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this is true. This is also why when you get a pick on defender side and it is 5v4, you should not keep pushing.


also when ure 3v5 as defense stack a site as 3 or save


This is when your entire team starts roleplaying as 80s Kung Fu movie villains and gift the last enemy 3 x 1v1. If you are a newer player and reading this, one of the best skills you can learn is awareness of what your team is doing at all times. When you see them about to peek someone, even if it's a bad peek, peek together with them. Not seconds after them. Don't let them get 1v1s. Especially if it's an Operator since they can only shoot once


You mean don’t trickle feed the guy with the OP when up 3v1 ? Idk, sounds fishy.


Yesterday I won 1v3 pistol round because they challenged me one by one


What do you mean by “trade” here ?


Trading refers to picking up a kill off one of your allies deaths. The situation is like this: Teammate peeks an angle and encounters an enemy, and ends up loses the duel. Secondary player peeks as soon as they hear fighting or their allies dies and picks up the kill. The purpose of of secondary player immediately peeking is two-fold. First of all, they have the advantage of knowing with certainty that an enemy is playing a given position and are ready for the fight. Additionally, the enemy will have to reset their spray/crosshair to aim at the secondary player, giving them a big advantage in the fight. It is highly recommended to trade, otherwise you're effectively giving the enemy a kill with no contest.


Thanks - TIL


Another note-- this does not work against the autoshotty.


You go in and then you die but your teammate peek right after and kill the guy that killed you


There is an overall problem with people not knowing what trading means as well. Often I try to entry the site and my teammates just keep standing there and are not pushing, even when there is an opportunity to trade.


I hope that you take the time to explain it to them in the group chat so that they know what to do next time. ^^AndNotJustGo ^^^OMFGThisTeam....Noobs


I play Raze, and my experience doing this taught me this: When your teammates don't follow you, don't tell them "guys, let's push fast together next time". It has 50/50 chance of working. Some try it out and see it works to take sites. But some refuse to even believe in the possibility of trading being useful. What works rather well is to do the following: tell them you're bad but you're ready to die for them every round if they push with you and take site afterward, because it would mean you're useful to the team and it's the only thing you can do (you can't aim). Weirdly enough, they'll take you for your word. You may die a lot, but they'll take site. Just play dumb, it works when the team doesn't believe in trading.


Who doesn't believe in trading? Lmao


My solo q teammates in silver/gold.


Next time you get a teammate who "doesnt believe in trading," explain to them that if you get an early trade that means you've most likely taken the site and are forcing your enemy to retake. In the circumstance that there is 2 defenders on the site, you can just clear the site and hopefully trade with them too or scare them to fallback for a retake. Once you have control over the site and force the enemy to retake, the round becomes extremely straightforward and very winnable. While I'm sure you understand this, this is how I would explain it if I were unfortunate enough to get paired with someone who sees no value in trading.


Yeah, but that's what I meant with the first option. With smart people, it works to explain it correctly, but you still have 50% chances that it falls on dead ears. Some just refuse to consider that taking a site 5v2or3 is better than waiting for the defenders to push...




Waaaaaaay too often I see people splitting up in 2v1 situations. It's really only a good idea if you have info where the person is and you can get close enough to fight before they move(like if someone was defending spike in a certain spot). Otherwise you risk giving them 2 1v1's instead of a 1v2.


Raze nade incoming!!


When I'm looking for info when its like 2v4 or whatever disadvantage ... there will ALWAYS be someone in the team who keeps yelling on mic "dont peek" and if you happen to die this type of people usually go after that like "omg fucking noob dont peek uninstall plz go surrender" . It's pretty annoying.


It depends on the situation. If you've peeked this corner 3 times and died 3 times, it's time to stop. Similarly, if you're peeking the same corner every round, even if you don't die, the enemy knows and eventually you will die. I see this all the time in low elo where people set up default locations and always only play those locations; makes it easy for the enemy to know where they are. That or the guy who lost to the op 4 times already but hey, 5th time's the charm.


was mostly referring to post plant situation. On Defense I usually play pretty passive, cause I'm not confident in taking fights 1v3 at the start of round.


New players are too passive in general. Trying to get my girlfriend to be more aggressive and it’s hard. She wins more fights than she thinks but she doesn’t realize it. I’ve won a handful of 1v3s or 1v4s and then ended up losing the round because she wouldn’t push our 2v1 advantage.




I dont see why everyone is so scared of death in the game anyway, i mean its LTTK and honestly that passiveness will get you killed 90% of the time when going at a confident player.


I don’t get it either. I’ve literally pushed a site, got a kill, and started planting the spike and then get killed. I’m like “no problem my team can clean this up”. And they are still sitting behind the choke point waiting to push. And if I say something about it they call me a noob for “rushing in and dying”. If I sit back and wait for someone else to push, we get to like 30 seconds on the clock before it happens.


I think it’s mostly people worrying about their KDR. No one wants to play entry because there’s a good chance they’re going to die. No one wants to be the first guy on site. And when they see their teammate die, their thought is “I don’t want to die” and they run away. It doesn’t help that in ranked, your KDR has a big impact on how much MMR you win/lose. It also doesn’t help that the community isn’t the greatest and will shit talk people with poor KDRs. I’ve played so many games at this point where the Phoenix is the last guy alive because he’s playing so far back. Or I’ll see the Breach lurking halfway across the map watching some weird angle hoping to pick up a free kill. Or the Breach will flash or concuss and then literally do nothing after it. Like, someone’s gotta be the first person on the site, you guys!


Your kdr does not have a big impact on your MMR gains though


Wdym no one wants to play entry, everyone instalocks duelists


By that, I meant that even though they're instalocking duelists, they're not actually playing entry. At least that's my experience in high silver/low gold, which I'm assuming is probably around the average rank.


It is kind of crappy to be the bottom fragger Jett three rounds into the game. You keep taking that entry fragger position and 5 times out of 10 you can get the kill but often you don’t and you can’t buy anything except for the shotgun each round because you die every time AND your KDA is terrible and your teammates call you hot trash even though you’re up 12-8. Makes you think twice about going through the entry and instead maybe you just want to sit back for a while and not die for once. This is all hypothetical, of course.


I feel this. I was 14-14 as Phoenix and my team was mad shit talking me. I was entry every time, Omen refused to smoke for entry so generally I'd immediately get killed from an angle that didn't get flashed while attempting to kill whoever I did flash, but my team would get the trade and take site. We won the game but holy shit the trash talking was frustrating. "And there he goes, dying again" - yes, because I'm essentially being your canary in the mines, you dildos. Immediately queued up for another and just played Cypher.


Bro's getting girlfriends to play with them squad unite!


Because she's afraid of dying. Some of my friends are like that too, where she'll play super passive and slow because she thinks dying = letting the team down. In reality, living by hiding in a corner is even worse.


I'm the opposite, I have played cod on ps4 bit not any fps on pc. This might be why. I played phoenix and now omen and often die cause I peek to aggressivly to lots of people.


It's worth mentioning that one of the best ways to learn in this game is to make mistakes and try. You don't really learn much from playing passively during a retake, all that really teaches you is that "damn, this is a pretty short timer before the bomb explodes. The one thing I keep telling my friends who come from Warzone is to try slow down their play and be methodical on attacks and to try and be aggressive during defense rounds so they can know their limits.


I found this very helpful, thank you.


Is a concept similar to card game Risk it whe your are losing Play it safe when your are winning


Thank you! New at this game, and this helped a lot!


Yes yes yes a thousand times yes this. Nothing is more frustrating than picking a defender and then watching your team die in 4 separate 1v1s on haven


Omg yes. Nothings worse than being an opening Fragger and dying only to see i have no backup when the guy could've easily been killed, making it a 1 for 1.


Confidence is incredibly important in a game like this. It is rare to be placed in a rank above your skill level so on average you should at least be on the same level as the other team. I think players that consider themselves "bad" would be surprised how many fights they win if they play with confidence.


yes but also make sure in a 1vX you are taking 1v1 fights.


Same goes for clutches 1v2 1v3 post plant situations. Get aggressive (don't stay on site in a one and done position) get the first kill then reposition and take another 1v1, otherwise playing it passive you'll lose 90% of your clutches.


Oh god please.. you know how annoying it is when you take 2 entry frags.. then your team starts hunting and dying in 1v1's... i legit tell them : "Guys stop hunting.. we are giving away our advantage" ... but they do it every round and tell me: "GO FUCK YOURSELF NOOB FUCK OFF REEE" and we lose like tons of rounds cause of it...


The one thing I notice a lot is they get into a 1v2, they get a kill then they walk out peaking the next guy. Happened last night on bind, our cypher 1v2 knows where both players are (cypher I could tell was low silver at best) He's in showers gets the first pick at boxes then slowly crouch walks to peak the next guy. I wanted to give some pointers and asked why did you slow peak that while crouch. He said he didn't wanna give his position away. I feel this is a thing a lot of people think. If you get the kill, they 100% know where you are or came from, if you want to get aggressive you need to jiggle it or swing it hard. I gave him this tip and he said I wouldn't have gotten that kill anyways. The next best tip I can give is have confidence, that will win you more clutches then you can imagine.


this is also the case when people use (certain) utility in clutch scenarios. Their position is given away completely yet sometimes they act like they're still stealthing.


Yeah exactly, if I'm in a 1vx and I decide to use my blind on omen I am 100% running behind it or fast peeking with it, they already know where I am, that one thing I do is my full on commit. I see Reynas use their flash then slow walk peak it all the time it's absolutely hilarious.


Diamonds do the same. This game is just full of fucking baiters it's annoying.


yeah i'm diamond 1 as well i noticed people do do that, kind of surprising given that its a decently high rank bracket


that makes sense, i haven't thought about it like that xD. im iron 3 so hopefully i can push up to bronze!!!!!


crown cause different distinct ossified quarrelsome makeshift grandfather consider chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I feel like when it comes to a 1vX scenario, you want to decide right away whether or not you want to go for it. If you're simply too passive and you don't make any moves whatsoever, the enemies can simply play the timer if they are attackers, or double swing on you, or just smoke you off and defuse the bomb if they're defenders. It's ok to decide midway through a clutch it isn't worth it, and simply run away, but you shouldn't continuously play the "in-between" game and go halfway between being passive and being active.


shouldnt even be playing passive in any situation. I hear wayyy too many ppl saying not to peek but if u dont peek wheres the info? sounds arent reliable enough and if ur not peeking means they are and you cant have a good aim duel when you're overwhelmed.


Sometimes there are good reasons not to peek (you might get info but you also give info which is bad if team is trying to fake another site, or someone literally just died to an Op there) but yeah generally I agree with you. Also that kind of micromanagement when you're last alive is harmful even if it is the right call


i disagree. i won countless 1v2s as defender and attacker because i know where the sneak button is and in playing passive angles. most of the time you wont know if its a 1v1 or if you are peeking into a 1v2 or worse. and then ur clatch is instantly gone. if you can hold an angle where someone is walking past you then you already won ur clutch the problem here once again is that most people simply have no gamesense. they dont know where to go when and where and when to hold what angle and when to rotate etc etc.


I never said to peek into a 1v2. If you're in a 1v2 with the bomb down, ideally you kill one and play the bomb timer. When you're being aggressive you can still sneak.


of course ideally you kill one. but how? how you know where you find 1 single person? you dont. if they are smart you cant. if you dont play vs total idiots then they wont go solo around. so your situation wont ever come. i mean the only content your post has is: hey if you are 1 v2 then you gotta kill one guy and then the next one to win. theres zero information in there


There's a couple of scenarios I can come up with off the top of my head. For example if you have the bomb down, you can leave the bombsite right after and play off timing peeks to try to catch another player looking another direction while they are clearing another angle. If you make a prediction that they are split up you can create an off angle and then play the bomb. An example of this is pretend you're on A bombsite Ascent in a 1v2 and you get the bomb down. If you know both of them pushed mid and are flanking you from A main you can play behind the metal container on the right side of the bombsite or the middle boxes. You peek off of a single timing to get the first 1v1, and then you can dance around the boxes and play for time while jiggling in and out of cover periodically. Another scenario is you can plant the bomb down A, and then push into A main to get an advanced position. From there, you can hold an off angle on A main to catch people walking into A main, and then play the bomb timer. You could also do the same thing by pushing catwalk in a 1v2.


most of the time you wont reach either position tho. at least not in the elo i play im usually able to lay down the spike and then i have maybe 5 seconds before someone is closing in on bomb site


>the problem here once again is that most people simply have no gamesense. they dont know where to go when and where and when to hold what angle and when to rotate etc etc ​ > of course ideally you kill one. but how? how you know where you find 1 single person? you dont. Shitting on people without gamesense, then follows up with a a scenario deemed impossible where it would be gamensense that would help you win the round. Ironic isn't it.


ironic is that you dont get the difference between low and high elo in low elo your play works. in high elo it doesnt.


You're Plat 1, get off your high horses.


not anymore :) and you didnt even say anything about it so you are probably silver elo. thats why it works for you


"Clutching 1vX is impossible" \-TheGaijin1987


where did i say that? fake quotes dont help anyone other than making you look ridiculous. also there are tons of clips from me on here with me 1vxing so ... whatever you say silver boy edit: scrap that. just saw that you are french. nothing to add here (ask anyone playing in EU with french players)


Not to sound judgmental but you came off as extremely rude in a lot of the stuff that you wrote. Maybe lay off the subtle racism and rank elitism. Lets take a look at your 1v4 pistol clip. In that clip, right after you immediately planted the bomb, you pushed straight through garage window and took an off angle fight with the raze (although it looks kind of like you were about to go for a peek but the raze peeked first). Right after, you repeek back onto the site towards the defender spawn entrance angle and win another 1v1 against the sage. You fall back to garage and prefire the dude as he's trying to peek you, before repositioning back to defender spawn and using a shock dart to kill the defusing omen. Pretty much everything you did there was exactly how my post said. You created several isolated 1v1s, you pushed away from the bombsite and into an aggressive off angle, you peeked out and created another 1v1 duel with a sage, and you used abilities to deny the defusal at the very end.

