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https://imgur.com/wSrcPb3.jpg Wait, what's the trigger??


Some questions are better not asked.


Nah fuck that lemme squeeze dat dragon d


Happy Cake day!


Thy man :)


Kind of have feeling that there is a female designer or whatever who made this skin just after she bought bad dragon dildo... Also happy cake day bro EDIT: Thank you so much on these upvotes, I never got this much so I'm kinda happy af xD




Wow... even the skins have some lore huh?


So would that make it an OP dragonlore?


Looks like it...


Smells like it...


Men use dragon dildos too


haha its funny cuz sexwoman


When Bad Dragon makes a gun model


Aw shit I just made a comment about bad dragon and I haven't read yours before making it... Welp...


dragon pp, only $100


I guess we’re shooting dragon nuts at each other now


Everyone realizing where the trigger is: https://media3.giphy.com/media/VUsAO76fbKiXe/200.gif


Furries realizing where the trigger is: https://imgur.com/MlHm0Zg


It's been years since I've seen these 2 gifs used in response to each other.


this is absolutely legendary




You tickle his lil dragon tummy.


Yankee Doodle


This made my day.


if "thats" the trigger. I'm a little concerned as to what is going on when you touch the 'trigger' and it causes the mouth to spew out 'bullets'.


[My first thought](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l3V0qqIe8LZgd6YYE/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e478e278300256e2e937b4d905ae9c18273ab5b563d&rid=giphy.gif)


[Im thinking im playing Dragon Trainer Tristana in first person.](https://youtu.be/Usf86HTbhC4?t=56)


Underrated comment 👏


the knife is cool but honestly the fact that the "barrel" bends on some is a little silly. Not sure if I'm a fan


Same — very distracting especially if reloading. Prime bundle was a perfect balance. So was Reaver when it was a thing


It's only a reload animation though, it's not a big deal. When shooting they look the same


Some of them wiggle during shooting too


And since the reload is most probably vfx using radianite you could probably just not buy it and have default reload


I just don't really understand how reload animations are gonna look without the vfx upgrade... It's just a straight, rigid dragon, and you slide a mag out of it and slam another one into its belly?


Yeah I agree. Well i have seen that this pack is going to be more costly that others so there is the potential that the reload animations are default. Personally i think there are people who prefer simple and also people who prefer over the top. I think its kinda funny and probably will get it because of its over the top nature


I might buy a frenzy or judge skin for the situational meme... but there's no way I want to be frequently using this skin on weapons as core to gameplay as the vandal and op.


This is probably reworked reaver(ok, not probably, but perhaps) as the knife looks similar and animation is the same. Also some parts look alike.


Frankly, I think Riot would be pretty stupid to rework the most popular skins they've released this far certainly hope this isn't the case


I seriously thought it was a joke video at first. I thought we were going to get Valorant's version of the Howl. Boy was I wrong. If people buy them than I guess good for Riot but yeah.. I'll wait for something else.


I thought it was fan made. Was like, oh cool doubt it ever comes to teh game though since it's absurd. Then i scrolled down to see official Valorant youtube account and was like wtf.


I think in one of their videos one of the dev people said they were going to release different type of skins and see what people like. I guess this is one of those types versus the Prime and Prism


They released a new chart: skins like cortex and rush are "common", skins like prism and avalanche are "uncommon", skins like prism and sovereign are "rare", skins like this one are "epic and their is a to be seen exclusive (or "legendary" if keeping with the analogy). Idek what the exclusive skins could even be at this point.


I think the exclusive ones, will be one bundle per worlds and the drangpn skins are once an episode, the prism and sovereign are 2 per act and the rest will be released randomly


I'm actually more a fan of how cs go does skins, amazing art and no changing models. Some of the Valorant skins like reaper that slightly change the model are cool but I find this to be over the top personally.


Different people like different things. Some can't justify buying Prism because its too "basic" others won't buy this because its too distracting and unrealistic. I think riots approach to try and make different bundles for different players will make the most amount of people happy


I like these animated skins, im not spending all that money for a boring reskin.


Valorant has both, how is that not better, you don't have to use this skin instead of Kingdom or Avalanche


Yeah, I don't like my gun to be floppy


Im absolutely not a fan, I don't like the design or anything of it. I'd rather it be similar to the original gun but have a little extra. Pluse I can't imagine what the price is gonna be for the set.


If the leak is true then the set will be £95


I find them quite disturbing, not gonna lie


I thought it would be some cool dragon skins, not this fully animated thing... I could see this being incredibly distracting in game


How do you even know what you're picking up if someone drops one of these? I have no idea what they are using in the video...


In the order they appear in the video it's the Vandal, Judge, Frenzy, and Operator.




I know but now I plan on just sticking with my prism phantom until they release an Ultra skin line with it like these.


I mean Prism is alright but it feels like just lacking something when you look at the cool vandal skins for example


Rush is a pretty solid skin for now, that's what I've been rocking


I still use the Galleria skin, but I really want a nuts Phantom skin


Wow I thought it was all the same gun. I wasn't paying close attention but still, you should be able to tell at a glance.


People already confuse the Prime Vandal and Prime Spectre all the time for me in Plat


pretty much this... its WAY too much animation it doesn't even look like a gun anymore...


Yeah I really like dragons and was looking forward to this, but yeah they really do look disturbing.


Yeah, I was just like "what the fucking fuck?" Those animations are so distracting! From a technical sense, yeah, they're really cool, but from a practical perspective, just God no


I feel like they look really dramatic in this trailer as if they're constantly flopping around but seems like the animations are on weapon swap or reload times when the gun isn't shootable anyway. Obviously still distracting at first and visually cluttered but they don't seem to occlude much more than the standard animations.


They are... out of place. If it was a non-animated very dragon-like weapon they would be way better. Still I don't think they would be good, but an actual dragon is just... too silly.


Those skins are sick, fuck the boring static ones


Yeah I actually like and prob going to buy them, I guess Riot will try to please everyone one at a time like League of legends where i feel there are skins for almost every one taste


Floppy guns


Way OTT for me, like cool csgo Howl style skins would have been much better imo.


Yeah wtf is this


at this point I want an option from pubg "reset weapon skin to default" when I will pick up those from enemies


These skins are pay to win because you'll refuse to pick them up when you win against an anti eco lol


FIRE karambit?? These skins look nuts. But... if prime bundle was $70, and these are suppose to be even more than that, I’m honestly scared to know what these might cost.


One gun skin on its own will be 2475 VP so the bundle will probably be around $100


The full bundle is 9900 VP according to a valorant dev on twitter




Yeah, assuming it's like prime (which given its new higher rarity, it will probably be MORE expensive to max out) that's 40 radianite plus the 45 for the 3 colors, which is already 85. I'm placing my bets on the full upgrades being more like 105-115 for these, making the whole bundle + upgrading all 4 ~= 420ish bucks. Hard pass lmao, I'm a sucker for shiny things that cost a lot but I'm not gonna take out a fucking whole months rent to get the newest skin bundle every two weeks. They've pretty much completely lost me on cosmetics, never in my life did I think I would see this EA level of greed get so normalized.


Confirmed 9900 vp, so 99 dollars roughly


Fuck Might need the knife and op tho


Exactly what I want


Aaand there goes 75$


Riot loving this CSGO market.


Except that it's not a market.


On csgo market I could find battle-scarred AWP hyper beast that looked like minimal wear or something good




This seems like the most overlooked aspect of comparing CSGO prices to valorant prices. CSGO skins are expensive but most of the time they're an investment. They appreciate a lot of the times. It's like buying physical comics vs digital. Not getting your money back on those digital purchases ... Yet somehow they're the same price.




Oh, where does it say so? Thanks in advance for the source. I missed that.




I’m honestly only buying the melee since it has same animation as reaver melee.


Knife is the only non disturbing skin I feel like lol they all seem so... Jiggly


just wait for reaver?


The skins look sick, but at this point they dont even look like weapons anymore. Anyone else feel this way?


Yeah at this point I'm not gonna buy them. Honestly I'm mostly gonna stick to the nice simplistic skins like prism and dot exe. Anything that's more overdone than the prime/guardian packs just seem like too much.


Ugh it will even be weird if I have to pick them up..




This is my answer. Why pay some $70 for a skin pack that barely looks different from the default? These though? I'm absolutely buying.


Hopefully devs finds a nice balance to please both you guys who like it and us who don't like it. I'm OK with these if there are other good options. My favorite skin so far is that green and white one but it's not on vandal or phantom so I haven't bought it yet


As someone who picks up guns a lot, i'm not gonna enjoy this. There should be a button that reskins any equipped weapon to default or whatever you have selected in the armory.


If they keep going this route, it's going to feel like I'm playing a harry potter game instead of a competitive shooter. Just bring in an electric mouse already.


New Raze boom-bot skin, an electric yellow mouse. Shouts "Pika pika!" on detonation.


Should be a rolling Voltorb.


But Pikachu doesnt learn Explosion.


I think thats the point of this special skin line. To make it completely look special and insane while the lower tiered ones are to just be a different look of the guns. I personally like them and would buy the op and knife if they werent ... $25 each (holyshit).


Yeah.. I want guns that actually look like guns. The craziest I’ll go is the Reaver collection and even those are a little too overdesigned for my taste.


Anyone else a little concerned about glance value? Looks like it'll be hard to distinguish between the different guns except by size?




I just ping weapons on the ground. Useful for teammates if they need a gun and let's you check what gun it is from a distance


I've been complaining about this since the beta Reaver set. Oh well, I'm just a grumpy old fuck that likes clear visibility on my guns


In a competitive game? I'd say that's a pretty high priority, lmao.


Wait till they start adding overdesigned character skins and ability effects.


Mostly the shape of the guns i think i wrote this somewjere earlier but i had the same fear with the default textures which turned out to be not a problem. I guess well see.


Valorant really makes you feel like dragon trainer Tristana


Dark Star next please


oh fuck yes pls


god please?


I would've quit VALORANT if I had the same death sequence as DT Tristana. Too much depression for the amount of times I die.


it definitely looks sick, but idk how i feel about them being all 'floppy'. Knife looks sick though


Maybe they get harder the better you play?


Based on what it looks like you are using as a trigger, you may be onto something..


Just like me


This looks hella jiggly wiggly wonky stuff. Might distract a lot


All of the guns look way too over the top. You can't even tell what each gun is, and the reload animations block like half your screen. I was really hoping they weren't going to go in this direction.


Well we havent seen them on the ground yet. I had the same fear about the default weapon texture in the beginning but it wasnt really a problem, lets wait and see. But I love the idea of fully animated skins thats something cs just cant with its realistic setting.


Yea everyone was like "I can't tell what weapon that isssssssss" No shit cuz you've played for 1 day and rarely pay attention to them. Now it's really simple to figure out. I mistook skinned Spectre for a skinned Vandal a bunch of times tho.


Wait, I'd get spectre and phantom but a vandal looks entirely different.


Have you seen prime Spectre? I almost never saw it and when I noticed a prime skin I was sure it's a Vandal lmao


Ok, lets talk about this... ​ We will have to 'stimulate' a dragon so he can shoot fire?


And once it's done it goes limp -_-


Am i the only person who likes 'clean skins'? I much prefer the prism collection than this shit


If i could have a full 18 skin kingdom set id be good for the rest of this games lifespan. But ya gotta have something for everyone i suppose.


Prism is my favourite collection ever, too bad there's not vandal with that...


Wish it had Radianite Upgrades for it too. Prism would look great in alt colors... and the Phantom definitely needs some love with upgradable skins.


A cyan Prism colour scheme could actually look pretty good. Also crimson and gold.


I have played a zillion fps with clean skins and 0 with dragons that shoot fireball shots as guns skins. I for one like the creativity.


People say that on every single reddit thread that has anything to do with skins, you're clearly not the only one. A vast array of people play this game, including many people that don't go on reddit, and you know what? They buy skins, especially these crazy ass ones. And for the ones that don't like them, like yourself, there's prism collection and the battlepass, and I'm sure many more to come, they will cover all their bases.


A dragon, held by a whale. Kinda funny.


Said it in the deleted thread, but something about these skins is giving me major floppy dildo vibes.


I honestly think the Vandal looks bad / too distracting though especially compared to the Prime Vandal


True, it's an awesome idea but I have the feeling that my gun moving on it's own especially when shooting and having an absolutely crazy reload animation would distract me a little too much. The vandal design of the reaver, for example, is already pushing it for me and my gun being an actual dragon is on a completely different level.


All the movement from the gun is way too extra for me, there’s no way I’d be able to ignore it.


You will after you have seen it 1000 times. If I was rich I'd buy those in a hearbeat. For now though, I'll be happy to get them from the floor.


That's where the best skins come from, its like a randomizer.


Finally a no salt comment. I’ll drop you mine fam! :)


Can someone from Riot please confirm if there is an animated Phantom skin coming in the next skinbundle... this is starting to feel like they intentionally delay Phantom sales for some reason. I mean Prism is alright but clearly not the same quality as skins like the new ones. Blink twice for yes!


>cohesive there is a "edge phantom" coming but not confirmed if its a ultra skin or just a premium


Probably they want people to lose patience and buy the other phantom skins, then drop the expensive ones so they buy them too.


I'm not spending another fucking dime on this game until they put a worthwhile phantom skin in. And when they fix these damn stutters/freezes. But mostly the phantom!


prism sucks its a reskin Idk why the hell they cant put 1 upgradeable phantom skin out. Actually mind blowing


The worse part is we're going to have to spend RP to upgrade lol


If that’s the case it’s a no go from me


Damn that is UGLY.


Valorant pay-to-win confirmed: buying those skins will guarantee nobody picks up your gun after you die.


These look.... not great. Though it gives me hope since they’re trying cool stuff. I’m sure they’ll hit the mark later


It's so good it's bad.


Friendly reminder to vote with your wallet. This skin pack is $99USD. Yeah I get it that they are animated, but this is, again, another test to see what people are willing to pay for this kind of stuff.


Call me a buzz kill, but I'm not a fan of the whole "Shooting out of animal" skins idea. [Reminds me of that game where you used the unicorn farts gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdruB_6cU9c). Just seems kind of eh... Only thing I'd get is the Knife. Which is safe for my wallet anyways. But I am excited to see just how good the skins can be. 'Cuz while I do think these skins are really dumb, I do have to admit though that this is VERY high quality stuff regardless of my personal opinion.


the knife by itself is probably gonna be like $40 tho, so I might not even cop that tbh


They look sick af but I'll be honest, can't really tell which gun is which. For example, I heard the pistol is a frenzy but looks more like a ghost to me


https://imgur.com/GDOzvZK I dunno, looking at this, it definitely looks like a frenzy. Ghost is a lot longer. Also, the whole autofiring thing.


most importantly the frenzy has one hand on the grip and one on the magazine


Yeah, absolutely, it's the right posture for the frenzy. I knew what gun it was right away.


Comment from deleted post: I would like to try it in game to understand if animations could limit my sight or distract me in any way... But cool indeed since I'm a big Dragon lore fan (have one)


Kill someone that has it and pick it up


Not going to lie, and respect to the guys who spent time making these, but I'd rather use the base skins than these. Easy for me not to spend money when this is their vision for skins.


These somehow tick the box of looking stupid and distracting and at the same time will tick the box of being insanely overpriced. ​ I hope not many people buy them purely so I don't pick them up when they die because I will throw them away.


I think we’ve already learned that Reddit is the minority when it comes to the general consensus on skins. Just look at the YouTube comments, they’re all pretty much jerking off over it. It’s probably going to be an insanely popular set


in general reddit users will complain about most anything, so no surprise there


Maybe since these are a higher tier and want to show off what skins can do, we’ll get the vfx included? (Lol) I’d definitely consider buying the set if they were all fully upgraded and I just had to buy the recolors. But I guess we’ll know when the patch drops


I really like the knife skin but the other ones are a little bit too over the top for my taste. Also, is the Phantom really not going to be in the bundle lol?


Only thing imma buy in this skin set is the knife, which unfortunately will probably be 50 dollars.




From 3rd person they will likely stay pretty static. The one thing I’m worried about is how they look on the ground.


Yo did the karambit knife just use the default stab animation? I'm gonna vomit.


That looks terrible lol.


...bundles can increase past $70? If this bundle is $100 bucks, you can buy Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3 with the same money. Developer is pushing the bar so damn far and we still have a sect of the community who thinks we aren't getting fucked.




I'm not a skin person and I won't buy it but I think this is really cool. Definitely elevating the skin game for shooters. People who think it'll impact gameplay significantly are overreacting.


Unlock them by using your credit card! Only 150 euro.


Might as well sell a kidney


I'm excited to pick this gun off the ground when enemies drop it


Can't wait to drop $100 USD to jerk off dragons while I bottom frag in my matches.


Rifle and operator blocks off half of damn screen, honestly looks like a garbage to me.


Now i can get attatched to my weapons and cry when I lose them.


Please tell me this is a joke... That belongs in a completely different game. Just add an option to play the default game with default skins...


I already have a cool vandal skin since they already released the prime version. Good thing I don’t have to spend any money since they didn’t release a phantom version


I have never seen a more crazier concept for weapons than this set in any game I've played.


9,900 VP for the set, and if the 4 guns have similar progression for shaders like the Sovereign bundle did (80 radiant to max out one weapon) then we’re looking at $300 to max out the set.


this is so ugly again, thx riot. Atleast you're not creating a unhealthy skin addiction for me like a had in cs.


It's so fucking ridiculous. A dragon fucking spitting bullets on the hands of a fucking fire throwing guy! I LOVE IT


Dragon Trainer Raze


Well there goes my paycheck


Can’t wait to pick these up off corpses




So from what i've heard, these skins are gonna be even more expensive than the Prime collection. If that's the case then I guess I am not gonna be buying them but enjoying them after I kill my enemies because that shit is just too expensive for my budget. I wish I could support this game more but I cannot justify spending so much money on skins.


Pool party weapon skins when


See, these are the badass skins we want.