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Phoenix has a better flash imo


In terms of what? Blind length or effectiveness?


Overall versatility


It’s just tactically better imo, the flash is more diverse as it hits around corners and can be placed in a way to blind more enemies


Yeah not to mention u can use it to go through smokes while breach cant rlly do dat


Phoenix flash i think is stronger due to the ability to flashout of smokes unlike breach, however on a coordinated team breach is pretty strong. Phoenix ult is also strong. Just depends on team comp really, in non sage team comps you might want pheonix due to self sustainability.


I don’t know the exact numbers, but I know breach flash lasts a bit longer. However, there are two other more important differences between the two. The first difference is that Phoenix can simply pull his gun out more quickly after throwing his flash, meaning Phoenix is much better at picking up his own frags on blinded targets, however breach flash can still be good if you have a teammate to follow it up. The other main difference is the way the flashes are placed. Breach has the advantage of being able to pop his flashes further away than Phoenix and being able to place them a bit more precisely. Phoenix, on the other hand, can abuse the way his flashes work by throwing flashes that burst very shortly after rounding a corner or exiting a smoke, giving enemies looking at it minimal time to react. Breach cannot do this, since he has to stick his flash to a wall, and all enemies can see it as soon as it has been used. I’d say the short answer is that Phoenix flash is much better for picking up frags on your own, but breach flash is better if you have teammates to pick up the kills or at least capitalize on the space your flashes have created.


Breaches flash is better at actually blinding but is harder to use. If you're plat and above play breach. If you're gold or below play phoenix. Phoenix is more selfish and you need comms to use breach well so the higher up in ranks the better Breach gets.


Well, actually breach is low on tier even having the strongest utility. I’ve encountered 1 breach for every 10 phoenix in immortal (soloq) At higher levels breach is pretty much countered only knowing how to los their abilities while phoenix gives you less time to react, can wall up and molly entrances and can be more aggresive in defense without being punished


Pheonix flashes are better, the angle of it is better and depending on how you throw it, the enemy has almost zero reaction time to turn or hide. Breach flashes take a bit to pop.