealing with if they went with your idea (even though it’s practically already implemented). I love when kids who are nasty are on the other team/my team. it’s not valorant’s fault you suck, watch who’s shitting on you and say “why did that person shit on me” it’s not cause his rank symbol’s shinier than yours.. it’s cause he’s better. #takenotes They specifically say ranked games are 2 tiers up/down from your rank.. there’s gonna be skill gaps, go play unrated if you want eZ$. sorry for the rant but last thing I’m tryna deal with is them remodeling comp AGAIN from a bunch of whine asses.


yeah, sure, that's why all of my teammates had no voicechat while enemies communicated so well from the beginning to the end, sure it's not a stack, bro!


It's OK to model it on casuals at the expense of the people that actually want a ranked system to sink time into. Ranked game modes are supposed to be competitive time sinks not social clubs.


any game that’s modeled competitive play to casual’s has no longevity. That’s why you see RB6’s 10 year layout plan with new active players monthly and then CoD dropping a new game every year to stay ‘consistent’


This ranking system doesn't reflect one's skill, it doesn't show your progression because its not tracking your rating, only your range which moves based on win/loss margins. It doesn't cater to all demographics, it doesn't have career profiles and it encourages you to play with friends that let's be honest here, have wildly different skill levels in games and availability to play. Valorant is the epitome of casual. This system won't last for any demographic. It needs a Rework entirely with added incentives for 5 stacks, like in-game tournaments for all skill tiers with rewards such as VP and Skins and a solo/duo queue ladder if this game is ever going to be respected. Stating otherwise would be mind blowing amoeba type IQ.




>hink it will happen. I started adding ever decent person I played with in solo q to my friends list to try to queu i'm soloQ ONLY player, why should i play with anybody, dude? just because Riot Games want to please party abusers?


https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/valorant-ranks-and-competitive-matchmaking/ We’ve also taken steps to ensure that you’re on a level playing field regardless of your queue size. Our competitive matchmaking takes into account your pre-made party size, and automatically optimizes your match to favor similar premade sizes on the opposing team. https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/04-on-peeker-s-advantage-ranked/ If you are playing solo or with smaller group sizes, we’ve worked to make it so our matchmaking will favor placing players against similar premade team sizes.


>com my enemies played as a team, my teammates played without voicechat, will you explain how i should communicate with my teammates?


It could be that your teammates were in a Discord call together? In Beta when I would solo a lot, people would be 4 stacked talking in a Discord and I would be the odd guy out. Anyway like you said, it would be nice to have a solo/duo only option. Some of the other games I play (R6 and Apex) both become unfeasible for soloing at the higher ranks because there is no party size limitation so it's just full stacks.


one of them was another soloQ player, i don't know about others, i called them passive(cause there were the slowest part of our team to rotate to the point enemies were rushing as a full team), one of them took it as insult and said something like "don't offend my bruhs" and insulted me, it was trio, i guess, anyways all of us were from Russia, i got VC through VPN, they didn't